The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Chelsea - I so hear you on the bloating. This is one of my worst cycles as far as I can remember for bloating. Ugh, so uncomfortable.

So mad, I went to the shoe store yesterday to get new sneakers to wear for my Zumba classes - I only ever try the left shoe, since that's my bigger foot. So I go to buy the shoes, get them home, go to put them on - I have two LEFT shoes! Take them back today, and the checker (same one who sold them to me), is all "I don't believe that, let me see the receipt, who sold you those?" Was even funnier to see his face when he saw it was him, :rofl:
But now I have to go buy new shoes again. Grr. I want to try to motivate myself to go to the class tomorrow. Depends on how crampy I feel...
Sounds Promising Spunky :D
Fingers crossed for wednesday, i'll be testing at like 5 am in the morning, seems to be i have a need for the loo at that time.
Hey anybody know if us women have really veiny b00bs all the time or just when AF is due & or during pregnancy ?
b00bs are really veiny like i can see them under my nipples...sorry tmi
asked OH if he noticed any change, and my answer was:

"babe there boobs, men don't look at tit's thinking i wonder if there veiny, we just like a nice rack"
i was shell shoked didn;t think i'd ever hear anything like it from him!

Fingers Crossed to Us all :D
Lindsay - sorry this time around sucks. I know I get bloated sometimes, but it just seems to be pretty outrageous, but it may be because I'm aware of my body at this time, but I haven't thought of bloating a symptom before. That is AMAZING about the shoe thing that he didn't believe you and then it was his mistake!!! Sorry you have to buy shoes again though even though you already made the trip twice!! :hugs:

Tiffani - I think that's hilarious about your OH! My husband just tells me they look nice when I ask if they're different, haven't asked this time as they don't seem to be different. I get up at like 5:30, you're quite a few hours ahead of me though!!! I'm really hoping, which makes me worried about my sanity if/when AF shows up, she'll be a doozy this time if it comes!
Please convince me that tomorrow, 9dpo is too early to test!
ok, 9 DPO is far to early to be testing.... it should be done at least at 10 DPO ;)

Got OH to prod my stomach when he got in, he reckons it's firmer than usual.... could this mean anything?
i merged last month's chart with this chart so far you reckon you could check it out and let me know you're opinions, i reckon i didn't ovulate when it thinks i did last month.
Cramps are horrible !!! wish us women didn't have to get all the painful things....
there and then men have to put up with going to the loo with a boner sometimes, i bet thats funny to watch, haven't had the pleasure of it yet, but OH told me about it and couldn't help but laugh at him all day. He's cuddling the cat in bed right now, it's a funny sight.
Had a weird talk about animals penis' and how pigs have spiral ones, lions have really small ones, our 7 month old kitten had a huge one for the size he is and wouldnt it be funny if a whale had a penis that was only like the length of you're middle finger.
funny? possible immature? yes typical random morning chat? deffinatly.

sorry guys had to let you all know.
Tiffani - LOL great convo. I'm betting tummy being hard is either cramps or bloating, uterus doesn't come out of the pevlic region for something stupid like 9 weeks or somehting, so can't be that. You make a good point about the boner and the loo, have you seen 40 year old virgin? They do a good fake scene about this.

I work with teenagers, it's perfectly ok to be a little (or a lot) immature at times! (Just not all the time!)

Thanks for reassuring me it was too early. I made myself not pee in a cup lol :haha: Looking forward to tomorrow, but also worried about AF this month. Really don't want it!

I'd love to click on your chart but the link doesn't seem to be working... Let me know if you fix it?
Funny i just noticed this morning i DON'T have my normal right before AF bloat. -- is that a sign? Or did it just not hit yet? Usually i have that the whole week leading up to.
So I did a FRER this morning and there is a barely there faint second line... ugghhhh... I was hoping that I would get a definate second line at this point so i can now what in the world is going on with me this cycle!!! :wacko: I updated my HPT thread in the HPT gallery if anyone is wants to peek. No sign of the :witch: yet and me and DH had :sex: lastnight... I was hoping that if my AF was going to show that having :sex: would make it show up sooner so i can stop torturing myself with testing and not knowing what in gods name is going on!!!! :wacko::wacko::wacko:

i did another dollar tree test and there is still the same second light faint line on it... which doesnt prove anything for me at this point... it is always hard to trust the cheapy tests.....:wacko:

Meanwhile I was trying to decide if I want to check out this job fair or not today.. it is for a staffing agency so the majority of the jobs are just temporary work and I am not very thrilled about doing a temp job right now... I was hoping to find a good permanent job for a great company so I dont have to worry about looking for a new job once the contract ends... sigh.. I cant make up my mind... I really need to go grocery shopping regardless today since there isnt much food left in the house right now......
Spunky hun, did you refrain from testing?? When will you be testing next??? :flower:

NJ, can you find the same pair of sneakers at a different store???

kitten, LOL @ your conversation..... me and my DH have had some weird conversations too, LOL!!!!
Hi ladies...

Lets see where to start lol...not getting on here every 5 mins really makes it hard to keep up lol...

Wannabe- I swear I can see lines!! Not so much on the FRER but I just hate those things with a Ive read in the testing thread about ladies testing + on others but not those..idk why but...just saying lol... but I am definitely anti-FRER..its just soo stark white and it just gives you no hope at all...blah on them!!! But good luck and I'll def check back on your HPT thread in case you test again tomorrow morning..

Tiff- ha ha too funny on the boob comment funny..Ive noticed my right one is a lot vein-ier than my left and it seems to be that way all the time..just a quick tip ladies...dont check for veins after a shower lol...its very misleading...when you get warm or hot your veins move closer to the skin to try and cool your blood off so they appear even darker and even more present...try it sometime..look at yourself before a shower and then drop the towel in front of a mirror right after and you'll see what I mean... but yeah..I have some on mine all the time... also sorry about the cramps Tiff...I know how you feel...I was put on BC when I was 14 just for my cramps..I would miss a few days of school each month...Im off the BC now obviously and cramps...I guess our bodies change over time and now I dont need it to keep me out of pain...

NJAngel- too funny about the shoes..and also even funnier that he was amazed it happened and yet it was him who did it lol... I hate trying on shoes because my feet are so wide at the top and all the cute little heels and strappy things hardly ever fit me there..ugh...Im also super picky about my feet like..I hate when the toe seams on socks hit me in the wrong hate when my feet are a certain way in the Im like the damn Princess and the Pea cept with shoes !!

Spunky- bloat sucks! and guys are soo lucky...I mean I seriously think every guy should have to experience a whole year with the hormones and issues we have after puberty..then maybe they would be more considerate and learn when to keep their mouths shut and what to say at the right time...wouldnt kill them to bleed out their winkies for a year...maybe teach them some respect for what we go through lol..and yes..I said

Cottleston- You need to stand your ground and make him realize how you feel..if my hubby does stuff like that I go on strike and make him fend for himself..he was a bachelor forever..I know he can take care of himself...its all about them getting comfy being cared for and then forgetting about everyone but themselves...teach him a have every right to expect him to do more now, I mean sure we arent in the middle ages and we dont have to be banned to a back room and forced to stay in bed and do nothing while preggie...but that doesnt mean we couldnt use some help or just some TLC for ourselves every now and then...I mean really its the thought that counts whether we really need it or not...

Daretodream- not sure how new you are on here but welcome welcome...

I just had the best idea..we should change our names on here and then sell it to a book company...would be a great read for preggie ladies and TTC ladies everywhere lol... that would be too great! lol...

So here is my long update...I have been uber tired lately and slept till 12 yesterday and then till 10 today but felt like I could stay in bed allll day...I think its because I havent been taking my 50,000 vitamin D pill every will like Im supposed to go get that prescription money until the 26th when hubby gets paid..since we spent like...$600 on a new stove this month...his parents are supposed to come down from Baltimore two weekends from now and we might go to Gaitlingburg or maybe even Atlanta (we live in Knoxville TN) for a day or two and just get away from it all and have some fun and relax...the rest of the time they are here I might make a trip back home to see my family and get away from his parents because I dont know if I can handle being here all day with them by myself while hes at work lol..and I miss my family and they all ask when Im coming back...and I wont feel so paranoid about leaving him here alone (porn porn porn) if they are here too..not that it would stop him but..anyway....I also killed a huge spider in the kitchen today and now am freaked out and feel icky all over lol...Im usually ok for the most part but then once I actually see one..especially in the house..I'll be extra paranoid for a few days lol...Im fixing spaghetti sauce and meatballs in the crockpot..will make him a meatball sub and make some pasta for me to eat with the sauce..not a huge meatball sub fan....and then for him to take to work tomorrow as well... sorry such a long post..but since I dont get on a lot anymore I just cant help it lol...
MrsJ - I have 2 friends that we've been keeping an email going for over 2 years, same one. We keep on talking about doing something just like that.
I think it would be great....The TTC Diaries ...whos with me lol..
i'm with you, it would be cool :)

i'll catch up with you all later, i'm just having a quick break from painting.
Erica, don't worry hadn't been in the shower when i checked... i was just about to go to bed lol .
i did food shoppin' today, and forgot to pick up a test to find out for sure... i'll try to sort out my chart so you guys can see.

Mine was random check while going to pee. I finally broke down and poas. Bfn. Only 10 dpo though so not too down yet.
Dude, I'm all for the TTC Diaries. We should just change the name of this thread to that, or we can start a thread in the TTC Journal for that. LOL.

If I'm not on here much in the next two weeks, it's just cuz I don't feel like I have much to contribute not being in the 2ww! It's like "WHAT'S THE POINT!?!" Sad how our lives totally revolve around TTC, :rofl:

No cramps at all today. That's one thing I can't complain about, really. I have killer cramps just CD1 and 2, and then they're gone. So now it's waiting to see when I ovulate - every cycle has been different, if you look at my chart. I mean, my last cycle was 20 days (WTF?) and this past one I OV'd on CD19, so who knows where I am. That's why I do like the CBFM, you have to POAS every couple days, but it tells you when you hit your high days (usually three days before), your two peak days, and one more high day after that. Easier than trying to interpret OPKs, in my opinion.
Mrs mm, sorry about your :bfn:.... :hugs:, but like you said it is very early still.:winkwink:

I did my grocery shopping today which when I go to super walmart it ends up being like an all day event... ugghhh...I spent a total of 4 hours to complete my shopping trip.. hopefully the groceries will be enough to last us at least 2 to 3 weeks...... I also managed to pick up some cute new jeans and a couple of really nice jogging suit sets. With jeans i have to try on 20 pairs to find like 3 that actually fit me.. since i am short either the pant leg is to long, i cant button them, or the crotch bunches up. It is so hard to find good jeans that fit right and look good. I didnt go to the job fair because I really dont want to do a temp job right now unless I feel like i am all out of options and there is nothing else for me, and i am not quite there yet...

I am all for the TTC diaries.. LOL... Our thread has been going strong for a long time now...:thumbup:... Getting on this thread and rambling on about my TTC issues helps keep me sane during the 2WW.... geesh i hope i either just get a dag on for sure BFP or that the :witch: would just hurry up and arrive already.. the waiting is making me a mental case....:wacko::wacko:
Well I feel like I'm kind of waffling between WTT and TWW.

My last regular period was August 4 - around August 17-18 I was a day late with a pill and I know that dH and I DTD a couple nights around there too.

I started feeling very tired, queasy, moody, and had a sore back after that week but mostly chalked it up to PMS since AF was due September 1.
Well, AF came August 31 but lasted 4 days instead of my regular 5, in addition to being just brown spotting.

Since then my symptoms have increased:

- tired all the time
- hungry a lot more than usual, but can't eat too much at a time
- bloaty tummy
- random nausea
- gassy (top and bottom, sorry TMI)
- sore back a lot of the time
- heartburn
- trouble sleeping
- WANTing different foods (Tostitos dip...)
- very emotional
- very broody
- lots of CM

I get super-bloaty around 4-5pm, and nauseaus. Heartburn usually around bedtime (10pm-ish).

Basically, I'm in the TWW - waiting till September 22 when AF is due again to see what happens.

Honestly I'm crossing my fingers for a :bfp: - dH and I were planning to wait till November to TTC but a surprise baby is just as awesome. dH will probably take a little more time to get used to the idea, but I'm thrilled imagining having our baby in May!

So that's me! Nice to meet you all and I'll be popping in often till I know for sure!
Welcome to the thread StarlitHome!!!! :hugs: It sounds like you have some very good pregnancy symptoms. Good luck and baby dust you you hun!!! :dust::dust::dust: I hope you get your :bfp: soon!!!!! :flower:
Mrsmmm- whens the next time your testing then? I got bfn today too on 9 dpo. Wasn't sure the next best time to do it.
I am still bleeding from my abnormal period (started spotting on Thursday) so it is a full period but it got heavy only yesterday and I had cramps only yesterday.

I really want it to stop so I can have :sex:

I am thinking about calling doc about my abnormal period.

Hope you guys are doing well.
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