well, i'm back in this thread for a 2nd time.
my 1st story is earlier in this thread and on the FFF blog - a short version is my milk never came in, even though i tried everything except placenta encapsulation.
This time around, i did try placenta encapsulation, and i was lucky enough to have a little bit of milk come in so i could combi-feed for close to 4 months. i never made nearly enough to feed him full time, but at least i got to experience a bit of nursing with him. We were at 4 nursing sessions (honestly more comfort nursing than actual feeding) a day, every 4 hours during the day. then, all of a sudden, he began refusing to latch - i would try and try, but he'd just scream his head off of me. i don't blame him - i think the milk was gone - when i was able to hand express a drop, it was the clear water-looking stuff that i'd had with son #1. so, yeah, he self-weaned about a week and a half ago, i think.
it makes me sad. the first time around was rough b/c i'd bought into all the BF hype during pregnancy. i was much more educated about infant feeding facts and fiction this time around, but it still HURTS. i know, i know - i should just be thankful that i got to experience combi-feeding, but instead, i'm angry and heart-broken all over again.
plus, having had a taste of how much more convenient BF'ing is than preparing/sterilizing/guessing/hungry-baby-screaming-while-waiting/etc with FF, add in jealousy. part of me is glad that the combi-feeding emotional roller coaster has come to a stop, but at the same time, all the feelings of inadequacy and "why can't i nurse too!?!" have all come flooding back.
so, hi, ladies, i'm back.