Hi everyone,
This is my first post - I'm so glad to find this thread.
I'm about to begin the transition from bf to formula and I'm absolutely heartbroken about it. My daughter is 7 and a half weeks and I've really struggled with low milk supply - I can only keep up with her by pumping after feedings and giving her bottles of expressed milk after every feeding. For the last couple of weeks, it's been a gruelling cycle of breastfeeding (she always wants more after I feed her), bottle feeding and pumping while in constant floods of tears. Sadly, nothing has worked to increase my supply.
After lots of soul searching I've decided that I can't go on like this. I'm not spending any positive time with my daughter and I feel like she and I are missing out on so much - our entire relationship is about feeding and my anxiety level is through the roof. I feel particularly guilty because I have managed to feed her well and she's had good weight gain - but it's been a full-time and hugely stressful job. I know I'll never be able to simply breastfeed her then cuddle a contented baby and that breaks my heart.
It's good to know that I'm not alone and other people have experienced these feelings too. Grief is absolutely the right word - I hope it will lessen over time.
This is my first post - I'm so glad to find this thread.
I'm about to begin the transition from bf to formula and I'm absolutely heartbroken about it. My daughter is 7 and a half weeks and I've really struggled with low milk supply - I can only keep up with her by pumping after feedings and giving her bottles of expressed milk after every feeding. For the last couple of weeks, it's been a gruelling cycle of breastfeeding (she always wants more after I feed her), bottle feeding and pumping while in constant floods of tears. Sadly, nothing has worked to increase my supply.
After lots of soul searching I've decided that I can't go on like this. I'm not spending any positive time with my daughter and I feel like she and I are missing out on so much - our entire relationship is about feeding and my anxiety level is through the roof. I feel particularly guilty because I have managed to feed her well and she's had good weight gain - but it's been a full-time and hugely stressful job. I know I'll never be able to simply breastfeed her then cuddle a contented baby and that breaks my heart.
It's good to know that I'm not alone and other people have experienced these feelings too. Grief is absolutely the right word - I hope it will lessen over time.