The night night thread!

Night Night babe, sleep well hun :hugs: xx
AG its the Night Night thread!! :roll:
G was asleep again when i got upstairs!
He falls asleep in 2 seconds.. grrrrrrr!!


Hope everyone had a good sleep?

Hee Hee I'm the same as G, as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out.
I never have to try counting sheep etc and the house could fall down and I wouldn't hear it. It's great :lol:
Rob falls asleep in 2 seconds, it annoys me cause it always takes me so long to fall asleep.

Slept okay last night, would have been better if the cat hadnt knocked the grill pan off the cooker to eat whatever grossness was inside it.
My cats sleep on the stairs and landing because of the alarm and last night apparently one of them was scratching on the bedroom door to get in.
Woke my DH up but I never heard a thing...and I sleep nearest to the door :lol:

Wish I could bottle it I'd make a fortune :-k

Arcanegirl said:
Rob falls asleep in 2 seconds, it annoys me cause it always takes me so long to fall asleep.

Slept okay last night, would have been better if the cat hadnt knocked the grill pan off the cooker to eat whatever grossness was inside it.

You're like us, Paul barely says good night before he is snoring, and I toss and turn til the morning wishing I could sleep! :hissy:

Bloody Sleep!!! :help:

It was broken sleep last night, but OK on the whole :sad1:
Bloody horrible innit?! I wouldn't mind but I can't get the wireless to work upstairs at the mo, so no laptop! :(

It wouldn't be so bad otherwise.......... :D
That sucks!!!
I had an hour conversation with Allison on the phone the other night at 2am, and he didn't even stir!!
I normally go in the spare room with the laptop if i get desperate... just so he doesn't moan! lol!!

I would cry without my wireless now!!
:rofl: I am lucky and can stay in bed when I have my computer with me, Paul would sleep thru a war!!! But for some reason the wirless just aint reaching upstairs?! It used too, I think my card is getting near it's use by date, as I keep knocking the bloody thing, it is in bits almost :lol:
Night Night babe, see ya tomorrow :hugs: x x
Night Night again babe! xx

Or is it Afternoon????

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