The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Firstly, congrats on the bfp! The others have said pretty much everything I could.
It takes time to adjust to news as big as this,especially if it came at a time when you decided to focus on other things. But you will adapt, and you will both come to remember that this is what you wanted. I think everyone at some point has their doubts, wondering if it was the right time or whatever. The truth is, it's always the right time if you want it to be. You have plenty of time to make changes that you want to and if you choose not to tell your family just yet, you've got our full support hun. :hugs:

As for giving stuff up when baby is here... I sorta have at the moment but don't intend to forever!
With a newborn it's hard, not only because you're tired a lot and you have a new little life depending on you 24/7... but also because you don't WANT to do those other things. You find yourself making excuses to the new grandparents about why they cant babysit because you want to stay home. You want to cuddle that little person, marvel at the tiny fingers and toes and look into those big adorable eyes... they grow so fast, you want to savour every moment. Toby's only 6 weeks and hes grown so much already that i'm glad i gave up a few nights out. I'll get back to them eventually... but i don't want to yet. (Never thought i'd say that... even when i was preg i was trying to work out who'd babysit!)
Katherine - I know I'm not going to want to go out either. People have offered to babysitt, and I've already been making excuses. I'm more worried I'll be one of those moms that doesn't want anyone else to hold their kid...

I'm so much more worried about how my relationship with my husband will change... Are you two still close? Do you still love eachother as much and communicate? We normally don't have problems, but throwing a whole new person into the mix is just freaking me out!
Ladies, Thank you so so much for all of you're kind words i am going to just rest and think... but not too much.

Be in touch soon x
Resting sounds good. Have a nap and some sweets, watch some trash tv. :hugs:
chelsea, we are still close. we have a new, different kind of respect for each other.
in that first week after the birth we both saw a whole new side to each other. its like... the same love you have already but magnified by this new little person that you made tohether.
i wont lie though, its tough at times. hormones kick in and we get tired and we bicker about silly things... but then we're chatting and back to normal within hours because we both know neither are to blame... but yeah. things might change, but definitely not for the worse.
im feeling a bit sentimental today, sorry lol
DaretoDream - Maternity Leave is going well... I'm too tired to get things ready so I mostly just sit around the house. BUT my husband helped me a TON with the nursery this weekend and more with the hospital bag. We'll have things mostly organized soon. I'm just pretty useless. I'm getting more and more clingy as my due date approaches too. I just want him close. But he doesn't feel the same way, lol. He wants to keep playing his computer games a lot on the weekend. Hockey is also in playoffs. So we seem to have a lot of activities that revolve around him. I don't need things to revolve around me or the baby, but I want us to spend our weekend together. He talked on the phone with his brother for an hour when we WERE working on the nursery. Apologized that he talked so long. We did some other stuff. Then he asked what I wanted to do. I suggested we watch a movie, or somehting on our DVR since we had almost 2 hours before Hockey was going to start. Then he disappears and ends up playing with his brother on the computer for 1.5 hours. There went our movie. Then couldn't figure out why I was mad. Why ask me what I want to do and completely ignore me and not even tell me by the way I'm going to play so we cuold have a discussion on it! It really hurt my feelings and while I know some of it's hormones, some it's just how damn inconsiderate of him. He keeps saying things like there's not much time left for him to play before the baby, but I honestly don't think it's going to stop once the baby is here. He's going to complain that he doesn't get to play anymore and will do so anyways! He felt like he had spent enough time with me this weekend and helped enough. Oh, ok, so there's only so much time I'm allotted and should be happy with what time he chooses to use on me? Arg. We'll probably be discussing this tonight as I wasn't in a talking mood yesterday. Rant over. 11 days...
How are you feeling?

Kitten - Can't wait to hear a result!!

I bet you anything because it's getting so close to time, he's maybe freaking out a little and this is his way of showing it?? I bet my dh will get freaked just like this. He is ALWAYS on his computer and it makes me worried sometimes that he will NEVER grow up, and when baby is here he will still be on that damned computer when he is home.

I'm feeling very good- just a bit tired!

Now that we're doing the IUI thing, TTC isn't as stressful for us (esp DH), so it seems. Actually, less "mechanical." DH is much more spontaneous, and more apt to initiate BD. Before, it was me twisting his arm because the timing was right, and he just felt used. LOL. Of course, being that this is our first cycle, I really can't say if it's less stressful - since we haven't *gone* through it yet! Right now I'm doing good. Now that the Clomid is over, I'm much better.
That drug? Is wicked. I mean, I'm not a PMSy or moody person (my boss even says that's what he loves about me), and on days 3 and 4 of 5?? I was a WRECK. I was crying at TV commercials, Grey's Anatomy, getting all upset because DH was avoiding me (I actually called up my best friend and starting whining to her that he was ABANDONING ME). My. God. I realized how ridiculous it was, and it was hilarious at the same time. But this was on MEDS. I can't even imagine if I get preggo what the hormones will do. The moodiness totally wore off now - last dose was Saturday night.
So - ultrasound/blood on Thursday. And then I know when I need to do the HCG shot(s). FOUR of them. In my ASS. I'm recruiting a nurse friend because one shot? DH would be allowed, because one screw up in my booty would be just one sore spot. But FOUR? Nuh-uh, going to the professionals on this.
If I don't pop on here before then, I'll update you all on Thursday.

Chelsea - we're almost there! (Yes, I said "we" - been through this whole experience with you guys, I feel like they're my LO's also!)

wannabe - I hope things get better with the job situation. NTNP sounds like it's helping with some of the stress.

Kitten - hope you're feeling better!

Dare - how are things on your end? Getting stuff settled for baby?

:rofl: I was seriously hormonal and awful and i wasn't on any drugs!!! i can't even imagine how insane i would've been with added help!!! Hard to handle i bet. I am trying to get things ready and settled. DH and i seem to both be nesting together- he has started trying to finish our wood floors without me needing to ask- he's trying to get everything in gear on his own.


I need somebody to talk to right now =( I feel so low, i thought that by taking the test and getting the result OH & I would be happy (A. There Is Nothing Wrong & B. Baby on The Way), we weren't even trying so...
All we seem to have done all morning is cry =( it feels horrible i think at 19 nearly 20 im ready but it always happens when we are in the wrong situation - living at my mums till the mortgage goes through not having any baby savings because of mortgage savings...
I/We have come to the conclusion 24hrs and a very difficult decision to make either way it goes OH hasn't moved out of bed and everytime i look at him there is so much pain in his eyes. . .
I do and don't want to go through with this i would have rather been in the new place and done the deed and concieved there -
I am so scared and shocked i just want to curl up and cry - i don't want to tell anybody but at the same time i want my Dad and just to have a big hug off him and for him to tell me everythings ok... but he doesn't give a toss else he would be in contact more often than not...
I am sorry this is such a depressing post but i trust all you ladies and need to talk to somebody... i hope OH comes around then maybe i will feel a bit more cheery.

Today is 8w4d if calculations are correct ...

Love i'm so happy for you and your bfp!!! But it's only 8 weeks right now, and when you do get to move out, i'm sure things will get much better for you! try to keep your head up and be happy- things HAVE to get better right?! I'm excited for you.

Katherine - I know I'm not going to want to go out either. People have offered to babysitt, and I've already been making excuses. I'm more worried I'll be one of those moms that doesn't want anyone else to hold their kid...

I'm so much more worried about how my relationship with my husband will change... Are you two still close? Do you still love eachother as much and communicate? We normally don't have problems, but throwing a whole new person into the mix is just freaking me out!

A friend of mine just had her second baby, and she still holds her baby so very much, carries her around- and will ask occasionally for someone to watch her for a moment while she does something quickly- like pee (hee hee) and everyone LOVES holding her. And she watches and lets you hold her but you can see her wanting her back so badly. I think i will be the same. :) There is nothing wrong with wanting to hold your baby all the time!!!! :)

I also wonder about me and dh's relationship. I think we will fight a lot in the beginning due to me being a zombie and all but at the same time, we are a GREAT team- and i think that it'll actually bring us a lot closer together, even if tension is high you know? I think you guys are going to do just fine as well, and think you are just being nervous because you're about to give birth! I think i'll be right there with you when i'm at that point! Its normal to be a worried about all these things :)
I bet you anything because it's getting so close to time, he's maybe freaking out a little and this is his way of showing it?? I bet my dh will get freaked just like this. He is ALWAYS on his computer and it makes me worried sometimes that he will NEVER grow up, and when baby is here he will still be on that damned computer when he is home.

I'm feeling very good- just a bit tired!
:rofl: I was seriously hormonal and awful and i wasn't on any drugs!!! i can't even imagine how insane i would've been with added help!!! Hard to handle i bet. I am trying to get things ready and settled. DH and i seem to both be nesting together- he has started trying to finish our wood floors without me needing to ask- he's trying to get everything in gear on his own.

A friend of mine just had her second baby, and she still holds her baby so very much, carries her around- and will ask occasionally for someone to watch her for a moment while she does something quickly- like pee (hee hee) and everyone LOVES holding her. And she watches and lets you hold her but you can see her wanting her back so badly. I think i will be the same. :) There is nothing wrong with wanting to hold your baby all the time!!!! :)

I also wonder about me and dh's relationship. I think we will fight a lot in the beginning due to me being a zombie and all but at the same time, we are a GREAT team- and i think that it'll actually bring us a lot closer together, even if tension is high you know? I think you guys are going to do just fine as well, and think you are just being nervous because you're about to give birth! I think i'll be right there with you when i'm at that point! Its normal to be a worried about all these things :)

Yeah, I'm sure we're both just freaking out a little. Just tired of him making the computer games a priority - and a right, instead of a nice distraction. Last night he said he's ready for the James to come out and play. (I don't know why but our dogs have the title "The" before their names: The Moose, The Bear, lol, and now The James... guess that's just how we name our kids?) Completely different than last week when he was kissing me goodbye in the morning telling me not to go into labor. Now he's ready? I'm still not. I don't know that we'll fight in the beginning, I just more worry about us being all about the baby and not as much about making sure we connect, but I'm sure if we're aware and make a point then things shouldn't be that bad. I like that you said you're a great team, I feel that way too. We work and play well together...

Awesome that you're almost done with work! Next friday? That's coming up! Are you ready? I felt like a nut trying to wrap up to turn over to my sub. I got so much more tired on maternity leave I think part of it was that I was 36 weeks and the other part was I was allowed to be tired and take naps since I wasn't working. That's awesome that you're both nesting. We have so much left to do cleaning wise, but at least we finished the big projects. I hope your floors are done soon, I know it was a big load off of my mind once the big things were done!
I bet you anything because it's getting so close to time, he's maybe freaking out a little and this is his way of showing it?? I bet my dh will get freaked just like this. He is ALWAYS on his computer and it makes me worried sometimes that he will NEVER grow up, and when baby is here he will still be on that damned computer when he is home.

I'm feeling very good- just a bit tired!
:rofl: I was seriously hormonal and awful and i wasn't on any drugs!!! i can't even imagine how insane i would've been with added help!!! Hard to handle i bet. I am trying to get things ready and settled. DH and i seem to both be nesting together- he has started trying to finish our wood floors without me needing to ask- he's trying to get everything in gear on his own.

A friend of mine just had her second baby, and she still holds her baby so very much, carries her around- and will ask occasionally for someone to watch her for a moment while she does something quickly- like pee (hee hee) and everyone LOVES holding her. And she watches and lets you hold her but you can see her wanting her back so badly. I think i will be the same. :) There is nothing wrong with wanting to hold your baby all the time!!!! :)

I also wonder about me and dh's relationship. I think we will fight a lot in the beginning due to me being a zombie and all but at the same time, we are a GREAT team- and i think that it'll actually bring us a lot closer together, even if tension is high you know? I think you guys are going to do just fine as well, and think you are just being nervous because you're about to give birth! I think i'll be right there with you when i'm at that point! Its normal to be a worried about all these things :)

Yeah, I'm sure we're both just freaking out a little. Just tired of him making the computer games a priority - and a right, instead of a nice distraction. Last night he said he's ready for the James to come out and play. (I don't know why but our dogs have the title "The" before their names: The Moose, The Bear, lol, and now The James... guess that's just how we name our kids?) Completely different than last week when he was kissing me goodbye in the morning telling me not to go into labor. Now he's ready? I'm still not. I don't know that we'll fight in the beginning, I just more worry about us being all about the baby and not as much about making sure we connect, but I'm sure if we're aware and make a point then things shouldn't be that bad. I like that you said you're a great team, I feel that way too. We work and play well together...

Awesome that you're almost done with work! Next friday? That's coming up! Are you ready? I felt like a nut trying to wrap up to turn over to my sub. I got so much more tired on maternity leave I think part of it was that I was 36 weeks and the other part was I was allowed to be tired and take naps since I wasn't working. That's awesome that you're both nesting. We have so much left to do cleaning wise, but at least we finished the big projects. I hope your floors are done soon, I know it was a big load off of my mind once the big things were done!

I think you guys are going to do very well together!!! And i think we all will just have to find time. I mean we find time between everything else right? this is just a new challenge. a new adventure if you will! :)

I am excited and sad at the same time about the end. Have been a bit grumpy about it. It's sad because i love them but really- i can't do it anymore. I'm so exhausted all the time doing the job and my feet start hurting and i'm just ready to be done. But more afraid i'll be a sucky sahm.
I think you guys are going to do very well together!!! And i think we all will just have to find time. I mean we find time between everything else right? this is just a new challenge. a new adventure if you will! :)

I am excited and sad at the same time about the end. Have been a bit grumpy about it. It's sad because i love them but really- i can't do it anymore. I'm so exhausted all the time doing the job and my feet start hurting and i'm just ready to be done. But more afraid i'll be a sucky sahm.

My feet started swelling up the last three days of work, and now that I'm at home and taking it easy I haven't had any problems with swelling, so my body was telling me it was time to be done. I think your tiredness and hurt feet are telling you it's time! I was sad to leave too, but I know it's what's best for me and my family for me not to be stressed out about work ALL THE TIME. I'm worried about being a sahm too! I hope I don't go crazy! I need to look into some activities in town! THere's a new mom support group through my hospital on Mondays that I plan on going to and at least we're having our babies in the summer. For me it's too hot during the day to go out, but the baby and I can go for early morning walk. When my mom had my brother in Jan. she said it was hard to get out cause it was raining and gloomy. My dad was a mail man and she would strap my brother to her chest, put a big raincoat around both of them, and an umbrella and she would walk my dad's route with him to get out and about.
I think you guys are going to do very well together!!! And i think we all will just have to find time. I mean we find time between everything else right? this is just a new challenge. a new adventure if you will! :)

I am excited and sad at the same time about the end. Have been a bit grumpy about it. It's sad because i love them but really- i can't do it anymore. I'm so exhausted all the time doing the job and my feet start hurting and i'm just ready to be done. But more afraid i'll be a sucky sahm.

My feet started swelling up the last three days of work, and now that I'm at home and taking it easy I haven't had any problems with swelling, so my body was telling me it was time to be done. I think your tiredness and hurt feet are telling you it's time! I was sad to leave too, but I know it's what's best for me and my family for me not to be stressed out about work ALL THE TIME. I'm worried about being a sahm too! I hope I don't go crazy! I need to look into some activities in town! THere's a new mom support group through my hospital on Mondays that I plan on going to and at least we're having our babies in the summer. For me it's too hot during the day to go out, but the baby and I can go for early morning walk. When my mom had my brother in Jan. she said it was hard to get out cause it was raining and gloomy. My dad was a mail man and she would strap my brother to her chest, put a big raincoat around both of them, and an umbrella and she would walk my dad's route with him to get out and about.

:thumbup: to your mom!!! Yeah i've heard a lot of bnb ladies saying you have to try to get out once a day and move about or you'll just get depressed!!! So i mean that's one good thing about having a dog i HAVE to go out at least once a day with him. :) I worry about whether i can handle it- whether i'll be any good at it- and really don't want to screw up the baby! It's also super hard to think about giving up all that i have right now. I mean we have separate checking and everything- we still share everything but it was always nice that i've had my own money. And i'll still have what i haven't used, but still- it's hard to give up that little bit of freedom.

I totally agree with you too because i've been stressed a bit with work too. And i know this will be so much better but it's so different! So i'm right there with you! You have to tell me all kinds of things (since you're doing it all first) that you do to stay sane and if i do anything different i'll let you know too- so that we don't lose our minds :) I think we'll be so exhausted at first that won't even be what we are thinking about haha.
All right, ladies, got my call this afternoon after CD12 ultrasound and bloods to go ahead for the HCG shot. Tomorrow am is IUI number one, with number two on Saturday! Here we go, round one!

Tiffani, Congrats on the bfp! I hope it gets better with you and OH.:hugs:
Good Luck Lindsay!!! So excited!! Will be thinking happy implantation thoughts!
All right, ladies, got my call this afternoon after CD12 ultrasound and bloods to go ahead for the HCG shot. Tomorrow am is IUI number one, with number two on Saturday! Here we go, round one!

awesome news hun!!!!! fx'd you only need these two!!!! :) :thumbup:
All right, ladies, got my call this afternoon after CD12 ultrasound and bloods to go ahead for the HCG shot. Tomorrow am is IUI number one, with number two on Saturday! Here we go, round one!

Tiffani, Congrats on the bfp! I hope it gets better with you and OH.:hugs:

Good luck and baby dust to you hun... :dust: :dust: :dust:
Thanks for all the thoughts girls! FX'd!! The whole procedure was so fast, and you don't even feel a thing! If only labor was this easy!! DH had 126,000,000 swimmers with 95% motility, which is really good. I have one, probably two really good follicles, so we shall see in two weeks :happydance:
Awesome! Glad it went well! Yeah, people have much more fun getting pregnant than having the baby... *holds breath for 2 weeks to see if it took!*
So DH went with me today for the IUI - I don't care if he comes or not, personally. He was being totally silly this morning, saying he should "at least be present for the guys." Thought it was cute. He grills the doc, though! He's worse than me. Today he had 121mil :spermy: with 95% motility after much for the whole theory about your count being lowered if you BD every day. The RE told me that it was "99%" that I released two eggs, so let's hope one of them finds the way to the 247mil :spermy:! I go back on Friday for a cyst check. Then he determines if we do the second HCG shot, and what the next step is.
NJ- i LOVE that your dh grills the doc!!!! About time a man cares about what is going on! lol. My dh is always like 'yeah ok i'll do whatever you say' and doesn't ask freaking questions. It drives me nuts!
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