The One Year Strong Ladies!

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I wonder what happened with Spunky? When is she supposed to be coming back? I have another friend who might be joining us on here too...we are actually friends in real life and her hubby told her he wanted to have a baby with her so they were TTC first cycle this month...sooo sweet!! so I sent her the link and hopefully she'll be around too...

Ok, ok I'll post here! :winkwink: LOL... I so feel like the new kid on the block! I need to catch up on this thread. I'm still learning the lingo!
Hi Hi!!

Well the basics are
AF- Aunt Flow/Period
BD- Baby Dance/Sex
BFP-Big Fat Positive
BFN-Big Fat Negative
CM- Cervical Mucus
DH- Dear Hubby
O- Ovulation or Orgasm depending on context
Ov- Ovulation

Any if you need any others just ask...
I'm back, and starting from page like 15. I've been getting BFN, but I'm four days late with only some spotting.
Awww yay!! Spunky is back!!! yeah we kinda chatted a lot lol... do you have any symptoms or anything, and how was your trip?
Tiling is done!!!! Just grouting and sealing to go...yay!! Should have some pics up by Wednesday...
Tiling is done!!!! Just grouting and sealing to go...yay!! Should have some pics up by Wednesday...

I can't wait to see this infamous bathroom! I still have to come over and see your pretty countertops!
Thanks for all of the kind words and support guys!!!!

I washed away my sorrows with some much needed mojitos!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not going anywheres, and will still be around!!!! :flower:

Mrs. Jerome, i look forward to seeing this fancy bathroom of yours, it sounds very nice!!!:winkwink:

I am going to be doing nutrisystem again very soon, i just ordered it and was vowing to loose some weight if AF got me!! i did it before and lost over 10 pounds so I am back for another round!! I also need to find a new job in the area that we just moved to, and am still unpacking the house which seems to be a never ending job right now!!! Plus i am in college right now, i only have one more semester to go before I finish up my BA in HR so I got alot of other things to focus on and to keep me distracted from the whole TTC thing. I am actually thinking of taking a break, but i am not sure. It is very frustrating and upsetting going through this every month!! i never knew it would be so complicated, sigh..............:wacko:
Oh yeah do you have any idea what day yet? As early as tomorrow is fine with me...
Welcome to the thread menageriemom, and good luck to you!!! :flower: Baby Dust to you hun!! :dust:!!!
Yeah wannabe I am 16 credits away from getting my Biology Degree lol..Chemistry killed me so I just decided to take a break for a while..I plan on trying to get into the Oregon State online courses as they have tons and tons of amazing biology/zoology courses to choose from, I might not even try to get a degree persay but will be doing it just to fill in what I didnt get from the private college I went to, and for when I decide to actually start work....
Mrs Jerome, good luck with your classes. I am doing online classes to.:flower:
I think it will either be amazing or sucky lol... Menagerie (so hard to not just say your name lol..) you feeling any better?
Mrs Jerome, i like the online classes because of the flexibility of the schedule. It is alot of writing and it takes alot of self discipline to make sure you get your work done and turned in on time! So you will need good time management skills. Sometimes it is hard not to get distracted when you are at home doing your work! It works the best for me though because of having a difficult adult schedule!
CONGRATS alynn 6758!!!! So happy for you!! (and jealous of your BPF!)

NJAngelAPN sorry about your period! And that it was early!

MrsJerome- about your preggy tickers-I thought they were a little strange at first, but I think they’re sweet and hopeful.

I’ve SOOO been wanting to do the whole psychic thing, but haven’t broken down to pay one in a few years. I’ve seen 3 at fairs in the past 7 years, but not in a little over a year.

CONGRATS CottlestonPie!!!! That’s really cute about your DF telling you he needed to pee and then realizing what it meant!

“ you plan on breastfeeding and if so for how long?.....second.... how long do you plan on staying at home with the little one...and third... if/when do you plan on trying for a second baby?

I'll answer first
I definitely will be breastfeeding for as long as possible and also working in the bottle too so daddy can feed LO to bond and also for when we have a babysitter or I am not able to for some reason........I plan on being a complete stay at home mom for as long as possible I think I will raise my children, work on my degree and education and then do what I want once the kids are old enough to all be in school.....I plan on having my second child about 4-5 years after my first that way the older one will be in a pre-k program or kindergarten and make it a little less stressful on me....its always hard to have a newborn and then another child that is just old enough to be getting into trouble lol....”

I would like to breastfeed exclusively for as long as we like it (no more than a year). I want to stay at home until they’re in Pre-school (but we’ll see-I’m very social and think that I may not be stay at home mom material. We’re hoping to space babies about 2 years apart.

Anyone else have a sex drive change? I dont have one anymore Normally I never say no and I get soo excited over the weekend and now I think about it and Im like, eh, dont really care now lol..

At first I read this as a sex change drive and I was like WTF?!?!?!

Wannabeprego – congrats on the whole moving thing and getting things unpacked and exploring! I liked the last airbender but mom and husband weren’t as thrilled.

CottlestonPie - HUGS for the scary spotting!!

MrsJerome – Sorry about the sister situation….

Kitten91 / Tiffany– “i got some cheapies off amazon, they are 10MIU apparently then i have a clearblue plus if i get a positive on one of those.
what about you ?”
I got those and they’ve been coming up negative, but no period yet, so I don’t know if they suck, or it’s just not my month, even though I’m late. I’ve tried a digital too, but those supposedly need more hormones to tell, so I’m just annoyed!!

CottlestonPie! 263 is awesome!!! So happy for you!! You need to change your status once you’re comfortable with the idea from TTC to Newly Pregnant or something!!!

MrsJerome – I’m sorry yours are still BFN, mine are too, but I haven’t gotten my period, so I am getting my hopes up I guess. Weird that we ovulated the same time and are in the same confusing place!

Wannabeprego- sorry about AF!!!

Trip went GREAT!!!
Not really a lot of symptoms, just mostly my IBS doing it's thing. BUT I am 4 days late, and only have spotting when I go to the bathroom (only like 4 drops on a pantly liner this whole week). All BFNs, but I'm still hoping since no period yet.

So I was due for my period last wednesday- had light spotting, thursday nothing, friday light spotting, sat sunday light spotting. TMI Alert - the amount of spotting seems to be related to how much I uh...strain going to the bathroom (very little for no. 1, more for no. 2 but still only while I wipe--hardly any after the bathroom!).

I need opinions-I think I'm crazy!!
Grabbing some dinner, then I'll be back. Hope you guys have some ideas/thoughts by the time I get back!
I think it will either be amazing or sucky lol... Menagerie (so hard to not just say your name lol..) you feeling any better?

Seems like the cold symptoms are gone, and I'm feeling pretty good right now (full of spaghetti!) ... probably bedtime soon... Hubs is 3 people short so he probably won't be home til 2am :( Hope all is well on your side of the city!

wannabeprego - Thanks & same to you! :dust:
Spunky- Im sure straining has something to do with it lol because those muscles squeeze your uterus (which is why they tell you to push like your having a BM) and prolly your cervix too which might be why you have more then..otherwise Im with you on being confused and wondering what the hell my body is doing this cycle...

I have no spotting at all and just the same kind of CM as have been having for the past weeks, yesterday I had one huge thing of lotiony CM when I wiped once but otherwise its the same creamy white/yellow tinged and only a little bit when I wipe....nothing else really, no sensitive nipples really or boobs broke, down and had a regular coke today so a bit more tinkling but I think thats the main reason....Hubbys food smells icky and I smell something but I cant figure out what it is fingernails are soo thick for once in my life lol...and hmm....cant think of anything else..still no real sex drive..was wanting it this morning but nothing like I used to...hmm..kinda hungry now but I have no idea what I want...
Menagerie yeah its good here just bored and dreading being bored again tomorrow glad I did not have to go home this week but hoping Shelby is ok and hoping my mom is ok too...surprisingly my g-ma didnt call me and tell me about it (I think she doesnt know that I already know) lol...
I was thinking about my muscles and that's why there's spotting. I see late period as a good sign (hopefully pregnant) but why would tests still be negative? Arg!! Told hubby he has to go with me to buy more tests tonight because I went through the ones I got online and 2 digital. Started the ones I bought online WAY too early, but I wanted to be able to tell my mom I was expecting on her birthday, no luck. I'm 15dpo now. Usually I get period on 11 or 12dpo.
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