Crazy evening ladies but here is my fast n furious birth story!
Sweep at 14.30 showed I was fully effaced and 2-3cm dilated. Went for a stroll and got ds from school. Contractions weren't painful. Oh came home and aunt started journey from Cornwall just in case (4 hr trip). Cooked some dinner and timed contractions, every 7ish mins apart so showered and put fresh pjs on!
Aunt arrived at half 7, contractions now painful but not close enough -birth centre wanted 1 every 5. Ds went to bed badly so calmed him then sat to watch tv with oh and aunt.
21:00 I squatted by the sofa during a contraction, it was more intense, then a small gush of fluid followed by a real intense contraction.
All flew into motion!!
Oh took ds to friends house at same time aunt took me to hosp, by the time we faffed about aunt was talking of phoning an ambulance. No let up in contractions and they were really painful. Decide to continue with hosp, only 10 mins up the motorway to go.
Walk from car to delivery was painful, stopped for a contraction every couple mins, revolving door and lift slowed us down and then delivery didn't answer door!
Eventually got in at 21:30, knelt on a wheelchair that was put in front of me by a kind porter. Wheeled to a room-hello gas n air and a bit if relief. Oh undressed me and midwife was really hands off which was great.
After 20 mins of breathing I needed to push, I was on all fours, oh holding hand and aunt fanning me! Uncomfy so moved to my side, with one push I thought I had the head out but heard the midwife call to breathe. Breathed through a few contractions and felt between legs, my waters had bulged but not broken so I'd given birth to a ball of water! She curt them and baby's head came out-I held him being delivered. One more push and rest was out! Skin to skin and fed straight away!
He arrived at 21:54, on 29.2.12, weighing 8lb 4oz.
Few tiny stitches, had a bath and now home. Baby, oh and aunt are asleep and I should be too! Collect ds in the morning!