The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Spunky- did your doc tell you anything about the lower leg rubs? we were told it's a HUGE no no! Our calves are not to be touched. Can cause blood clots? Scared the poop out of me when they told us that! Some poor girl in the class i'm in said she gets a prenatal massage and the lady said make sure they don't touch your calves and she told them they did and she freaked and said NO NO NO NO don't do that it's really bad!

Ask your dr while you are at the appt today!!! I'm afraid to like touch my own calves now lol
Eh...No, I hadn't heard that, and I've been getting pedicures (with doc's blessing) the whole time I've been pregnant and they really dig into the calves. :shrug: Weird! I'll ask today if I remember! I'm so much more worried about being induced.

LOL, my family thinks I'm crazy cause I keep telling them I'm worried they'll keep me today and not let me go! (I don't feel like I have high blood pressure, and my blood sugars have been bad for two weeks, no clue about amniotic fluid, so seriously why would they not let me go? Who knows!) Feeling pretty paranoid! The paranoia I've felt over everything the last couple weeks! I'm driving my husband crazy!
will be thinking of you spunky!!!! Good luck love!!! Hopefully they won't keep you!!!
Good luck at the doc's Chelsea! Hope it all goes well and that we will soon see pictures of baby James. For some reason I picture him with tons of dark hair. Maybe because all my friend's babies lately have been hairy little monkeys. :haha:
Glad that the birthday was just something relaxing. All in all, you probably wouldn't have been in the mood for a big party or family get together, so sitting on the couch getting a foot massage while eating cake? Sounds pretty good to me!

Feeling better today, thanks. I honestly think it's the heat. DH is putting the portable AC in. I didn't even do my hair for work today, it's finally long enough that I can put it back in a clip - just left it wet because I couldn't even think about sitting with a hair dryer. Plus with the humidity, all that effort isn't worth it, I just frizz.

My boss said I seemed better today - poor guy. If AF isn't here by the AM, I'm going to be all kinds of crazy tomorrow and Friday! I've never checked this much toilet paper. I think I'm crazier this cycle than I have been because I *know* the timing was right, we did all we just time to twiddle my thumbs and wait. A little crampy today, but I get that way before AF. So....we shall see.
Thanks DaretoDream!

Lindsay - Glad you're feeling better! After my BFP I was checking my underwear like crazy! And now I am again! Awesome for the AC, I know I'm pretty miserable when hot! Looking forward to Sat. results!

I'm going to start a new post for yesterday, lol
nj glad you are feeling a bit better today. hope it was just the heat. its a little nicer here today and hope its the same for you.

glad they didnt keep you spunky
Ok, so I wanted to see the same OB as last week cause we have 4 that see everyone, but the one from last week said we'd do an ultrasound to check fluid level and talk induction due to my Gestational Diabetes cause I mentioned my numbers are getting worse.

So my husband goes with me, and they tell me she's not there. (BOO!! But I think she's about 7 months pregnant, so I was like, ok...maybe she's not feeling well) they asked if I would mind seeing another OB (one of the other 2 females) I was like that's fine. She's my least favorite, but I didn't mind. Well, then we get in the room and they send in the only male OB. I didn't have that much of a problem with it, though since I've been getting internals I've purposely scheduled with the girls. I've never had an internal done by a guy. Well my husband was so upset and uncomfortable about there being the guy. The guy wanted to do an internal since I was almost a week overdue, so we did one. He was the roughest of the 4 OBs and it really hurt. But not only am I worrying about how much it hurts, how weird it is that a guy is down there, I have to worry about my husband who is quiet and PISSED. So they measure my tummy listen to James' heart and then get this, no ultrasound, no induction date, just a see you next week. Didn't ask about my blood sugar (which is out of control - and I meant to mention it but see above, I was a little scatterbrained as I didn't expect to be told I'd be bounced around between doctors). See you next week. WTF? I'll be 12 days overdue then, and THEN we'll talk induction? I want this baby out now. I was SOOOO depressed, they were rushing me and didn't really address my concerns, they just needed to see their patients and the other doctor's patients.

Then we come home and my husband is ranting and raving about how the appointment was pointless (remember I had him take time off of work and go in early so he could join me). And how he should just get over me being examined by a male doctor but he didn't like it. And basically how it was a waste of time and how disappointed he is. Seriously? How disappointed HE is? I'm the one that's uncomfortable!

So I went and took a nap, most of which was spent crying (damn pregnancy hormones mixed with frustration and disappointment). After my nap my husband apologized half ass first, and then later gave me a really nice apology saying that he knew he made the appointment worse and he shouldn't have, and that he knows it's worse for me and that he knows I just want to be done now, and he doesn't blame me for wanting to be done. He's seriously made the last two appointments he went with me worse, I don't think I want him to go with me anymore. He's usually my rock, but apparently he's an asshole in a doctor's office.

So after like a 1.5 hour nap/crying my husband tells me I need to call back my mom now. (I was supposed to call after the appointment, but didn't feel up to it, see above, so I told my husband to tell her I'd call her later when she called. Well, he felt I had napped enough and let my mother wait long enough so I should call her). So I call my mom back and she lectures me about how she waited by the phone and didn't even go the bathroom and how inconsiderate of me basically. She was like are you depressed, and I said yes, and she was like oh, well, you still should have called me. So I told her I had an appt the next week and I was sad. She had a terrible induction experience, so she's like it's really best that you just go into labor naturally, and it's best that they just leave you to it. And you know your brother was overdue. But you know what? She had a very easy going pregnancy and felt great. Whereas I have had a much more complicated pregnancy and at almost a week overdue I'm done! I've been really good! Especially with the whole Gestational Diabetes thing, and worrying about if he's ok (he still has to have an ultrasound after he's born to see if his liver is ok). I'm DONE! She was drinking champane and dancing at New Year's when my brother was overdue. Trust me, that's not how I feel. So after I got her off the phone I cried and napped more, cause really, that's not what I needed.

So, basically I feel defeated and depressed. And I don't want to hear he'll come when he's ready. I want to hear he'll come on his own right away, like tomorrow, even if it isn't true. Tell me stories about how women were told it'd be another week and then 2 days later labor! Did I mention that my cervix is CLOSED and FIRM? Seriously? Last week I was a fingertip dilated, now it's closed? I'm going backwards and have made NO progress?! I know a week doesn't seem like that long, but I've been waiting 9 months!! I've paid my dues. Honestly I think I would feel better had they kept me. I was ready to go with bags in the car. Rant over. Thanks for reading. :cry:
Oh my lord spunky! how horrible! i would've raved in that office about how rough he was being and how he didn't do anything or cover anything and how you were rushed out! if not right there in the office on the phone! i would've called and complained! how DARE you rush me out there when i'm as worried as i am!!!!! Reading this has seriously pissed me off!

I also find it strange that they do internals- i was just told here that they DONT do them because it could cause infection with them going in all the time like that. weird how one hospital could be so different from another.

man give me their # i'll call and fix them up for you! i'm so mad!
Chelsea, I'm with you on that. My best friend had a terrible experience with her OB when she had to have her baby last year - new group, it's through the VA because her DH is Army. She went into labor two weeks early, and the OB on call was her least favorite of the group. Basically told her the amount of pain she was in wasn't appropriate for the contractions she was having, and that she wasn't in labor, it was all in her head. (She was 5cm dilated and 60% effaced - water hadn't broken yet). So the A-HOLE OB gave her meds to STOP LABOR. Which, btw, is totally contraindicated if you're more than 4cm and 30%. I was so angry when I heard that - my friend questioned the meds the MD was giving, because she recognized the names (did I mention this was her FOURTH pregnancy?), and the MD just changed the medications to something else to accomplish the same goal.

I know, that doesn't make your situation any better - I'm not sure what my point was...oh, wait, yes I do. :dohh:
The next day, my friend called up the office, demanded an appointment with the OB she was comfortable with. Her OB was very upset to hear what had happened (it was like, a nine person group), and apparently things were much smoother from then on. She and the OB she was at ease with had developed a good relationship over the last however many visits, and she helped make her "real labor" a more pleasant experience.

Point being - CALL THEM. Tell them that the OB you saw last week wanted to get an ultrasound, etc, and that it wasn't done, and you don't feel comfortable not getting the follow up you were supposed to at ONE WEEK OVER. Request to see the OB you're most comfortable with as soon as they can get you in. Tell them that waiting another week after this experience is not acceptable. You are the patient, YOU are paying THEM to take care of YOU.

Grr, sorry, I hate when health care workers screw up, it makes me so flipping mad! Makes the rest of us who are halfway decent look bad! Things are supposed to be in your patient's best interest - in OB you have TWO patients you're supposed to be looking out for.

Totally understand how you feel. I'd be done by now too, with everything you have had to go through. :hugs:

AFM - No :witch: so far. Had an extremely vivid dream last night that I woke up in the AM with blood on the sheets (TMI), and that AF had shown. When I did wake up, I had a little bit of very low pelvic cramping, enough that I knew it was there. Checking TP like I work for friggin' Charmin'. So far.....FX'd!! My secretary is convinced my brain is trying to convince me that I'm not going to get that :BFP: so that when it happens it'll be even more of a surprise. Interesting thought. I just think I'm so anxious about it, my brain doesn't know when to quit.
:hugs: Thanks DaretoDream and Lindsay! Glad to know I have you ladies on my side. :hugs:

I called and rescheduled my Wednesday appt to Monday with the OB that I was supposed to see last time. And really I wouldn't want to be induced before Monday anyways to give my body the chance. Before our appt my husband asked me if I were to pick a date to be induced what would it be and I said Tuesday the 7th, so with a Monday appt with this doc that should be possible still. I feel a lot calmer knowing my appointment is earlier in the week! For some reason 2 days makes a HUGE difference to me!

D2D - I might complain, but I think it's more different docs different opinions. I've just heard/read if you go over they monitor you more (like the first ob said ultrasound for fluid level, or stress tests, not just thanks! Bye!). I didn't volunteer for the internal, but he asked if he could do one, so I went with it. They do internals if you say you have contractions or cramping (no contractions for me, only cramping). They're not really worried about infection with internals UNLESS your water has broken, then they consider it a possible infection risk and do it less often, but considering you're in labor they'll still do it. If Monday goes bad I'll have you call to complain for me :thumbup: Thanks for the love! :flower:

Lindsay - That sounds horrible about your friend! How dare they STOP her labor?! WTF? I want to go into labor naturally, so I figured I'd give it the weekend, and Monday's appt should be soon enough. They said inductions can happen really quickly (which I assume means that I can be scheduled right away!) I'm hoping the other doctor will still do what she had planned and do the ultrasound and schedule me sooner than later. I figure if they tell us all to be interchangeable with them (see everyone because you never know who's going to deliver your baby) that they should have the same overall policies. Shouldn't they at least be on a similar page? She told me she wanted to induce me earlier due to my GD, whereas I think he didn't even look at my chart since he didn't bring up my sugar numbers or worry that they've been high. So hopefully she'll have more time to be more thorough on Monday than he was yesterday. I do feel like he wasn't looking out for the two of us....
As for you! I had dreams of AF starting too! My cramping I think triggered the dreams (you said you woke up with some cramping? The physical symptoms might have made their way into your dreams). I had cramps as one of my earlier symptoms, hopefully it's implantation! LOL I love that you said it's like you're working for Charmin'!! Funniest thing I've heard all day! I'm so glad AF has stayed away so far and am hoping for a BFP on Saturday! How long will it take for them to tell you the results? I'm hoping to be in labor or have a baby by the time you find out, but I doubt it, so I will be anxiously waiting by the laptop!! It's hard not to get one's hopes up, isn't it? :hugs:
hey ladies! just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all!!!
Spunky- i really hope baby comes soon! i was induced with my 2nd and it wasnt bad, but definitly not my favorite. i think he will be coming this weekend. i just have a feeling ;)
how is everyone else doing????
6 weeks to go over here. FINALLY picked out a name for a little girl: Kendall Jaymes. i cant wait to meet her. had a 3D ultrasound and she was not cooperating so i got a little pic of her nose and mouth. so far she looks like her big sissy. i am going to OB every Tuesday now for fetal activity studies. hoping she turns around!!!!!
Busy that's so awesome! 6 more weeks!!!! :) I have 8 this weekend.

Spunky- so glad you got that rescheduled and you will feel more comfortable. And you know i've never taken DH to any appts except the ultrasounds- and it was weird because he just kind of sits there. he's so quiet. doesn't ask questions... you wouldn't even know he was in the room.

If he stresses you out maybe you are right and he shouldn't go to the one on monday!!! you know best. You don't need extra stress.
My husband doesn't say anything when the doctor's in the room, just when we're waiting for the doctor, or while they step outside for me to get undressed, or right after they leave... Otherwise he's just really quiet. I really just thinks he hates doctors. All doctors. And waiting.

LOL, my mom's going with me on Monday. She's worrying about the induction process because she had a horrible experience (whereas my husband and I are just ready for this baby to be out now!) so hopefully it'll be good for her to be there too and hear that maybe I shouldn't be allowed to be pregnant for another week or two (plus they aren't monitoring me like they were her - she had stress tests 3 days a week and me they just sent me home?). She'll be a much more calming influence.

6 weeks and 8 weeks left?! And remember full term is 37 weeks, could happen anytime after that! But I'm proof could be longer... You guys have your hospital bags packed yet? I didn't until 39w3d I think. And we just finished cleaning the house this week at 40w3d. But I knew he'd be late, so it was fine for us.

Busy - Lovely name! James kept his hand up near his face for his 3D ultrasound, so I was a little disappointed too, but we got a couple ok pictures. I so hope you're right about him coming this weekend! When have yours come in the past? Early? Late?
my first son was born 3 days before his due date. my 2nd boy was induced at 35 weeks because i was having kidney issues, my 3rd-a precious girl came exactly at 37 weeks. i really hope this one comes slightly early. although it really hasnt been a bad pregnancy. im still pretty confortable, and ive been getting al ot of projects and hosuework stuff done. my sister (that just had the baby in Cali) is coming in for a visit so ive been preparing the guest room and bathroom for her. my babyshower is tomorrow so ive been excited and getting things together for that. i go back tuesday for another appointment, i hope she flips herself around soon. im getting pretty anxious at teh idea of having her turned. and absolutly against a c-section!
No sign of the :witch: yet...I just have to make it to 8am tomorrow for beta. I'm my own worst enemy, and I am making myself insane. I'm going to go relax on the couch with a book and veg, try to zen out or something. I'm resisting all temptation to try an HPT, because RE told me not to, that it could be a false positive. But part of me is like, "But if I test and it's negative, then I won't be so disappointed."


I'm going away for the rest of the evening. I'll update you all tomorrow afternoon as soon as I hear from MD or when AF shows. Thanks for putting up with my craziness these last few days, you girls are my angels. :hugs:
spunky- I am glad ypur mom will be there too. You know I forgot my dh is HORRIBLE about waiting too.

busy- I'm totally against c- sections as well. Worried because I don't want it so bad I will need it. :/

nj- so awesome about the no sign of af!!!! Keeping my fx'd for you love! And you are stronger than me. I would've tested!!!!
:bfn: girls. Thought so. So onto cycle number two, whenever AF decides to show.
:bfn: girls. Thought so. So onto cycle number two, whenever AF decides to show.

Aww, I am so sorry hun........:hugs::hugs::hugs:

I got my fingers crossed for your next attempt this next cycle....:flower: I hope you get your :bfp: soon....:hugs:
Thanks, Chelsea.
I'm actually ok, I just knew this wasn't it. Now I'm pissed off that AF isn't here yet! LOL. Because that means I have to wait to start the next cycle.
So, once she shows, it'll be back to square one for the second round. The RE is increasing my Clomid to 150mg daily for CD3-7, and we'll see what happens.

D2D, I thought about testing, but the RE warned me that it would likely come up positive because of the HCG booster I got a week ago (takes about 9 days to get out of your system). So, that was the only thing that held me back.
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