NEVER: i am ignoring....its so big a drop i could practically abseil down it!!!!
HJO: thank you& yes its waaaaaay below the coverline xx
Eve ladies. Thanks for all the support, af isn't even late yet so I'm trying to not be over excited just yet as proper early.
BB sorry to heR you're having a rough day, I hope that spotting sods off. Rem the dtd were positive. Have you got any follow up?
Dimples, try soy and go for twins!
Lisa, great news af arrived and you get those tests done.x
Afm-I saw the dr today and have a scan booked for Monday at 10. Having bloods done tmrw morning and Monday to check hcg levels. Fxd for this
before this loooooooooooooooooong cycle my longest was 38 days and I thought at the time that that was long too
how long are your cycles normally? mine were 26-28 days before m/c but after m/c they're all over the place....
Moonbeam, I just looked at your chart. I had a dip at 6DPO this cycle i got pregnant, and one at 5DPO in January when I got pregnant. I was thinking you were further on in your cycle, but this is actually great news! Can't wait to see if it goes up high again tomorrow!
BB~ Try not to worry, I bet all is well with your bean. Spotting is so very normal, but I understand your fears, we all do! Praying for you hun!
CRC~ Sorry about your BFN, AF still hasn't arrived though, right??
Dimples~ Let's both try soy and go for twins!
Lisa~ Glad to hear about AF. CD 71!!!?? WOWZERSCrazy..Guess I should stop complaining about 37!
Moonbean~ I know absolutely NOTHING about temping, so I'll just say, FX for you!!
To everryone else!
Ok, Ladies that got the BFN's this month, including myself, do you plan on doing anything differently? I'm going to pop some soy and kick my feet up and not do anything about TTC! I'm on Andrea's whateva wagon.
It's almost the weekend!!The
needs to pack up her sh*t and leave! I have a waterpark to enjoy this weekend with my DH's family!