The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Can't believe you're 32 weeks already Chelsea... Where has the time gone?!!
I gotta admire you doing your job. I couldn't take the call centre work by 36 weeks. Ended up being signed off early.

It's weird thinking about baby movements now. I cant work out if I miss them or not. Had to laugh when Toby got scared at his own hiccups yesterday... I tried to tell him he's had them dozens of times before but he didn't listen! :haha:

Hope you all enjoy the rest of the weekend! Keiths taken the first half of the night shift today so I'm gonna get some sleep while I can! Xx

Awww, hun, I am sure that you are loving every minute with Toby, he is such a cutie pie!!!!!!:flower: Being a new mommy is exhausting too since the baby isnt on a regular sleep schedule yet, so take advantage and get in rest when you can.

You need to update your status and tickers on here to hun...The ones that show your baby's age are very cute. :winkwink:

I work in a call center now too with my latest job, and I know what you mean about it being stressful, being on the phones and listening to people complain can take it's tole on you after a while... I have about 6 years of previous call center experience as well and have worked in all different kinds ranging from banking, to health insurance, HR and now the internet and cable trouble shooting stuff...:wacko: I didnt think I would end up back in one again after finishing up my BA degree and went back to school to try to change my work situation, but when we moved I had to take whatever job I could find, One good thing is that I only need to be in my position for 6 months before I can apply to something better and i saw openings in HR at another office of the company, so if i can work hard, and focus until 6 months goes by than hopefully I can move up into something that I will be happier doing....
Can't believe you're 32 weeks already Chelsea... Where has the time gone?!!
I gotta admire you doing your job. I couldn't take the call centre work by 36 weeks. Ended up being signed off early.

It's weird thinking about baby movements now. I cant work out if I miss them or not. Had to laugh when Toby got scared at his own hiccups yesterday... I tried to tell him he's had them dozens of times before but he didn't listen! :haha:

Hope you all enjoy the rest of the weekend! Keiths taken the first half of the night shift today so I'm gonna get some sleep while I can! Xx

How great to hear from you! How CUTE that he scared himself with hiccups. I wonder how consious of it they are inside of us. Cause after James hiccups for a few minutes he starts kicking like he's trying to get away from them! I plan on going out on 36w0d. But like I said, one phone call and I can leave that day and never go back (except to pack up my crap).

Glad you're going to get some sleep and are enjoying Toby!
Gosh I missed soo much! lol...will have to catch up in a bit...well today we had lazy time till about 12...and then we had a huge fight which started with religion of course..and turned into the whole me not working usual...and he really just doesnt understand...but then he finally let it go...(for now)...and we went to the dump...went to the library and then went to TGIFridays..I havent been there in like..2 years..well...since was amazing..I have been craving their Jack Daniels Chicken and mashed potatos with the jack daniels sauce...mmmm it was soo good..I only was able to eat half so I brought the other home and Im sure it will be a great later night snack for me and LO...then we went walking..then we stopped by Babies R Us but of course that was uneventful because hubby forgot his insulin so I was rushed and he acted like he didnt care at all..I hope he gets a bit more enthused as I get further along..def after we know the sex..because his whole...couldnt care less attitude is just annoying....and now we are home...and hes fixing the dishwasher hopefully for good...Baggins is freaking him self out with his fish squeaky toy...and I was having some more pink CM from all the walking so Im resting...also had to argue with hubby that pelvic rest was supposed to be one week or possibly more by the Dr and nurses...not whenever he decided that I didnt need it anymore...and that if I needed to sit and rest then I would sit and rest...and we didnt want me to be bleeding all over the house again...I wish you girls could hear Baggins growling everytime he makes the fish squeak lol..its like he has no idea that hes the one doing it lol...
Ok here is Mr Baggins and his fish lol...tooo funny...

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Gosh I missed soo much! lol...will have to catch up in a bit...well today we had lazy time till about 12...and then we had a huge fight which started with religion of course..and turned into the whole me not working usual...and he really just doesnt understand...but then he finally let it go...(for now)...and we went to the dump...went to the library and then went to TGIFridays..I havent been there in like..2 years..well...since was amazing..I have been craving their Jack Daniels Chicken and mashed potatos with the jack daniels sauce...mmmm it was soo good..I only was able to eat half so I brought the other home and Im sure it will be a great later night snack for me and LO...then we went walking..then we stopped by Babies R Us but of course that was uneventful because hubby forgot his insulin so I was rushed and he acted like he didnt care at all..I hope he gets a bit more enthused as I get further along..def after we know the sex..because his whole...couldnt care less attitude is just annoying....and now we are home...and hes fixing the dishwasher hopefully for good...Baggins is freaking him self out with his fish squeaky toy...and I was having some more pink CM from all the walking so Im resting...also had to argue with hubby that pelvic rest was supposed to be one week or possibly more by the Dr and nurses...not whenever he decided that I didnt need it anymore...and that if I needed to sit and rest then I would sit and rest...and we didnt want me to be bleeding all over the house again...I wish you girls could hear Baggins growling everytime he makes the fish squeak lol..its like he has no idea that hes the one doing it lol...

I'm sorry that you and your DH had an argument earlier....:hugs::hugs:

The rest of your day sounds like it was fun and your dinner sounded yummy!!! :winkwink: Make sure you dont over do it and take it easy since you started getting some pink CM after you went walking today......:hugs::hugs:

Your dog is so cute, and I can tell that he just loves his squeaky toy...:haha:
Is it wrong that I'm upset because DF didn't so anything for mothers day?
I'm so disappointed. It's my first ever mothers day and I didn't even get a card. It's made worse by everyone on Facebook asking what I got and wishing me happy mothers day, and all my new mum friends getting presents from their LOs/DHs...
I don't want him to feel guilty so I've resorted to crying to myself when he's not in the room but... I wish he knew how important it was :cry:
I would def drop a hint or something..Toby coming right before Mothers Day is super amazing!! you def deserve a Mothers Day/Push Present at the least!!
Awww Cottleston, sometimes we expect OHs to be mind readers and get upset when they don't read us as we're really not that hard to interpret are we?! He probably hasn't thought about it, i mean, he hasn't had to before so maybe it just slipped his mind. Definitely explain how much it would mean to you and take the discussion from there. I had to train my DF on valentines and mother's days!! Please don't cry, you are already the best thing this holiday could ask for which is a loving mum. So if it means anything at all...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, you are doing a fantastic job! xx :hugs:
Our Mothers Day here isnt till May Im wondering if my hubby is going to do anything for me since Im a Mother To Be lol...Im def gonna get him something for Fathers Day
I"m not going to worry about any of that stuff until the baby comes out. And even then- he's not MY dad, i'm not getting him anything big lol. And i don't really expect anything from him either. That kind of stuff just isn't a big deal to me. I get things for MY parents, and i wouldn't really expect from anyone but my kid. So probably nothing until much much further along- when kid is old enough to kind of think of things for her dad that we can wrap for him and it can be from her.

this is what my LO looks like starting tomorrow!!..yay...they count from fertilization not LMP so their 9weeks = my 11weeks....isnt it cute?!?!
Is it wrong that I'm upset because DF didn't so anything for mothers day?
I'm so disappointed. It's my first ever mothers day and I didn't even get a card. It's made worse by everyone on Facebook asking what I got and wishing me happy mothers day, and all my new mum friends getting presents from their LOs/DHs...
I don't want him to feel guilty so I've resorted to crying to myself when he's not in the room but... I wish he knew how important it was :cry:

:hugs: I would be upset, but I wouldn't want him to feel guilty either, so I would cry in another room too! (I did this while we were on our BabyMoon). :hugs: I would be so sad. I know it's not the same, but at least you have Mr. Toby :) Maybe let him know that things were very overwhelming for both of your right now, so for this year you should celebrate the US Mother's Day (I think someone said May 8th) so you don't miss your first one, but you guys will be much more with it? Not the same, but I would totally want it acknowledged too, and that would give him time to have "Toby" do something special for you. I totally expect my husband to do Mother's Day for me (once James is here) as I will do Father's Day for him. He really might have just been overwhelmed with everything else going on? :hugs: This way he doesn't have to feel guilty over not doing anything, he just has to plan for it coming up?
Update: Told husband about this and said "You know you have to get me a card from James on Mother's Day until he's old enough to do something for me himself, right?" He was completely shocked! He said I'm not his mom, and he figured only the kids celebrated their mom's. Glad we discussed this as I would have gotten the same treatment Katherine. I don't think it's unreasonable (though I think he and DaretoDream have a point) to want to be acknowledged until our LO's can. We work hard to bring a baby into this world (at least carrying him is quite a challenge, don't know about the rest quite yet!) and I want a friggen card on the one day a year that tells me I'm doing a good job. (And you better believe James will be getting his dad a card for Father's Day - even though he may not be a month old yet!)
yeah hey was thinking about this last night and hope my thoughts didn't upset anyone- was just speaking personally- i understand though completely if you DO want to be acknowledged.

I mean dh and i don't even do valentine's day. We just have a nice dinner, but don't do gifts. I'm just happy to spend it with him. So maybe, for fathers & mothers day we will do that. Just spend a big day together, happy family. :)
I wasn't offended DaretoDream! Lots of people do things differently. I've had to be very clear with my husband on my expectations. And I sound like a crazy sometimes. For Valentine's Day I need at least a card (don't need a present so much, but he usually sends flowers) from a CARD STORE. This sounds really specific and picky, but he used to stop by a gas station on the way home ON Valentine's Day and commented on how the card didn't necessarily say what he wanted, but since there were only 3 left this was the best one. :shock: That's kind of a half ass effort if you ask me. But I'm always good about acknowledging things for him too. After almost 8 years he puts up with my quirks because he really does want to make me happy.
I expect at least acknowledgment from hubby definitely..most of the time though I tell him to not get me stuff because really he treats me all the time...and I prefer for big things like anniversary that he just take me out so I dont have to cook..and that he spend time with me...I dont want any big presents just for me..I would rather it be spent on the house and stuff..same reason we didnt have a huge wedding and I dont have an expensive ring (its a fake stone from a Claires $10 ring...not even a real diamond lol) because I wanted it to be spent on something useful and I dont see the need in spending tons of money on just a piece of jewelry (keep in mind Im allergic to metal and have never been able to wear jewelry so I dont place much emphasis or value on it like a lot of women do because I know its not important)

but I def want acknowledgment on the one day set aside for moms...I can understand a new dad not thinking of it though...especially if the baby is only a few days old and its still hectic..but even late acknowledgment is good lol...but our little one will be 6+ months old on my first official Mothers Day so hubby will have nnoooo excuse lol...

Quick question for Spunky and Dare...when you had your 13 week scan..or scan around that time...did the Dr / US tech make a even a tiny guess at the gender? and if so were they right? Ive seen a lot of women on here say that their Dr guessed at 13 weeks and they were right..but of course they didnt really go based on that until it was proven at 16+ weeks... our tech is super nice so Im hoping if the baby is in a good position she'll make a little guesstimate for us at the scan
First signs of spring! Lady bug love!!


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Belly week 11!! little lime in there somewhere..

What are you going to do once you have the many people are you going to invite to the many people are you going to invite to your house..when are you going to start having friends?

This is prolly stressing me out the most actually because I feel like a huge deal is going to be made between my and MIL and hubby and I just dread it...

I call my mom when I go into labor and have her come to the hospital and just her and hubby be in the room with me...then my mom will prolly go home after because she has her own kids to take care of....and I DONT want his mom to come and end up staying here the first week or so to help me..I know I will be fine with the baby by myself...not like I have crazy expectations of how it will go smooth and perfect but I know I can handle it..

I want to wait atleast a week or so of us being home..and then invite my family (they are a 3 hours drive away) to come see us on a saturday or sunday...we dont have enough rooms and stuff for everyone to come and stay overnight and I want my own bonding time with baby...then the next weekend we will invite friends...and then the house will be closed to everyone!! spunky and dare what do you plan on doing? and cottleston how did you do it?


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The visiting thing has been a big issue for me.
Mum and DF were at the birth. I didn't plan to see anyone else for a couple of days but as soon as MIL heard, she and FIL were in the car to visit me in hospital... AND they picked up SIL on their way. To be honest though I was glad to have the company in the end as hubby gets bored easily so it was nice to have people to talk to.
The rest of the family have been told to wait until they're invited. I've had one person- my aunt, turn up uninvited. It was 9am and I'd JUST gone to bed after being up all night so hubby (who answered the door in his boxers with baby sick on him as Toby just fed) let her in to see Toby then ushered her straight back out without letting her disturb me.

Stick to your guns. If you don't want guests, don't have guests. Screw what anyone else thinks, they're not the ones who just gave birth and are adjusting to life as a mummy.

I'd say to have a plan in your head and make sure hubby is prepared to back you up/turn away unwanted visitors.. But be open to changes because sometimes a bit of company isn't so bad!
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