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The Northern Ireland Crew!!

My other half is just out of the Royal and had surgry and was in so much pain when he buzzed the nurses would come in turn off his buzzer and walk out again, several times they done this and left him crying there, I was on the phone to him when they done it to. I rang and ripped their dam heads off! about to lodge a complaint with PALS over them.
Didnt even ask what he wanted just ignored him! arsholes. Very rude on phone to me as well.

Anyway hell all aint been in here in ages so i missed loads. trying to find a dam nursing chair in NI! mother care wont shop and everyone wants stupid postage. Sure rip off the norn irish!

holy crap! i cant comment on the rest of the hospital, but the maternity ward is brilliant! im so sorry ur oh had to go through that! thats awful!
Hi ladies, can I gatecrash?! Didn't realise there are so many NI ladies here, it's great!

I've just found out I'm pregnant with no 1 after TTC for what felt like forever (39 months), still hasn't sunk in but we are both on :cloud9: It would be lovely to be able to talk to some other NI mummies/mummies to be if you don't mind me hanging about!
Hi ladies, can I gatecrash?! Didn't realise there are so many NI ladies here, it's great!

I've just found out I'm pregnant with no 1 after TTC for what felt like forever (39 months), still hasn't sunk in but we are both on :cloud9: It would be lovely to be able to talk to some other NI mummies/mummies to be if you don't mind me hanging about!

:D Come in!

Wow! 39 months! Super congratulations, that's amazing. Where abouts are ye in the land of NI? You should do an intro and Nuke will put ya on the first post :flower: x

Dragonfly - waaah? That's awful :( So far so good with Lagan Valley, I received excellent wonderful service and niceness when I broke my toe last year; the staff were great. My Dad also had good things to say when they kepy him in over christmas two years ago.
My friend at work is having her twins at the Royal around the same time as my little singleton :kiss: - they kept her waiting nearly two hours for one of her ultrasounds which sounded a lot to me (I got seen straight away) - but apart from that I tend to hear nothing but praise. A friend of mine had her daughter and son there.
welcome over steph! congrats on your brillaint news!! where abouts in NI are you from?
Thanks for the lovely warm welcome! I'm from Belfast.

EmyDra I'll think about an intro, don't have much interesting to say!!
welcome steph!!! :wave: huge congratulations!!!
So far so good with Lagan Valley, I received excellent wonderful service and niceness when I broke my toe last year; the staff were great. My Dad also had good things to say when they kepy him in over christmas two years ago.
My friend at work is having her twins at the Royal around the same time as my little singleton :kiss: - they kept her waiting nearly two hours for one of her ultrasounds which sounded a lot to me (I got seen straight away) - but apart from that I tend to hear nothing but praise. A friend of mine had her daughter and son there.

I waited about that long for my 12weeker in LVH :dohh:
Congratulations Steph, and :dust: for you Luna!!

LittleAurora, DD going to childminder on Friday, but already have plans for Friday am, so maybe we could do coffee in Bangor on Thursday morning and I'll just have to do my best with two of them!!
It would have to be after 12.30 as I go to breast feeding group on a Thursday morning.
Thanks again for the lovely welcome!

I have my first GP appointment in the morning, anyone know what I should expect? Just blood tests to confirm and then a referral to midwife?

PS: For anyone that's interested there is a show on BB1 at 10.35pm called Special Deliveries which was filmed in the Ulster's Maternity Hospital (where I will hopefully be going!!)
I have my alarm set on my phone to watch it! I'll prob cry the whole way through it tho lol
I'll prob cry too! Alternating with OMG there's no way I can do that!!
I cant wait for labour!! But then Im weird lol. Im not scared at all for some reason, tho ask me if I ever get far enough to be giving birth lol
So far so good with Lagan Valley, I received excellent wonderful service and niceness when I broke my toe last year; the staff were great. My Dad also had good things to say when they kepy him in over christmas two years ago.
My friend at work is having her twins at the Royal around the same time as my little singleton :kiss: - they kept her waiting nearly two hours for one of her ultrasounds which sounded a lot to me (I got seen straight away) - but apart from that I tend to hear nothing but praise. A friend of mine had her daughter and son there.

I waited about that long for my 12weeker in LVH :dohh:

Ooo losing marks :p guess I'm just lucky :-D
Thanks again for the lovely welcome!

I have my first GP appointment in the morning, anyone know what I should expect? Just blood tests to confirm and then a referral to midwife?

PS: For anyone that's interested there is a show on BB1 at 10.35pm called Special Deliveries which was filmed in the Ulster's Maternity Hospital (where I will hopefully be going!!)

Grrr I wanna see but that means sitting downstairs in the cold living room amongst the smell of ill-cat poo.
BBC iPlayer just offers me 'Gears and Tears' I'd rather not. I wanna seeeee...

A lady I know and worked with for a bit is a nurse amongst the special baby-care unit. She helped with the Conway Sexuplets :) used to be really cool to hear all the stories when she came into other work. I read a northern irish birth story on here (very sad one with the little twin girls) and it turned out she'd been involved with them too.
I think they do a fantasticd job, and if I'm able too and able to transport it then I'll be donating breast milk.

I cant wait for labour!! But then Im weird lol. Im not scared at all for some reason, tho ask me if I ever get far enough to be giving birth lol

I feel the same way. Birth has never really frightened me as a concept and I certainly haven't lost any sleep thinking about it - but yes, towards the end I may suddenly get overwelmed with the idea. :hugs: You'll be giving birth before you know it :)
I was scared sh1tless about birth before and the whole way through pregnancy :rofl:
When it all started, i was excited more than anything. It's the most scary, exciting, horrible, fabulous thing I've ever done. :rofl:

As for GP appt - mine just asked what test i'd done, when i said cb digi she said it was as accurate as any she would do and so just booked me in with midwife. she also weighed me and took my bp. I had no bloods done til my consultant at 12 weeks. (private care, so meeting consultant isn't standard in case anyone panics that they haven't met theirs :hugs:)
I have a consultant...? :O

Hehe, I'm standard LVH care and do think I meet my consultant but not till quite late on :)

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