The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Dare, we're going to start a scrap book for LO, so that will go in. :). I have a copy on my phone. Can't believe I have to wait seven weeks for next one! I can't wait to be able to find the HB on my own with my stethoscope.

That's awesome! have been debating doing that myself but honestly- i SUCK at scrap booking!!! So, i think i'm just going the old fashioned route and doing a regular album- with one MILLION photos in it because i won't be able to choose. :)

You are NOT a terrible mom!!! why would you even think that?!

Because I'm letting him sleep on his stomach, they're supposed to be put "Back to Sleep"

Hun- there are actually a LOT of babies that refuse to sleep on their backs. It does not make you a bad mom. I know a lot of ladies that had to put their babies on their stomach- because the baby just wouldn't sleep the other way. AND bfing helps reduce that chance of SIDS. Just because you aren't hearing it, doesn't mean it's not being done. Some babies just can't handle it. you are NOT a bad mom. So don't let me ever see you write that again. :hugs:
Back to wannabe and Dare - still only told a few people (my boss, my two closest girl friends). Otherwise waiting for first tri to be over - only six more weeks!! I didn't cry when we saw the heartbeat. Was too excited. DH is finally showing signs of BEING excited. We drove there separately (he was in court, I was at work), and he wanted to take the pictures with him. Too cute. He was asking all kinds of questions, like where's the placenta, etc, and he made sure I made the next appt for his day off.

I didn't cry when I saw the heartbeat either, but my mom did. I was just so happy and relieved!! Our first appt was 8 weeks and I was so worried that there was an alive baby in there! So glad you heard the heartbeat, that is such a wonderful thing! Makes it so much more real! THat's great that DH is excited! Once they actually see proof they seem to really get excited! My husband got more excited with each milestone (like me showing then feeling the baby move, etc). SO glad the appt went well! :hugs:
I didn't get to hear the heartbeat until 10 weeks! i cried then. Having going 10 weeks wondering. And didn't get to have our first scan until 13- by then looked like a baby- and i couldn't help it but cried then too! It was so awesome to see!!
You are NOT a terrible mom!!! why would you even think that?!

Because I'm letting him sleep on his stomach, they're supposed to be put "Back to Sleep"

Hun- there are actually a LOT of babies that refuse to sleep on their backs. It does not make you a bad mom. I know a lot of ladies that had to put their babies on their stomach- because the baby just wouldn't sleep the other way. AND bfing helps reduce that chance of SIDS. Just because you aren't hearing it, doesn't mean it's not being done. Some babies just can't handle it. you are NOT a bad mom. So don't let me ever see you write that again. :hugs:

Thanks! :hugs: He slept on his stomach in his crib last night (he kept putting his arm through the craddle and getting upset) in the nursery (first time he's slept in a different room :cry:) for over 8 hours last night!!! I slept 8 hours straight! He just turned 6 weeks yesterday too. He doesn't have any other SIDS risk factors, so we're kind of resigned to letting him tummy sleep. My husband did have a nephew die of SIDS, but he had a lot of other risk factors, just makes it very real. But he feels comfortable letting him sleep on his tummy, so we're doing it. He just sleeps like crap on his back, and he has to be swaddled and you're not supposed to let babies overheat (SIDS) and I just think with how hot it is here swaddling is going to make him so warm!! Thanks for the reassurance. You're right, just because I don't hear about it doesn't mean others aren't doing it. I was put on my tummy when I was a baby and I lived... Just mother's guilt and worry, you know? Thanks :hugs:
I didn't get to hear the heartbeat until 10 weeks! i cried then. Having going 10 weeks wondering. And didn't get to have our first scan until 13- by then looked like a baby- and i couldn't help it but cried then too! It was so awesome to see!!

That is such a long time!!! I would have gone CRAZY!! We had our first scan at 8 weeks where we heard the heartbeat. Then our next and last scan was supposed to be 20 weeks (but with all the other issues we had a ton of scans).
Wanna...I talked hubby into taking me out to mexican tonight lol..yay!! lol..and I'll be on msn once we get home..hopefully we dont have to take a Home Depot detour :dohh:...when it comes to the OPK I dont think it looks close close to positive but its def getting there compared to the ones you showed me yesterday..but it can get dark fast so just BD like crazy lol..hope your Clomid ovulation isnt as bad as mine was..but its over fast and you survived your first Clomid cycle without killing hubby :happydance:

I found out that my cousin that was preggie earlier this year..the 17 year old one...has to have laparoscopic surgery to hopefully correct what they think is endometriosis...thats what we thought I had when I was younger..but apparently it was PCOS..she just started feeling pain all the time and just wants to stay in bed which is totally weird for her..I hope that they are able to fix it coz I know how bad it sucks to be in pain all the time for no reason in between periods and stuff..I also hope she doesnt have any serious damage and that it wont affect her fertility later on...

@MrsJerome,Yeah, me and DH have been having tons of :sex: and we will every day at least once a day until next Wednesday to cover all of our bases!!! I am getting out the soft cups tonight!!:winkwink: I did an OPK this morning and it still isnt 100% positive, hopefully any day now it will be!!!:thumbup:I thought i was getting ovulation cramps this morning, but i think it was just gas...:blush: since my opk was still negative. This month is going by so slow...i think because i am anxious to see if my first cycle of clomid did the trick or not!!!:haha:

I am sorry to hear about your cousin. :hugs::hugs:I hope that everything is going to be alright with your cousin and that the surgery goes well. I hope she had a quick and speedy recovery and that there are no long term effects on her fertility.:hugs::hugs:
You are NOT a terrible mom!!! why would you even think that?!

Because I'm letting him sleep on his stomach, they're supposed to be put "Back to Sleep"

Hun- there are actually a LOT of babies that refuse to sleep on their backs. It does not make you a bad mom. I know a lot of ladies that had to put their babies on their stomach- because the baby just wouldn't sleep the other way. AND bfing helps reduce that chance of SIDS. Just because you aren't hearing it, doesn't mean it's not being done. Some babies just can't handle it. you are NOT a bad mom. So don't let me ever see you write that again. :hugs:

Thanks! :hugs: He slept on his stomach in his crib last night (he kept putting his arm through the craddle and getting upset) in the nursery (first time he's slept in a different room :cry:) for over 8 hours last night!!! I slept 8 hours straight! He just turned 6 weeks yesterday too. He doesn't have any other SIDS risk factors, so we're kind of resigned to letting him tummy sleep. My husband did have a nephew die of SIDS, but he had a lot of other risk factors, just makes it very real. But he feels comfortable letting him sleep on his tummy, so we're doing it. He just sleeps like crap on his back, and he has to be swaddled and you're not supposed to let babies overheat (SIDS) and I just think with how hot it is here swaddling is going to make him so warm!! Thanks for the reassurance. You're right, just because I don't hear about it doesn't mean others aren't doing it. I was put on my tummy when I was a baby and I lived... Just mother's guilt and worry, you know? Thanks :hugs:

Me, my brother, cousins, friends, all of us were from the era where the back was bad and the stomach was best. So.... we all survived. Just like how now you're not supposed to have bumpers or you can suffocate your baby- and i had bumpers, and that's just a brand new theory. There is always going to be something changing and who knows- maybe in a few years- it'll be back to stomach again- or sleeping on their heads!!!! lol. I understand what you mean though- I can't imagine sleeping on my back. i hate it. I want to let her sleep on on stomach so bad but am scared as well. BUT if she has trouble on her back- she's going on her stomach.

I didn't get to hear the heartbeat until 10 weeks! i cried then. Having going 10 weeks wondering. And didn't get to have our first scan until 13- by then looked like a baby- and i couldn't help it but cried then too! It was so awesome to see!!

That is such a long time!!! I would have gone CRAZY!! We had our first scan at 8 weeks where we heard the heartbeat. Then our next and last scan was supposed to be 20 weeks (but with all the other issues we had a ton of scans).

Yeah they make you wait for scans until like 12 weeks here. AND that's only allowed if you want to do some kind of testing- which our baby wound up being too big for at the scan so i couldn't have it done (which i was ok with). then had to wait until 21 weeks to have the gender scan. They only do 2 scans at my practice.
You are NOT a terrible mom!!! why would you even think that?!

Because I'm letting him sleep on his stomach, they're supposed to be put "Back to Sleep"

Hun- there are actually a LOT of babies that refuse to sleep on their backs. It does not make you a bad mom. I know a lot of ladies that had to put their babies on their stomach- because the baby just wouldn't sleep the other way. AND bfing helps reduce that chance of SIDS. Just because you aren't hearing it, doesn't mean it's not being done. Some babies just can't handle it. you are NOT a bad mom. So don't let me ever see you write that again. :hugs:

Thanks! :hugs: He slept on his stomach in his crib last night (he kept putting his arm through the craddle and getting upset) in the nursery (first time he's slept in a different room :cry:) for over 8 hours last night!!! I slept 8 hours straight! He just turned 6 weeks yesterday too. He doesn't have any other SIDS risk factors, so we're kind of resigned to letting him tummy sleep. My husband did have a nephew die of SIDS, but he had a lot of other risk factors, just makes it very real. But he feels comfortable letting him sleep on his tummy, so we're doing it. He just sleeps like crap on his back, and he has to be swaddled and you're not supposed to let babies overheat (SIDS) and I just think with how hot it is here swaddling is going to make him so warm!! Thanks for the reassurance. You're right, just because I don't hear about it doesn't mean others aren't doing it. I was put on my tummy when I was a baby and I lived... Just mother's guilt and worry, you know? Thanks :hugs:

I just wanted to add to this convo. My mom is 76 years old and has 6 kids including me. I asked her about babies laying on stomach versus back this morning on the phone. And she says she had all of us kids laying on our stomachs. She said it is safe as long as there isnt anything around the babies head, like blankets or pillows that can cause suffocation. She also was a nurse and says that in the nursery in the hospital they used to lay the baby on their stomach with their head to the side. She says sometimes when babys spit up it is better because it doesnt run down the babies face and that some babies just prefer sleeping on their stomachs more than their backs. It seems to be better with indegestion and stuff. Plus she was saying the baby isnt strong enough to move their head yet, so as long as it stays to the side and they dont have anything around to hinder their breathing it should be alright for the most part. My mom was saying she knows the dr's warn about SIDS now, so that is why they tell the women that babies should only lay on their backs, but i trust my moms knoweledge and experience, after raising 6 kids, I think she is a reliable in conclusion Spunky I dont think you are doing anything wrong hun. :hugs::hugs: Some babies just like to sleep on their stomachs more.
my youngest sister Lexie..the adopted one...has always slept on her stomach..even as a newborn when she was only 4 lbs...she has a lot of sinus issues and sleeping on her back just made her stopped up and she would sleep soo fitfully...I used to watch her overnight to give my mom a break when I would go home..and it was crazy the difference between her on her back and her on her stomach..she was much much more peaceful...we are getting the movement monitor so I think if Brieanan is a tummy sleeper I will feel much better about it knowing that alarm will go off if something happens..

Hubby just called to inform me that he gets 28 hours of "paternity/newborn" leave..and then that his boss said he can also take the extra 12 hours out of his vacation time or just make up for it by working extra if he wants to take a full 5 days of work Im supposed to have her on a monday lol..guess we'll see how Brieanan feels about that..but Ive been feeling October 17th for a while now which is a monday..and my due date is a

Spunky and Cottleston..did you have your in laws come and help you or come and stay a while after the boys were born? and did/do you get along with them? I am trying to figure out how I want to plan for visitors and I think I would honestly rather him take his leave a week or two AFTER she is born and be here when his family comes just so I dont have to deal with them and he can be home to run interference...and I wont be stuck at home with a baby and his mom to deal with...
Thanks Erica! As for who came to help: We came home on a Saturday and my mom stayed from that Saturday through the following Friday (and since she only lives a half hour away she came and helped out after that, just not overnight as much). It was nice to have her there at 2 in the morning when my husband and I were tired and he was fed and changed but just kept crying, so she would take over. Plus he only wanted to sleep on someone's chest the first week and a half so it was nice to have him sleep on someone else when we were tired as we wouldn't sleep that deeply with him on us (due to nerves and just him moving and squeeking). She cooked, she cleaned. My husband worked that week and my mom helped me when I got frustrated breastfeeding. She changed the diapers or my husband did as I tried to limit movement to let my tear heal up (and I felt like CRAP!!) I'd say I changed about 10% of the diapers from the first month (now I change almost all of them :) ) it wasn't laziness it was something they could do (whereas feeding him was something only I could do). Then my husband took 3 weeks off. It was nice to have mom first she made us dinner and lunches and things like that. By the time my husband took over we felt a little more under control and James had more awake interactive time to hang out with Daddy. My mom and I were worried about stepping on each other's toes being around each other 24/7 for a week, but it was actually wonderful. We were surprised that we got along so well (we usually do, but hadn't been in that situation before, and we hadn't spent a week straight together in years). We were sad for her to go back home! I love my MIL but haven't really spent a lot of time around her so I wouldn't have been nearly so relaxed around her the first week. Plus I mostly spent it topless trying to figure out feeding and with the engorgement and bleeding if I wore anything I wore a hand towel across my boobs. Now I wear shorts and a nursing bra, but at least now I can feed through my nursing tops. I really needed the help the first week to be honest, so if you have no one else I would plan on your husband having the option to stay at home with you because you don't know how labor will go (my cousin had a c-section and couldn't get out of bed without help for at least the first week back and you can't drive (though I didn't want to leave the house after he was born) and you can't lift more than your baby). But I can also see wanting him with his family there... I would just see how you feel after birth and decide then. Hope that helps.
Thanks! Yeah I wish my mom could stay but she has the two little ones of her own...and my grandmother offered but I feel like she needs to be at home with my grandfather and my great grandmother..both of which arent doing too well..I really wanted to just wait and have his family come like mid week the week before thanksgiving and then leave that sunday and then hubby and I go home right before thanksgiving to see my family...(my aunts kids are always sick and I dont want to be staying in the same house as them with her so susceptible to getting sick)..but I dont know if his family will wait that long or if they will just push their way in...but I am definitely setting my foot down as to how long they end up staying here....wish I knew when she was coming out so we could plan more lol lol...
You are NOT a terrible mom!!! why would you even think that?!

Because I'm letting him sleep on his stomach, they're supposed to be put "Back to Sleep"

Hun- there are actually a LOT of babies that refuse to sleep on their backs. It does not make you a bad mom. I know a lot of ladies that had to put their babies on their stomach- because the baby just wouldn't sleep the other way. AND bfing helps reduce that chance of SIDS. Just because you aren't hearing it, doesn't mean it's not being done. Some babies just can't handle it. you are NOT a bad mom. So don't let me ever see you write that again. :hugs:

Thanks! :hugs: He slept on his stomach in his crib last night (he kept putting his arm through the craddle and getting upset) in the nursery (first time he's slept in a different room :cry:) for over 8 hours last night!!! I slept 8 hours straight! He just turned 6 weeks yesterday too. He doesn't have any other SIDS risk factors, so we're kind of resigned to letting him tummy sleep. My husband did have a nephew die of SIDS, but he had a lot of other risk factors, just makes it very real. But he feels comfortable letting him sleep on his tummy, so we're doing it. He just sleeps like crap on his back, and he has to be swaddled and you're not supposed to let babies overheat (SIDS) and I just think with how hot it is here swaddling is going to make him so warm!! Thanks for the reassurance. You're right, just because I don't hear about it doesn't mean others aren't doing it. I was put on my tummy when I was a baby and I lived... Just mother's guilt and worry, you know? Thanks :hugs:

I just wanted to add to this convo. My mom is 76 years old and has 6 kids including me. I asked her about babies laying on stomach versus back this morning on the phone. And she says she had all of us kids laying on our stomachs. She said it is safe as long as there isnt anything around the babies head, like blankets or pillows that can cause suffocation. She also was a nurse and says that in the nursery in the hospital they used to lay the baby on their stomach with their head to the side. She says sometimes when babys spit up it is better because it doesnt run down the babies face and that some babies just prefer sleeping on their stomachs more than their backs. It seems to be better with indegestion and stuff. Plus she was saying the baby isnt strong enough to move their head yet, so as long as it stays to the side and they dont have anything around to hinder their breathing it should be alright for the most part. My mom was saying she knows the dr's warn about SIDS now, so that is why they tell the women that babies should only lay on their backs, but i trust my moms knoweledge and experience, after raising 6 kids, I think she is a reliable in conclusion Spunky I dont think you are doing anything wrong hun. :hugs::hugs: Some babies just like to sleep on their stomachs more.

Yeah it's just a shame because they suggest - and by they i mean pediatricians and other doctors that if you lay them on their stomach it's child neglect and how could you do this and blah blah blah. In day cares now if you are caught putting a child on it's stomach in some states you can be fired and i believe my aunt said they can fine you too. (she was a director of a day care) because it's 'child endangerment.' It's ridiculous. I mean they will flat out yell at you for even considering, so most people don't tell anyone anymore because they don't want to get in trouble. But seriously- laying on your back is freaking uncomfortable.

I know this isn't exactly related but i worked at a vet clinic for years- and i remember when i was learning about the animals and when they come out of surgery you HAVE to lay them on their stomachs or side. So, i asked - 'why is the position so important' And the vet told me that the back constricts more and being on your stomach allows the air way to open better - (in much better wording than i can remember) and animals and people are VERY alike in their medical ways- and i just remember thinking- no wonder i can't sleep on my back! Always thought if you wouldn't do it to a dog... why would you do it to a kid?
Hey girls,

I was bored and curious so I tested on one of the dollar store tests from last month that I had left over and it had a second line...just like last month....and of course we all know I am not pregnant since I havent even ovulated yet. I just wanted to share that with you girls, and I have decided that i am never going to use those tests again, unfortunatly I have 2 more of them left but I wont be fooled by them this month. The thought crossed my mind that it might of been a chemical pregnancy last month, but to be honest with you i think that i would always get this second line on the dollar store tests. Ugghh, cheap crap i guess. LOL. Here is the dollar store tests from today.....:growlmad:

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I also wanted to say that i hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!! TGIF!!!:flower::thumbup:
And I also wanted to add that I just got a 50 pack of the cheapy HPT's IC's in the mail today so I will probably be driving myself and u girls nuts with testing early this cycle. Will I ever learn??? :blush: :wacko:

Other than that tonight is taco night, and hubby is doing the cooking...than we are going to watch some Red Box movies, I love the 99 cent price per movie, you just cant beat that. :haha: So looks like it is going to be a relaxed lazy night tonight I guess. It is sooo stinking hot here today, it is 102 degrees outside now but the heat index feels like 119!!!! :wacko:
Wanna..I am seriously starting to think you might be one of those women that always has a trace trace amount of HCG in her system ..just enough to get the faint faint evap but not enough for a real line!!..uggh..soo many freaking evaps..and we have both been fooled by them... but they look soo real!! :dohh:
hubby just called on his way from work and the people on his team at work want to throw me a baby shower there!!...4 FREAKING SHOWERS!! I swear someone is just going to give me a baby at one of these things lol lol...Im gonna have to start putting down house stuff on the vacuum...big screen tv lol...and see what we get lol lol... it will be the first time I get to go to hubbys work as you have to get government clearance to just get into the parking lot..much less the buildings... its a national lab...kind of nervous..will definitely feel like I dont belong... anyone have anything they want me to add to my registry for you lol lol..maybe we'll get lucky? :rofl:
@Mrsjerome, I have no idea what to think of the HPT tests, LOL....I think I should rename myself the "evap queen" on here...LOL...:haha:

Wow, thats exciting about the work shower!! Hopefully you guys will make out like a bandit and get lots of stuff from the showers, and wont have much left over to buy for baby on your own. :thumbup:
yeah he insists that they will give us tons of stuff as one of this coworkers if just a few weeks ahead of me and she had a shower yesterday and he said her office was packed with presents..he insists they will give us tons of stuff..Im still trying to keep an open mind and not expect too much..even from my family showers..that way what we do get will be a huge surprise

BTW..I just noticed your little "clomid" badges lol..soo funny lol..and sooo true lol... :rofl:
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