The Loss of Breastfeeding - Guilt, Grief & Support Thread

does anyone know what's going on with FFF? i checked earlier today to read the Friday post (been keeping an eye out for more BnB stories), but the site froze, and now, it's saying "This Account Has Been Suspended." :cry: does anyone know if she moved somewhere else?
does anyone know what's going on with FFF? i checked earlier today to read the Friday post (been keeping an eye out for more BnB stories), but the site froze, and now, it's saying "This Account Has Been Suspended." :cry: does anyone know if she moved somewhere else?

According to her facebook page she is having server issues. She should be back up soon
WOW, I am so glad and thankful I found this thread. This is my story.

I had my baby girl early at 36 weeks she weighed 6 lbs exactly, I had it in my head that I was not going to be one of those mothers that FF, well- if I had only known what was in store for me and my baby.

My baby had pretty bad jaundice but we were released from the hospital, we went home and baby was latching one perfectly fine, I had no idea my supply was so low. I went to change her diaper one night and I noticed some pink and orange spots, this had happened because she was dehydrated. I called the hospital they told me it was normal and to keep going with BF. The next day I saw a nurse baby had lost quite a bit of weight and her jaundice was getting worse so we went back to the hospital to get photo therapy on our way to the hospital baby was having blue spells, this was awful, I had a huge freak out in the car and as soon as I saw the Dr I mentioned it, he didn't say much of it but that baby was healthy and everything was OK. I kept "breastfeeding" and pumping. That night one of the nurses was present while I was changing babies diaper and she saw the pink that I had noticed a couple of nights prior. She mentioned supplementing and told me this was happening because baby was a bit dehydrated as soon as the bottle was given to her she drank the whole thing. I was so amazed. I had been pumping the whole time as well but I would only get about 20mls at a time mean while my baby guzzled down a whole 50 ml bottle and some. That night she asked me if I wanted to see a lactating consultant and I said yes. The whole night I breastfed, supplemented with expressed milk then supplemented with F and pumped it would take about 1 hr and 20 mins to do it all. The next day I was feeling terrible I had a fever , chills, pain in my whole body and I was bleeding a lot (I had my baby vaginally). I was lying in bed still supplementing, Bf, pumping and FF when the lactation consultant walked in the room as soon as she took one look at me said "honey you have an infection, you need to go down to emerg" so I did. My mom and hubby were with me so hubby stayed with baby and mom took me down in a wheel chair because I was too weak to even stand. We got down to triage and I fainted. I was admitted right away I had test after test done. After hours of being in the emerg we found out I had a pretty bad uterine infection there was a piece of placenta left behind. So right away I was put on IV antibiotics I was to stay in the hospital for 5 days, the Drs wanted to make sure I didnt need a DandC so I was under observation plus my hemoglobin levels were getting lower and lower by the minute. (FYI when a piece of something is left behind your body stops producing milk because it thinks it's in labor).

Meanwhile, baby was being released as she only needed 12 hrs of photo therapy. I was devastated. Hubby went home with baby and I stayed behind.We had the option of keeping her with me on another unit but It was flu season and we didn't want to expose baby to infection. I stayed behind pupming away every two hours even at night, hubby would come to the hospital for a quick visit and to pick up the expressed milk. Mind you, the expressed milk was only about 30mls per pump. My body was in shock I was devastated, tired and very depressed.I was barely producing any milk. So my final results came back and I didn't need a DandC after all, thank God! So I was released to go home. I kept doing what I was doing for the rest of the time at home which was about 2 days.

A couple of days later Baby had another blue spell, this time I was freaked out it just so happened I had schedualed a meeting with a nurse that evening so I mentioned it to her. Right away she called the children's and baby was admitted yet again. This time we were freaking out they said it could be a bladder infection (because of the dehydration) or it could be as bad as meningitis! at this point I thought I was going to go crazy we hadn't even spent a whole week at home. Baby was admitted for another 5 days :( I was so sad at this point nothing could bring me back up and as for my milk supply almost non existent. I was taking Motilian, fenugreek, Mother's nursing tea you name it! I tried it all. I think my body just got to the point where it said STOP! Thankfully baby was fine they did find some bacteria in her urine which could have meant many things but of course I was blaming myself. We came home and I kept BF, supplementing, FF, and pumping to the point where I was barely spending any time with baby because I was so obsessed with being able to produce more that 25mls, 20mls 15 mls ata time. I even tried some gross chinese remedy teas, nothing helped. I was on the brink of a nervous break down and not even being able to produce half of what my daughter needed was making it worse. Did I mention that I even got a hospital grade pump?! that didnt even do it. It got to the point where my daughter was so hungry she would scream and scratch my chest because she wasn't getting anything from my breasts it was heart wrenching I felt like such a failure. My mom helped me realize that what I was doing was doing more harm than good. She went out and got me 15 boxes of formula and said "here, enjoy your time with your daughter and stop stressing"

So after about 3 weeks of complete stress I started to FF. I never felt engorged and I never produced more than 35 mls of milk at a time. But i still felt so guilty for having FF my daughter. Everytime my friends talked about BF I get so jealous. I hated the feeling. I hated myself!

A couple of days ago I read an article on about FF and the writer mentioned how we are almost made to believe that we are feeding our kids poison, well its not! it's helping them grow and stay happy. Everytime I think of the times she was scratching my chest or screaming because I wasn't producing enough I am truly thankful for Formula, I don't know what would of happened of my little girl if it wasn't available to her.

So ladies, let's just be thankful its available to our little ones. Don't let anyone put you down for it and keep cuddling and loving your babies, you are doing exactly what you are suppose to be doing.

Thank you for reading my story and I hope you start to feel better about FF, I am so happy there is something positive to say about it, it took me a while to accept it and I am not going to lie sometimes I wish I could BF but for whatever reason it's just not meant for me this time around. I just have to embrace it and move on and so do you. Take care and keep those heads up high :)
Bellope you have been through so much, and you did so well to persist for that long!

Sorry you had to experience that but glad to hear your LO and yourself are doing better xx
Bellope, I too had a unterine infection and was hospitalized for 11 days on IV antibiotics. Mine was found to be staph and they had a hard time "killing it." So I kow the pain of being seperated from your baby and unable to breastfeed or pump and produce anything. Big hugs to you. I feel so much better when I stay offline. It's true. But I like to reach out and interact with others and don't know any moms in real life with babies. Online, every formula feeder is very often lumped together in a stew of "lack of education, effort, etc." So many of us know that isn't true, but it doesn't make it any easier sometimes.

Enjoy that beautiful baby. I found cases online where women died of their uterine infections. We are lucky.
bellope, :hugs: i can't imagine how terrifying the blue spells must have been on top of everything else you were going through. thanks for sharing your story.
:cry:Well... today I bought my first box of formula and even though my story is nowhere near as dramatic as most, here it is anyways as I try not to feel like a horrible mother!

My son was born small (5lb15oz) and was always gaining slower than average. I was never able to pump more than 4oz (a day) and he always seemed to be hungry even though he fed every 2 hours. I have been to 2 different LC and seen the breastfeeding ''guru" Dr. Newman about 6 times. LO's tongue tie has been cut, I have been put on fenugreek, blessed thistle, oatmeal and HUGE doses of domperidone and yet my LO still wasn't gaining a huge amount.

We started solids at 4 months (EBF before that every 2 hours around the clock for 4 months!) and he gained some weight for a month.

Now, at 5.5 months he hasn't grown in length in the last 4 weeks and only gained 100g in the last 2 weeks.... He latches on but unlatches after 5 min or so and refuses to suck any longer so he only gets the foremilk and it obviously isn't enough even with solids..

So today we started adding formula in addition to breastfeeding and solids feeding and I have a feeling that my BF days will be over soon ...:cry:

I try not to feel like crap over it and everyone tells me that I have breast fed for so long, and yet, I still can't help feeling horrible :cry: Thank you ladies for being here and for this thread! :flower:
5 months is great, he's had the best start possible and just feel good that you're doing what's best for him! he will thrive on formula and be happy and get big! :)
Wow. There are some very brave women here who are truly doing what is best for their LO.

My little girl was born 15 days ago at 36 1/2 weeks. She had low blood sugar and no energy to feed, so she was gavaged and syringe-fed donor breast milk while I pumped around the clock to bring in my milk.

It finally came in and we were sent home, but LO couldn't transfer much milk from the breast, and would spend more calories than she was taking in, then be too tired to take any supplementation. We switched to bottles, which were easier for her, and I pumped like crazy to keep her on breast milk.

Unfortunately it just exacerbated the stress of having to force feed our sleepy preemie every 2 hours. Add another 30 mins to pump and there was no time to eat, sleep or bond with baby. 2 days ago I was diagnosed with PPD and that was the last straw.

DH, I, her pedi and my doc all agree it's best for us all that she go to formula at this point (she has turned corner and is gaining well). I'm weaning off the pump (terrible clogged ducts but so happy) and she will be switched over to formula once we run out of saved breast milk in about 3 days.
I've been made to feel like I should try harder to get her back on the breast by some, but I have so many negative associations with it now, and why make my LO work so hard for food so that I can have that 'wonderful bonding experience?'

My LO needs a sane, healthy and happy mama who can spend time with her instead of a milking machine!

So, that's my story. I hope it helps others avoid the guilt and insanity I felt when being bombarded with the 'breast is best' message.
I just wanted to say something positive: I ended up LOVING feeding my LO formula. The reason being, I love seeing him actually EAT. He didn't eat more than 3-5min off my breasts and I knew he wasn't getting enough. Now, I feel that he is finally getting the nutrition he needs.
I hope this will make someone else feel better too! :hugs:
I have so many negative associations with it now, and why make my LO work so hard for food so that I can have that 'wonderful bonding experience?'

My LO needs a sane, healthy and happy mama who can spend time with her instead of a milking machine!

This is what i don't get. I can tell you that i could not be any more bonded with my girl.

So what if the feeding method i chose doesn't set off the pleasure centres of my brain- seeing her feed and grow is all the pleasure i need.

Out of all the benefits of BFing this is the one i resent the most. No mother should be made to feel that her love for her child would be better if she used a different feeding method.

anyhoo rant over! :D
BF was not magical bonding for us....we were both miserable! my LO vomited nonstop and I always had breastmilk/puke all over me and I felt awful too. plus the screaming.OMG!
I am so glad I came across this thread. I too was adamant I wanted to breastfeed. Everyone harps on about breast being best etc.

However after a very stressful birth resulting in an emergency section under general anaesthetic. I managed to get baby to latch on and seemed to have a very successful hour feed. this continued throughout that day he fed quite well or so I thought and then nothing the day after.. The midwives tried him with cup feeds and he did well until he then refused those as well..

That evening he was admitted to the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at the hospital as they were really concerned about him and I was asked to express.. Which I did. A couple of days ago I tried to latch him back on as he was getting better.. again I thought I was feeding him well.. I brought him home on Friday and had a good night.

I finally admitted defeat after last night when he didn't seem to feed well at all. He was waking every hour until at least 5 o clock, I have also suffered with lack of milk and very sore breasts and nipples.

I do think part of this is down to latch and baby being in NICU as well. I have been out and bought formula today. I just hope my little man tolerates it ok. I have not really had any support as midwife discharged me before baby was home and Health Visitor is not due till 19th as she is on holiday...
:hugs: hope he takes to the formula okay.

He was sick about 2am uk time and has had 2 feeds since then.. he does seem to be enjoying it though. Is very alert and awake when I do feed him.

I feel happier knowing how much he is getting and seeing him eat rather than worrying my boobs aren't producing enough for him x

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