The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Oh that M. Night movie "Avatar: The Last Airbender" is supposed to be horrible!!! but I heard Inception is realllly movies for us...lately...oh I have no idea...we watch soo many..hubby loves movies..all kinds..foreign..comedy...Indie...action/adventure...I almost cant tell the movies we have seen apart since its been soo many lol..we are gonna watch Steve Byrne on Comedy Central at 12 tonight he is sooo funny and then watch this BBC show called The IT Crowd that is too funny as its nothing to do with computer IT stuff at all lol..

How far away did you move? I kind of would like to move but then again I wouldnt lol...I dont like our neighborhood as its not really a "everyone is friends" neighborhood that Ive always wanted and I hate our yard as most of it is mostly on a slope and I dread trying to work kids play areas onto that lol... we also have wayyy to much crap to be moving and I have been moving 2-3 times a year for the last 5 years while in college and then moving here so I'll pass lol...

Sandra has stiiilll not contacted me..ugh I am soo hasnt even asked for any info, the only confirmation I have is that thing from Paypal saying I purchased a reading...

Yeah that M. Knight Shamalan dude's movies have been really odd and bugged out, I was feeling like i should be cautious about seeing another one of his flics, LOL!!! He is quite the odd and strange one!!

I have heard more than one good review about the movie Inception though and now NJangel confirmed it for me, that it is supposed to be a good flic!!!

Yeah Mrs Jerome, moving has been exhausting to say the least. We moved about 6 and a half hours away from our previous home. The good news is that I am closer to where my family and friends are, we are now 5.5 hours away from them, where at our old home we had to drive about 12 hours to get home!! It is going to be hard to get used to this new home, it is a little smaller and doesnt have the same open floor plan as our old house! I am going to have to put some of my pretty decorations in storage I think. sigh... Our neighborhood is nice that we moved into, and we got lucky when we found a large yard. I hope this is the last time that we move for a long time, i dont think i could survive this process again, LOL!! We came up here because my husband got a really good job.

So just an update on me I still am rocking my soar boobs and had really bad AF type cramps lastnight, but :witch: didnt show so I decided to test this morning on a First Response (FRER) and i swear I think i can see a second faint line, althoough now as I look at the pictures I think i could still be hallucinating sooo, i will once again wait a few days and if it is real th eline should get darker on it!!!! :shrug: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is another picture and me marking where i see the second line.

here is me marking where i see the line,

Here is the same pic unaltered

Inverted pic

Ok ladies, i am strating to think i need glasses, ummm, ugghhh!!!
Ok. Wiped a little later this morning and had watery red blood on tp. I dont know what to think. Doctor wont see me til wednesday. Test this morning was + and I don't know what to tell DF. I'm terrified. :cry:

Aww, I am so sorry, good luck cottleston, I hope that this is just implantation bleeding and your little bean will stick. i got my fingers crossed for you!!:flower::hugs:
Inception was amazing. I just got back from seeing it with DH and my father - this was the second time DH and I went to see it. DH is wonderful about being dragged to movies with me. He even likes the Twilight saga, so he went along to see Eclipse with me a couple weeks ago. :)

The psychic thing is addicting, MrsJ! As you can see from my siggie, I've had a few. Jenny isn't worth it - all she gives you is a conception month and sex. Brooke also, but a little more personable. Gail is the one I really connected with.

Three of the four said it was going to be a boy, and July/August. I'm not counting the July ones out yet since technically this next cycle is starting in July, so you can always sway that way. :shrug:

Sending DH to GNC to go buy my vitamins I think he and I both are going to start going to the gym/going running more. Both need to lose weight. I always laugh and say I want to lose it so I can gain it again when I get preggers.

Good night, ladies! Have a good weekend!

I have heard that Inception was really good from a few people now, I think me and hubby will have to go check it out than!! thanks for the info. I have been thinking about trying the Fertilaid vitams, they also have them for men. You will have to let me know how you like the vitamins after you get to try them! Good luck hun!!:flower:
Thank you girls :hugs: I didnt think you could get implantation bleeding after bfp? Fingers crossed though. I must admit I am panicking and have been walking around in a daze all day. I just don't know what to think.
Bleeding has eased off a little but is still showing up as pinkish cm (but only when I look for it, not when I wipe). I've got another FRER for tomorrow morning to see if the line gets darker or lighter than the test I did yesterday. Until then, I'm stuck in limbo. *happy thoughts happy thoughts happy thoughts*
Thank you girls :hugs: I didnt think you could get implantation bleeding after bfp? Fingers crossed though. I must admit I am panicking and have been walking around in a daze all day. I just don't know what to think.
Bleeding has eased off a little but is still showing up as pinkish cm (but only when I look for it, not when I wipe). I've got another FRER for tomorrow morning to see if the line gets darker or lighter than the test I did yesterday. Until then, I'm stuck in limbo. *happy thoughts happy thoughts happy thoughts*

Hang in there hun!!:hugs: Please keep us updated!!
Aww Cottleston, Im sure its just implantation, it takes a few days for it to get down to your hoohoo Ive heard so its a good possibility. I would def test again and dont you hate those Drs, they act like its nothing, they clearly have no idea how hard it is to want something so bad. Keep us updated!!

Wannabe, I think we are both going insane. My reason for saying this, I just had a three part dream (as in a I woke up two times and went into the same dream when I finally went back to sleep) and in this dream I found out I was preggie and then the next day there was a baby! It was a little girl and she was soo tiny and adorable and I loved it. The whole having a baby was amazing, I even breastfed in the dream (and it didnt hurt lol) and it was the most amazing thing!!!!! When I finally wokeup I ran to take my last preggie test (after such a vivid dream like that I just couldn't help it) and it was negative, no line at all. I swear on yours I see the top of a line but idk... i hate those pink lines its like the are soo brutal and harsh, and give you no
Heading to Shoneys since we woke up with no water once again...will respond when I get back in an hour or so
And now I have to go home for a whole week because my 15 year old sister decided to cut herself 100 times when her bf broke up with her last now Im going home to help with Lexie the baby (maybe thats what my dream was about) and dont know when I'll be back and whether or not Shelby will be in the hospital or the psych ward or what..ughh...
Yes MrsJerome, I think once you get bit by the baby bug and want one so bad it does make you go kind of crazy!!! :wacko: I am still hopeful for us both becuase we arent out until AF shows her dreaded face!!!

I heard that vivid dreams are a strong pregnancy symptom!!!

Ohh no, Mrs Jerome!! i hope that your sister is going to be okay, please let us know how things turn out for her, being a teenager is ruff!!! I am so sorry about your problems with your water!!! Geesh i hope things start to turn around for the better over the weekend for you!! You are in my thoughts hun!!! :hugs: Please keep us updated!!!
Well they are taking her to one of the hospitals and putting her in the pysch ward. I will be heading home tomorrow and will just stay the whole week as next weekend is my great g-mas 89th birthday... Gonna be soo hard to be away from hubby all week but I will get to spend time with my family so it shouldnt be too bad...

On a positive note, I went to the potty in target and wiped and it was a huge huge thing of white creamy lotiony yay!! hopefully thats a good thing..I also went and got 4 dollar tree tests..any of you used those? its like the cassette kind...I just hate spending so much on those other tests especially since they were negative....
Well they are taking her to one of the hospitals and putting her in the pysch ward. I will be heading home tomorrow and will just stay the whole week as next weekend is my great g-mas 89th birthday... Gonna be soo hard to be away from hubby all week but I will get to spend time with my family so it shouldnt be too bad...

On a positive note, I went to the potty in target and wiped and it was a huge huge thing of white creamy lotiony yay!! hopefully thats a good thing..I also went and got 4 dollar tree tests..any of you used those? its like the cassette kind...I just hate spending so much on those other tests especially since they were negative....

I am glad that she is getting some help for her problems. It sounds like the poor girl is really going through a ruff time. All you can do is make sure that she knows that you are there for her and be a shoulder for her to lean on.:hugs: That is great that you will be home with her and your family. At times like this it is important to come together to support eachother. Happy Birthday to your G-ma!! God Bless her , wow 89, that is great!:thumbup:

I am glad that you are having strong symptoms still. I still have soar boobs today. I have been having some cramps today and lastnight, some mild and some that feel like AF type cramps. there was a few times lastnight where I thought i got up to go to the bathroom and that i would see blood, but no sign of AF yet, so i am still hopeful! i have been having watery and runny CM myself, i am not sure what that means though.

How funny, i was going to head to the dollar store today too because of the expense of testing so much!! I feel so silly for going through so many tests already this month!! :wacko:i havent used them yet, but i see a few girls on here have used them and they worked for them. Let me know how they work for you and I will let you know what i think about them tomorrow morning.
DH was supposed to go buy the vitamins for me today - and of course since he's out of work, he sleeps all morning. Didn't get up till 11, while I was at work by 7am. Grr. So we're off to go pick it up now. I saw the vitamins for men - he takes a multivitamin and fish oils now as is. I'm going to see if he looks at them on his own...don't want to be like "Look, honey, it'll make your :spermy: stronger and increase their motility!" Don't want to undermine his manhood or anything. They're so sensitive. :rofl:

MrsJ, good luck with your sister. I hope all is ok! I worked in the ER for a long time so dealt with a lot of psych patients, plus my secretary's daughter has a lot of psych problems. Of course, my secretary's 18 year old daughter (same one), just got pregnant. :growlmad:
Well my mom and her hubby both worked for a mental hospital as nurses and stuff for years and years so its nothing new to them, but with Shelby its just for attention and she is just in with that emo crowd at school and its encourages it rather than looking down upon stuff like that...also my mom is too easy on her and has been letting her do whatever she wants and is afraid to fuss at her since my sisters dad (my ex stepdad) and her stepmom just dropped her off at my moms house a few years ago because they were tired of her, like she was an unwanted puppy, and then he blames my mom for anything that happens...she just needs some actual discipline and not someone that just tries to make her mom is afraid if she fusses at her it will only get worse... but of course no one listens to me so I have no say in it all lol..Im just there as back up babysitter lol... my nipples are a little sensitive but my boobs are cramps today... just that lotion CM and thats all, havent had it again yet course I think it takes a little bit of time to build up... Idk if I'll test again tomorrow with one of the new ones (knowing me I prolly will) and if I do I'll let you ladies know lol...
Hey MrsJerome,
Sorry To Hear About Your Sister, Sometimes It Isn't Just Because Something Bad Has Happened That People Self Harm, it can sometimes be a release if people don't know how to tell, just be there and support her anyway you can usually just saying i'm here to talk to you can tell me anything does help.
i used to do it in school, i was being bullied and kept it hidden for 4 years before admiting i needed to see a councilor to sort it out.
i hope you get your bfp soon when was af due ? mine is due in 4/5 days can't be exact.
i think i ov'd late so might be a late on af :(
hope you get your readings soon :)

take care
Yeah she just needs a lot of help from a counselor she has always had an issue with managing her feelings and no one ever did anything about it earlier one when she was younger so now instead of tantrums its cutting, stealing, and anything else she can do to show people she is upset or to get attention. I think af is supposed to be due today based on when I ovulated but nothing
i ovulated late i think but still sticking to when the calender says i was due to ovulate, but every woman is different for ovulation.
fingers crossed that you get your :bfp: :D
So after three stores, I finally got my vitamins!
DH was also looking at the men's

So right now, here's my regimen:
Fish Oil (brain development, reduce risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes)
Flaxseed Oil (regulates estrogen/progesterone ratio)
Baby Aspirin (increases blood flow to the uterus, ovaries)
Magnesium (for my migraines, but low magnesium can cause infertility)
Vitamin B2/riboflavin (also for my migraines, but deficiences are linked to sterility, miscarriage, and low birth weight. The liver uses B2 to clear away old used hormones - estrogen and progesterone. If these are not excreted, the body thinks there is enough and less production happens).
And my new fertility vitamin.

Plus I take Mucinex during the week I'm supposed to O to help with EWCM. I figure I'll take all the help I can get. :thumbup:
My gosh NJAngel, thats alot of pills to swallow lol... I hate taking my 3 a day and then that extra 50,000 vitamin D once a week lol... Apparently Sandra is very behind on her psychic I guess I'll stop getting excited about it and just be surprised when I actually get it lol... but hopefully my Gail one will be soon...
I remember hearing that Sandra cut her finger and was behind on readings since then...
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