The One Year Strong Ladies!

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busymommy - We've told my parents, his parents, and my best friend (who I work wiht so she'll make excuses for me, ie telling my coworkers I'm fat, not pregnant for a couple more weeks). I can't wait to tell EVERYONE though! I'm glad things are going well in school! And it's wonderful to brag about your kids!

Lindsay - Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I know I'll still try though! I'm going to try to tell myself it's just a toy and to be used as such. I wont let myself use it all the time either, try it, then set it aside.

Erica - I don't plan on doing a belly cast just cause I wont want to store it somewhere. I would love to get henna done though and take pictures.
Hubby just knocked over XBox and the $60 game..Fable III I bought him with my own "allowance" was ruined...I am soo him for knocking it over and being clumsy and stupid enough to sit the XBox in the middle of the floor vertically which is soo unstable...and not horizontally like recommended...and at the stupid game system designers for more than likely..knowingly..making it so that it scratches discs and destroys them when knocked people have to push more money into their little gaming empire....I actually cried when he told me...stupid stupid stupid gaming people!! I could have saved my money and got my hair cut and stuff like I a nice salon..not great clips or whatever...but instead I decided to be the amazing wife and buy him a game..and he hasnt even had it for like...3 days..and already fucked up..excuse my language..but I am just sooo pissed right now..uggh!!!!
Not sure about the belly casting... I'm not confident enough in my own body to have something like that done. However I would like pictures done in the later stages. Maybe 32 weeks or something. Only problem is that I'm the photographer in the family so I've got no idea who would take them.

Sorry to hear about the game erica... Our xbox is totally out of the way and lying flat or we'd ruin games every 5 minutes. Same with the ps3. Next time I think you should treat yourself to something nice instead!!

Chelsea, I can't believe you're 10w already! Will you be 20w at your next scan? Time is flying just now. I don't even know what fruit/veg I am today!
It doesn't feel like it's flying by for me. I have been soooo antsy to get out of the 1st trimester to worry less (but not stop of course!) and so I could tell family. 12 weeks is more than I thought I could hold out on telling people! They haven't called me for my scan yet but I asked for the day the that I would be 20w exactly so that I wouldn't have to miss work for the appointment (it would be the last day of our winter break Jan 7).

When's your scan? Are you hoping to find out boy or girl? I hope to.
i wish i had an intuition feeling for this month. :shrug: i really dont know if i am or weird. i did with my first 3:thumbup:, and didnt with the miscarried you never know. every pregnancy is different. i have to schedule another ultrasound to follow up on some abnormalities they found after the miscarraige and im holding out so i can get a surprise you are pregnant from the scan,:haha: however im sure i wil know before the ultraound because im taking pee tests everyday LOL:blush:. im going to take another test weds this week. ill be 14 dpo (or 12dpo) aaaah i cant take it. :brat:hopefully church tonight and trick or treating will get my mind off of it, and then tuesday is voting day and 2 dr appts for the kids....just have to find something to keep myself busy monday!:laundry::dishes::crib::shower:
did i tell you i LOVE these icons...they make my day better:winkwink:
ha ha yeah the icons are cute..not sure why I dont use them more often the little girl had a better day? or any more breakdowns lol...? would be great to go in for a normal ultrasound and end up finding out your preggie...
the girl is great LOL she has been a sweet precious angel today =) she even took a nap! the headlice seems to be gone so far today. ill keep doing headchecks. leaving for church in about a half hour!
Glad she got her little attitude together yeah..good days..and bad the bad ones make the good ones seem even better!!
Im working on my online breastfeeding course for my doula certification..and I just read this

Work by investigators in Sweden has shown that if a mother is not medicated during delivery and her newborn infant is dried except for the hands and placed naked below the mothers breast immediately after delivery (skin-to-skin contact), the infant will slowly move toward the breast. The infant will pause, lick his hands and then lick the nipple and areola. The baby will then open his mouth wide and make an excellent attachment to the breast and begin to suckle. This facilitates latch-on at later feedings. In Righard's studies, by an average of 80 minutes after birth the babies had latched onto the breast without help from anyone. If the mother has received medication the infant may carry out the crawling and self-attachment partially or not at all

Doesnt that sound a bit..creepy? lol... I almost want to try it but Im sure the hospitals here in the US wont let you do that lol...
Im working on my online breastfeeding course for my doula certification..and I just read this

Work by investigators in Sweden has shown that if a mother is not medicated during delivery and her newborn infant is dried except for the hands and placed naked below the mothers breast immediately after delivery (skin-to-skin contact), the infant will slowly move toward the breast. The infant will pause, lick his hands and then lick the nipple and areola. The baby will then open his mouth wide and make an excellent attachment to the breast and begin to suckle. This facilitates latch-on at later feedings. In Righard's studies, by an average of 80 minutes after birth the babies had latched onto the breast without help from anyone. If the mother has received medication the infant may carry out the crawling and self-attachment partially or not at all

Doesnt that sound a bit..creepy? lol... I almost want to try it but Im sure the hospitals here in the US wont let you do that lol...

My hospital is very big on skin to skin. they have already told me, medicated or not (as long as there are no complications) they are going to place the baby on my chest (I'm like what are they going to rip off my top?) (can be under a blanket) and let the baby and mom do their thing. They are considered to be a Baby Friendly Hospital, a title given to like 500 hospitals in the nation or something.
Yeah..its not the skin to skin thing..its just the baby slowy scooting itself and the hand licking that gets me
hhaa this is sooo funny to me!
the gown is so big and flowy that by the time you are done pushing your brains out the gown is all over the place, your chest will be bare trust me LOL and my oldest son found the breat on his own right away, it was so funny. my sister was in the room with me and she thought it was the neatest thing. he lifted his head and moved all around til he found it, and then he fell face first onto my breast and started nursing adn grunting. it was soooo funny, but he never licked his hands first!!!
I just dont get the hand licking!? lol its not gross or anything of course its just...weird... there is a Baby Friendly place here in Knoxville but..idk I guess its like I want something baby friendly but still want the reassurance of a hospital medical wise if that makes since...and I know the first day or two I will be soo exhausted and the birthing center doesnt even have a nursery so the baby is always there in the room with you...I know to some it might seem selfish..but you just went through a huge physical and mental and emotional process and rest would be nice...and if you have help available you should take advantage of that...and once you get home you dont have that I dont think its bad to take advantage of that for a day or two while you can....

Dont get me wrong Im not saying I want my baby swept away like back in the 50s and not see it until we are discharged lol...but sleep would be nice while you can get it lol... I do plan on breastfeeding and of course I do want to bond with my baby but I think if we are going to be able to survive the first days at home...for both hubby and I sleep will be very important lol...
they lick their hands thinking its your breast becasue they dont know any different., you will see whent he baby is home and even a few weeks to amonth old they will suck their hands to let you know they are hungry and looking for your breast.
most hospitals will accomadate your wishes, even if they ar enot labeled baby friendly. you jsut tell your nurse what you want. and they will take care of you. i didnt want my boys to leave the room, i had a family member that i was jsut reunited with and i was certain he and she would steal my kids. im so serious it was a real fear and panic i even had seciruty notified and then just asked for no visitors all togethe rbecaus ei couldnt sleep int eh hospital it was horrible! adn then with my girl, they were not int he state LOL so i had them take her to the nursery for sure. she was a screamer and i was tired! i had a 6 yr old and 13 month old to come home to, i w stayed the max 3 days and they kept her in the nursery haha. not selfish MrsJerome, not selfish at all!
OMG..steal your children!!?? Oh gosh now I have one more thing to worry about lol... Im not worried about anyone stealing them but I am afraid of his mom taking over...I really really hope I can establish my territory and get my point across with visitors... I think at the hospital it wont be a big deal..because you have the nurses and Drs and stuff to keep people out or ask people to leave..but at home..I am sooo afraid shes gonna end up like..moving in...I am definitely gonna have to discuss with hubby while preggie and tell him what I want and why when it comes to visitors..I know that his mom will not listen to what I want when it comes to the baby because she'll have all her Korean ideas of how things are/should be mom..will listen to me..because she knows Im capable..his mom still tries to tell me how to cook for him and keep him healthy lol..its been a year..hes still alive..loves my cooking and has even lost some weight since I started cooking for him....and it just annoys me that she feels like she has to monitor me when shes around...uggh!

Have any of you....especially Spunky and Cottleston..started to think about your Birth the official one you give to the nurses/Drs?
hey ladies..join my MIL venting thread lol.. sooo great to hear others stories lol..
Hi Clair
Well personally I dont temp chart but you just take your basal body temp (first thing in the morning before getting out of bed) and then you can plug it in to a and it will help keep track of it for you and eventually tell you when you ovulated...some of the other ladies might know more..
My Birth Plan? I want to try natural but am VERY open to the idea of an epidural. My hospital has a jucuzzi tub to labor in, which I hope to do, but not water birth. Not against it, but I don't think they'll let me and that's fine. I DO NOT want to be cut, no episotomies whatsoever. LOL (gross by my SIL recommended perenium massage/stretching starting at like week 20 and I've enlisted the husband to be on ready for it, but we'll see how that goes. I really hope that'll be enough NO CUTTING!) I'd be fine with a vacuum assist if need be. Most of my family had c-sections because of complications, and I'd be fine with that if it's necessary.
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