Congrats again Lauz, it's tough going having two wee ones isn't it? But all worth it! Hope you're recovering well.
Poor Claire that sounds awful, as if giving birth wasn't bad enough. I have to say that Maeve's birth in the Ulster was so positive, I had an amazing midwife who even stayed on after her shift ended 'cause I begged her not to leave! It was a water birth with minimum intervention even though I swore that I'd take the strong drugs this time and the water did nothing for me last time. My experience giving birth to Odhrán in the Ulster wasn't great at all and a lot of that was down to two awful midwives. It seems to be the luck of the draw whether you get a good midwife or not.
Congrats EmyDra on your win, you should do the lottery in case you're on a roll!
So we are settling in well in our new house, still lots of junk in boxes but the extra space is fantastic. Finally got broadband so it's good to get back here and to resume my Christmas shopping!