The LTTTC thread for everyone.

Milty :hugs::hugs:

I've gained weight too. Actually a ton of weight. For me it's been a lot of emotional eating. I feel like since I can't get a bfp that I need something to look forward to and food right now is the easiest thing I can come up with. Also I feel like if I can't have a baby, I can at least have some good tasting food.

Sucks because everyone thinks I'm pregnant with the weight I've gained. :(
Good morning ladies. I'm having a very down day today. It's so funny how just two days ago I was so hopeful, but now I am in a deep dark place. My PMS is really bad today and I fear I may blow up at one of my coworkers today and get fired. DH is pretty relieved that I am at work, although I already called him twice this morning bitching about petty stuff.

Also didn't help to wake up and find out that Jessica Simpson is pregnant again already. Celebs are pregnant everywhere, friends are pregnant. Feels like the whole universe is against me. When Kate Middleton gets pregnant it's going to be torture because I'm sure we won't be able to turn on a T.V., radio, or computer anywhere without hearing about it.

I really need a better way of coping when I feel this way. I usually eat like a pig or just give in to the depression and spend as much time as possible in bed crying.
Oh honey you need to take control. They only thing food will do is take you further away from your dream. Food is not comfort. You need a new outlet.

That being said you have been taking more control fertility wise.

The one thing that is hard to get used to is others pregancies. I had no choice as I'm constantly srounded by pg women. Maybe some of the other ladies have some good advice about that.

Cali I know how hard it is to be around preggos I just had a baby shower over the holiday. My two cents is that it helps me "taking control" in the sense that i am going to doctors again and hopefully get the treatment i need so their is hope. this helped me. I know how easy it is to use food (for me it is or was wine) to cope but just like milty said well especially with alchohol it is just making the problem worse and it costs more money of which i don't have because i am broke trying to pay for all the natural crap i have trying for IF for so long. ITs to time to pee or get off the pot in my case..
Speaking of J simpson Tori Spelling got pg with number for when number 3 was one month..I don't blame her DEan Mcdermott is smokin hot!
Yeah, I definitely need to find some sort of outlet. Most of my days are filled with work and obsessing about TTC. I would like to get back into running, but it's hard to find the time to do it anymore. When spring rolls around I can do something with dd but in the meantime, I really need to come up with something because I can't continue on this way. None of my clothes fit anymore and that makes things even worse. I am embarassed about how badly I'm handling OPPs (other people's pregnancies *snicker*).

Wow, I didn't realize Tori Spelling had her kids so close together. Lucky wenches.

Anyway, AF is finally here and I was able to schedule my ultrasound for Friday morning. :happydance: I am praying there are no cysts!
:hugs: Cali. It's such a roller coaster. I know we can all relate.
I hope with AF coming that you start to feel better, it always lifts my spirits.

I think we all do some sort of comfort eating, but like Milty and Alison said, that only leads to more trouble.

I do have a few things that always work to make me feel better.
I like to exercise. I find that the endorphin release is the best therapy ever. :thumbup:
I have a hard time doing any type of exercise that I can't do at home. My own brother is a personal trainer, owns his own gym and will train me for free. I just can't get there. It seems to take up so much of my day to travel even a half hour one way. :blush: And when the kids were toddlers, it just wasn't safe for them, or I could only go at nap time. It wasn't convenient at all.
So, I just workout at home. It's already too cold to do much outside, (it's 33F today) so that's a bust. What works for me is I have an elliptical in my basement. The kids have always wanted to be wherever I was, so I had my husband install shelving for toys and a train table next to my workout equipment. It's a playroom for both of us. :thumbup: Even when they were just little toddlers, we made it baby safe and they can explore happily while I exercise.

I also like to go walk the dog outside, with NO kids. Just me and my poochie. Even in the dead of winter when it's dark, I'll do it if I know that I need some time for me to get away and think by myself.

And last but not least...........have some sex. :blush: Nothing like a good orgasm to make you forget for a few moments what you were upset about. And it will make DH happy too. :hugs:
Thanks so much ladies for the support. I'm sorry for emoting all over the place, but after reading your kind posts I'm starting to feel better. I've resolved I'm going to do something starting tomorrow to get myself out of this rut I'm in. If nothing else, I'm going to start brainstorming for healthier eating ideas that are quick, easy and tasty.

Ready4more, I really miss the endorphin rush from exercising too so I think I'll make it a priority to walk early in the morning. It isn't too bone chillingly cold here and I think it would help me a lot. I always used to feel so good after exercising.
:hugs: Cali
:hugs: Everyone

Sorry for MIA. I have been travelling, once for my uncle's funeral, and now for work. I have no idea where I'm at cycle wise, O wise. Have totally lost track. So weird!!!! I don't know when to start obsessing for the TWW...

I have to admit... I hate exercising!! I can't stand doing the same exercises over and over, feels like I should be doing something more productive with my time and then I lose interest super quick. So, I joined taekwondo. :thumbup: This way I exercise but learn at the same time. I love it. Helps me stay is some kind of shape (or at least a little less round). LOL
So that's where I'm at. Tbh I feel like I have more chance of an immaculate conception at the moment......:haha:

Well..........Happy is waiting for Jesus to come knocking on her door. Now you're thinking immaculate conception is the only option for you. Maybe we will get some Christmas miracles around here. :xmas6::thumbup::hugs:

I'm glad you're taking charge Jax and looking into things. :thumbup: I can't believe that your doc is giving you such a headache over an HSG. What's the big deal? It could at least give you peace of mind that everything is fine.

Have you been really pushy? I'd try that and see if it gets you anywhere.

Hey, I'm holding out for one then :winkwink::thumbup::haha:

Pushy? Me? :blush: That's my whole problem ready, I've never been the pushy kind, with DH, with Dr, with anyone :dohh: well it's time to change :flower:
I am the same Jax i hate asking anyone for anything even if i am paying for the service.
Jax, I have the same problem with doctors too. There's something about that white coat that makes me very submissive. I can usually muster up the will to stand up to most other people but I wilt in front of doctors.

AFM: I actually woke up early this morning and took a walk. My eating is going to be a work in progress, but at least I am taking baby steps in the right direction.
Good for you Cali:thumbup:

I need to do the same... I'm thinking of walking DS to school so I can exercise and get my time in. I just feel bad bring him out in the cold.
I need to do the same... I'm thinking of walking DS to school so I can exercise and get my time in. I just feel bad bring him out in the cold.

My kids walk to/from school everyday. We are too close for the bus. I could drive them, but I have them walk anyway.
A few days ago, it was only 22 when they left. :blush: :haha:
Just got back from my CD3 ultrasound. My cyst was still there but had not grown. The sonographer said that since it did not grow, I still could start fertility drugs but it would be up to the doctor.

But lo and behold there was yet another problem--my lining was very thick for CD3. Does anyone know what would cause that and what they do when this happens?

I had to get some bloodwork done to check my progesterone and hcg just in case. The doctor is going to call me this afternoon to let me know what the results are and what they will do. The sonographer said there could still be a chance I start drugs this cycle, but I'm not holding out too much hope. It seems like there's too much going on in my body.

I am not sure what is going on, but it seems like my hormones are all messed up. I am kind of relieved in a way that something is wrong because now I have a reason why I'm not getting pregnant and that it seems fixable, although I probably will have to sit out this cycle.
Well if you do have to sit out this month is a good one to do it. Dec. is always busy with holidays that can distract you.

Has your doc tried putting you on Progestrone for a couple weeks? That is what got rid of my cysts...
I didn't know progesterone got rid of cysts too. I bet that is what my doc will have me do.

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