The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Lindsay! Very sweet of your DH. Glad he had a good sample (lol, don't know what a good term is) for the second round! So exciting!!
Chelsea, where's James at?? Any sign of him?

A "good" sperm count is anything over 15 million. Average is apparently 60 million. Normal motility is 60%. So my crazy DH, who was convinced he had testosterone deficiency, by the way - had 126 MILLION at 95% motility the first shot, and 121 MILLION with 95% motility the NEXT DAY!!! :dohh:
He's so damned proud of himself it's hilarious. Like he said, good thing he wasn't a promiscuous guy, otherwise he'd have lots of little ones :rofl:
The good news is, that (obviously) the higher the sperm count, the better the chances of IUI succeeding. This is going to be a LOOOOONG 2WW.
I think he dropped today, but he still doesn't feel engaged if that makes sense... No loss of mucous plug, no contractions... A few mild cramps here and there, that's it.... So no real good sign of him, he's pretty happy where he is. We did move the cradle into our room today and I think as long as I put a shirt out my hospital bag is done! So we're ready. I'm starting to get excited to meet him where as before I was just terrified, now I'm both :winkwink:

Your DH SHOULD be proud! Knowing guys he'll be telling everyone he has super sperm, and I would just let him and brag myself if that made him happy. When I was worried about being able to get pregnant my husband just said "I got this." My friend still laughs at that.

It will be the longest 2WW ever! When's the earliest you think you can test?

I'm in my 2ww too! (I figure two weeks from tomorrow would make me 10days overdue, so we'd probably both be willing for an induction.) Should have a James within the next two weeks. LOL, we can symptom spot together!

For my 2ww symptom spotting I LOVED the Let me record my symptoms for each day and gave me a percent and things like that. I created a free acount and it gave me something to do anyways.
I have the countdowntopregnancy stuff set up - I just always forget to record the symptoms! I have FF for my Android, so I take my temp in the am, flip on my phone, and record everything. So easy.
As far as the earliest I can test - I'm not sure. It depends on if I get the HCG booster on Friday, because that hangs out in your system for a while and will cause a false positive. My RE told me that if I don't have anything (meaning :witch:) by the FOLLOWING Friday to take an HPT. Argh.
Boobs are bigger than usual, but I'm sure it's because of the HCG shot I got on Thursday night. Kind of a quesy stomach all weekend, but I honestly think it's more nerves than anything else.
DH is so *not* the guy to talk about any of the sperm count, infertility stuff, etc. I keep making jokes about it because I honestly think it's funny. Just like I keep laughing about how damn moody I have been this cycle with the hormones, and how I hope pregnancy is nothing like it (I may be a dead woman inside of 9 months). But once I told him what the average was for :spermy:? That changed his tune a little bit - I caught a smirk. Kinda like when I catch him watching the Victoria's Secret ads that come on TV and he thinks I'm not looking. It's pretty funny.

I think I know what you mean about not feeling "engaged". It's gotta be almost surreal now that he's almost here! I'm kind of laughing to myself about your ticker - "baby can now move his limbs, and his nails extend past his fingertips". Great, he's going to claw his way out! :rofl:
Fx'd for you hun!!!!! and NJ- wow 2 weeks!!! that's crazy!!!!! I'm coming down the stretch for the maternity leave. THis is my last week!
Hee, Chelsea! Not trying to put the fear in you but on 39+3 for me, ie the same day you are now... I went shopping and for a meal with DFs friends for his birthday. Every single person that day said Toby had dropped and my bump looked way lower. I was like "pshyeah, as if he'll come any time soon!"
And then 6.5hrs after we left them and went home, my water broke. :D
Hurry up James!

Lindsay, wow, good luck hun! If I was your OH, I'd be smug too :haha: It's all sounding so promising, I've got everything crossed for you! Including my legs. Nothing's going there until I'm back on the pill :rofl:

Hopefully the next 2 weeks will fly by for everyone!
Lindsay - Arg! A shot would mean waiting longer.... But if the shot helps, totally worth it! Glad you have all of your apps set up. I was doing the FF with temping and the countdown. Every morning I'd get up and record! I was crazy! (I only did the countdown symptoms the month I got pregnant, weird but true!) Can't wait! Hoping for a positive result! Thanks for the images of him clawing his way out! When I first read about the nails growing weeks ago I have been imagining that! Now that it's past his fingertips so much creepier! Am bringing scratch mitts, hoping not to have to clip/file/bite them right away... Not sure if I'm capable of trimming nails for someone else yet!!

DaretoDream - So excited you're almost on maternity leave! How nice that you're going out when you are since you sound ready!

Katherine - I'm not afraid. I'm not sure I'm ready to be a mom, but I'm about ready for him to come out! I'm ready for labor anytime I think... As ready as I'll get I guess. My bump is totally lower! It's so weird! My bra fits better without a bump under the band! Now it looks like I'm smuggling a basketball! I keep getting told only 8-10% of women have their water break first, so not to get excited (though I need antibiotics as soon as they break, so I think it's ok for me to be a little nervous about it now!)

We :sex: twice yesterday. After the first time my tummy hurt and I had some back aches...but it went away. Still no plug or show... Got through Dad's 70th party on Saturday, told James he had to wait until after that... Now I'm wondering if he can make it through Friday so I can go to my Aunt's funeral :sadangel: (She died Thursday on my dead grandmother's birthday, and her funeral is on my due date, my mom's a bit of a mess.) My mom really wants me to go to the funeral with her but :shrug: I don't know if I'll feel up to it even if I haven't had him yet...
Ladies An update for you all...

OH says he 100% wants an Abortion, He says we can't afford a baby & he has now decided after 1yr of trying he isn't ready.... typical that the month you don't try it happens...

I feel like running away because everytime i try to talk him out of it he is accusing me of trying to trap him... I'm not doing that i just don't think that taking the easy option out is the right choice after sugar loads of thinking....
I WANT this baby, BUT i WANT this relationship to last... I did a Due Date Calculator 21st December 2011, making me 10 Weeks Today, It's Madness... I have managed to get my head around it all and want to go forth and make plans and things but i need to know if he is going to stand by me and his baby or if he is going to run away like so many Men do Here!!

I was conceived through a 1 Night stand my mum and dad we're good mates and whoops the deed was done and egg met sperm - My dad told my mum that he would respect what decision she made and support her in her decision to keep me - he was out of my life till i was 14 because my mum didn't want me back and forth she wanted me to meet him when i was ready and my Dad said he would always be there when the time came...

I tried to explain to OH that it can take 3/4 weeks for a referral from the doctor and they can still refuse an abortion - and that at this point it has a heart beat and is starting to move around in side... i'm already craving things its weird - he/she loves bourbons and strawberry's.

He doesn't think that it is acceptable that they can refuse i think he was hoping to have it over and done with ='( but then i read on a support site for ttc & pregnancy that at 9/10 weeks if you feel in a certain place near the pelvix you can feel like a grapefruit sized solid bit which is the swelling from baba, i got him to touch down that area after i found it and he was like woahwoah and went all funny, i don't think he really wants to do this i think that he is scared... i know i am but i have figured out where i wanna be with everything =) I have my appt with my GP at 11 Weeks where "I" will make my final decision i am giving him 1 more week to decide if he is going to support me or not, if not he can go forth with the mortgage his self and i will be moving down near my dad because i am going to need my Dad too during this aswell as my mum but I want to have Baby in my hometown =)

any advice is much appreciated.
Awww Tiffany :hugs: How devestating for you!!! I'm not sure what to say. I would feel so upset/betrayed after trying for a year to hear that he's not ready and to abort. It seems like you've already made your decision and are at peace with it, but I understand you wanting your relationship too. If he comes around that's great, if not, maybe things weren't meant to be? If he doesn't want the baby you two made maybe he's not the right guy for you since you want this baby so much... I think you should do whatever you feel is right because you're the one that's going to have to live with whatever decision you make. I don't envy your situation and I'm sorry you're going through this. It would be hard to be excited knowing you don't have the support you thought was there. Be sure to keep us updated and I hope if you keep the baby you're able to enjoy your 11 week appointment! Our family has had a lot of unplanned pregnancies and the moto seems to be "There are worse things in the world than another baby." :hugs:

I plan on needing both of my parents too even though I have my husband. I have also moved closer to my hometown :)
Kitten- i only read this just now, so i'm sorry i'm so late to it. I'm so very very sorry for the situation you are in.

A friend of mine was in the same one a few years ago- her fiance told her she had to have an abortion or he'd leave her. She did, and he left a few months later anyway. And she is still VERY devastated about it.

My point is PLEASE make sure this is what YOU want too!!! No reason for you to feel miserable and regret it for the rest of your life ok? I don't want you to be like my friend is. Whatever your decision i back you 100 %, just make sure, it's what you want as well. Don't let him choose for you.

@Kitten, :hugs::hugs::hugs: I am so sorry about what you are going through with your OH right now. I agree with what the other ladies have been saying as well in the previous posts.

An abortion is a difficult decision, and if it is not what you really want to do than do not let your OH pressure you into making a decision you will regret in the future. The women is the only one that suffers after this decision is made with the long term pain and scars, plus there is a chance that during the procedure there could be complications that could affect your ability to have children in the future. The man in the situation can just walk away and not be affected by the emotional, physical and mental scars that the women faces when they make this kind of decision. I also agree with Dare, if your OH is going to leave you, than he will do it either way whether there is a baby or not. You do what is best for you and what you know is right in your heart hun...:hugs::hugs: I really hope that everythings work out for the best. I am hoping that your OH is just getting scared and overwhelmed and will come around and do the right things for you and the baby once he gets over the initial shock of the situation.
Hi girls, Sorry I havent been around latley, i have been busy with job hunting. I havent had any definate luck yet though on the job front so keep your fingers crossed that I find something good soon. :winkwink:

I have an infertility consultation with an OBGYN that specializes in reproductive endocrinology and infertility on Friday June 24th in the morning. My health insurance covers the diagnosis of infertility and not the actual treatment, so I had to call my health insurance company to make sure the appointment would be covered, and the customer service rep i talked to said it should be covered like an office visit with a specialist. I hope she gave me the right information and that it will be covered because I cant afford to pay the out of pocket expenses right now.:wacko: I just want to make sure that there isnt anything wrong with me and that the reason why I am not getting pregnant is indeed just because my DH has his low :spermy: count as a result of his vasectomy reversal. I want the peace of mind knowing that I am alright, or at least if i discover that something is wrong with me I can deal with it and make a plan to either treat thr problem or look into fertility options down the road. If I get a job before than though I might have to reschedule and postpone the appointment for another time so we will see. But at least I will have taken the first steps in the process by finally seeing a dr. :thumbup:

@Nj, I am so glad that the fertility procedures went so well for you!!! Good luck and baby dust to you hun...:dust: :dust: I am excited for you this cycle and looking forward to when you can start testing. Please keep us updated. :thumbsup:

@Spunky, I cant beleieve how close it is to you have your baby, it could be any day now!!! i am so excited and happy for you and DH!!! Good luck, I hope you have a smooth and easy delivery, and a happy and healthy baby... :winkwink: :flower:
Hi girls, Sorry I havent been around latley, i have been busy with job hunting. I havent had any definate luck yet though on the job front so keep your fingers crossed that I find something good soon. :winkwink:

I have an infertility consultation with an OBGYN that specializes in reproductive endocrinology and infertility on Friday June 24th in the morning. My health insurance covers the diagnosis of infertility and not the actual treatment, so I had to call my health insurance company to make sure the appointment would be covered, and the customer service rep i talked to said it should be covered like an office visit with a specialist. I hope she gave me the right information and that it will be covered because I cant afford to pay the out of pocket expenses right now.:wacko: I just want to make sure that there isnt anything wrong with me and that the reason why I am not getting pregnant is indeed just because my DH has his low :spermy: count as a result of his vasectomy reversal. I want the peace of mind knowing that I am alright, or at least if i discover that something is wrong with me I can deal with it and make a plan to either treat thr problem or look into fertility options down the road. If I get a job before than though I might have to reschedule and postpone the appointment for another time so we will see. But at least I will have taken the first steps in the process by finally seeing a dr. :thumbup:

@Nj, I am so glad that the fertility procedures went so well for you!!! Good luck and baby dust to you hun...:dust: :dust: I am excited for you this cycle and looking forward to when you can start testing. Please keep us updated. :thumbsup:

@Spunky, I cant beleieve how close it is to you have your baby, it could be any day now!!! i am so excited and happy for you and DH!!! Good luck, I hope you have a smooth and easy delivery, and a happy and healthy baby... :winkwink: :flower:

Exciting about a diagnosis appointment! I understand trying to argue with insurance to make sure things will be accepted. (I found out I've been overpaying my hospital and they owe me $105 in copay and they're dancing around saying that they actually owe me, but it's better to get money back than to owe a bunch). I agree with you piece of mind would make me feel a lot better too! I hope if they find anything wrong with you that it's easily treatable! Good Luck finding a job too, but I really want you to be able to keep this appointment! :haha: Here's hoping both go well!!
As for me: Went to doc today. I am now a fingertip dialated (not much at all, but a slight improvement over not dialated at all). They said see you next week :winkwink: and that we might start talking induction then due to my Gestational Diabetes. (If I had been medicated for it they told me they would have already induced me by now and I'd have had my baby!) Looks like I'll be getting the June baby I wanted (I think, unless magically I randomly go into labor)
As for me: Went to doc today. I am now a fingertip dialated (not much at all, but a slight improvement over not dialated at all). They said see you next week :winkwink: and that we might start talking induction then due to my Gestational Diabetes. (If I had been medicated for it they told me they would have already induced me by now and I'd have had my baby!) Looks like I'll be getting the June baby I wanted (I think, unless magically I randomly go into labor)

Ohhhh, wow.......:happydance::happydance: how exciting.....:winkwink: Good luck with everything hun...your baby will be here before you know it!!!:happydance::happydance::thumbup:
wannabe- I'm so glad you have that appt set up! Hoping that it's no big deal- but so proud of you for taking that step. Fx'd will be all good! And hope ur job search goes well to- but hope you get it after the appt :)

spunky- I can't even believe you are so close!!! Can't wait!!!!!

as for me- 2 more days of work- then becoming an official housewife lol. Can't wait to meet baby. But I still have a way yet!
Ladies, So glad to hear you are all doing so well,

I spoke to OH again last night, he freaked out a bit but i think i am starting to make him understand it is such a struggle though =(
Ladies, So glad to hear you are all doing so well,

I spoke to OH again last night, he freaked out a bit but i think i am starting to make him understand it is such a struggle though =(

:hugs: Glad you're talking and communicating.

When is your 11 week appointment? I want to be thinking or you while you're there! :hugs:
Wannabe, thanks! I can use all the help I can get! LOL. I go for my ultrasound tomorrow and then I (most likely) get the second HCG shot. Then waiting for at least another week. If AF doesn't show by June 4th, I think I can test (that'll be 14dpiui - the second one). The RE tomorrow will tell me more as to when he wants to see me back if no AF. If the :witch: shows up, then I call them that day, and we start all over again.
Glad you're getting in to see the RE! DH and I are very lucky that he has good insurance, because ours is 100% covered. Just from what I've learned, and your history, maybe something like IUI would work for you guys? Because your DH is post-vasectomy reversal, right?

Kitten, I hope things are getting better. Keep us posted!

Chelsea - yay for being dilated! That means he's at least thinking about coming out. Good luck!
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