The One Year Strong Ladies!

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I have no clue how much water I'm carrying, but my ankles started swelling almost two weeks ago, so maybe I'll blame some of the weight gain on that! :haha: Still amazing!! That's so wonderful! Can't wait till I can have a weight loss ticker. Best of luck on losing the weight you want :tumbup:

What a lovely photo of you two! You two look so great and natural together!

Yeah, I'm full term and nervous now! Been working more and more on the nursery, but it's so messy and not ready. We still haven't purchased diapers - but dh is going to fix that today I think. So not ready. He needs to wait until at least 39w2d, cause Dad's 70th b-day party is when I'm 39w1d. Don't want to miss it!
Katherine, that's a great picture of you guys! And I love that you call him the toblerone. I just want to eat him up!

Chelsea, you're so close!

This is the crap part about being home early and being a homebody. I bake. I made cinnamon raisin scones and lemon muffins the other day. Mom made me banana bread, so I have three things to choose from for breakfast that I don't normally eat. Usually I have a high fiber english muffin (they're 8g of fiber EACH, with 1g fat, 100cal), with natural peanut butter, and a Greek yogurt for breakfast. That's because I never eat during the day, so that holds me over. I think that'll be the hardest thing about working if I get pregnant - remembering to EAT. I never do. I'll work from 730 till 4, 5, or 6 o'clock, and have maybe a glass of juice during the day. It's so bad, and it's part of why my metabolism is non-existent. Nursing careers are NOT conducive to healthy diets, :haha:
I miss cinamon rolls! And syrup! And muffins! And all the lovely breakfast foods! I need to pair proteins with what I eat so it doesn't make my sugar jump. Can you snack on a granola bar inbetween patients? Yogurt? I found quick things I could snack on between classes... I didn't use to eat all the time, but it's easy to now!
Cold/perishable stuff is hard, just because I don't really have a place to keep it. If I'm at one hospital all day, I can throw a granola bar in my pocket (have to remember to), and if I'm going from one to another in the afternoon (every other day), I can keep something in the car. The key part is REMEMBERING to. I'm terrible. I'll make a sandwich, put it in front of me as I eat breakfast, and leave it there when I go. :dohh: I finally got in the routine of eating breakfast with all the damned vitamins I'm on - never used to eat anything in the morning. Gotten much better at that, so I know all it takes is time.

DH did a diet a few years back, and lost 70 pounds (5 stone). Both of us gained weight when we got married, and I noticed the other day he looks like a little old man. Flat ass, skinny legs, skinny arms, and a belly. He's so damned cute, but he's too young for that (33), especially being a police officer. He stopped going to the gym about two years ago, and he used to be a big runner. Never did anything but get on the treadmill and run. I'm trying to get him to go back on the diet, and take me with him. If we do it together, it will be easier (the Abs Diet - you can google it). I don't like going to the gym with people because I like to do my own thing. I used to do Zumba with a girl who's engaged to DH's best friend, but the hours were conflicting with work, and she just started to grate on my nerves. I have loads of videos, but rather than doing that, I sit here on the laptop, or watching TV reruns on Netflix.

Man, I have to get motivated. I don't need to start out unhealthy. I'm just thinking that with starting the IUI in a couple weeks...I don't want ONE picture of me pregnant circulating. I don't like to take pictures now. Ugh. No nakey belly pictures for posterity for me (a la Hollywood celebs). A few of my friends did that.
Hi ladies-

wannabe- i hope things work out for you and you don't wind up having to wait that long to ttc :(

spunky- looking good!!!! congrats on being full term!!!!

and ladies, can i ask- when you say you lost or gained 'stones' what is the equivalent in pounds?

I had wanted to lose weight before the pg... and then that just didn't work out. So now i have that original goal still... but WOW lots more to lose now...
Lindsay - my husband and I both gained weight when we got married. When the militrary made him exercise he would get all trim and muscely. Mmmm... But he's been out a couple years, so we were both at a "comfortable" (read too much) weight. Maybe once baby is here we'll be more motivated to be healthier.
As for snacks I would buy a box of granola bars and keep them in my desk, so I would only have to remember it once. Do you have a small storage space that's yours that you can stash trail mix or something?

Thanks Dare to Dream!

A stone = 14lbs.
Feeling huge, and my 4 photo now looks like a deflated belly.
Getting cramps daily now, but no belly hardening. 2nd week on maternity leave and haven't figured out what I want to do with all of my time!

Here I am: 4w, 20w, 26w, 31w, 37w:

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Ugh. And one more complication for me: I tested positive for Group B Strep. It means that I will have to have IV antibiotics every 4 hours from water breaking or active labor which ever comes first. Not a huge deal, but just disappointing as I was excited my hospital doesn't do routine IVs. I can still labor in the jacuzzi tub, and as long as I get 2 doses of antibiotics they said James should be fine. I cried at the doctor's office then they told me because it's like, really? Can't one part of this not be difficult? I'm just hoping this means I'm going to have a kick ass easy labor/easy baby! This pregnancy hasn't been terrible but so many things happened that has made us worry it's just overwhelming. I'm sharing all this in case you ladies run into it in the future :thumbup: I'm not as depressed about it as I was on Friday when I found out.

Wow, you really look great are all baby belly and no stretch marks is always a plus....:winkwink::thumbup:

i still cant believe how quickly time has gone by and before you know it your baby will be here. Good luck with the delivery, I hope you have a quick, smooth and easy delivery.:flower:
Most of it was fluid to be fair... I swear I probably lost at least half of it just when my water broke :haha: and the rest from my swollen face/legs/feet over the following fortnight.

I can't sleep... My eyes are so tired but I'm stupid and had a bunch if caffeine-filled sugary things while I was feeding the little man. Oops! That, and the car showroom opposite is taking delivery and not being quiet about it. Their deliveries are always around midnight... Seems weird to me. Maybe they're drugs traffickers! Or smuggling immigrants! ..... Or just delivering car supplies.

Oh... I finally got a photo of me and the toblerone that I actually don't hate!

Aww, that is such a cute picture of you and Toby....he is just getting cuter and cuter every time i see him...:winkwink::thumbup:
An update with the working overseas situation. DH had a phone interview on Monday afternoon and it didnt go very well. I guess they were looking for someone with a manufacturing background and he just doesnt have that. So we are patiently waiting for a rejection email to show up in his inbox. The weird thing about it is that he didnt even apply to this job, the recruiter came after him and asked him if she could submit his resume for the job, so we thought there was a very strong chance that he would get the job. Long story short the two of us went all crazy debating on what we should do since Saturday when he got the email about the job until yesterday after his interview, so in a weird way we were relived we didnt have to make a decision and that it was made for us.. So we debated and stressed out for apparently no reason, :wacko:..:wacko::wacko::wacko:

Some good news for me today, I got a call for a temp job that i applied to yesterday for a temp to perm job working with employee benefits, and after taking some testing today, (which i did very well on) and writing a questionarre and answering interview questions on the phone, my resume finally got sent to the company, and an hour later I found out that I have an interview on Thursday afternoon. The pay is pretty good and I am glad that it is dealing with HR which is what my BA degree is in, but I am trying to decide if i want to go back into another call center again or not... I am going to bring in a list of questions to the interview so I can make sure that this is the right job for me, i want to find something I can stay at long term, and grow with and advance, and not end up so stressed out that my hair turns gray and i get an ulcer working there....LOL...:wacko::wacko::wacko: But at the same time i do need a job, and beggers cant be choosers so one part of me is thinking i should just take what i can get at this point...:shrug:. Wish me luck that the interview goes well girls....:thumbup:
Good luck with the interview, wanna!

Just got home from shopping with Mom. Got a couple snacks - got a box of Pirate Booty (yum) in individual bags, and a few boxes of granola bars. I figure the Booty can hang in my car, the granola bars can be stuck in my lab coat pocket.

Had my first set of bloodwork/ultrasound this morning. Office manager called me this afternoon and told me everything looks good, so I'm starting Clomid tonight - 100mg daily for five days. Next set of bloodwork/ultrasound is next Thursday. Then I'll know when our IUI date is - earliest would be Friday next week. we go! :thumbup:
Good luck with the interview, wanna!

Just got home from shopping with Mom. Got a couple snacks - got a box of Pirate Booty (yum) in individual bags, and a few boxes of granola bars. I figure the Booty can hang in my car, the granola bars can be stuck in my lab coat pocket.

Had my first set of bloodwork/ultrasound this morning. Office manager called me this afternoon and told me everything looks good, so I'm starting Clomid tonight - 100mg daily for five days. Next set of bloodwork/ultrasound is next Thursday. Then I'll know when our IUI date is - earliest would be Friday next week. we go! :thumbup:

Thanks for the good luck!!!:winkwink:

I have always liked the Fiber One bars, I eat one and they curb my hunger for a few hours, plus they taste yummy, and can satisfy a sweet tooth too. The South beach diet bars are good too, especially the peanut butter ones.

Ohhh, that is so exciting that you are starting clomid soon, and will be doing IUI soon as well....I really hope it is a success for you hun and that you get your BFP soon... I got my fingers crossed for you....:flower:Good luck and baby dust to you hun..... :dust: :dust:
An update with the working overseas situation. DH had a phone interview on Monday afternoon and it didnt go very well. I guess they were looking for someone with a manufacturing background and he just doesnt have that. So we are patiently waiting for a rejection email to show up in his inbox. The weird thing about it is that he didnt even apply to this job, the recruiter came after him and asked him if she could submit his resume for the job, so we thought there was a very strong chance that he would get the job. Long story short the two of us went all crazy debating on what we should do since Saturday when he got the email about the job until yesterday after his interview, so in a weird way we were relived we didnt have to make a decision and that it was made for us.. So we debated and stressed out for apparently no reason, :wacko:..:wacko::wacko::wacko:

Some good news for me today, I got a call for a temp job that i applied to yesterday for a temp to perm job working with employee benefits, and after taking some testing today, (which i did very well on) and writing a questionarre and answering interview questions on the phone, my resume finally got sent to the company, and an hour later I found out that I have an interview on Thursday afternoon. The pay is pretty good and I am glad that it is dealing with HR which is what my BA degree is in, but I am trying to decide if i want to go back into another call center again or not... I am going to bring in a list of questions to the interview so I can make sure that this is the right job for me, i want to find something I can stay at long term, and grow with and advance, and not end up so stressed out that my hair turns gray and i get an ulcer working there....LOL...:wacko::wacko::wacko: But at the same time i do need a job, and beggers cant be choosers so one part of me is thinking i should just take what i can get at this point...:shrug:. Wish me luck that the interview goes well girls....:thumbup:

Well, sometimes not having to make a decision can be a good thing.
Good luck on the interview!! Sounds good that you're going to interview them too! :thumbup:
Good luck with the interview, wanna!

Just got home from shopping with Mom. Got a couple snacks - got a box of Pirate Booty (yum) in individual bags, and a few boxes of granola bars. I figure the Booty can hang in my car, the granola bars can be stuck in my lab coat pocket.

Had my first set of bloodwork/ultrasound this morning. Office manager called me this afternoon and told me everything looks good, so I'm starting Clomid tonight - 100mg daily for five days. Next set of bloodwork/ultrasound is next Thursday. Then I'll know when our IUI date is - earliest would be Friday next week. we go! :thumbup:

So exciting! Good job on the snacks! Fingers crossed the Clomid works the first time! Next friday sounds so soon! Woohoo!
I'm kinda laughing, Chelsea, because about the time I'm getting my IUI, James should be working his way here! :haha:
A few people have made the comment "Oh, it'll just take one time for you." As one friend said "One shot, one kill" (she's an army sniper, I guess she can't help it). I'm hoping so too, but hoping at the same time that I don't put all my eggs in one basket, so to speak.
A little cramping from the Clomid, but nothing worse than PMS. AF is FINALLY gone, so we can start the BD, haha. I have to remember to call the pharmacy tomorrow to get the HCG shot so it's ready to go. DH is practically SALIVATING at the idea of giving me an injection. When I worked in the ER, I put IVs in him, gave him injections, etc (he was a patient every time, I wasn't just practicing, LOL). So he looks at this as getting back at me.
James has a little time. I've been cramping, but I'm betting he's still weeks away. But I might have a baby before you get pregnancy results, weird to think about!!!

I wouldn't want to put all my eggs in one basket either, or get too excited. I remember how depressed I got ttc when I kept getting bfn's and I can only imagine how hard it might be after doing IUI.

LOL. Why was your husband in the ER so much?! I don't think mine would be excited to stab me. He doesn't even like when I test my blood sugar in the same room (though he's used to it by now and doesn't leave or anything, I just don't think he likes it). He would do what he would have to, but he wouldn't enjoy it. He had a cyst removed once on his back and I had to remove the gauze and repack it and I had to call my mom for a pep talk, totally grossed me out. There's no way I could be a nurse! The idea of the umblical cord rotting off totally icks me out, but I'll do what I have to! Power to all of you that do these kinds of things daily!!

Really hoping it takes as few of rounds as possible of IUI. :hugs:
DH abused the "girlfriend as an ER nurse" privilege. :rofl: He got really horrific strep throat, I gave him a shot of penicillin in the ass (hee hee). He fell at work, broke his ribs, had to draw blood. Had a bad skin infection from a spider bite - stuck the IV in and drew his blood. So, yeah, it seemed like a lot.
I hope it's as few rounds as possible too - just because this is TIME CONSUMING. I mean, three or four ultrasounds and rounds of bloodwork a cycle. Plus, they always have a hard time finding a vein, so that's no fun.
We'll see who gets results first, :haha: - either pee-stick for me, or baby for you. :) Boys seem to be running late in my circle of friends - all the girls are running early. So...James may be a June baby, haha. Funny to think that's only two and a half or three WEEKS away. Seems like just yesterday we started TTC on this forum!
Hi girls,

How is everyone's weekend going so far. It is kind of gloomy, rainy and cool here today so i am thinking today will be a lazy day for me and DH.

I had my interview and it was only with the staffing agency, and not with the actual company so now i have to wait and see if they want to select me for a face to face interview with the actual company, so now i just have to wait even longer to actually hear something back...:wacko: It was such a pain going into fill out paper work and everything because we had to go downtown into a city about 45 minutes away from our house, and this is a city i have never been to before,so i had no idea what to expect and was worried about getting lost, thank goodness for my GPS system, so i had to have DH drive me and drop me off at the front of the building and than he ran around to find parking, he ended up in a nearby parking garage and paid 20 bucks for an hour and a half of parking, it was such a pain in the behind, and i still dont even know if i have the job or not, all i did was fill out paper work which i could of done from home or at an office closer to where i live..ugghhhh:growlmad: Than they messed up the score on a test that i took, i was told by the first girl that i spoke to that i got a 93% score on a test, and than when i got to the interview the lady said i failed the test and had to retake it, so i was annoyed by that, and couldnt get a hold of the girl i took the test for the first time to verify what the actual score was, so the second girl sent the test to me again to retake it, but i didnt want to redo it until i found out for sure what my actual test score, than I was annoyed because the lady i interviewed with didnt even look at my resume yet, and said at first she didnt know why i was there to interview for this job...WTH is wrong with these people, i am driving an hour and paying 19 bucks to park to meet with u and u couldnt take the time to review my resume before i get there...ugghhh, i mean come on....:growlmad: , Sorry for the rant, but looking for a job is a royal pain in the ass...

Well some good news, my brother and his wife brought their adopted baby girl home the other day,and they are both super excited, i am so happy for them both, now their daughter has a new baby sister and their family is complete. i got to see pics and their baby girl is so adorable, and i am happy to have a new neice...:thumbup:
wanna- I HATE job searching. It's awful. I feel for you. Glad ur family has a new LO in it! Now it's time to get yours :) any news on whether you have to wait?? Sorry if I've missed the news- we haven't had our computers connected dh is ripping up flooring and doing our wood floors- and so I've only really had cell phone internet! Not easy.
Hey Ladies

Sorry I Haven't been around much, been really ill with a urine infection & sickness =( was in bed for 9 days pretty much solid.
Still no sign of AF showing her face now officially late for number two.... only by 1 day mind. . . .
OH is a bit hit and miss about it all ... and we haven't had much time to go and get a test we are going to pop out tomorrow fingers crossed and i hope when and if it's a BFP and he sees he is a bit more =D x
wanna- I HATE job searching. It's awful. I feel for you. Glad ur family has a new LO in it! Now it's time to get yours :) any news on whether you have to wait?? Sorry if I've missed the news- we haven't had our computers connected dh is ripping up flooring and doing our wood floors- and so I've only really had cell phone internet! Not easy.

Thanks for the kind words hun....:hugs::flower:

Thats okay, I understand it is hard to get online when you dont have your normal internet access...:winkwink:

I am not sure what you are asking me about as far as waiting? If you are talking about the job i interviewe for than hopefully I will hear back sometime this week if the company wants to schedule a face to face interview or not. I am hoping that Monday (tomorrow) I will be able to find out if I need to retest and what my actual test score was...If you are talking about DH taking the overseas job, he wont be doing it, because when they did the phone interview he didnt have the manufacturin gbackground that they wanted. Did that answer your question about the waiting? :shrug:

I hope you are having a great weekend. :winkwink::flower:
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