The One Year Strong Ladies!

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even if you Didn't BD Yesterday but you did the day before, Sperm Can Live inside a woman for upto 5 Days so it would still be a very high chance still BD today to be sure.

I can't give much help but only information i already know, as i am ntnp with conception hopefully one of the other ladies may be a bit more useful but keep you're chin up x
Dare - I took the 2 hour test (they don't do 3 where I am) and I failed it. They were awesome about the blood draw. Since they knew I would be getting it done so much they used a tiny butterfly needle and I didn't even feel it! There's a great support thread in Gestational Complications, the girls have taught me a lot. Plus a lot of people fail the 1st test, but pass the 2 or 3 hour, don't give up hope yet. The diet has helped me keep my weight gain down and stay healthy. I do hate having to test 4 times a day though!

Work went great! I'm off! And I don't believe it, but I have my family baby shower tomorrow, so after that it's just chillin at home and getting ready! I'm in denial, I still feel like I have grading to do. My ankles have swelled up in the last few days (I haven't had ANY swelling my whole pregnancy), so it'll be good to be able to sit at home and put my feet up! I'm hoping the 4 pounds I gained last week are all in my ankles, hahaha. Couldn't believe it when I stepped on the scale!

So glad work went well and you're finally done! 4 more weeks for me. put those feet up and relax!!!

As for the butterfly needles- to me they hurt even worse- i have a weird condition with my veins so that they are extra sensitive (lucky me) so while the needle is in- it hurts the WHOLE time. And the smaller the needle the worse the suction, so for me it's like the pain is increasing when they do it. :( AND when they are done, if they don't wrap it extra tight- i mean like with the wrap stuff, not the band aid like normal people, i get a hematoma- which is where the blood actually begins to pool outside the vein and creates a HUGE bubble on my arm that hurts so bad. When that happens i have to have an ice pack on it for hours after to get the swelling to go down. :( I'm a freaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak. And it has nothing to do with them either- it happens no matter who sticks me. So i just always make them aware so they don't feel bad, and so they can wrap it for me.

Dare - I hope they go easy on you at the 3hr test! Might be worth asking about the needles Chelsea mentioned. The problem I had is that my veins are deep down under the skin and nobody can find them first time ever.
Got my fingers crossed for you that the 3hr test comes back clear of GD. :)

Chelsea - congrats on hinkle being off work and have fun at your shower! :thumbup:
If you're not already, prop your feet up with pillows when you sleep. Elevating your legs will help slow down the swelling and stops it being quite so severe in the mornings. At least for a while.
I got pitting edema on my legs/ankles/feet in the last 3 weeks but I'm certain elevating my feet as soon as I noticed a bit of swelling stopped it from being quite as bad at the start.

Thanks hun- i will talk to them about it and what the best course for us is. I don't know how well i'd do mentally having the needle in my arm the whole time either. I think if i see it and notice it's there i'll pass out. :/

How are things going with Toby?

Hi all Im new to bnb and I just wanted some reassurance really. I've been using the cbfm and I just wondered whether we are bding enough?

We bd'd on cd11, cd13, cd15 and we plan to bd tonight which is cd17 and also cd19. I got a high on cd12 and I got my peak on cd16 so i assume I am ov today. Is it enough to have only done it every other day? Could I have missed it by not bding yesterday when I got the peak?

Thanks, Emma.

:wave: hi emma! You should bd on your peak day- and at least the two days following it. Doing it every other day before def can help, but doing it on the peak days are the best if you can do it. :)
even if you Didn't BD Yesterday but you did the day before, Sperm Can Live inside a woman for upto 5 Days so it would still be a very high chance still BD today to be sure.

I can't give much help but only information i already know, as i am ntnp with conception hopefully one of the other ladies may be a bit more useful but keep you're chin up x

Thank you, hopefully it is enough!

Good luck to you.

Emma x
Thanks well Its still showing peak on my cbfm so we will bd tonight and hopefully it will be enough!

Emma x
mummy- it shows the surge is coming, so if you can, do it tonight and the two nights following :)
Emma, the CBFM measures your two peak days on the day you ovulate. You have better chances if you BD the high days as the sperm are there waiting for the egg. If you BD on the peak days, your window is very small (only 5%) and you may miss with the timing. The two days BEFORE ovulation have the highest chance of conception.

AFM, I got a call from my MD today that my second thyroid test came back that I am hypothyroid. So, he's putting me on meds for that - stupid pharmacy doesn't have the Rx in until Monday. Meanwhile, I'm just waiting for AF to show.

What does everyone have planned for the weekend? I'm starting another birth announcement cross stitch - baby due 7.16. I just finished one for Mom for Mother's Day. Tomorrow we're doing our Easter celebration as I'm off of work, and the family is home - I worked last weekend because my boss is Greek Orthodox, so he had off. Tonight I'm making sangria to sit overnight (yum) and a veggie platter...Mom took care of everything else.

Katherine, can't wait to see pictures of the tattoo!

Chelsea, I can't believe we have less than a month left! Three girlfriends of mine had their babies last week, and all three of them were 3 or 4 weeks early, but ALL girls. Maybe it's a girl thing.
Emma... Welcome! BD every other day during your window should be fine... In fact some people recommend that over BD every day. Something to do with the sperm not being top notch if you do it too often! Person I dont think it can hurt if you bd every day but it's certainly not necessary. During the cycle when DF and I conceived, we pretty much only had sex every other day during my fertile window.

Ladies, when you have you LOs... Don't feel pressured into doing anything you don't want to. I've been tired and stressed and showing signs of baby blues (really think it's just sleep deprivation) so DF talked me into letting toby stay with MIL last night.
I cried before I even left her house. Then again as we were leaving. And 3 times on the hour drive home. And on and off until I fell asleep looking at pics of him. I wasnt ready. I instinctively woke up at 3 and 6 to feed him even though he wasnt there.
It's 8:20am now and I just want him home for cuddles :(
Emma... Welcome! BD every other day during hour window should be fine... In fact some people recommend that over BD every day. Something to do with the sperm not being top notch if you do it too often! Person I do t think it can hurt if you bd every day but it's certainly not necessary. During the cycle when DF and I conceived, we pretty much only had sex every other day during my fertile window.

Ladies, when you have you LOs... Don't feel pressured into doing anything you don't want to. I've been tired and stressed and showing signs of baby blues (really think it's just sleep deprivation) so DF talked me into letting toby stay with MIL last night.
I cried before I even left her house. Then again as we were leaving. And 3 times on the hour drive home. And on and off until I fell asleep looking at pics of him. I wasnt ready. I instinctively woke up at 3 and 6 to feed him even though he wasnt there.
It's 8:20am now and I just want him home for cuddles :(

:hugs: I'm sorry! How devestating to be separated before you were ready! I hope your reunion with him will be soon and wonderful! :hugs:
Emma... Welcome! BD every other day during your window should be fine... In fact some people recommend that over BD every day. Something to do with the sperm not being top notch if you do it too often! Person I dont think it can hurt if you bd every day but it's certainly not necessary. During the cycle when DF and I conceived, we pretty much only had sex every other day during my fertile window.

Ladies, when you have you LOs... Don't feel pressured into doing anything you don't want to. I've been tired and stressed and showing signs of baby blues (really think it's just sleep deprivation) so DF talked me into letting toby stay with MIL last night.
I cried before I even left her house. Then again as we were leaving. And 3 times on the hour drive home. And on and off until I fell asleep looking at pics of him. I wasnt ready. I instinctively woke up at 3 and 6 to feed him even though he wasnt there.
It's 8:20am now and I just want him home for cuddles :(

I am so sorry that you had to go through that!! I can't imagine being separated that early! i know your df was trying to do something good for you so i understand but i understand completely your side too! but at least you know now also that you're not ready for it. Even if you have baby blues- because well yeah it's hard! - doesn't mean you don't want the baby around! Just means you are a zombie right now- which is where we are supposed to be anyway. :hugs: to you love, and hope he is home soon.
HI everyone!!

Kitten its sounding good! Fingers crossed for you!

AFM my appt yesterday was fine just not much to tell... Basically she just went over all my blood results and everything is good! Only one thing wich isn't too much of a concern, I'm not immunised against rebella anymore. Which basically means stay away from any hear of cases cus that means a deformed or lost baby for sure. Good news is it is very very rare! Its weird though because a year ago I was still protected against it?? She didn't even try to hear baby yet as its still kinda early and I guess she doesn't want to freak me out if she cant find a HB. So next appt she will. Anyway, also booked my 18 week scan and next two appts (May 13th with my Dr, and 31st I am transfered to the specialist). So at least I have something to look forward to

I wasn't immune to rubella anymore either. But we found out right before we started trying, so I got my booster then. I agree though, I never hear about anyone getting rubella. No one tried to listen to baby until later for me either, don't want to me freak out :) Did I miss something? Why are you seeing a specialist, hope all is ok!

I would have got then booster before also had we have known. The problem is the last time I was tested I was still immune...?! Oh well Im not too concerened. Even my Dr said is not a big issue. Rebella is sooo uncommon now. Anyway as for the specialist thats just how they do things here, my dr only does the first few appts untill I can get my refurral and get my appt with the specilist. The specialists only do pre natal care and delivery. After the baby arrives I'll go back to my Dr.

Wanna - the opk is definatly darker now, but as someone else said if it was past the time line I wouldn't count it. Hopfully you get some answers soon!
i had a bit of the baby blues after each of my pregnancies. a lot to do with sleep deprivation, a lot to do with knowing things need to be done and not being able to do it, i dont know about you, but i always felt like "women have babies everyday that doesnt mean they cant do laundry, or sweep and mop, or still fix dinner" so i was so so so hard on myself to be this super women that never slept, always cooked and cleaned and showered and did my best to be ready for company at all times.....with my 3rd i said FORGET IT!!! when days came that i was moody or bluesy, or crying, i would stay in my jammies and climb into my bed with my baby and NOT MOVE. snuggle and sleep aaalllll the whole day until you feel better... thats natures instinct. your baby is only 5 weeks old! enjoy HIM =)
:hugs: Thanks hun... its sometimes hard to remember that other mums go through the same thing. I sometimes feel like the worst mother in the world because I find it so hard to do everything all at once... so although I'm not glad other people feel bad, it's good to know I'm not alone.

When DF goes back to work, I'll definitely be sleeping whenever he settles between feeds.And going to bed earlier... like right after dinner! That way DF gets baby-daddy time and I get a couple of hours to sleep uninterrupted.

Little man will be home from the in-laws in about 5 minutes. CANT WAIT for cuddles :D :D
Omg, they just pulled into the driveway. YAAAAAAAAAY!!!! :happydance:
Hun Toby Looks Beautiful!!

Me and OH Had An Argument Yesterday Over Nothing It Really Upset Me :( buying A FRER Hopefully Tomorrow I Just Want To Know What Is Going On Because I Feel like Shit Right Now It Is Soo Unusual....

Hope Everything Is Picking Up For You Ladies.... =) x
Well girls, I just got good news, I start an administrative temp job tomorrow morning, this is the one that i interviewed for on friday, :happydance: so i am happy about that, and to have some $$ coming in, even if it is only for a couple of months, but the commute is going to be a least this will hold me over until i can find something more long term, meanwhile I will just keep applying and looking for a long term job..... there is a small chance that this temp job could go longer if they get more work in or if a position opens up and I am doing a good job than maybe this temp job could turn into something more, so there is always hope, but of course the lady that interviewed me told me they cant gurantee anything...

My OPK's finally went for sure negative, it was weird for a while though with them, they looked really dark from like CD 2 all the way up to CD7, so i have no idea what the heck that was all about, i normaly dont OV until CD 13 or 14on average.

@Cottlestone, I really like the new picture of Tody, he is so adorable, and perfect, he looks like a little sleeping baby doll in the picture...:baby::winkwink:

@Kitten, good luck and baby dust to you hun....:dust: :dust:
Whoooop!! Congratulations hun! So glad you managed to find something so quickly... it'll definitely take the pressure off while you look for something a bit more long term...... congrats! :happydance: xx

I have entered another photography phase. I'm a bit rubbish but it's all good fun! Obviously at the moment I only have one subject of all my photos lol

I like this one...

oh... and I got his tattoo!!
Katherine - GREAT picture! What a cutie! And I love the tattoo! The only one I have is an ankh/guardian angel on my back I got for my grams when she died. She would have been 92 on our anniversary last week.
Wannabe - congrats on the job, even if it is temp! It's something. DH is hating his job right now, and it's temp (only for a year), and he's having a hard time finding anyone else hiring.
I'm feeling particularly shitty today - nauseous all day, hot flashes, constant belly pain (like sick stomach). I'm 12dpo, but with everything the MD told us, and the fact that we had only one day in our window, I highly HIGHLY doubt this is PG symptoms. Not taking a test, going to wait it out. Could also be PMS - I usually get upset stomach the day before/day of, but nothing to this extreme. Miserable all day. :sick: Figured it could also be the prenatals I take - this is my second day of a new one (I switched from tablets to gelcaps, and this one has extra DHA). Bought the "different" one by mistake. I'm putting money on the vitamins, though...
Just waiting for AF to start so we can start the first IUI cycle.

Oh, and klutzy me - I took a tumble at work on Friday - had a cup of coffee in my right hand, and my foot just hit the floor wrong - took all the weight on my left knee and left hand. Bruised the hell out of my knee, and today can barely walk on it. Four days later!! Ugh.
Tiffany - Hoping for a positive test soon!

Wannabe - congrats on the temp job!! Must relieve some stress!!

Katherine - Loving the pics of Toby and your tattoo!! I'm not brave enough for tattoos! Toby looks like an angel sleeping! Starting to get excited about meeting my boy soon!

Lindsay - 12dpo is exciting! Fingers crossed. I know I already counted myself one of my months ttc cause we had mostly missed my window. Was bummed. Looking forward to the IUI cycle! Hope you recover from your tumble!
How is everyone? Second day of maternity leave and am trying to force myself to get some things done!! Half way through thank you notes, need to finish organizing the hall closet. Haven't packed a hospital bag. We're taking a tour of the hospital on Saturday... Haven't washed baby's clothes. Need to finish shopping (don't have a changing pad, and supplies for me afterwards, etc). Crazy. I should make a list! Starting to get overwhelmed!
I made a list then got annoyed at how little I'd done and it made me panic more... Total opposite of what it was supposed to do! Hospital bag lists for me, DF and Toby were a godsend though. I know i would've forgotten stuff if I hadn't made a list for those.

My lil man's gone into a sort of food coma halfway through his midnight feed... It's like he's high and just too chilled out to suck anymore lol
This is good because he'll go to sleep relatively easily but bad because he won't burp like this so he'll wake me up hungry and with a sore tummy in 20 mins if I even get to sleep.
food coma does sound cute, but hungry and upset tummy doesn't :(

Have you been able to get some more sleep? Are you going to return to work?
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