LO has NEVER been good with formula... I thought we found one that'd work, but it's starting to have the same problems. I did some digging, and it looks like the palm oil may be the problem (I also found out how many things that are awful for babies but allowed in formulas

). It's so hard to find formulas without palm oil in the US...
I'm trying to find something that might be better, but I'm just dreading having to deal with an adjustment and holding my breath about how it'll work- especially while in school.
I hate formula so much. If my baby was doing well on formula, I don't think I'd ever have spared a second thought for breastfeeding- but formula is just not working for us, and it kills me. It kills me that I really like using the sling, and am hoping to get a wrap, but it's so hard to bottle feed in it- but baby's kept at the perfect position to breastfeed.
I'm trying to do better about this. Trying to remember that it's just a little while, it'll pass. But we're going to have to do this again with any other babies we have. It makes me want to never again have children.
It breaks my heart... The only food I can offer my baby causes so many problems. And it just costs SO MUCH...
At least if I was breastfeeding, I could monitor what I'm eating and try to get rid of the bad. With formula- I just have to accept the crap that corporations shove out to make money. I doubt any of them actually care about babies.
Our @#$@#%^%&@(*&@^$%# pediatrician is worthless about this. Actually straight up told me that babies NEVER have problems with formula- any benefit/problem is just a coincidence, apparently EVERY SINGLE TIME you switch formula, magically at that same moment your baby goes through a change. *throws confetti* We're trying to find a new pediatrician... Ugh, none of the pediatricians in the area are any good. People who can afford better insurance go out of state, it's so bad!