The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Yeah DF took over from 8:30 til midnight, so I got a bit of a rest! It's my turn to have an upset tummy now though so won't be sleeping much tonight!

I am planning on going back to work but hopefully part time. We need the money! Fingers crossed work will offer me good hours.
I'm still hoping I'll be able to stay off work until march next year though.... Although January - March will be entirely unpaid so I'm not sure if it's a possibility yet. Hope so!

How about you? Will you be going back? Do you get much time for maternity leave?
I'm sorry you're not feeling well now! So nice that DH is helping out and letting you at least rest even if you can't sleep!

UK you get so much more time off! I think I would get 6 weeks of paid disability and that's it. I saved my sick days and had between 5-6 weeks, so I went out 4 weeks before my due date and will only be on reduced pay for a little over a day. THEN I'm a teacher, and the way I have my pay set up I get the summer off at full pay. So I will be fully paid until the end of July, and then nothing. I took a year leave of absence where we'll only have my husband's paycheck. Nervous about that, but we set aside 6 months of my pay in the bank in preparation, so we should be ok. Then after that I'm not sure. Ideally we'll be thinking about a second child. I don't want to go back to teaching. I have my BA in Math and my Masters in Education, and figure I can find a job not being a teacher somewhere with my math background and want to have normal days/hours. Summers off are nice, but during the school year I'm useless: I spend hours at home grading and planning and don't want to take that much time away from my family anymore (my husband can amuse himself, but a baby?)
I'm 14dpo, and no signs of :witch:. I refuse to test until Friday, because considering my MD basically told me there was no way we were getting pregnant without help (haha), and starting new meds, all the testing last cycle, etc...I'm figuring my body is just screwed up. No cramping, no spotting, nothing. Very bizarre. But like I said - NO TESTING TILL FRIDAY. Then I'll be 16dpo. Just waiting...and waiting...

Chelsea, I can understand what you mean about the hours with school. Since my boss knows I'm TTC and all the stuff DH and I are going through, it's actually motivated him to start looking for another partner. Right now I work EVERY DAY (every other Sunday off), basically from 7 till 4 or 5. Rarely, we're done by 3, more often it's about 6. DH works Friday through Tuesday, 12n-8p. So, I'll have to work something out with the boss. No way can I keep up these hours. My mom is nagging me to get my doctorate so I can teach (in nursing, to teach at university level, they prefer a doctorate), but I have ZERO desire to teach. None. I hate it. I have precepting, I hate having students follow me during the's just not something I'm wired to do.
Lindsay - You are so strong to wait until Friday!
My mom thinks I should teach at a Junior College Level, what she doesn't understand is I DON'T WANT TO TEACH ANYMORE PERIOD. I'm glad your boss is looking for more help, because you must be superwoman to be working those hours right now! I couldn't do that not pregnant and now that I am I just get worn out a lot easier!
Ladies... I Am Of To Buy A FRER Tomorrow.... Hopefully Going To Take It Too.... Nervous...
Good Luck Tiffany! I've been holding my breath waiting for you! You were supposed to buy it a couple days ago :growlmad: Fingers Crossed!!
Good luck, Tiffany! I have some cheapies from the grocery store stashed in my bathroom cupboard. :) Starting to get some crampy feelings now, so I think AF will be here in next day or so...which is still later than usual - I'm usually only 12-13 dpo. I think my poor body just has NO idea what is going on, LOL.
Chelsea, it's funny you mention JC - I have a standing invitation to teach at the JC I got my associate's at - I still see my nursing professor from 10, 11 years ago, and she reminds me constantly. It's still a big NO. Plus, I have a HUGE fear of speaking in public. It's horrible.
I taught 5 years and still hate getting up in front of people! My husband has to talk me out of almost panic attacks about getting up in front of the class every time we have a week break or more. I get used to it over time, but breaks make me worry again! Hate public speaking!

Maybe the meds you're taking are helping your leutal phase defect?
HI ladies hope you all have been well!!! Just got my results back yesterday from the 3hr gtt- and everything was normal :)
Congrats Dare, thats great news!
Tiffany, good luck!

Ugh teaching sounds like SUCH a hard job. People tend to forget about all the hours put in after hours with marking and prep. I couldn't do it, especially with a bub.

Chelsea when are you hoping for a second LO? DF and i are debating it at the mo.
Confession... We DTD 2 nights ago. Its been so long since we had to worry about it that we completely forgot about protection. He's so desperate for another baby that he tried to talk me out of getting the morning after pill and still doesn't want me to go on the mini pill.
I, on the other hand, have decided that yeah I want 2 and I like the idea of a close age gap... But i want to give my body a break! I am still 2 stone heavier than my pre-preg weight. I want to lose at least that weight if not more then get married and THEN try for number 2.

The plus side to us having a difference in priority is that now Ive told him I want to be married first, he's finally looking at venues and colour schemes and things with me... Hurrah!
How scary about the non protection thing! Between TTC and pregnancy, it will have been a year since we've had to worry about protection by the time we have to worry about it again!

So far the plan is to ttc when James is about 1. I want to heal, lose some weight, etc. We want kids close, but not THAT close. My brother and I were 15 months apart. We figure about 2 years is close, but having a school year inbetween them.

Awesome that he's starting to look at marriage things now! I think it's a little weird that he's so ready for #2 now. Maybe he hasn't had to stay up enough late nights with feedings? :haha: I can't imagine not letting my body having a break after 9 months of a roller coaster of body changes. That's great that at least you both agree on wanting more kids. My counsin had her first Jan 2010, wanting more kids, and now they're not sure they want more than one.
Chelsea, thanks for the positive thoughts, but unfortunately, I haven't started ANY of the meds yet. It's only my third day taking the thyroid medication, so that's not it. The other meds don't start until my cycle does, which is why I'm getting impatient that AF hasn't shown. Want to get the ball rolling!

Still no signs of AF, 15dpo. No cramping. Nothing. Boobs not any fuller or even like PMS. Cervix feels high and firm, can't tell if it's open or closed. This happened right before we started trying; my parathyroid shut down because of the birth control meds, and I stopped having my period. Not sure why this would be happening now. I'm not sure what to do...if nothing by Monday, and negative HPT, do I call my gyn, or the specialist? I'm thinking specialist. He can do the bloodwork and ultrasound right in his office. This is exasperating. I don't know how Tiffany goes 50+ days!

Speaking of, Tiff - how did the the FRER come out?

Dare - congrats on the GTT. Glad that it was normal for you. :) Must be a relief!
i got pregnant with my 3rd when the 2nd was 4 mos old. they are exactly 13 mos apart. LOVE IT!!! even considered another "back to back" pregnancy this time but this is my last baby =(
being pregnant with a "baby" was a LOT LOT easier than being pregnant with toddlers. they do everything everything together. they are best friends! if you can handle the financial side of things, i would reccommend a close age gap to anyone!!!
Chelsea when are you hoping for a second LO? DF and i are debating it at the mo.
Confession... We DTD 2 nights ago. Its been so long since we had to worry about it that we completely forgot about protection. He's so desperate for another baby that he tried to talk me out of getting the morning after pill and still doesn't want me to go on the mini pill.
I, on the other hand, have decided that yeah I want 2 and I like the idea of a close age gap... But i want to give my body a break! I am still 2 stone heavier than my pre-preg weight. I want to lose at least that weight if not more then get married and THEN try for number 2.

The plus side to us having a difference in priority is that now Ive told him I want to be married first, he's finally looking at venues and colour schemes and things with me... Hurrah!

Oh my goodness! no protection! Are we really super fertile during that time? I've heard we are, but i don't know anyone personally that ever actually was pregnant again right after the one baby- so i'm very curious about it! I am glad that you get to do the wedding stuff first- that's wonderful!

So far the plan is to ttc when James is about 1. I want to heal, lose some weight, etc. We want kids close, but not THAT close. My brother and I were 15 months apart. We figure about 2 years is close, but having a school year in between them.

I can't decide if i'll want another one- dh wants another, and i guess i will too- i am just trying to make sure i'll have the skills to handle one- And i think 2 years is a decent age gap- :) But i see my poor boss and his wife chasing after their toddler who JUST turned two while handling their new baby- just born- and they love it- but it seems hard. He is right at that age that he's getting into trouble. And he doesn't want his dad to hold the new baby at all- he just wants to keep his dad all to himself!

Chelsea, thanks for the positive thoughts, but unfortunately, I haven't started ANY of the meds yet. It's only my third day taking the thyroid medication, so that's not it. The other meds don't start until my cycle does, which is why I'm getting impatient that AF hasn't shown. Want to get the ball rolling!

Still no signs of AF, 15dpo. No cramping. Nothing. Boobs not any fuller or even like PMS. Cervix feels high and firm, can't tell if it's open or closed. This happened right before we started trying; my parathyroid shut down because of the birth control meds, and I stopped having my period. Not sure why this would be happening now. I'm not sure what to do...if nothing by Monday, and negative HPT, do I call my gyn, or the specialist? I'm thinking specialist. He can do the bloodwork and ultrasound right in his office. This is exasperating. I don't know how Tiffany goes 50+ days!

Really hoping that this is it for you- will keep my fx'd!!!! :dust:
I think I'd want two close in age, just because I want to go through this as close together as possible. :) DH was so funny with the fertility MD, he asked him if he could guarantee twins so we could get it done in one shot. We only want two, LOL. My sister are almost four years apart, and most of the time it feels too far. We don't get along very well, and she constantly feels like she's in my shadow. My cousins are sixteen months apart in age, and they get along so well, I've always been jealous.
nj- my bro and I are about 4 years apart and not very close at all:( I've tried but he just wants none of that. So I think I'm with you on closer years :)
Thanks for you're concern NJ, 57 Days Now, I get through with my OH, Lots of Tears and Feeling Like AF Is going to come every moment of the day.
FRER Didn't happen it started raining heavy here i didn't get out at all yesterday because of it hoping to get out when OH gets home get one brought and get one taken today, i am not fussed if it's not with FMU i am 8 Days off missing my 2nd AF so it should show up any which way i hope. But if you want the honest truth we weren't trying this month and i am scared because it's the same sort of time in the year last year i had my chemical, and we are living in a small double bedroom at mums whilst waiting for the mortgage to go through and it's all hard work really.
Hi Girls,

Sorry I havent been on much this week. My new temp job has been keeping me busy and super exhausted, between the long commute and getting up at O-Dark hundred hours, I havent had much energy to do anything but come home and crash from exhaustion. The job itself is okay, it is super boring, but it is a nice place to work, the people are nice and i dont have customers bitching at me all day, instead it is just me and a stack of papers.

So I thought I was all set for at least 1 month to 2 months with this new temp job I just started but I guess we got the work done faster than they anticipated and they didnt get in the additional work that they were expecting so we were told today that we have to take next week off from work, and we might be able to go back the following Monday :growlmad: ugghhh, just when i thought i was going to be alright for a little while and would have more time to find a new job this happens, :nope:

I did hear back from a staffing agency about a long term contracting position via email on Wednesday, and the guy wanted to know what centers i could commute to and was talking about interviewing next week, but he hasnt gotten back to me yet, and that was supposed to start in the middle of june, but since he hasnt gotten back to me yet, i dont know what happened, and i am worried i wont hear anything back since it has been a couple of days.....:wacko:

The timing would of been perfect with the temp job i have now and the other job starting in the middle of june, and i was feeling good until i got the news about the temp job i am doing now not having any work for a week, but now instead i get to stress about what the hell is going to happen next...:wacko::wacko::wacko:

Meanwhile, i am going to spend my week off this coming week going crazy looking for jobs like a mad women, and hopefully i will get something half way decent, please keep your fingers crossed for me ladies....
@Dare, I am so glad that your check up went well and that you and baby are doing so great...:thumbup:

@Nj, Good luck and baby dust to you hun...I hope you get your BFP soon !!!:dust: :dust: :dust:

@Kitten, I hope you get some answers soon, I know it is tuff having such long cycles and waiting to find out what is going on for so long... :hugs:Good luck and baby dust to you hun... :dust: :dust:

There is a big age difference between me and my brothers and sisters, we are about 10 years apart and more, so I have never been that close to my brothers and sisters because they were already out of the house and in college. My next youngest sister baby sat me and was always more like my mother than anything else. i would prefer having been closer in age to my brothers and sisters too, so if i ever have more than one child i would probably want to have them about 1 year apart.... :winkwink:
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