The One Year Strong Ladies!

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hi ladies!!!! hope everyone is having a great Sunday~! i just wanted to touch base with SPunky real quick about the tearing....i had a 4th degree tear with my 1st. had to be repaired in surgery.....sounds similar to what you described., i was giving teh episiotomy but also tore. it took about 6 weeks to heal properly and having bowel movements can put you through the roof! take teh stool softners faithfully and FYI i still have toruble in that area from times. my scars will swell up and intercourse is also painful at did effect other deliveries. they always have to cut along the scar line becasue that tissue wont stretch anymore. so anyway just telling i feel your pain literally and unfortunatly 9 yrs later that little boy is still a pain my butt....literally LOL my OB said that after this pregnancy he will be able to do laser scar reduction since this is for sure my last baby adn i know i wont be getting into mischeif in that area in the furture. i hope you heal up quickly! use the medicated wipes, topical numby foam (if your dr gives that out) and def def def use stool softners for at least 6 weeks!
Stool softeners saved me from the waist down!
Also cool baths with 4-6 drops of lavender oil, just deep enough to crouch in and soak for 5-10 minutes. So soothing!
do you all get the little toilet tubs? they are like these buckets that sit in the toilet and it has a bed pan type top but there is a little slot for a tube that connects to a bag, almost like a hanging IV fill up the tub with warm water, and also teh bag with warm water, then you sit there and let the water just circle around your bottom as it flows out of that bag. its wonderful!
im officially in "inactive labor" iw as ocntracting every 5 monutes until 2 am, then they becaeu every 3 monutes apart. i went to hospital, got checked out. im only dialted to 1 adn not progressing (typical labor and delivery for me) so i was sent home to wait for them to get worse......they are not getting worse but they havnet stopped yet so im hopeful! maybe within a few more days???
Now can you see it or am I going crazy
i dont see anything, but the lighting in here is pretty bad since the sun is going down...keep trying FMU its still very early!!!!!!
i have a new ultrasound pic of Baby Kendall at 35 weeks-anyone want to see!??!?!?!?!
Hotpink- sorry love i don't see anything . :( But that doesn't mean it's not there.

and busy- I WANNA SEE!
theres my little princess. she looks jsut like her big sissy!


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Hotpink, I don't see anything. But then again, we've established I have anti-line eye.

Busy, Kendall is so cute! Getting so close! She looks like she's about cooked, ha ha.

All this talk about tearing - YIKES! I've had a couple patients with some lousy experiences...mostly young clinic girls whose OB doctors didn't care enough to either do a section for an enormous baby, or didn't do an episiotomy. But, then again, you only hear the horror stories. No one ever tells you about the "my episiotomy was SO wonderful, I didn't tear at all," because I doubt they even think of it.

AFM, nothing going on here. CD10. Another 2 and a half weeks, hopefully. Trying to just relax. I haven't been charting at all, and trying to not even think about TTC, clear my head for next month. Been doing a lot of genealogy research - got into it about 2008, picked it up again big time over the weekend. Having a lot of fun. Mom gave me a bunch of pictures to scan into the computer - tons from when I was a wee one. Fun to see.

How's everyone else doing?
I’m finally catching up!!

Katherine – sorry to hear you have PND! Glad your family has recognized it and is helping out. So far I have Baby Blues, but nothing worse yet. Hope you’re starting to feel better. :hugs: I’ll work on the pelvic floor exercises! I’m glad there’s a light at the end, because I’ve just been so sad about tearing and not feeling good there and feeling ruined. Sex at 5 weeks? I’ve started getting horny, which has come out of nowhere considering I feel like a friggen milk cow that’s sleep deprived at the moment. Thanks for the bath advice!

Busy – Is Kendall head down? You keep saying you think she’s flipped. I hope she’s cooperating :thumbup: LOL that you said you gave baby stuff away after each one. Still fun to buy new stuff, but I’ll take your advice and store things! Well, now I’m worried about my tear! I was hoping that future births would be easier and didn’t think about the whole scar tissue not stretching thing. My hospital doesn’t do cuts, so I think they’ll just let me tear again. Awesome about laser treatment for it though! So far I haven’t needed much stool softeners, just trying to stick to some prune juice. I got the toilet soak thing, but it looks complicated/freaky. I’ve tried sitting in a bath. How exciting that you’re in inactive labor! Good Luck for this birth! I’m sure you’ll be a pro at it! Kendall looks so cute in her picture! I can’t believe James looked so much like his!

Wannabe – So sorry about AF, was really hoping this was it. :hugs: How exciting about your fertility appointment. Hope they can help you come up with a game plan!

Lindsay – Thank goodness it doesn’t get to 110 here often! We’re high 80’s low 90’s right now and it’s only the beginning. Congrats on AF starting on her own!!! Sorry no clomid this month! :hugs: I would be so frustrated! I wouldn’t want to say congrats to DH’s friends getting pregnant either. I was so jealous of others getting pregnant for quite a while. :hugs: LOL at going over to steve’s house (gay, gay, GAY) to watch TrueBlood. Very naughty guilty pleasure :winkwink: glad you got some time out that you were able to enjoy! I hate the whole everything happens for a reason line, but it’s so true.

Tiffany – Just wanted to give you :hugs:

Wannabe and Dare – Most in my family have had at least 1 c-section, so I wasn’t afraid of it. I’m glad I got him out vaginally, but I was so ready for a c-section after 49 hours!!! Yes, the recovery is easier, but tearing sucks a lot too.

Dare – I wasn’t really scared of labor either. Had a great attitude going in and I think that helped me through the first day! I’m a lot more afraid of it now though lol! Husband and I both had birth dreams, don’t remember them at this point though, sorry.
How’s maternity leave going?

Isabel209 – Welcome back and good luck! Good Luck with the laparoscopy if it comes to it!

Hotpink – hopefully being late is a good thing! Fingers crossed for you! Sorry I don’t see the line yet. Best of Luck!

Sorry if I missed anything! :hugs: to all!
you ladies are so much better at catching up then i am lol i feel like a bum with such short posts!!! i do care about everything you all are doing and saying! i just havea busy brain...and i cant keep up!!!!!! she is head down! she did flip 3 times in one week! its soooo crazy, but i think this time she plans on staying. i have been having a lot of uterine action today- not ready to call it labor, but im very uncomfrotable and things are happening in there i can just tell!!!!
Busy she is adorable! :)

and NJ that part about the ladies never saying they had a wonderful tearing experience was hilarious! I guess that's totally true huh! At my hospital they don't do episitomies so i guess we just tear and well that can't be fun :shrug:

Spunky- glad to see you about again! how is everything going? Hope you and james are well!!! How is everything going?

AFM maternity leave is going. Starting to get a bit achy around the hips and my back hurts- and i just feel kinda blah. I'm getting exhausted a lot too. Like i would rather just lay around all day long not doing anything because i'm SO tired. Soon i'll be like first tri i fear just sleeping all night and day. It sucks. Not really liking the fatigue.
all my uterine action has stopped. jsut randomally stopped. but now i am also very tired, i feel like i cant keep my head off the couch. my kids are well behaved-but htey are tearing the place up. i just cant help it. hoping my sister comes back over today to do somethign fun for them. go for a walk or out to the playground. i was really excited that baby kendall would be coming this week. now im not so sure. my OB did predict 38 weeks. maybe he will be right. i was guessed 37 weeks. i just got my hopes up. bad bad thing to do. i should have known better. since the TTC was so up and down as well!
Busy - glad Kendall is head down! I know what you mean about getting hopes up. I was expecting to be late, but not 13 days late with him! I hope she comes soon and nicely!!

Dare - I was soooo tired! People were talking about nesting and all I wanted to do was nap!!! It did suck, but I say give into it, I just slept all the time and I miss it now! :haha:
OMG, Chelsea, I just saw your new avatar! James is so cute! Can't believe how big he is already! Guess he took advantage of that extra time in the incubator.

Busy - how's everything going? Anymore "uterine action"?

Dare - getting things ready for baby? Still sleepy?

This thread has gotten so slow since no one is really TTC this month. :cry:
no contractions. boo. the fetal activity study showed her hheart rate was a little bit low and she was not having as many accelerations as they would like to see her.....teh Dr was considering to induce me this morning, but he checked my cervix and it wa snot favorable for induction. still high, thick and posterior. dialted to 1. i have to do fetal kick counts 3 times a day and they want to see her move 10 times in an hour each time. if she doesn ti have to go to hospital for monitoring. next thursday i have anotehr fetal activity study, ultrasound, and OB exam. if my cervix has made any changes and/or she is still having a lower heart rate they may "come up with a plan". even though the OB is a little concerned he said at this point the risk of failed induction is higher than the risk of baby being in distress.
Dare-im with you with the sleepy thing! i feel like im in my first trimester again! sooooo tired i just lay around on the couch. i hope you get lots of rest!![!
OMG, Chelsea, I just saw your new avatar! James is so cute! Can't believe how big he is already! Guess he took advantage of that extra time in the incubator.

Busy - how's everything going? Anymore "uterine action"?

Dare - getting things ready for baby? Still sleepy?

This thread has gotten so slow since no one is really TTC this month. :cry:

LOL i've just been REALLLLLL tired lately- so i haven't been on as much. But yeah still getting things ready for baby. Just got another large batch of used clothes- these from my sil, washing those as i write this. She is so happy to help out it's nice. And yes, i'm super sleepy. It's crazy. I can't get up before like 930 anymore. I also have a mw appt so we'll see how that goes.

How are you doing? How much longer until the next iui?

no contractions. boo. the fetal activity study showed her hheart rate was a little bit low and she was not having as many accelerations as they would like to see her.....teh Dr was considering to induce me this morning, but he checked my cervix and it wa snot favorable for induction. still high, thick and posterior. dialted to 1. i have to do fetal kick counts 3 times a day and they want to see her move 10 times in an hour each time. if she doesn ti have to go to hospital for monitoring. next thursday i have anotehr fetal activity study, ultrasound, and OB exam. if my cervix has made any changes and/or she is still having a lower heart rate they may "come up with a plan". even though the OB is a little concerned he said at this point the risk of failed induction is higher than the risk of baby being in distress.
Dare-im with you with the sleepy thing! i feel like im in my first trimester again! sooooo tired i just lay around on the couch. i hope you get lots of rest!![!

Thanks hun i'm trying- and that would make me crazy if they said she is not doing everything they would like to see. I just panic over things. I have been doing the fetal kick thing since my last visit- i go back again today and i assume we're gonna go over the chart today. I also have a full list of questions to go over with them as well. So, that'll be interesting too.

I also find it interesting that they do internal exams on you- because our hospital refuses until i'm in labor- because it could introduce bacteria that they don't want near the baby. I just find things from one hospital to the next interesting. I'm hoping that everything will go well with you and you won't need to go in for monitoring. :hugs:
Lindsay - Thanks! I'm so happy I caught him smiling, he only does it for a few seconds at a time. I looked like a crazy, I sat there with the camera pointed at him for like 5 minutes. I was thinking the other day how slow this thread got too!! But I didn't really have much to say to add, you know? James takes after me in the projectile spit up category, so that's made the last 5 or so days exciting... His favorite place to spit up is IN my bra. But to be fair, it's warm here so I mostly wear a bra and shorts. He's going through all my nursing ones though! I'm going to go out today I think and buy a couple more in my favorite style since I'm washing them like every 2-3 days (all 6 of them!).

Busy - so sorry to hear Kendall is not moving as much as she should! I would not recommend the induction with your cervix. That's how mine was (11 days overdue!) and it took forever, and was pretty horrible. But I was still able to have him vaginally, so if it needs to be done then it can work. Plus since you've already had a few I'm sure once they start the process it would go better! Best of Luck :hugs:

Dare - Awesome about all the clothes! I didn't have enough in newborn size (even though I got some from my cousin) and went out and bought a few more items. I have tons in the bigger sizes. It's not that he needs a lot (but see above on the spit up) he's going through his outfits as quickly as I'm going through my bras! Ah the fun! The laundry my hsuband's had to do since we got home from the hospital!! I had an internal at 36 weeks (with my GBS test), then since I'd been having cramps at 38 weeks and 40 weeks. Then since I was overdue I had internals at 40+5 and 41+3. Then 2-3 times a day in the hospital (to see if the dilation drugs were working) until my water broke. Then I was checked twice, oncce at 5 cm, and then once I was complete. I guess at my hospital they consider more information the better (but I wasn't checked at 37 or 39 weeks since I hadn't been feeling any cramps or anything like that). I think it's interesting what different hospitals do too. Like mine does NOT do episiotomies but a lot of other places do.

Did I tell you guys I pooped during labor? No one said anything and I couldn't see it, but I could smell it. Just in case it comes up you're not alone. The only thing I was really worried about was tearing, and boy did that happen. My cousin was worried about c-section and Breast feeding, and she turned out to have a c-section and needed to formula feed due to several factors. So, my advice: don't worry about anything or it might happen! :haha: I'm sure Busy has way more advice than I do though!

I have been taking my time reading through you're thread and everybodies story.
WOW!! You have all been through so much, i am looking around to see how difficult it can be to TTC, I am hoping to start TTC with my OH over the next year or two, i am just loosing a little more weight first was told that the fitter you are the more likely you are to concieve quicker.

I hope you are all ok? and hope you don't mind me stalking this thread?

Welcome Moonlight2112, we have always welcomed others :)

As you can see from our thread, we have women in all stages of TTC: some ttc, some pregnant, and some with babies.

Good plan on losing weight first. I too read that it's easier to concieve at an ideal weight. I was certainly not ideal when I got pregnant though. Best of Luck to you and don't be a stranger!
Dare - Awesome about all the clothes! I didn't have enough in newborn size (even though I got some from my cousin) and went out and bought a few more items. I have tons in the bigger sizes. It's not that he needs a lot (but see above on the spit up) he's going through his outfits as quickly as I'm going through my bras! Ah the fun! The laundry my hsuband's had to do since we got home from the hospital!! I had an internal at 36 weeks (with my GBS test), then since I'd been having cramps at 38 weeks and 40 weeks. Then since I was overdue I had internals at 40+5 and 41+3. Then 2-3 times a day in the hospital (to see if the dilation drugs were working) until my water broke. Then I was checked twice, oncce at 5 cm, and then once I was complete. I guess at my hospital they consider more information the better (but I wasn't checked at 37 or 39 weeks since I hadn't been feeling any cramps or anything like that). I think it's interesting what different hospitals do too. Like mine does NOT do episiotomies but a lot of other places do.

Did I tell you guys I pooped during labor? No one said anything and I couldn't see it, but I could smell it. Just in case it comes up you're not alone. The only thing I was really worried about was tearing, and boy did that happen. My cousin was worried about c-section and Breast feeding, and she turned out to have a c-section and needed to formula feed due to several factors. So, my advice: don't worry about anything or it might happen! :haha: I'm sure Busy has way more advice than I do though!

Hey hun! So glad to see you are doing well! Yeah i don't think they do internals at ALL until you are like in the hospital. In the bed. They have a very low rate of C-Sections too (for me this is awesome because all the hospitals around here seem to just do c-sections). They also don't do the episiotomies- awesome! or use forceps.

LOL on the pooping during labor. I figure that's so going to happen to me. I've actually already told DH that if it happens he's not allowed to make fun of me until HE pushes out a baby without pooping himself. I know it's very common but i still think i'd be totally embarrassed. But expecting it anyway. That would be my luck.

Are you breastfeeding hun? How is all of that going? Sleeping well? Tell me about your lo!


I have been taking my time reading through you're thread and everybodies story.
WOW!! You have all been through so much, i am looking around to see how difficult it can be to TTC, I am hoping to start TTC with my OH over the next year or two, i am just loosing a little more weight first was told that the fitter you are the more likely you are to concieve quicker.

I hope you are all ok? and hope you don't mind me stalking this thread?


:wave: Hi love! yes, it can be very difficult ttc- some way more than others. :( I think it's awesome that you are getting in shape first. I tried to do that- i wound up gaining instead?! :haha:

Welcome to the thread!
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