The One Year Strong Ladies!

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My brother in law put both his kids in a daycare run from a woman's home before they were kindergarten age - seeing how my niece and nephew turned out? Will never happen. My husband always says what a nice lady she is, but it creeps me out.
My mom lives nearby, I've got DH who (although currently unemployed) works nights normally, so he'll be home during the day, and I'll be home in the evening. Plus both the hospitals I work at have great daycares. Unfortunately, working full-time and being the primary breadwinner, I'm gonna have no choice but daycare.
Aww, well atleast you can keep them close to your family and even close to you at work.....I think Im going to have a hard time putting my kid in anything other than school...I mean Im a nanny and I know that a lot of nannies and home daycares are amazing but I will definitely have to look into it and research the hell out of it before I just drop my kids off..I mean most of those people that post ads on craigslist I would never ever think of leaving my kids with them..I think I would rather have playgroups with some parents than just leave my kids at a daycare, in home or not lol...
Putting my child in daycare is something I'm dreading but I do want to earn some money. My MIL does a bit of audiotyping from home so it's something I'm looking into... But even then working from home while looking after a child will be even more difficult I think.

Anyway. Update. Just did another frer and another ic. The frer was lighter. Like, the whole thing. Control was lighter and test line was lighter. The ic had the same colour control but the test line was slightly darker. So I've still got absolutely no idea if lil beanie wants to hang around or if these cramps are the good stretching kind or the bad beanie letting go kind.
There was pinkish cm again this morning but I'm still trying to convince myself it's a breakthrough bleed. It's too fresh for implantation I think. I wish I could travel in time a week so I know the outcome because this waiting is too damn hard.
Just did a dollar tree test and its negative...ugh... either Im not preggie or my HCG is taking foorreevvveerrr to build up...but no af either so...I guess we'll mom called and said there is no point in me coming home because my sister can only get a 1 hour visit a day so they dont need me to watch the kids all day after all...I am very relieved that I do not have to do that looong drive all the way home alll by my self...and I was just there the other will get to stay home with hubby..hes soo glad Im not going...
Cottleston I wish I knew what to tell you...I guess until we all go to the Dr for that first scan its all ifs and ifs..hate how our bodies are soo random and confusing...I mean at least they could all the be the same and not be all over the damn place with symptoms and cycles and hormones lol...
good luck to you all i read somewhere that some women don't get enough hormone levels till 14dpo, but i don't know how true that is....
i will be testing wednesday so fingers crossed

But Im already at day 15DPO, is it normal to not get a first at least faint BFP by 15DPO?
Sorry for your bfn MrsJ :hugs: Still, no AF so FXd!! x

I went to the hospital to get urine test and bloods. I have no dodgy infections and my hcg level is 263 at 4 weeks. I think that's normal.
Because I've had bleeding I've been transferred to the EPAU at my local hospital and the nurse just told me to take it easy, so I've decided to extend my holiday from work until after I've seen my GP on wednesday.
Starting to panic less now. What will happen will happen. I'm doing all I can to help this lil bean hang in there.
But Im already at day 15DPO, is it normal to not get a first at least faint BFP by 15DPO?

Is it possible you ovulated a little later?
I guess if a lil beanie is taking a little while to implant then it'll take a bit longer for hcg levels to rise. I have everything crossed for you hun x
Well the only time I felt cramps was that one Saturday, the 10th I think it was. So I guess it could have been a day after that? lol...but that still puts me at 14 DPO so IDK lol...I'm gonna get a cheapie ovulation test at walmart in a while and see if it still says positive...if it is positive that will make it like...11 days in a row of positive OPKs lol...but still negatives on the HPTs lol...guess I better go make my grocery list...

Cottleston, I found this, as far as HcG goes.

MrsJ, FX'd for you! I'm starting my 3WW - waiting for OV! LOL. Now it's kind of like, what's the point until I get closer to my fertile period. I'm sure DH is going to love that. :)
Thanks! I'm 4 weeks since LMP which means around 2 weeks since conception.
1-2 Weeks = 40 - 300 mIU/ml
So at 263 I'm hopefully doing alright! Fingers crossed and that.

Lol I'd try to sympathize with your DH but I'm doing the same to my DF too at the moment. Lucky for me he's usually half asleep when he tries getting my attention and he never remembers so I don't feel too guilty :haha: When are you due to ov?
fingers crossed sweetie :( i hope you really do get your bfp, i want to take a hpt i got cheapie internet strips going to do one in the morning i think apparently they are 10MIu
well the walmart ovulation tests, they didnt have anything under like $20 so I was like screw it...I'll just wait it out lol...and buy some of the online ones tonight is soooo hoottt here..its miserable...and humid...ugh..luckily it seems like hubby will finish the actual tiling tonight and then only thing left I guess is to grout it..seal it..and put in the fixtures then clean up...cant wait!!....

Well Im at 2 weeks and nothing on those HPTs, and I think those tests are supposed to be 25mIU so I guess I am out ladies, I really have no hope body just hates me this month...I guess i'll try again for one more cycle and then take a break until February....blah... **pouts**
Well ladies AF got me this morning, i was pretty upset earlier today, but I am feeling better about it this afternoon. Good luck to the ladies that are left, but it is onto the next month for me!!!

I officialy think i am off my rocker and crazy with the symptoms I thought I had this month, new ones that i have never had in my whole life and AF still shows, wow, i dont know what happened!! I also saw invisible lines on my HPT's that apparently dont exist!!! I am going to try to focus on other things for a while, i took getting Af pretty bad this morning!!!

Good luck and baby dust to the rest of you ladies!!! :dust:
awwwh wannabeprego i am sorry to hear AF got you !! stay positive (babydust)
MrsJerome, It's Not Over Till The AF Gets you, lets hope it doesn't.....Stay Positive....
Are you gonna stick around wannabe? or are you leaving us :cry: ? I have a feeling my AF is gonna be late too...hmmpff but no real symptoms of AF so far are you just gonna stop for a few cycles or will you just keep on trucking? I definitely think I want to try for the August cycle and possibly the September one too.... I had soo hoped to at least be preggie when hubby turned 40, but 40 and a few weeks will work too lol...
I know I know its so hard to stay positive, of course I have no symptoms either way I guess I'm more of doubtful and neutral now... I am gonna religiously take my folic acid and vitamins next cycle and limit my caffeine by lots and also drink tons of water.... and then if Im not preggie by October we'll have to stop and wait till Feb..and during that time I'll start taking my prescrip. diet pills again and maybe loss some weight before its TTC time again
Wannabe, :hugs:
You and I are onto the next cycle. I know what you mean about feeling like you were imagining all the symptoms. I had a lot of good symptoms I'd never had before - but reading up on the short luteal phase, I may actually have been pregnant, but my body kicked it out before it had a chance to fully implant. So there may have been some truth behind my crazy symptoms. :shrug:
MrsJ, I've been off caffeine for two months now - from someone who used to drink a pot of coffee a day, trust me, it was tough, but now I don't even notice it.

DH and I talked about it, and even though he's out of work right now, he doesn't want to take a break. Says we'll just keep going until we get our :bfp:. Last cycle he was a bit difficult about BDing during the fertile window - said he had too much on his mind, and was depressed with the whole job it looks like he's starting to get into it. FX'd!
I wonder what happened with Spunky? When is she supposed to be coming back? I have another friend who might be joining us on here too...we are actually friends in real life and her hubby told her he wanted to have a baby with her so they were TTC first cycle this month...sooo sweet!! so I sent her the link and hopefully she'll be around too...
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