The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Wannabe, glad to see you're back. That sucks about the temp job. DH got laid off last year, was rehired to the same job in January, but only for a year. So...if we were to get PG this month or next, that takes us into January and February, which could potentially be bad timing. Ugh.
Still no signs of :witch:. Tested :bfn: today. Looked through FertilityFriend at some charts, and some people who had :bfn: at days 15-17, had :bfp: up to a week later. I think I'll try again Sunday with a different test, and if still no :af: Monday, will call the gyn. I think it's the fact that I feel fine that worries me most - why is my body NOT kicking in? Grr.
All righty, :witch: finally showed this morning. Took her sweet time! Had no symptoms at all until this afternoon when the cramps kicked in. I guess all the griping about my lazy, confused uterus helped :rofl:
Sooo....called the MD (thank goodness the RE has hours on Saturday), so I'm scheduled for bloodwork and ultrasound on Tuesday (they count the first FULL day of your cycle as CD1, not the day it starts). Clomid Rx gets called in that morning, I start it that night from CD3-7. On CD12, the following Thursday or Friday, I go in for my repeat ultrasound, and we set an IUI date from there. So, roughly two weeks. I am *so* excited! :happydance: Having these little goals makes the time go by so much faster.
wanna- I'm so sorry about the temp job but I'm glad you are at least going to talk about a longer job with the person who contacted you on wed. That's positive at least right??

nj- so sorry abot the witch hun- hoping she doesn't stay long :(
@NJ, sorry that the :witch: got you.. Good luck to you for this cycle, I hope you get your BFP!!! :dust: :dust:

Me and DH have been having a relaxing weekend so far, Lastnight we sat out on the patio and burned a wood fire on our new fire pit that we bought, it was a perfect night for it, not to cool, and not to hot...

DH had a recruiter contact him this morning about doing an overseas 2 year contract for a really good job in the career field that he is interested in working in.... The only thing is that the job he has now is very good and at home, with good benefits and a good retirement plan. DH used to do contracting on and off for over 6 years before and i got so tired of him always being away overseas that I was so happy when he finally got a good job in the states and could come home for good. The only reason why the overseas job is tempting at this point is because it pays so much money and is tax free, it would allow us to pay off all of our debt and save up a really nice nest egg. Financially things havent been going as planned for me, and i have been struggling finding a good job and have decided to put off the whole TTC thing until our finances improve, him going back overseas is a quick fix for our tight finances, but i dont know if we should risk him leaving his job he has now and if i can handle being alone with him overseas anymore. If he left again i would move back to the state i am originally from to be close to my family and friends that i grew up with so i could have sime kind of a support system. Where we live now since we just moved here i dont really know anyone and dont have any friends really, i am always with DH, and the only reason why we moved here was because of DH's current job...i dont know what we should do, me and DH have been debating about it all day today......:wacko::wacko: I will keep you girls posted about it if we decide anything definate....:shrug:
Lindsay! Congrats on the Witch finally showing so you can start your Clomid! Fingers crossed for this new cycle!

Wannabe - Sounds like a tough decision. My husband was military for 8 years and it was hard on me/us with him being gone all the time, but the benefits were so good (even though he hated his job) it was a big change for him to get out, but we wanted kids, and I couldn't do it alone. Hopefully you guys can make a choice that works best for you. I don't envy the decision! There are major benefits either way.
Thanks Spunky....I am glad to know that you understand and can relate to my situation....Yeah, when I first met my DH he was in the army and had to do 6 months in Kosovo, so him being away overseas seems to be the theme of our almost 10 year relationship ever since....

Another positive about him going overseas to do the contracting again is that we could put ourselves into a financial situation that would allow me to be able to stay at home with a baby,and be able to afford fertility treatments if we need them due to DH's low :spermy: count after his vasectomy reversal, I prefer to stay at home with baby, But right now we are between a rock and a hard place with juggling being able to afford day care and me having to work along with DH, I just dont see how we can do it all....:wacko: I have been thinking of putting it off for about 3 to 4 more years with our current financial situation the way it is and hoping that things would improve for us slowly over the years...the overseas contracting thing is a quick fix, but of course there is a price to pay, and it is having to spend so much time apart....:shrug:
Plus this contract would be in Afghanistan which is not exactly the safest place for DH to be....that by itself is risky....His other overseas contracts were in Iraq before and there were several scary moments but because he was on a military base most of the time, it wasnt that bad, plus his location also was a factor, some parts of the country were worse than others....
Happy Mothers Day to all of the mom's and soon to be moms on the thread!!! I hope that all of you lovely ladies had a wonderful day!!! :flower:
Happy mother's day, ladies!!

wanna - I hope everything works out for you and DH. The option of being able to do fertility treatments if needed would be great, but I can understand the whole overseas bit. DH has a hard time with his job too - he wants to apply for NJ state police or park police, but the problem is, they can transfer you anywhere, anytime. Neither of us wants that - him more so than I, he has lived in this town his entire life, he's not used to moving. I moved from Southern California to Philly in 1997, and then in 1999 moved to NJ, then three times within NJ. So I'm not bugged by it as much - although with my job, I think my boss would KILL me if I left. He's already having a heart attack thinking about what is going to happen when I get pregnant.

Chelsea - that's exactly why I was waiting for the :witch: to show - I knew it meant that much closer!
Wannabe - well, if you were going to put off ttc for 3-4 years due to finances, then this job would actually make it closer at only 2 years... I would be nervous for him to be overseas in that area too! It's not like it's somewhere "safer." My husband has been out of the Navy for 2 years now, and I can't imagine him being gone all the time again. I worried so much with him gone, and missed him, and we have dogs now, it would be difficult to do it all alone again (even though I live close to family again). There's really a lot of pros and cons to him going or staying! Would he be gone the whole 2 years or would there be times he would come home? Would you be able to (if you wanted) to visit him? Let us know what you two decide! I don't know what choice I would make at this point in our marriage.

Lindsay :thumbup: Good Luck for Tuesday! So excited to get things going!

Happy Mother's Day to the moms!!
My ex-fiance was in the Navy (Naval Academy brat too - oy!) and part of why we broke up was the fact that I was NOT into the idea of moving everywhere. I mean, we got engaged when I started college, and he wanted me to quit and move to Pensacola with him (I was 18 at the time). Was definitely not something I wanted to do at that point in my life. Two of my close friends are in the Navy - one lives in Japan, has for the last two years - the other is stationed on an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf. Neither place is particularly safe when you think about it. I don't think we'd feel like they were "safe" unless they were in our houses, plopped on their ass on the couch. :lol: DH is a police officer, inner city, and I *hate* it. His partner got shot last year; just so happened it was a day that DH was scheduled for a class, not his usual shift. Scared the crap out of me, and him. Which I think is also why he is nervous about the IUI too - he's afraid something will happen to him, and I'd be left alone with a baby.

My oldest friend from elementary school (we've been friends for 25 years), just emailed me a picture at her 6th birthday party. So funny. I have such a Dorothy Hamill haircut, I hated it!
Wannabe - well, if you were going to put off ttc for 3-4 years due to finances, then this job would actually make it closer at only 2 years... I would be nervous for him to be overseas in that area too! It's not like it's somewhere "safer." My husband has been out of the Navy for 2 years now, and I can't imagine him being gone all the time again. I worried so much with him gone, and missed him, and we have dogs now, it would be difficult to do it all alone again (even though I live close to family again). There's really a lot of pros and cons to him going or staying! Would he be gone the whole 2 years or would there be times he would come home? Would you be able to (if you wanted) to visit him? Let us know what you two decide! I don't know what choice I would make at this point in our marriage.

Lindsay :thumbup: Good Luck for Tuesday! So excited to get things going!

Happy Mother's Day to the moms!!

We are still debating about what to do today...the job offer isnt definate until he gets a written job offer of course and I am not sure if they will want to do a phone interview with him or not, we only have a week to decide and by next week he would be off to training already, so they will have to let him know quickly what they want to do, He sent the recruiter an updated resume yesterday and is waiting for her to get back to him now...

DH would do 6 months and than come home every 2 weeks. No, i couldnt go see him in Afghanistan unfortunatly. :nope:

Since i am off this week from my temp job I am going to be applying to jobs all week and trying to get some things done that I have been putting off, hopefully this coming monday they will have more work in and I will have a temp job to go back to for a few more weeks to give me some more time to find a good job....:wacko:
Feeling huge, and my 4 photo now looks like a deflated belly.
Getting cramps daily now, but no belly hardening. 2nd week on maternity leave and haven't figured out what I want to do with all of my time!

Here I am: 4w, 20w, 26w, 31w, 37w:


Ugh. And one more complication for me: I tested positive for Group B Strep. It means that I will have to have IV antibiotics every 4 hours from water breaking or active labor which ever comes first. Not a huge deal, but just disappointing as I was excited my hospital doesn't do routine IVs. I can still labor in the jacuzzi tub, and as long as I get 2 doses of antibiotics they said James should be fine. I cried at the doctor's office then they told me because it's like, really? Can't one part of this not be difficult? I'm just hoping this means I'm going to have a kick ass easy labor/easy baby! This pregnancy hasn't been terrible but so many things happened that has made us worry it's just overwhelming. I'm sharing all this in case you ladies run into it in the future :thumbup: I'm not as depressed about it as I was on Friday when I found out.
WOW, Chelsea I'm so jealous... where are your stretchmarks?!! lol You're looking really good!

Sorry to hear about GBS :hugs: I hope it doesnt interfere too much with the labour that you're hoping for.

During my pregnancy because I had the bleeding in first/early 2nd tri, and started developing SPD, had the back to back issues, then the breech and ecv episode... I always said I had the bad stuff out of the way to set me up for a quick and easy labour. It worked!!! So fingers crossed it goes the same way for you xx
I love the belly progression, Chelsea. So cute that you're wearing the same thing. I can understand sharing it here - I have one friend that EVERY week posted a picture of her belly on Facebook. IMHO, that's just a little too personal for me. I'm not confident enough in my body to post pictures like that for the world to see. It cracks me up, because I have friends that are the other extreme, and don't even share any baby news or pictures (ultrasound, etc) until after the fact.
Personally, my two best friends and my boss will be the first to know - after DH, of course. :) There's a couple girls at work who have gone through IVF/IUI/etc who have been very supportive, so them as well. Unfortunately, I think news will get out much earlier than I would like at work, just because it has a great determination on which patients I see. No chicken pox, shingles, TB, meningitis, and so on, and so forth. Infectious disease is a CRAPPY field to try to work in when you're a young woman of childbearing age, LOL.
Mom is still on the "you'd better not be trying to get pregnant until you lose weight, you're too unhealthy" kick. Ugh. So tired of hearing it. I would very much love to be one of those basketball girls (you know, the ones who are just sticks who look like they have a basketball under their shirt, and then baby comes - basketball gone!), but it would take me the better part of a year or two to get there. I'm hoping the thyroid meds help, and neither my gyn nor my RE have a problem with my weight. I just have to be careful how much I gain during my pregnancy.
Chelsea and Katherine - how much did you guys gain (if you don't mind my asking)? Any tips on how to keep the weight down? I need to start working on my diet now, I eat such crap.

Sorry, just venting. Work is slow, I'm getting home early, but I have zero energy to do anything. I should be going to the gym or something. If I had the energy, I'd go. If I'd go, I'd have the energy. Vicious cycle.
I was hoping to lose 25lbs before I got pregnant, I lost like 7 I think. Well, I lost like 17 and then gained 10 back, ugh. I'm 5'2" (now they say 5'3" which I'm going to claim because it gets me into a different weight bracket! Ha!) and started out 157lbs (BMI 29). They told me that's overweight, almost obese. So instead of being told to gain 25-35lbs, or even 15-25 lbs (overweight), they told me to be closer to 15lbs (obese). As of today I think I weighed 173 (16lb weight gain). I'll probably be close to 20lbs at the end. So I should lose my "baby weight" fairly quickly (since he's already like 7.5lbs), but I should be down to like 135 at some point (though right now I'd be happy with 140). So really I should lose like 40lbs after baby. Ugh. Seems like such a large number! Impossible to me! If I couldn't lose it before baby, how could I lose it afterwards? I'm hoping I'll be able to breastfeed as they say that's very helpful...

Since I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes I had to follow a fairly strict diet that has helped. Maybe you could try that? It helps keep blood sugar regulated... You eat 6 times a day and limit carbs to Breakfast: 15-30g, Lunch: 30-45g, Dinner: 30-45g, a snack inbetween each meal and before bed of 15-30g of carbs... Lots of protein, my snack will usually be like a yogurt and cheese stick or something else. Though some of my snacks recently have been like a candy bar (still within the carb allowance). I swear this diet is the only reason I have been able to keep my weight down during pregnancy and it's pretty filling if you do it right (but like I said, sometimes a candy bar is just needed!)

Sorry your mother is still on your case. No one told me I had to lose weight before pregnancy, but I have been given a bad time at the doctor's office a few times... :(
sorry for the brief post... trying to settle toby so i can maybe sleep... df has ditched staying up til midnight and left me to go it alone again :dohh:

still... im a big girl... even more so now!
i put on about 4 stone!!! lost 2 stone within a week of giving birth but now battling to shed the other 28lbs before i start my "proper" diet.

so, er, obviously im not one to give out tips on weight lol
You lost 2 stones within a WEEK of giving birth?!?! I would kill for that! Not my child, but someone else possibly for 28lb weight loss! Congrats Katherine!

:hugs: about your oh giving up on the midnight shift!
Most of it was fluid to be fair... I swear I probably lost at least half of it just when my water broke :haha: and the rest from my swollen face/legs/feet over the following fortnight.

I can't sleep... My eyes are so tired but I'm stupid and had a bunch if caffeine-filled sugary things while I was feeding the little man. Oops! That, and the car showroom opposite is taking delivery and not being quiet about it. Their deliveries are always around midnight... Seems weird to me. Maybe they're drugs traffickers! Or smuggling immigrants! ..... Or just delivering car supplies.

Oh... I finally got a photo of me and the toblerone that I actually don't hate!


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