The One Year Strong Ladies!

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ha ha yeah that's a good idea...we will def be doing it more than twice next O just crept up on me early..stupid O... lol..
Oh well...counting down to next cycle. FF has projected my next O as the 11th or thereabouts. At least my cycles are actually getting shorter! Down to 33 days from 44, so that's a little better...
I will join - Ovulated on July 20-- good luck. This is my first TWW when I have been paying any attention.
Hey Ladies,

Here are my tests from today, The cheap internet one photo was taken within the allowed time, The First response was done early this morning and i thought i saw a very faint line earlier, I know they dont evap so i took a pic of it, SO am i bananas or is there a very very faint line there????????? i wasnt going to post these because i felt silly, I was waiting for a definate line to show first before i posted more HPT pics, but i am obsessing so here it goes, feed back would be appreciated!!!!:flower:

My attempt at an Inverted pic and i marked where i thought I saw the line. internet cheapie

Unaltered pic-internet cheapie

another attempt at an inverted pic and me marking where i think the line is showing??

unaltered pic

Any and all feed back is welcome, if you dont see anything it is okay, i wont be upset or anything!!! i am guesstimating that i am about 12 DPO (or possibly more, not 100% sure on that because i dont temp or do OPK's)
Hey wannabe, to be honest I don't see anything but I know how the computer can make lines disappear so there def could be a faint one there ... I'll attach a pic of the test I mentioned earlier from April where I swear there is a line, tell me what you think, will be good line spotting practice lol... oh and when are you planning on testing again? After you are late for AF by a few days??

if you tilt your screen back slowly thats how I could see it on the computer.

Keep in mind ladies and dont get all excited this is from April this year, not a recent one lol....
Thanks for the feed back Mrs Jerome and for being honest!! I can see the line you are talking about, I know that the blue dye tests can leave pretty convincing evaps?? Do you think that is what happened? everyone seems to think pink dye is more reliable??? I got a pretty convincing line on a clear blue easy one with the cross, and it got my hopes up to only be a BFN, ugghhh!! Who would of thought looking at HPT's could be so darn confusing?? :wacko: I always thought that would be the easy part, either I was or i wasnt, LOL!!! Now i just think I am off my rocker stark raving mad, LOL!!!! I never thought that trying to have a baby would make me this bonkers, ugghhh, sigghhhh!!!!!!:wacko: I know I should wait to test again until after the day AF is supposed to show, but knowing me I will be doing every morning up until either i get a definate bfp ot until AF arrives, I just cant help myself!!!:blush: When will you test again??
Oh no ladies
I asked a psychic on if I would get pregnant this year before October and this was her response.

Hi Erica
It isnt my policy to read about pregnancy or health issues however I have taken a look into this briefly...Feel there is a medical issue with you...endometriosis perhaps and NO I dont think you will concieve before October according to my feeling on this...No charge for this

Wish you all the best


I have been told before that it is a possibility but I think I will definitely be going to my gyno and discussing any possible testing/ultrasound for this and PCOS just to be sure
I guess I'll just wait until AF is a few days late maybe till next I def want to go to the gyno about my crazy cycle this time lol...
ugghh, I hope she is wrong MrsJerome!! How long have you and DH been trying to conceive. I had a reading by Sandra Gibbs done and i think she seemed to be pretty accurate. The rest of it i am waiting to see if it comes true!!

Here is my reading by Sandra:

ok now as i tune in i want to mention a boy with regards to the month of march, now with march i feel this is due date , with a conception or news of bfp towards the end of july for you both, i feel this is something that you both really want and there is a lot of excitement around that of course although some apprehension from you in regards to worrying if and when it will happen.Ok i also want to mention where i keep being also drawn to a baby girl around you who i feel will be here around 2-3 years after the boy with links to the month of september, can i also mention the date of the 19th to keep in mind please.Ok so the first baby is the boy , and he is a good weight at around 8,2 i feel , now i want to say where he is a very strong boy ,and is delivered quite quickly, although i feel some assistance is required in a sense because he is quite large, but there is nothing to worry about as baby comes in fine, and crying loudly as well.

Ok i'm going to chose three cards.

The first card is Beloved one.

This is showing me where you have a good partnership , but you would like to complete things in a sense, i want to say that the relationship is pretty perfect , and things will only get better from here on in.

The second card is leader.

Thsi is showing me where there is a lot of guidance coming in for you from spirit, and i also want to mention some women here who are going to have a big input in how baby is cared for etc, just by giving you a lot of valuable advice in a sense.

The last card is patience.

This is showing me where you have had a lot of this recently , and you have had to be patient as far as other things are concerned as well in life, but there will always be a good outcome in the end of the waiting.

I hope this was ok for you
If you have any questions please ask
I seriously think I might do the sandra thing!! after reading all her amazing reviews, how long did it take her to get back to you and what information do you give her?
It cost about 4 to 5 american dollars, It was optional but
i chose to send her a picture of me and my DH to help with her reading, but you dont have to send her a picture if you dont want to. Once i paid for the reading she immediatly sent me an email asking what questions I had and if i wanted to send her a picture, she sent my reading in about 2 to 3 days after i paid.:flower:
I did it!! I just hit pay and so am waiting for an email... I will def let you ladies know when I get my reading...seriously cheap compared to most of them...I really feel like a lot of them are just making shite up to rip you off but she seems very sincere and so do all her reviews..and since you used her and were happy I feel a lot better about it..
I have been soo emotional these past few days...I just cry over small stuff and even when I laugh I end up crying...and cant stop and its not happy crying its like emotional sad crying,,..he told me I was insane lol..and that I was a freak lol..coz I cried even when I was laughing lol..idk what is wrong with me
Awww, MrsJerome i know what you mean. i have been on an emotional roller coaster these last few weeks as well. The whole moving process hasnt helped either because it has been so stressful as well!!! I get so emotional and get teary eyed over the silliest things, and than get real bitchy!! Poor Dh gets the brunt of my wrath!!!! I dont think men could handle all the raging hormones us women deal with every month!!! Ugghhhhh!!! They have no idea!!!:wacko:
ha ha i was just laughing because he said something funny and then I burst into tears lol...and couldnt stop crying and he asked if I was seriously ok and what was wrong with me... its only these past few days...
Ladies. I's just gone 7am here.
Last night I got up around midnight and got a MASSIVE crampy pain all the way across that actually stopped me in my tracks. So I thought I'd test with FMU todaay and I got a bfp! That was with FRER so I'm just sitting here waiting for Boots to open to confirm it with a clearblue digi (I saved a pot of wee, yuck) and for my doctors to open so I can panic at her about the pain I had last night.
Good luck, Cottleston!

I've done four different psychics (it's an addiction), and three of them said July/August, and Sandra said October. To be honest, Sandra's reading was the only one that made no sense to me - the little details she threw in had no connection to me or DH whatsoever.

I figure I'll keep the July ones in the back of my head, since this cycle is technically starting in July now...
I'm not even so bummed about AF showing up - I'm bummed that it was 9dpo! Which means short luteal phase, and that makes it harder to get a sticky bean! Your body kicks out the egg before it can really implant because it doesn't recognize that it was pregnant. :growlmad:

My gyn won't do anything until I've been trying to conceive for a year. DH thinks it's ridiculous and so do I, when you know there's a problem already. I'm going to look into Vitex/Fertilaid, as those can help lengthen the luteal phase...
hey everyone i got my positive last night and again this morning YAY!!!

apparent from bedding is there anything we can do to help implantation ?

Much baby dust to us all xxx
Hi everyone, congrats on all the BFPs ladies...nothing new here other than a stopped up nose and gassy out the butt (literally lol!). Insane crazy dreams last night. Watching Golden Girls right now. Wannabe whereever you are, lol, how long did it take sandra to send you the initial email, I did it last night at like 9 or so here which I know is about 2-3 AM there and still nothing from her? Just curious.
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