Would it be ok if i join here, feeling very blue about LO's feeding, need to just pour it all out tbh.
layla was born at 38 weeks via emcs as i developed sudden full blown eclampsia.
I got skin-skin right after and gave her a first feed. she was taken away from me that night as apparently i needed the rest. The next day a midwife basically forced a formula cup feed down her, i tried to argue but was told she needed it...she was then not keen to latch for the next day or so, full to bursting i think! My milk came in and she fed ok after that, but not quite how the hospital liked as she'd latch on for an hour or so at a time and then sleep for over 3 hours....they promoted demand feeding but not if it didn't fit their schedule. She had a severe tongue tie but seemed to latch well, we had it sorted privately anyway.
A week after she was born i was still in immense c section pain and LO was cluster feeding, sitting up was agony holding her, i talked to the midwives about moving to expressing and looking back i realise i was given so little support and advice about if and how.
I then exclusively pumped up until this week but gave 1formula feed a day to top up. I have tried her on the breast once or twice since moving to pumping and she has managed a feed and was wondering if i might be able to move back easy enough. LO has been very colicy/ refluxy/ windy and pumping has been a nightmare fitting in feeding and pumping and tending otherwise to a baby that if awake is generally crying. now ive been told she likely has cmpi.
She now has special formula and ranitidine. I'm upset and angry....would she be like this if i'd exclusively bf? Would the extra sucking from the nipple v's bottle have improved her digestion and bottom wind problem? ( i've always felt she's comfort fed from bottles and the extra food has added to her gut pain)
I want her to get better so she's now 100%ff, i've wound down my pumping to twice a day and am just freezing it.....i can't let go right now,if the formula doesn't work out then i want the option of trying to get my supply up again and going ebf or maybe even trying to reintroduce a breast milk feed in a few weeks if she becomes settled.
It's not that i think there's anything wrong with ff, but i do look at the tin ingredients and just feel

i also hate that she now needs some special diet and meds and wonder 'what if' but i'll never really know. Hate that she might need some special diet at weaning too. Most of all hate the amount of pain she has been in for the first 8 weeks of her lifr.