^^ totally agree about the passion, if it was directed in the right places, it would change the world.
There are, however, plenty of blinkies I see that I dislike. The ones celebrating natural birth, home birth and med-free birth get to me, as my LO was EMCS as he was distressed at 42+3 and the attempted induction stopped his heart. They feel like a slap in the face sometimes, especially says when my scar twinges. But women are proud of their achievements regarding the births of their babies. And I don't deny them their pride, and occasional smugness, just because their bodies succeeded where mine failed. The birth comparison is actually quite good I think. I've been told that I should have 'left my body to do what it knew how to do' and 'women just know how to birth their babies' and 'you're not a real mother until you've experienced labour'. But, for whatever reason, my body didn't. No rhyme or reason, just I didn't work properly. If I'd have left my body to do 'what it knew how to do', my son would have died. He was in a bad state by the time he was born, coated in mec and a dodgy heart.
I do take your point, however, and I have been looking for a while for some new blinkies for my signature. I won't apologise for it, as when I chose it it was just after LO had latched on, and BFing was something I didn't think I would achieve. I was also stunned that my boobs were actually makin milk. They'd never done anything remotely useful before! So it's an expression of that time. I will probably change it soon though, as you're right. BFing isn't a superpower, it's a normal biological function. I could just as correctly have an 'I make urine' badge (!)
And nipple shield often aren't the magic solution they're touted as. They can maintain BFing for a while as underlying problems are resolved, but without support and advice on how to use them properly (there's quite a tehnique to using them as I understand it), they're just silicone shields, another sticking plaster to aim at BFing without addressing the problems.