The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Yeah sparkle. Thats great news!! Did they have to do an internal?? I have my first scan tomorrow so you seeing a heart beat is great news. I'm praying every day for that!!

Good Luck with your first scan!!!:hugs::hugs: I hope everything goes good !!!:flower:
Yeah here it's normal to have a 2 day stay. Keeping an eye on baby and after their first vxn they give, and well making sure you are healing properly, eating, going to the bathroom, etc.

Here in our birthing center (at the hospital) you have a private room (thank god) and you can have five people in the room for the delivery- (i only want dh) and then one person can stay overnight with you- spouse or other loved one. Pretty easy going.

My hospital sounds the same as yours! I can't imagine 5 people I would want there but :shrugs: They also redid the rooms last year and added jacuzzi tubs to them for laboring (but not water birth). :thumbup: They also are "Baby Friendly" the first hour is for mom, dad and baby, everyone else (other family and personnel except ONE nurse to make sure baby doesn't have problems) leaves and you just get cuddle time, then they come back weigh, bathe things like that. :happydance: Really hoping for a vaginal. The c-sections though baby stays in room (unless they're in distress) and they lay baby on your chest or with dad while they're stitching you up. I'm excited about how positive they are!
IMPEARL - definitely internal. I got a picture of a blob at 8 weeks. It's just a lot easier for them to see things ( and you don't want to be panicing as they tried to find baby externally). Enjoy!

Welcome back Busy! Definitely a girl then? Exciting! Glad to hear you're better and hope things go smoother for you! (Kidneys first and then heart, right? Girl you need to be healthier! :hugs: )
Yeah here it's normal to have a 2 day stay. Keeping an eye on baby and after their first vxn they give, and well making sure you are healing properly, eating, going to the bathroom, etc.

Here in our birthing center (at the hospital) you have a private room (thank god) and you can have five people in the room for the delivery- (i only want dh) and then one person can stay overnight with you- spouse or other loved one. Pretty easy going.

My hospital sounds the same as yours! I can't imagine 5 people I would want there but :shrugs: They also redid the rooms last year and added jacuzzi tubs to them for laboring (but not water birth). :thumbup: They also are "Baby Friendly" the first hour is for mom, dad and baby, everyone else (other family and personnel except ONE nurse to make sure baby doesn't have problems) leaves and you just get cuddle time, then they come back weigh, bathe things like that. :happydance: Really hoping for a vaginal. The c-sections though baby stays in room (unless they're in distress) and they lay baby on your chest or with dad while they're stitching you up. I'm excited about how positive they are!

Wooo hooo! jacuzzi tub!!! i sure hope sooooo!! i bet we don't have it, but it sure would be nice. :) and yes i'm hoping for vaginal as well. Trying to go as natural as we can. Have been having birthing dreams a lot lately. :shrug:
Hi girls!

First of all, CONGRATS to Katharine! And welcome to Toby. He's adorable. So much hair! Nice short(ish) labor, and glad to hear you guys are doing well.

As for the fertility testing, haven't really had much new to tell. Work has been absolutely INSANE (I'll tell you about that later). Last Friday I had the endometrial biopsy, which was not nearly as bad as I thought it was. Figured AF would show early with all the manipulation...biopsy was on 10dpo, and AF didn't show till today, which is 14dpo! Really long for me, so of course my body is making a liar out of me. It's a very light AF as well - figuring it will kick in tomorrow or so. No cramps, no nothing. Bizarre.
Anyway, blood work and ultrasound this Friday. Then sometime next week, DH and I meet with the specialist to talk about our options. I should O sometime the *following* week, so maybe we'll get something in this cycle?

Unfortunately, my damn OV watch is broken (sensor won't click in place), so I think I'm back to the CBFM in the interim. :dohh:

So, work is unbelievable. I'm an infectious disease specialist, so I see all kinds of crazy stuff. Three cases of meningitis last month, and this last week, a case of toxic shock syndrome (no, not from tampons). The poor woman is 43, and hanging on by a thread. My boss knows about the testing I'm going through, which has motivated him (finally) to find another partner for our group, so if/when I get pregnant, I won't leave him high and dry. :thumbup:

Missed you guys! Glad everyone is well.
Wooo hooo! jacuzzi tub!!! i sure hope sooooo!! i bet we don't have it, but it sure would be nice. :) and yes i'm hoping for vaginal as well. Trying to go as natural as we can. Have been having birthing dreams a lot lately. :shrug:

Here's hoping we can both go as natural as possible! Weird about birthing dreams! I had baby girl dreams early on and have only had 1 baby boy dream ever! I had a breastfeeding dream (WHAT THE HELL DO I DO WITH HIM?! is what I was asking my mom in my dream), and 1 pregnant dream. I figured I would have a lot more to count since I'm 8 months now, but that's it. It's weird. How good are you at birthing in your dreams? Hopefully it gives you some confidence!

As for the fertility testing, haven't really had much new to tell. Work has been absolutely INSANE (I'll tell you about that later). Last Friday I had the endometrial biopsy, which was not nearly as bad as I thought it was. Figured AF would show early with all the manipulation...biopsy was on 10dpo, and AF didn't show till today, which is 14dpo! Really long for me, so of course my body is making a liar out of me. It's a very light AF as well - figuring it will kick in tomorrow or so. No cramps, no nothing. Bizarre.
Anyway, blood work and ultrasound this Friday. Then sometime next week, DH and I meet with the specialist to talk about our options. I should O sometime the *following* week, so maybe we'll get something in this cycle?

Missed you guys! Glad everyone is well.

Sorry work has been so crazy! But glad that your boss is thinking ahead now. Still awesome that you're doing the whole testing thing! Missed you too!
Thanks Spunky! I hate doing the internal scans, and I know they will try fist externally so heres hoping they can find it that way. But I guess its workth it if they have to do an internal and find the heart beat! I really want a photo too. I havn't told our parents yet, or anyone but a close friend for that matter. I want to take my mom out for mothers day breakfest on May 8th, Dad too if he can come (the same as I did last year before my mc) and give her a copy of the photo. This time I will be a few days short of 12 weeks so I'm praying the outcome will be much better!! Then do the same for dh's mother and father.

I'm sooooo nervious about today! I don't even want to think about them not finding a heart beat...
We told like 4 people before 12 weeks, then told everyone on the same day with our 8-week blob picture. Hopefully everything will go well and you'll have a great time telling everyone! I've only had one internal and my 8 week scan was it. The ultrasound was better than her doing the regular annual with the speculum though. It was a little awkward to have my mom and my husband in the room while she did the whole thing though! (I wanted them there for the heartbeat and picture - or to console me if things were wrong, I wasn't expecting the full breast exam and pap smear! :haha:) Mine didn't even try external, it was internal from the start. But we heard the heartbeat and saw a blob so I was happy!
Hmmm. Well I know from my last pregnanct that they will try the external. Also they won't let hubby in right away. If I want they will bring him in after to show him the screan. They don't like it crowded and if something is wrong (i know this from my friend) they won't bring him in at all. So as I said I am praying!!
Yeah!! We saw the heart beat!! They don't give out photos yet though, and they dont tell me much. I have to wait till next time I see the dr for the date confirmation. Which is three weeks away. Its going to feel like forever
Yeah!! We saw the heart beat!! They don't give out photos yet though, and they dont tell me much. I have to wait till next time I see the dr for the date confirmation. Which is three weeks away. Its going to feel like forever

Thats great!!! I am so happy for you!! I hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Congrats IMPPEARL! That's crazy that they don't let your husband in! Anytime I've worried if I'd get bad news or not my husband has gone with me and not left my side. He's my rock and I wont do scary things without him!

SO EXCITED! My two friends at work e-mailed out the invite for my work baby shower, it's in 2 weeks! I'm so excited to have 2, hopefully we'll get the rest of what we need, and I've gone to so many others' showers it'll be cool for it to be mine! My cousin is throwing me my family one and it's on April 30th! Getting so close! Can't believe I'm getting so much closer to my due date! 3 weeks 2 days till my last day at work!!!
spunky- in the dreams I'm always this far along- like everyday- and I keep trying to explain it's not time yet- and everyone wants me to "get it over with" and lie down and I tell them she's not ready- I will know when she is. Then it fades to something else.

as for showers- I'm getting two as well- one from mom and one from MIL completely different people at each- because our families don't really get along. Sooooo.... That'll be interesting.
So..I need to have a hubby vent...we've had 3 little.."incidents" the past week and hes just getting on my last nerve...

1. was this weekend and we had that huge fight that started about religion and ended about me not having a the two tie in I have no idea lol..but he made it work...he knew I wasnt religious before I moved here..before we got married..and before we got preggie...and its like hes on the religious kick and thats fine..I have never told him "no I dont want you going to church" "no dont read your Bible in front of me" etc etc...he is an adult..its his decision...and I dont try to change him or anything...but he constantly says things to me...what do you believe..why dont you go to church...why dont you want to believe..and all this and Im like...I went to church...for over 18 years I went..and I never had that moment..where it all kind of went together like everyone else I ever heard about did...the..finding god moment....and he acts like I can force it to happen and like Im just being against it..which Im not...if it happens it happens..thats my take on it..and for me it just hasnt happened...but anyway...I just wish he could leave me alone about the religion stuff because I dont try to convert him to atheism..and if my parents were atheists or buddhists I wouldnt let them try to convert him like he lets his family try to do to me...:dohh:

2. he doesnt want to do anything baby related unless it suits him..and even then it takes forever to happen and even longer to be finished....he cant even spend 5 mins in babysrus without wanting to leave...its like...he tells me once you have the baby then let me know...we have 6 months..why do we have to do it now.. why..because 6 months is gonna go by fast....and god forbid something happen and it comes early....I would like to have more than just a carseat and a baby bath in the babys unfinished room...we dont have enough money this his number one excuse..but go to Home Depot to just pick up some screws for something and we spend atleast $100 on stuff that he just haassss to have... I feel like Im gonna be a single mom..he has no baby interest at all...doesnt want to look at baby stuff..doesnt want to make baby decisions...I feel like I might as well move home and just have the kid myself and let him see it every other weekend...thats how hes acting right he doesnt care at pelvic rest was a joke to him...any baby stuff I talk about annoys him... uggghh!!:growlmad:

3. the whole naughty outfit was a total waste of money...tried it last night..oh yeah..he loves it..he says he really does..its soo cute and all that...but then when it comes to BD time...I feel like hes cringing the whole time because hes afraid of the whole bloody scene replaying again..which I can understand but I mean are we gonna wait 7 more months to even think of doing it again...I was just soo excited about the whole outfit because its something hes been wanting for a while ...and I finally get up the nerve to do it..and its just been a waste...I should have just bought baby stuff...and he doesnt understand why Im frustrated..course hes gotten some...trouser kisses as I believe maybe it was cottleston said soo long ago lol lol..hes had that like..3 times since the ER trip...and Ive had nothing..but he doesnt see why Im "taking it so out of proportion" when he wouldnt do me last night..easy to say when you havent been deprived... I know what caused it to happen last time.. and last night we never even got close to doing I just told him to forget it and I changed into my PJs and cried in bed...:cry:
mrs j, sounds like you and hubs fight all the time. Even before you were pg you were having baby issues with him. I am sad because i worry he's not as onboard as he may have had you believe. i worry for you because i don't want you to be alone in this, and it seems like he wants to change you so much.

I've gone through the religion fights. One day i finally got right in his face, and told him- 'i'm not trying to change you- why can't you love me for who i am? marriage isn't about changing each other, it's about loving each other for all that they are, the good, the bad, everything.'

He never tried again. It fixed my issues. But then again, dh is very reasonable with things- so for me, we kind of talk things through now, and decide together. It took a while to get here but we are here. I hope that you and your dh can grow to be the same. Except each other for who you are.

He may never get excited over baby stuff. That just might not be his thing. Can you accept that? And can he accept that you are NOT going to get all religious just on his say so? Talk it over. Discuss with him. Calmly and rationally.
Dare, I'm totally with you on that.

DH and I had a problem with the whole TTC thing, and it intensified a bit right when we found out we needed fertility testing. I know that DH wants kids, that's not the issue at all. I see him with kids, how wonderful he is with them, and how much he loves them, and I know he just has a hard time dealing with the fact that we may NOT get there. When we go to friends' houses, he's the one sitting on the floor playing with the kids, he's the one playing airplane, drawing in coloring books, etc. We've had a couple long talks, and things are so much better.

We had the whole religion issue as well. DH is "born again", I'm a christened Catholic who's never practiced (Agnostic, I guess?). Unfortunately, it was a REAL issue with us - he would go to church with his ex, wouldn't invite me. That was a fight because I got mad he never asked. Then I would start going with him, and I'm sorry - but I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. Then when we were going to get married - he wanted to do it in a church, I wanted to elope (ha), and we could NOT find a pastor to marry us. The pastor of his church, who he had known his whole life, and whose son was our best man, REFUSED. Said that since we lived together (DH's parents died, it was a lot more cost-effective and easier to share an apartment), and I "hadn't found God", that we needed to live apart until I "found God" and we shouldn't get married until I did.
Needless to say, that resulted in a lot of tears on my end, and DH was so upset, he has not been back since.
He still reads his Bible, and does his daily devotionals, and I'm not bothered by it at all. If it makes him happy, and he doesn't try to push it at me, I'm fine with it.

Erica, I worry too that you and DH fight so much. It's going to get harder with a little one because you won't have as much time for each other. Try to talk to him, I'm with Dare on this.
We really dont fight so much...we have the longest periods of everything being ok and then its like something at work happens and it just brings out the worst in him and then as emotional as I am now over anything..that doesnt help...I told him during this last religious thing that he can do whatever he wants religious wise..and that my religious experience is just that..MINE..and him pushing it on me and letting his family push it on me is only going to have the opposite effect..I had the same thing happen to me with my family and that is the main reason I stopped going...

Baby wise....I think maybe it just hasnt settled in yet...and he is one of those immediate gratification people and so he doesnt feel the need to do anything just yet because in his mind we have forever to get ready...

the sex thing I know hes freaked out...and it just frustrates me that he wont listen to me about my body..I was telling him that I was ok but he just wouldnt listen..he said he wants to wait until I see the Dr again and they say its ok..he just doesnt realize how frustrating it is to be afraid of what your own body will do and to satisfy someone else and not get anything yourself....
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