The One Year Strong Ladies!

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And I also wanted to add that I just got a 50 pack of the cheapy HPT's IC's in the mail today so I will probably be driving myself and u girls nuts with testing early this cycle. Will I ever learn??? :blush: :wacko:

LOL test test test! I'm sorry about those lines. Think mrsjerome is onto something about the hcg. I didn't even know that was possible- but it does LOOK like that doesn't it? Man i'd be so pissed.

hubby just called on his way from work and the people on his team at work want to throw me a baby shower there!!...4 FREAKING SHOWERS!! I swear someone is just going to give me a baby at one of these things lol lol...Im gonna have to start putting down house stuff on the vacuum...big screen tv lol...and see what we get lol lol... it will be the first time I get to go to hubbys work as you have to get government clearance to just get into the parking lot..much less the buildings... its a national lab...kind of nervous..will definitely feel like I dont belong... anyone have anything they want me to add to my registry for you lol lol..maybe we'll get lucky? :rofl:

That is hilarious that his work wants to throw you one too! Pretty cool though if you think about it. that's great that you have that many showers to go to. I had 2- and i think poor DH looked like his head would explode. I had all the gifts all over the nursery so bad you couldn't walk in there, and he would go in and turn white. He just couldn't handle it. Of course now everything is fixed up and nice and the nursery is done- but i thought he was going to have a heart attack after the first shower, never mind the second! I bet if his work had said they wanted to do one he would've said no we have enough stuff! Men. Glad yours is so on board though! that's great!
Erica... to start with, I didn't want anyone to help at all. Nobody stayed over and DF had 2 weeks holiday from work to spend time with us and help with the housework... so I figured we'd cope fine. Which I guess we did!
After he went back to work I was sure I would be ok on my own... But I soon realized that I needed a bit of help so Mum popped in to help out after work for half an hour or so every day, just so I could chill out or wash up or do bottles. That's pretty much all the help I got though... and I was so so grateful for what I got because I was so incredibly tired that I couldn't function properly all day.

Now I'm used to it though, it's getting much easier. I do every night shift, almost every bottle and nappy... and now the anti depressants are starting to work, I'm coping really well.

Don't be afraid to ask for help. But don't be afraid to push people away if you need space. Everyone will understand. And if they don't... all the more reason to keep them away for a while.
Well girls, I tried a practice run with the soft cup lastnight and I got it in there, but than I couldnt tell how far back it was supposed to go into my vagina. I watched a video instruction on how to use it, but I couldnt tell how far back I needed to push it, it seemed like I could just go back forever, so I got scared and stopped pusing it back out of fear it would get stuck. Than when I tried to pull it out there was blood on it, which was either from scraping myself with my nail when taking it out or just from the soft cup itself. They say that when it is back in there deep enough u should be able to feel your cervix at the top through the softcup when in place but I have never been able to find my cervix and to me everything just feels mushy and wet in there???:shrug: It was hard as hell getting the dam thing out. I was also scared that if the softcup wasnt in there right that i would accidently block the :spermy: from getting where they need to be. Long story short, i dont like them and dont think i will be using them again?? Plus I was told that I have a tilted uterus bye a gyno before and have read girls with a tilted uterus have a hard time using the soft cups and maybe shouldnt use them? Any advice if you have used them would be helpful.

So me and DH ended up using the artificial insemination kit I bought to help the :spermy: get deeper in there and didnt do the soft cup, not sure how effective it is working though....:shrug:

I still havent ovulated yet, i did an OPK today and the dam thing still isnt positive, and I am feeling so impatient this cycle, time is dragging by so slow...ugghhh...:wacko:

I have been having all kinds of aches and pains latley, first my left knee was soar and driving me nuts, and now the pain has moved to my left shoulder, it is soar and stiff, and i slept like crap because of it, and have been taking tyelnol for it. I think i need to work out more and since i havent been working out enough lately my body is going to hell in a handbasket, ugghhh, the 30's arent anything like the 20's...lordy.... :wacko:
Erica - Cool about the baby showers.

Dare - Can't believe you're almost ready to pop!! Hope you're still feeling good. About this point in your pregnancy is where I started feeling bad. I got my first stretch marks on my tummy at 38+4, was so PISSED!!

Katherine - Hi! I'm glad the anti-depressants are kicking in. I think mine are helping too. Plus the sleep James has been letting us get. Slowly it seems to be getting better... Which anti depressant are you on? I'm on Zoloft as it's the only one safe for BF.

Wanna - Cool about the tests! About the softcups, there's no way I could ever do that! I'm not one ot be checking cervical position or sticking things up there. I'll never use a diagram. I didn't use tampons until Iw as like 22 (ridiculous I know!). I was told I had a tilted uterus at one point (but at no other exams in my life? So I don't know). I read that instead of elevating your hips you should lay on your stomach. So I tried this the month I got pregnant. Spent some time with my hips up then flipped over on my tummy. Also heard it's good (from a yoga instructor) to lay with your butt up against a wall with your legs up to have the blood flow to your girly parts for like 10 minutes a day. DId it that month too, but not other months. Don't know if any of that helped, but I don't think it hurt.
Wanna- i used soft cups! and i was scared to death the first time lol just like you!!! but after that first try they get better i promise. You push it back until it hooks behind the pubic bone. doesn't have to be far! They didn't stay perfect for me- i mean when you urinate they still leaked for me- SO, i only used them at night, so we dtd mainly at night so i could leave it in for the entire night. Also would elevate my legs and so forth for like 45 minutes- an hour. then just let it stay in there over night. But that first night i was freaking out.

But- they get very easy after that!!!! promise! they are great.
Spunky- i had NO stretch marks on my stomach whatsoever until i hit the middle of june. they started small... and now, i have TONS of them, almost completely circling my belly button. I'm hideous. I'm so disgusted by my own body!!!

But i am starting to hurt decently so, i really want to be over soon!!! Ready for baby!!!!
@Spunky, lastnight after we used the artificial insemination kit, I laid there for like 15 -20 minutes with my hips up on pillows elevated, and legs up in the air.... I will have to try the laying on the stomach method since you got that tip with the tilted uterus thing, and because it worked for you.

@Dare, I found this really good cream for stretch marks that works very well. I have stretch marks on my hips from gaining weight over the years. It turned the stretch marks from dark pink and really noticeable to light and faded to the point where you couldnt hardly see them, pricey stuff but totally worth it, you just have to make sure you use it everyday consistently and be patient to give it time to work. This stuff is pricey but totally worth it!!!:thumbup:
@wanna- wow you are right about pricey! Sheeeesh! My goodness. not sure i can do that right now! And my stretch marks are hideously purple! lol. i'm a mess.
Dare - I was just so mad I got so far into my pregnancy and didn't have any on my tummy (had them on my hips again from puberty) and then I went another 3 weeks of getting them! Honestly, once the baby comes out and your tummy starts getting smaller they don't look as angry cause they're not stretched anymore. I haven't been putting anything on mine (though I bought some cocoa butter stuff) and they're already fading. I'd probably still wear a 2 piece around family as I just cant be bothered to care when I have such a cute baby to show for it! But I'm still not happy with my body. Not even close. Went out and bought some jean shorts yesterday so I could stop wearing maternity clothes. Same size I was pre-pregnancy, but not nearly the same shape :( Was so sad seeing my body in the store mirrors.

Wanna - Wow! That is pricey, but totally worth it if it works.

I'll probably save my money, use some of the cheap stuff to keep soft and moisturized and give it time. It's not like my tummy is flat and ready to be seen by the world yet.
@wanna- wow you are right about pricey! Sheeeesh! My goodness. not sure i can do that right now! And my stretch marks are hideously purple! lol. i'm a mess.

Yeah, it is pricey,i totally understand, especially with baby arriving any day now, so u might be able to find a cheaper alternative...:thumbup:I know that alot of women's stretch marks fade on their own soon after they have baby and start loosing weight. :thumbup:
Just for fun here is my OPK from u can see why it is driving me nuts, it has been staying almost positive but not quite there just yet for many days now....:wacko: :wacko: I hope I ovulate soon......ugghhh.....


Todays OPK.....going bonkers here...Come on Ovulation already...:wacko: :wacko:


Me and DH had :sex: twice lastnight. I dont think he has much more left to give, :blush: the poor guy is exhausted, not sure how much more he can take...LOL....:haha:

And i think that i might be going nuts girls, but I did one of the cheapy HPT test strips out of curiosity, because of the dollar store test that gave me a second line that I showed you girls the other day and there was another faint second line on that one too....:wacko:
So here is that HPT test I mentioned in the above nuts is this, it is faint but there...:wacko: :wacko:

unaltered with cropping and me marking where I see the line
DSC02098 - Copy.jpg

tweaked with me marking where I see the line
DSC02098 - Copy - Copy.jpg

You know whats odd about this test is that I have used the pink handled Cheapy test strips before and they are always stark white, even after drying, they are totally bfn...I havent ever had a line on the pink handled girls, this makes no sense so i am not reading much into it.....


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Make no mistake wanna- it's def there. I see it plain and clear. That's just whacked.
Thanks Dare, i am glad that u see it too and that I am not going completly nuts....:wacko: I showed it to DH and he said he could see the second line as well. I dont think it means anything and is probably just another evap just because the timing in my cycle makes no sense what so ever, so the rationale side of me says it cant actually be anything. It is the type of line that gives you some hope that it could be the start of something, but is not dark enough to call a BFP either. It is so annoying....

Anyways, I have been having some cramping, and normally that means I am Ovulating, but since I took the clomid this cycle, I am confused because I have been having more cramps than normal, my previous cycles without the meds were easy for me to know when I was OV'ing because I had AF type cramps usually on CD13, but since I have been taking the meds, I am super confused about if I am OV'ing or not???:shrug: Well here is today's OPK, I wish the dam thing would just get positive already...time is dragging by so slow!!!!:wacko:



Geesh, i think these look like I should defo be Ovulating in the next day or two....This cycle has been very confusing for me, not knowing how the medication will make me feel and affect my cycle...:shrug: My poor DH is having a hard time keeping up with my :sex: demands. I am trying to have :sex: once a day everyday through ovulation and than like 2 to 3 days after OV, but at this rate I dont know if DH is going to be able to make it for much longer....ugghhhh......
the opks drove me nuts too. Actually the line had been getting really dark and then the next day was no line at all. And i remember going to DH in tears telling him i think there is something really wrong with me because it shouldn't go white like that. Got on bnb and apparently it's pretty common, because the next day i got that positive. Just make sure to keep on it- and you'll get that line! and then you'll get that egg!
Wannabe - I hated the opks. I never got a good line. I liked the ov watch, but my Clomid cycle was when they induced ovulation, so it wasn't reliable. It counts off the four fertile days BEFORE you O.
Dare - where's that baby??
AFM - helloooooo, MS. Here I thought I was doing good. Food just doesn't sound good (sour stomach), but this morning had to jump out mid-shower to vomit. Then really sudden bout of diarrhea with vomiting this afternoon. Blah. Otherwise, like I said, not eating much because nothing sounds good. The thought of cooking chicken just nauseated me.
NJ- hey hun!!! So sorry you're having a bout of sickness... i never had the morning sickness. I had nausea for i think maybe 2 weeks but i found i didn't have an issue with fruit- so i almost ONLY ate fruit for those weeks! Esp. Strawberries! oh man they were like heaven. You have a ticker there that says (your first one) 11 months until your first ultrasound???? whaaaaaaaaaaat? How long you planning on being pregnant?! lol. :)

As for myself- i don't know!!!! still waiting on the baby. She is due now in 6 days. taking her dear sweet time getting here that's for sure! i have another appt on friday- was really hoping i wouldn't make it that far! at my last appt they did an internal which i asked for but she ALSO did a sweep which i did NOT ask for! MAN! it hurt so bad! i had serious cramping for the next few days. it was really bad. I was in a lot of pain that night so i'm going to talk to them about that on friday. But, other than that, just waiting around!!!!!!
Lol, I saw the ticker too. Have to update it, but I'm on my cell phone. I get all my prenatal bloodwork done Thursday, my next appt is August 17, and my next ultrasound is September 7. It feels like forever!
This is the first day I'm having trouble keeping anything down. Feeling better now, except for a headache. Probably from not eating. Gah. Ginger ale did absolutely nothing tobsettle my stomach. Definitely overtired, too. DH is a cop, works 12-8. He got stuck on a really bad call last pm till 4 this morning. I don't sleep well when he isn't home, so I tossed abd turned.
Going out to dinner tonight with one of my girlfriends and her husband, as well as their one year old daughter. After that, coming home and crashing.
@Nj, I hope your MS doesnt get much worse and doesnt last too long..I hope you feel better soon...:hugs:

As for me, I retested with an OPK this afternoon, and I am finally OVULATING!!!!!WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!! LOL, I was starting to worry I wasnt going to or is my beautiful positive OPK!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

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