The One Year Strong Ladies!

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I am seeing my Dr Tuesday next week it is the earliest they can get me in, i am planning on moving into my own place though because i cannot see OH comming around to the plan - he said he refused to change his mind, on the idea of abortion this morning, i have just applied to my local council to try and get an appartment of my own. I am going to tell my mum about my decision and tell leigh when it comes to time to move out...
Wow I've been away from this thread, so much has happened.
I'm off to settle Toby in a second (first injections - v. niggly!) so I can't go bsck and catch up on everything just now.

Just wanted to say, Kitten, I'm so sorry for what you're going through. It can't be easy knowing this is what you've wanted for so long and then have a spanner thrown in the works. I am glad to hear you and OH are communicating but I hope you do what's best for YOU, and please know that we'll support you in your decision.

Nj, good luck hun! I'm already looking forward to your test day but it feel so far off! Please keep us posted. I hope the IUI will be you way to that BFP.

Dare, how's maternity leave??

Chelsea, is he here yet?! :haha: I'm sorry I couldn't resist. I hated being asked that!!
I am seeing my Dr Tuesday next week it is the earliest they can get me in, i am planning on moving into my own place though because i cannot see OH comming around to the plan - he said he refused to change his mind, on the idea of abortion this morning, i have just applied to my local council to try and get an appartment of my own. I am going to tell my mum about my decision and tell leigh when it comes to time to move out...

I'll be thinking about you Tuesday then! Please do make sure to keep us updated! You know we care and support you! :hugs:

Sorry he's refusing to change his mind, I still stand by you need to make the decision that's right for you. I can see not living with him though if your ideas don't match. There would be no point. I didn't know you had to apply for an apartment. Here as long as you can pay for it you just go looking for one.

I hope your mom is supportive, and your dad too. :hugs:
Chelsea, is he here yet?! :haha: I'm sorry I couldn't resist. I hated being asked that!!

I don't mind being asked! To be honest I don't get out much, just staying at home and resting, so no one really asks. My mom is going to be in the hospital room with me and I am going to call her as soon as I'm in labor (as even though she's only 30 minutes away she's worried she wont make it in time :haha: considering 1st babies can take so long she's being very irrational) BUT she still calls me and is like, you're not in labor are you? I'll tell you!!!

I think he's going to be a June baby, but I'll be sure to keep you guys updated.
I am seeing my Dr Tuesday next week it is the earliest they can get me in, i am planning on moving into my own place though because i cannot see OH comming around to the plan - he said he refused to change his mind, on the idea of abortion this morning, i have just applied to my local council to try and get an appartment of my own. I am going to tell my mum about my decision and tell leigh when it comes to time to move out...

Kitten, i am so glad that you are making the decision that is right for you, even if it is really really hard. I don't want anyone forcing you into anything. AND i'm so upset that he would ttc with you for so long and then when it happens just leave you hanging like that. I will pray that he comes around and gets over whatever has happened to him- and supports you like you need right now. Will be thinking of you on tuesday and sending you good thoughts/prayers that everything will be going well. :hugs:

Wannabe, thanks! I can use all the help I can get! LOL. I go for my ultrasound tomorrow and then I (most likely) get the second HCG shot. Then waiting for at least another week. If AF doesn't show by June 4th, I think I can test (that'll be 14dpiui - the second one). The RE tomorrow will tell me more as to when he wants to see me back if no AF. If the :witch: shows up, then I call them that day, and we start all over again.
Glad you're getting in to see the RE! DH and I are very lucky that he has good insurance, because ours is 100% covered. Just from what I've learned, and your history, maybe something like IUI would work for you guys? Because your DH is post-vasectomy reversal, right?

Can't wait for you to be able to test!!! June 4th seems so far away, i don't want to wait that long!!!

Wow I've been away from this thread, so much has happened.
I'm off to settle Toby in a second (first injections - v. niggly!) so I can't go bsck and catch up on everything just now.

Dare, how's maternity leave??

How'd Toby do with his first shots? I dread those!!! I'm such a horrible person with shots and can't even imagine watching them poke my kid. Lordy i'm going to be a mess.

Maternity leave starts officially tomorrow at 5pm. But i'm already kind of mentally there. I mean, things are just getting hard- like bending down, wrestling animals at work, my feet always hurting, sheesh. I was telling dh about that today- he asks me everyday how i'm feeling and then i mention the little things, but i made sure to tell him that it's really nothing though. I mean considering what some ladies go through- i feel terrible complaining about my feet or my back or the little things i get here and there. And i still think that pregnancy so far has been an incredible journey. :) Simply amazing. Looking forward to some time to myself, and time to tidy up the house and give it a nice clean. :)

How are things going with Toby's feeds and such? Any more support from DH?

I don't mind being asked! To be honest I don't get out much, just staying at home and resting, so no one really asks. My mom is going to be in the hospital room with me and I am going to call her as soon as I'm in labor (as even though she's only 30 minutes away she's worried she wont make it in time :haha: considering 1st babies can take so long she's being very irrational) BUT she still calls me and is like, you're not in labor are you? I'll tell you!!!

I think he's going to be a June baby, but I'll be sure to keep you guys updated.

I can't believe tomorrow is your due date! That's just crazy! Time is moving so very very fast. How have you been spending your days?
Maternity leave starts officially tomorrow at 5pm. But i'm already kind of mentally there. I mean, things are just getting hard- like bending down, wrestling animals at work, my feet always hurting, sheesh. I was telling dh about that today- he asks me everyday how i'm feeling and then i mention the little things, but i made sure to tell him that it's really nothing though. I mean considering what some ladies go through- i feel terrible complaining about my feet or my back or the little things i get here and there. And i still think that pregnancy so far has been an incredible journey. :) Simply amazing. Looking forward to some time to myself, and time to tidy up the house and give it a nice clean. :)

I can't believe tomorrow is your due date! That's just crazy! Time is moving so very very fast. How have you been spending your days?

I can't believe today is my due date either! I'm still in denial that I'm going to have a baby! He's just been getting bigger and bigger (his movements are so different). I finally got stretch marks on my tummy and I am so sad! But so far they're not that bad... Hopefully they wont go crazy over the next week (or two eek!). Next appointment 40+5 they'll start talking induction. I would like to avoid that, but wait till June to have him.

How have I been spending my days? Well, the initial plan was to get the house ready and clean, but I've been so tired and lazy I guess. I spend most days surfing the net and watching crap tv. Done a couple little projects for James (been crocheting him ducks). Mostly just relaxing with my feet up. Don't know where my last 4 weeks have gone! Maybe since you're going out earlier you'll have more energy to get things done. I would recommend doing your big projects next week then save your little ones for later on.

When do we get to know your little girl's name? I'm on pins and needles (like my family is waiting to know James' name :haha:)
hmph-im feeling grumpy. i dont feel good. i cant eat. my back hurts.....the baby is still breech and we have to decide if we are going to attempt aversion or go with c-section. i dont want either.... and we still cant decide on a middle name.... waaaaaa having a tanrum kind of day!!!!
kitten-im so sorry you have to go through this alone. i was alone with my oldest and it was very challanging.....then my prince charming showed up when my little pumpkin was 1 and a half and our family has been fabulous ever since!!! i pray and hope the same unity for you. wether it be the daddy, or just you!!!!
Spunky- how exciting to be having a baby "any day now"!!!! do you feel well, besides you mentioned tired!
hmph-im feeling grumpy. i dont feel good. i cant eat. my back hurts.....the baby is still breech and we have to decide if we are going to attempt aversion or go with c-section. i dont want either.... and we still cant decide on a middle name.... waaaaaa having a tanrum kind of day!!!!

Spunky- how exciting to be having a baby "any day now"!!!! do you feel well, besides you mentioned tired!

Good to see you! I'm sorry today is a grumpy day! Good luck on your decision for the aversion or c-section, luckily my little man is head down, but I figure that's the least he could do with everything else! :haha: Do you have options at least for a middle name? I picked the first name a long time ago, so letting husband pick middle, he's got it narrowed down to three and I said we could wait till we meet him to decide :)

Still feeling pretty well. I was really achey this morning in the hips and knees and back (losening joints maybe?) but now that I'm up and moving it's a little better... Can't believe he has less than 2 weeks left now for sure!!! Ack! :wacko:
Wow, you girls have been busy today.

Speaking of, glad to see you @busy! You're only a month and a half away! Holy cow.

Tiffani - I'm sorry it doesn't seem like Leigh is going to come around to the idea. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope your family is at least supportive.

Chelsea - sounds like James is pretty comfortable in there right now! He'll come out when he's ready. My friend had her baby au natural in January, the day before her scheduled induction. She was due Dec 30th, and baby didn't show until January 5th, and just barely made it before midnight.

AFM, I went to the RE today - cyst check was good, everything "feels good" (he just did an internal, no ultrasound). He also checked a progesterone level, and went ahead and gave me another HCG shot. He told me not to test, because it will come up positive anyway. Told me that since the first shot was last Thursday, I should expect AF by next Thursday (6/2). If I haven't started by Saturday, 6/4, I go in for a blood test.

Sooooo. Now for a very long week. This last week was slow, and I haven't really had any symptoms. Yes, I know it's too early for symptoms, the first IUI was only one week ago. Just some creamy CM (which is the norm for me from O to AF), and my temp has been high. But it has also been WICKED hot here, so I'm sure that's affecting it.

Don't worry, girls, you'll be among the first to know how it goes. I just can't get it out of my head that it didn't work this month. :-( Feeling pessimistic. Stupid meds.
I can't believe today is my due date either! I'm still in denial that I'm going to have a baby! He's just been getting bigger and bigger (his movements are so different). I finally got stretch marks on my tummy and I am so sad! But so far they're not that bad... Hopefully they wont go crazy over the next week (or two eek!). Next appointment 40+5 they'll start talking induction. I would like to avoid that, but wait till June to have him.

How have I been spending my days? Well, the initial plan was to get the house ready and clean, but I've been so tired and lazy I guess. I spend most days surfing the net and watching crap tv. Done a couple little projects for James (been crocheting him ducks). Mostly just relaxing with my feet up. Don't know where my last 4 weeks have gone! Maybe since you're going out earlier you'll have more energy to get things done. I would recommend doing your big projects next week then save your little ones for later on.

When do we get to know your little girl's name? I'm on pins and needles (like my family is waiting to know James' name :haha:)

So i'm assuming no sign of bubs yet as i haven't heard anything on here! you better make sure and update us lady!!! :)

I haven't decided if i'm putting my name up or not!! I've met a lot of ladies on here that flat out say they are looking to take names from other people who have them already!! Cheaters! I don't know why but i'm very protective of my name!!!

NJ how are you holding up love? Hope this week flies by for you!! :)

We spent our weekend running everywhere to Memorial Day bbqs! We had one a day. Thank goodness one was canceled or we'd have had 2 in one day! sheesh! Finally broke and went and bought 2 maternity bathing suits, so we spent an hour in the community pool both yesterday and today.

Good because it was 95 out today, and our air doesn't want to go below 80 during the day (doesn't make sleeping very easy either!) so we have to call a guy to come in this week and take a look. :wacko:
I'm doing okay, Dare, thanks. This week is dragging. Very tired last two days - fell asleep on the couch when I came home from work both days. I think a lot of it is the heat - it's been about 90 and very humid here. Which I'm sure is also affecting my temps - my temps have been nice and high post-IUI, but we also have no central air...not sure how to read it. :-(
I was talking to one of the girls I work with today, who had GIFT with my MD 14 years ago - after 18 failed IUI. She now has 14 year old twin girls. I was telling her about how I can't help but feel this cycle "didn't take" because I'm really not feeling anything out of the ordinary. She told me the day she got her beta done, she was convinced she was going to start with AF that day - that she had lots of cramping. When they called her and told her that the beta was WAY high (she was pregnant with FIVE), she didn't believe them. So, made me feel a little bit better.

I'm just keeping FX'd that Saturday gets here without AF showing - then I go in that day for blood work. Until then, just trying to remain calm. My best friend is more nervous than I am; she calls/txts every day asking how I am.

Chelsea - I'm assuming James isn't here yet. ;-)

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend - I worked, so didn't get to enjoy the BBQs, but it was nice to just have the house to myself.
NJ- you know i know it's not exactly the same, but i didn't think i was pg the cycle i was either. I was convinced i wasn't. The only thing was instead of being cold right before AF would be there- i was warm. And was having a weird leg thing which i've never had in my life before AF but just figured i was being hopeful.

Sometimes it's the little things we normally wouldn't notice.

My co-worker did IUI for a while and it didn't work for her either. But she only did 3 cycles of that. She tried IVF and got it the first try. But i've known a few girls that did IUI and it works well.

Either way- FX'D for you love. And hoping so very much that you get that bfp this week and don't have to go through it again.
I wasn't sure if I was pregnant or not. I kept cramping, but the bloating for me was ridiculous! I was 2.5" bigger around my tummy from morning to evening same day!! I don't remember bloating much with my period, but DAMN was I bloated from 7dpo. I didn't necessarily "feel" pregnant though. I'm hoping this is it for you Lindsay!! Can't wait for June 4th! You better update us as soon as you know!!

Tiffany - thinking of you for your appointment. Hope it went ok and you're fine with everything. :hugs:

DaretoDream - Congrats on your first official work day on maternity leave! That's fine keeping the name to yourself, I'm just curious! You could always Personal Message me it and I'll keep it quiet :winkwink: My family is so excited that they're going to learn it soon since he'll be born anytime!

Still here ladies :) It's my 27th birthday today! And James is giving me a great present - a June baby! We have so many May babies that I really wanted a June baby. And unless I'm randomly going to go into labor (still no signs) and pop him out in less than 16 hours then he's going to make it! Kinda bummed about my birthday this year. I couldn't think of anything I wanted so I told my family to get me cards and we'll figure out what to get me after he's born and I can think of something I want. (We don't do a lot of gifts in my family, but mom/dad, brother, and husband didn't know what to buy me, and neither did I!) Didn't really want to make any big plans (not that we do crazy things for b-days anyways) cause I didn't know if I'd be in the hospital, or labor, or overwhelmed with a new LO, so now I'm sitting home by myself while everyone's at work (which I would normally go to work if I were still working anyways) feeling a little sad, but it's my fault.

I have an appointment tomorrow to talk induction. I made it for the middle of the day for some reason. (it's at 1:30) but now I really want my husband to go cause I'm scared (lol, you'd think I never went to an appt before) and they have no other appointments and I don't want him to have to take a half day... I don't know. Just nervous they may keep me and I'll be by myself (which he would be there in less than 45 minutes) or I'll have to make decisions by myself (like pick a day to be induced!) or if something is wrong (which I can't imagine anything - they said they would check my fluid levels, and if they're too low I guess they'd keep me and then he could join me). I feel like I'm being irrational.

You'll know I'm in labor/hospital/had James if I don't check in for a while :) They have to keep me 48 hours because I tested positive for Group Beta Strep so they can observe him. So if I'm gone for a while, you know where I am! I don't have a cool phone to access internet at the hospital, and we're not taking our laptop. I'll try to let you guys know if I'm in labor though, so you wont wonder, but if I'm not here you'll know!
Sorry youre feeling a bit down in the dumps. I guess you dont want to do much just in case... imagine if you'd planned a big meal and you water went in the middle of the restaurant! :haha:

Can I make a prediction? I reckon James'll be here in 4 days.
Simply because Toby was here 4 days after my 27th birthday!
Good luck with the appointment. xx

I'm having a rough few days. Turns out DF's family and friends are concerned about me because they think I'm getting depressed and not getting enough help. Basically they don't think DF is pulling his weight (never does night shifts, expects me to do all the housework with one hand and take care of toby with the other)... and I know that I could use more help but my go-to response is still to defend him.

Oh, and the wedding we were planning is apparently not going to happen for a while now because DF is panicking about money. He wasn't panicking last week when he said he wanted to get married as soon as this september though. Meh.

I'm having a rough few days. Baby blues + AF + no wedding = a sad cottles.
Sorry youre feeling a bit down in the dumps. I guess you dont want to do much just in case... imagine if you'd planned a big meal and you water went in the middle of the restaurant! :haha:

Can I make a prediction? I reckon James'll be here in 4 days.
Simply because Toby was here 4 days after my 27th birthday!
Good luck with the appointment. xx

I'm having a rough few days. Turns out DF's family and friends are concerned about me because they think I'm getting depressed and not getting enough help. Basically they don't think DF is pulling his weight (never does night shifts, expects me to do all the housework with one hand and take care of toby with the other)... and I know that I could use more help but my go-to response is still to defend him.

Oh, and the wedding we were planning is apparently not going to happen for a while now because DF is panicking about money. He wasn't panicking last week when he said he wanted to get married as soon as this september though. Meh.

I'm having a rough few days. Baby blues + AF + no wedding = a sad cottles.

I picked June 4th as James' birthday when I found out I was pregnant (don't know why) so that would be 4 days after ;) Hopefully he'll come within 4 days like your Toby did!

:hugs: I'm sorry DF is being a pain right now. I'm glad his family is noticing his lack of efforts, but I'm with you even though I'd agree with them I'd still defend my husband as a default. Hopefully they'll rag on him and he'll see the light?

How sad that DF wants to put off the wedding! Seems like he's the one that suggested it early on (when you said you wanted to married before you have a another LO). Maybe he'll change his mind again? Have you sat down and made a budget and looked at how you can save? That would suck having to convince him to marry you though.

I'm sorry you're sad, very understandable for you to be though :hugs:
Ladies, the Dr's made me realise something on my 30 minute walk there, im only 19, yes we are buying our own place but really there is only me and leigh, i thought i was ready and seeing him cry and actually talk to me and explain every little thing he is thinking about the whole situation - i am gonna be getting a new tattoo to represent this lesson in life and it will be dedicated to my little angel =) Thank you ladies but i think this might just be good bye until the time where i am ready comes xx
Ladies, the Dr's made me realise something on my 30 minute walk there, im only 19, yes we are buying our own place but really there is only me and leigh, i thought i was ready and seeing him cry and actually talk to me and explain every little thing he is thinking about the whole situation - i am gonna be getting a new tattoo to represent this lesson in life and it will be dedicated to my little angel =) Thank you ladies but i think this might just be good bye until the time where i am ready comes xx

I was just thinking about you, thank you for keeping us in the loop. :hugs: I wish you nothing but the best and hope you can keep in touch some. :hugs: I'll be sure to e-mail about James if you would like.
Oh cottles- i'm so sorry you are having a rough few days!!! And i understand about the defending the df though. Even if he's not pulling his weight- and sometimes my dh gets the same way but if anyone says anything about it- i get very defensive! can't help it. I hope AF goes away soon and you guys can sort out the whole wedding thing.

spunky- i will be sending you a private message in a few minutes.

Kitten- i'm sorry about everything hun- it sounds like you are going to go ahead with the abortion then? Good luck with everything hun- wishing you all the best.
Hi girls,

BEYOND crabby today. Ugh. Started as soon as I woke up, DH wanted to :sex: and I was NOT in the mood - just wanted to sleep, as I tossed and turned all night because of the heat. Had an asshole MD bug me (no more than he usually does - he treats me like his personal slave because he thinks he's "friends" with my partner, when in reality my partner hates him). That just set the tone for the rest of the day...then dealing with stupid nurses, nasty patients. Plus had TWO patients with shingles, which I can't see. Just a pain. Ugh. My partner actually told me "If you're not feeling well, just go home." Felt kinda bad, but on the other hand...
So I came home, and fell asleep on the couch again. At dinner tonight with DH, ordered a turkey burger, and about halfway through it, just got nauseated.
I'm still convinced this is all from the heat. If Thursday comes and goes with no AF, I'll feel better about everything.

Dare, thanks so much for all your positive thoughts. I know a lot of people that IUI did and did not work for. The MD seemed very optimistic that it would work well for us, so all I can do is hope. Like I said, between the hormones (thank you Clomid and HCG) and the heat, I have no idea what is a "symptom" and what is just my body going wacky.

Chelsea - happy birthday! So nice of James to come in June for you. :) I had one of those birthdays a couple years ago, where my family didn't do anything, DH was working, and I was home by myself. Felt very down and it was all my fault. So I can sympathize.

Kat, I'm sure it's not easy to try to do everything you did before Toby came about. Everyone juggles everything in their own way. I'm sorry DF changed his mind about the wedding...but things can always change again.

Tiffani - :hugs: I'm sorry for everything you're going through. We're all thinking of you.

Oh, and I will let you guys know as soon as either AF shows or I get the beta done on Saturday. With luck, Chelsea, you'll be getting induced. :)
Thanks DaretoDream!! :)

Lindsay - I'm sorry you've been really irritated lately. Hopefully it's a good sign. I'm ready to fight off AF for you! I really hope the drugs aren't the only reason, cause then you'll be like this again next month :shock: Please do keep us updated! June 4th/Saturday isn't that far away!!
Thanks for sympathazing over the birthday thing. Had a nice dinner with my husband and parents. Came home and my husband and I watched a movie on Netflix, then I asked for a foot/lower leg rub (I haven't really demanded massages while pregnant, but I figured 4 days overdue and on my birthday I could demand that!) and ate more birthday cake while he rubbed my feet. It was the best part of my day. Then we went to bed early :haha: It was alright, just didn't feel "special" but I wasn't really up for it this year.

Doctor's appointment later today, and husband is going with me cause I'm scared. I made the appointment a little later so he would only have to take 1.5 hours of sick time. To me, that's totally worth it for my piece of mind! Eep! We both had labor dreams last night, very different ones. BUT in my dream he was born on 6/2/2011. Tomorrow! We'll see!
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