The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Me and DH had :sex: lastnight and will again tonight (hopefully we will have :sex: at least once a day until my OPK's go negative) :blush:...I did another OPK and it was a super dark positive today...Before clomid I would get a positive OPK for 3 days so it will be interesting to see if on clomid it stays the same... Here is a pic of my OPK from today...

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Test line is darker than control line today.....:haha::winkwink:

@MrsJerome, How did your baby shower go on Saturday? I have been wanting to ask you but I dont see you on messenger??? I hope you had a good time!!!:flower:

How is everyones week going so far??? I hope everyone is having a good one so far!!:thumbup:
wanna!!!! what a brilliant opk line!!! looks like mine when we used them that cycle! fx'd hun get that job done! And, they say you should make sure to dtd at least i think it's the first day you get a positive- and like two days following it- so make sure you do it- even if the test comes back negative because you can ovulated like 72 hours AFTER that positive line! So don't stop now!

afm- i am so tired. Week is starting up slow- and i just am ready for baby now. tired of being pregnant!

Me again...
Congratulations NJAngel on you're good news.
How is everybody else?
I want to let you ladies know since we first spoke i have lost 5lbs... though i have a few concerns, i am currently in a 3 month period of depro provera until i have lost enough weight. I have been experiencing strange twinges down there and some really light abnormal bleeding, did any of you guys go on this? did you have similar effects?
I have tried to find a failure rate for it just incase but apparently it is between 1% & 5%.
I'm really nervous is this normal?
Sorry to go all TMI on you but i thought maybe you ladies might know, i used to use the Pill instead and never had any problems other than weight gain...

DaretoDream, I think you're baby is going to come in the next 48 hours. You have any names yet?

BusyMummy, you're new daughter is beautiful, you should be proud of her, she will be a stunning young lady when she is older.

Ladies i hope when my time comes that i will have beautiful children just like you're babies =)
And Good luck to all you ladies trying to concieve or pregnant.

@Moonlight, I don't know much about Depo, but abnormal bleeding or spotting is not uncommon with any of these types of birth control - you should call your GYN or whoever is prescribing it, and let them know.

Dare - you're the size of a watermelon! Let's hope this little girl gets out here soon! Plus, it's been so hot lately, I'm sure you're uncomfortable. :(

Wannabe - FX'd for you this cycle, hon! You'll be the third Clomid girl on this thread, let's hope third time is the charm! :thumbup:

AFM - that one day of awful nausea. Really nothing since then. Just a sour stomach, and don't feel hungry. DH is making me crazy telling me to eat. We're going to a BBQ with friends tonight (DH's best friend since he was three, who is married to DH's cousin), and I told him it was up to him if we told them anything. He was adamant that we wait till September.
Only five more weeks till then - not so far away, is it?

My friend who had the baby two weeks ago - he took a week and a half off from work, his wife dragged him to get professional Anne-Geddes-style pictures taken. So damn cute. They took their dog too (the ugliest little thing), and got some shots with him which were really funny. Such a great memento of those early days.

Me again...
Congratulations NJAngel on you're good news.
How is everybody else?
I want to let you ladies know since we first spoke i have lost 5lbs... though i have a few concerns, i am currently in a 3 month period of depro provera until i have lost enough weight. I have been experiencing strange twinges down there and some really light abnormal bleeding, did any of you guys go on this? did you have similar effects?
I have tried to find a failure rate for it just incase but apparently it is between 1% & 5%.
I'm really nervous is this normal?
Sorry to go all TMI on you but i thought maybe you ladies might know, i used to use the Pill instead and never had any problems other than weight gain...

DaretoDream, I think you're baby is going to come in the next 48 hours. You have any names yet?

BusyMummy, you're new daughter is beautiful, you should be proud of her, she will be a stunning young lady when she is older.

Ladies i hope when my time comes that i will have beautiful children just like you're babies =)
And Good luck to all you ladies trying to concieve or pregnant.


Hey love sorry i have no advice on all of that- never used anything like that. Just was on the pill for like a year. Actually more like 8 months because i was gaining bad weight on it.

As for baby- i would LOVE for her to come anytime now. Just waiting on her! Guess ultimately it's her decision. lol. And yes we have had a name since before we even knew it was a girl- we just aren't putting it on bnb.... sorry about that. Just know a lot of ladies that openly admitted to stealing other people's names!

Dare - you're the size of a watermelon! Let's hope this little girl gets out here soon! Plus, it's been so hot lately, I'm sure you're uncomfortable. :(

AFM - that one day of awful nausea. Really nothing since then. Just a sour stomach, and don't feel hungry. DH is making me crazy telling me to eat. We're going to a BBQ with friends tonight (DH's best friend since he was three, who is married to DH's cousin), and I told him it was up to him if we told them anything. He was adamant that we wait till September.
Only five more weeks till then - not so far away, is it?

My friend who had the baby two weeks ago - he took a week and a half off from work, his wife dragged him to get professional Anne-Geddes-style pictures taken. So damn cute. They took their dog too (the ugliest little thing), and got some shots with him which were really funny. Such a great memento of those early days.

Oh nj i am dying! the heat is just insane! and it's getting harder and harder to move around. I'm physically in pain when i walk because of how low down her head is. It's like having something really hard jammed right into your hoo ha and not letting up. And my sciatic nerves are also getting a work out :wacko:

I'm so sorry about the sickness. I know i was telling my mw during those 2 nauseous weeks i didn't know what to do- because i didn't think food was very appealing. Except for fruit. She said that was just perfectly fine to just eat the fruit. Eat what you can get down- and drink plenty of water. I've drank more water in the last 9 months than i have in my entire lifetime. And with my Dh it was the opposite- he wanted to tell really bad and i made him wait until 8 weeks. Which for us fell exactly on Christmas Day.

I want to do those baby portraits so bad! they are so cute!!!!! I don't know if DH will go for them though. Would love to take my dog but he loses his mind and does listen and whines and screams for attention when he sees people- so.... that's out. lol.
im sorry i dont have more time to come online and keep up to date with you ladies =( im having a hard time keeping up with the 4 little ones.. and the husband has been out gone for the last 4 days with work (grrrrr) baby was 2 weeks old yesterday!!! OMW time is already at my pre pregnancy weight, she is at her birth weight. nursing perfectly, although my nipples are super sore. our professional newborn pics are being done tomorrow night so ill post some of those....same photographer that did my maternity photos. i cant wait! this is her first bath time pic


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Thanks for you're advice =) it is appreciated, i am off to see if i can get an appointment with my Gyn/GP tomorrow, he prescribed it to me, so hopefully some light can be shed on whats going on, i spoke to my friend who has been on it before and she said she knows about 5 people it has failed for. I am so glad my OH & I have got a spare room in our appartment.

Talk to you all soon =) x
busy!!! what a cute photo!!! love bath time photo number one! :) How cute!!!! I am glad to hear that everything is going well. :) But i am sorry about the bbs hurting. Glad she is nursing so well!!!! I can't believe it's already been 2 weeks!!! Can't wait to see the photos from the shoot!!!!!!!!
Busy she's beautiful! Love pics of babies in towels... Just so cute!
Hope everyone is having a good week.

Afm... My health visitor has been so happy with my progress this past fortnight that she isn't doing my weekly checks any more for as long as I'm on the anti depressants. Woo!
And I think it helps that I'm drinking more water, eating better and working out a bit. Good stuff in = good mood. And I reckon I'll be at my 2 stone loss this Sunday which will make my day!

Tobys been mood swingy. He's the calmest loveliest baby one minute, and a monster the next. He's teething so there's dribble everywhere, he's screaming because it hurts, he's getting frustrated with toys, impatient with me, but clingy. And he's so close to rolling over but he can't quite do it yet which is making him angry. :dohh: this development/growth spurt is not easy for either of us!
cottlestonpie- I've been hearing a lot about ladies using an 'amber teething necklace' and they are saying they are fantastic? I have my teethers in the fridge already awaiting baby (much like myself awaiting baby) but i'm thinking about the teething necklace myself. AND amber is SUPPOSED to have natural healing qualities about it. Something to look into!

But, i am so glad to hear you are doing so well!!! :) And you know, i bet when you get to your 2 stone loss goal you'll feel even more fantastic! It's tough feeling so rough all the time and then not happy with yourself and all of that. I hope it's just what you need to get you back on track. :)
Hey ladies! I've been so bad about getting on the internet! I've missed you though!

Wanna - Crossing fingers for good news soon! Congrats on ovulating, now just the 2ww, right? Did they tell you anything about testing early or false positives with clomid, or no? I can't remember if it effects it or not! So hopeful!!!

Dare - How exciting you're so close!! I bet you are big and miserable in the heat! I hear you on drinking water! I drank more pregnant than before and now brestfeeding I'm sucking it down like there's no tomorrow! This is the most water I've drunk in my life! But we're getting 90+ degrees here and producing milk just takes so much water out of me!! Good luck in the next few days/weeks. Hope your labor goes smoothly and close to how you want your birth experience to be! :hugs:

Busy - Adorable picture! I thought about getting professional ones done, but haven't yet. We've taken a million pictures though so we're happy with having some! Glad things are going well! Congrats on the weight loss! My nipples are STILL sore! Can't believe how long this takes to get used to! But hurts so much less than before.

Lindsay - So excited for you still!! :hugs: I agree with hubby on the whole waiting, it was hard, but it was almost nice to have it to ourselves in the beginning. Some of my friends were upset that I had "lied" for months (though I didn't, just no one asked me when I was after months of asking me and me telling them no). Sorry about the MS. Glad it's not that bad. I didn't feel good from weeks 6-9, never threw up, but felt sick. I lived on bread and butter and water. I ate like a loaf of bread every other day. I went to a halloween party at my SIL and they kept trying to get me to drink! So hard to say no when they know I like to drink and they didn't know I was pregnant!

Katherine - Congrats on the HV being less often and the continued weight loss!! :hugs: I feel like my anti-depressants and sleep have been helping me tons. I'm not looking forward to that stage! I can imagine him being frustrated, but I can put myself in your place even more! AHH!! Hope the teething starts going better!

AFM - James is giong through another growth spurt. He was attached to my boob almost all day yesterday! BF was finally not hurting, and now it's hurting all over again from over-use of my nipples!! He cries everytime he wakes up without my boob still in his mouth! He screams until I feed him again (makes setting him down to go to the bathroom stressful listening to him cry the whole time!) He's gaining great weight though! The doctors, nurse, and lactation consultant were all impressed with how much weight he's put on! And the best news he's still sleeping through the night on his tummy! He seems to have a pattern of sleeping from 10pm-5am, then he eats and naps for another 1-2 hours! So wonderful! I feel SANE again!! LOL he keeps having such explosive poop though! He's getting poop on everything! He's also talking a lot more! I finally know what cooing means! A lot of "oooo"s are coming from him. He's making great eye contact and holding up his head! 7 weeks today and I couldn't be prouder of him.
We saw a specialist for James' calcifications. They did a blood draw and another ultrasound. They talked about the possibility of doing a biopsy in the future that scares the crap out of me! But one thing at a time.
Dare - How exciting you're so close!! I bet you are big and miserable in the heat! I hear you on drinking water! I drank more pregnant than before and now brestfeeding I'm sucking it down like there's no tomorrow! This is the most water I've drunk in my life! But we're getting 90+ degrees here and producing milk just takes so much water out of me!! Good luck in the next few days/weeks. Hope your labor goes smoothly and close to how you want your birth experience to be! :hugs:

AFM - James is giong through another growth spurt. He was attached to my boob almost all day yesterday! BF was finally not hurting, and now it's hurting all over again from over-use of my nipples!! He cries everytime he wakes up without my boob still in his mouth! He screams until I feed him again (makes setting him down to go to the bathroom stressful listening to him cry the whole time!) He's gaining great weight though! The doctors, nurse, and lactation consultant were all impressed with how much weight he's put on! And the best news he's still sleeping through the night on his tummy! He seems to have a pattern of sleeping from 10pm-5am, then he eats and naps for another 1-2 hours! So wonderful! I feel SANE again!! LOL he keeps having such explosive poop though! He's getting poop on everything! He's also talking a lot more! I finally know what cooing means! A lot of "oooo"s are coming from him. He's making great eye contact and holding up his head! 7 weeks today and I couldn't be prouder of him.
We saw a specialist for James' calcifications. They did a blood draw and another ultrasound. They talked about the possibility of doing a biopsy in the future that scares the crap out of me! But one thing at a time.

Hi lady!!! So glad to hear from you! :) Yes i am hot and miserable and freaking huge here in this heat. It's disgusting!! I feel so beastly. Just waiting around for baby to make her appearance. She is taking her dear sweet time!!!!!

What 'calcifications' are you talking about? I must've missed this somewhere- don't know what or where they are? Poor guy- i'm so sorry you might have to do a biopsy on him. :( He's too young!!!! Glad he is doing so well with the bfing- but sorry about your bbs!!!! Oh man!!! My pump just came yesterday- i'm very excited because i think it'll be great to have a boob break! Especially the way some ladies have said they are stuck in one spot so much! And I'm sorry about the explosive poop though! oh man! sounds horrid!!!! not looking forward to THAT mess! lol
Gosh..soo much to catch up on…hopefully Ive gotten the gist of everyones here goes lol…

Busy ~ know you haven’t posted much on here but Ive seen all your facebook posts and geez you are busy with those kids lol lol..soo glad Kendall is such a good calm baby though and glad breastfeeding is going so well for you this time around…also glad the other kids are..for the most part lol…being good..especially Ethan being such a good helper…. and glad that you have all your friends and church family around to lend a hand when you need it!! glad James is finally back hubby also had a tv remote disaster…we ran out of batteries while I was in NC and he called me asking me to bring some home because he couldn’t watch tv in the living room lol..such a man..I laughed so hard when I saw that James said you might as well just go to bed coz you cant find the remote lol lol…its so true though..

Cottleston ~ yay for being off the anti-dep meds!…weightloss is the biggest confidence and mood booster ever!!..even just a few pounds…so I bet after 2 stone you just feel amazing..especially so soon after having Toby…a great accomplishment... The stage Toby is at now is one of the hardest…teething AND frustration to reach those big milestones can really make for a cranky baby…the little one I nannied for before I moved here to be with hubby was at that stage and was just..impossible…didn’t want to be held but didn’t want down..cranky..colic..teething..was just horrible… but it gets better I promise! Once they start to roll and scoot and all that they can get what they want and where they want and its so fun watching them make all that progress and see them getting soo excited when they do…it happens fast though so have your camera ready..pretty soon he’ll be crawling and walking and talking!!

Dare ~ 3 days left! Maybe she’ll turn up just in time! Im hoping Brieanan is a week or so early..making for a smaller baby and head and an easier birth lol.. I also want to do some newborn session and Im hoping since all our family doesn’t live close that hubby will be all for it to so we’ll have pics to send to the whole family since they cant just stop by and see her whenever they maybe use that as a reason for getting them..for your family that isn’t around as much and he’ll go for cousin gets her little girls don’t like every month or so..a bit much for me but the family loves being able to see her grow through the pics…

NJ ~ MS sucks ass lol…uggh…I had it from about 8 weeks or so till 15 weeks…I lost 12 lbs over all just from no appetite that first trimester…I never actually threw up but sometimes I wanted to just so it would be over with…mine was all day sickness I would want pretty much anything that I didn’t actually have to take out was amazing…chicken taco salads…chicken sandwiches...fruit...and cereal…still prefer take cooking just turns me off from the food but I am eating a lot more ..but now shes just. so on top of my stomach that I cant eat a lot at once either…just trading one thing for another I guess lol...but atleast it reminds you you’re preggie..any symptoms are bearable when you think about what you get for them in 9 months!

Spunky ~ So good that James is gaining so much weight but so annoying that the sore nipples are back…are you using nipple shields again or just dealing with it? And at least he’s sleeping through the night and letting you get back to a more normal sleep schedule…I bet that’s amazing..especially so early on…is he sleeping in your room still or in the nursery? All the older women in my family are asking why I need a bassinet AND a crib and telling me oh they don’t need to be in your room just put them in theirs from the start..its kind of annoying..I just tell them it’ll be so much easier breastfeeding wise in the middle of the night to just roll over and grab her instead of having to get up and stumble through the house...and we will move her when we are ready…when she starts sleeping longer periods… is there any chance of his calcifications going away on their own or is it definite that he’ll have to have something done for them medically?

Wannabe ~ Have you definitely ovulated yet? I mean did you feel it like we talked about? I bet hubby will be happy for a rest lol…and we’ll see how long you hold out before you start testing lol…I got a dollar test yesterday when we were out just for the hell of it and I ran in the living room going..OMG you guys..Im freaking pregnant..what are we going to do?!.and they were all rolling..hubby was like..OMG how could it even mine?! Lol..soo stupid but soo funny…I prolly wont be on MSN until next week when they leave just because we are so busy during the day..its nice to have a computer break though and my headaches have definitely stopped…but they are supposedly leaving Tues after my appt so I’ll be on after then…

Well..just busy half the time and lazy the other half here…brother and sister came back with me from my shower this past weekend..and are staying hopefully till Tues so Shelby can go with me to my 3D appt..cant wait…got tons of cute stuff from my shower…bought my thank you cards today to start on those…got some nasty baby food flavors for one of my shower games in a few weeks…am going to make a baby shower plate using a clear glass plate and the tissue paper I got from my all colors and cute little prints and words so Im going to modpodge it onto the plate and then we can write her birth info on it once shes here and display it in her room…supposed to paint this weekend too…ive been pushing myself way too hard these past few weeks and had a mini breakdown last night..hubby told me that I need to stop doing so much..especially on my feet.. and just take it easy for a while…which I definitely am going to try and SPD is horrid now…I wake up in pain and its on and off through the day… I have to ice my hoohoo/pubic bone at night because it feels like its coming apart..def gonna ask the Dr about it on Tues…my back and stomach also get sooo achey soo fast when we are out or when Im doing housework…idk if its like BHs or what but it gets tight and achey all across my stomach…we are going to take the kids out to our fav asian hibachi place tomorrow night for all the work they have done…my appt is on Tues and I cant wait to see her again! I just hope its as exciting and fun as everyone makes it seem..looking forward to see her cute little face again…well that’s all for now…I’ll try to keep up and reply back and update in a few more days again…
Well there is not much going on with me. I am just going bananas and feeling impatient in the 2WW.:wacko: DH and me had :sex: again lastnight, and I think we covered all of our bases. We had :sex: for almost 2 weeks straight total straight through my ovulation, and than 3 days after I OV'ed.
My OPK is negative today, but darker than usual than my clomid free cycles at this point in time. Usually by now the test line is very light, so I am hoping that is a good sign. Just for the heck of it here is my OPK, definatly negative but still darker than normal for me by this time in my cycle....

07-29 opk.jpg

I had very unusual cramping a day or two after I OV'ed and i was thinking it might be implantation cramps. I have never felt anything quite like that before, but I dont know how much of it was from the clomid. The clomid made me confused about what my body was doing this month. My other clomid free cycles were easy for me to spot when I was OV'ing, but with clomid I had all kinds of cramping and couldnt tell what the hell was going on...LOL :wacko: If i have to do clomid again and i dont get my BFP this month than I am going to start the clomid earlier in my cycle so I can OV sooner. Probably on CD 2 or 3 starting.

I am giving DH a break from :sex: starting today, and I am also letting him drink alchol this weekend. He didnt drink last weekend or through my fertile window because I had heard it affects men's :spermy: count. DH has been really supportive and done his part to support me this month with TTC, he is a really great guy, and I think he really gets how much this means to me. I can tell just how excited he also is about me getting pregnant.

@Spunky, I am not sure if the clomid can cause false positives on HPT's or not. :shrug: I am on a couple of other threads were the girls use clomid and they havent mentioned it as a problem with the drug. I havent researched this issue though and might need to so I can find out for sure. I am sorry that the breast feeding is still painful at times for you. Do you have the breast pumps to make some extra bottles to give your breasts a break when they get soar from time to time? I know that breast feeding is the best but have you thought of using some formula sometimes to give yourself a break as well for when your breasts are soar and you need to be freed up to get things done. I have heard some ladies say that as baby got bigger they couldnt keep up with babys milk needs after a while and they had to use formula. I just dont want you to be in too much pain when you dont absolutely have to be. Plus your DH can help you with feedings sometimes if you have bottles of breastmilk on hand or formula and then he can use those to give you a break as well. I hope I am not upsetting you with what I am saying about BF, because I know how much it means to alot of ladies, I am only trying to be helpful and it is totally your decision to make. :thumbup: I just know that as a new mommy there is so much pressure to be perfect and do everything by the book. My brothers and sisters and me were raised on formula and we were all very healthy kids, so dont pressure yourself to much if BF is too much...:hugs: That must be so cute seeing your baby boy starting to make cute sounds and coos, it really is amazing how fast babies grow!!! I hope that everything is going to be alright with the calcifications and that they wont need to do the biopsy.:hugs: Do the DR's know what can cause this problem?

@MrsJerome, I definatly ovulated because my OPK's got nice and dark. One day the test line was darker than the control line, and me and DH timed our :sex: perfectly. I got 3 days of super dark positive OPK's just like my previous cycles without clomid. The ony thing is that now they are still darker than usual for this time in my cycle, they are negative but unusually darker than my other nights. It is probably the clomid making my hormones stronger than usual. I am glad you enjoyed your baby shower and got some nice gifts!!!:thumbup: I hope you are having fun with your family visiting!!!:winkwink: I think you definatly need to take it easy and try to rest as much as you can since you are getting soar now, it sounds like you are probably trying to do to much and might need to take it easy the rest of your pregnancy since you are having some pain...I hope you feel better:hugs:.

@Busy, the picture of your baby girl is soooo cute!!! :flower:Thanks for sharing, she is gorgeous!!! :winkwink:

@Dare, wow pretty soon baby will be here.....I know you must be excited and anxious all at the same time!!! I know being huge and preggers must be difficult in this extreme heat. Hopefully your baby will be making an apperance very soon. I hope the L&D goes smoothly and is as easy as possible. Good luck hun.:hugs:

@NJ, thanks for the good luck. i am sorry about the MS, hopefully you can find some kind of a food you can handle eating for the time being. Maybe try crackers, bread, or fruit. The main thing is to keep yourself hydrated with plenty of fluids and take your prenatal vitamins. Hopefully your MS wont last very long.

@Cottlestone, I hope the teething doesnt get too bad, and hopefully you can find something to help calm the pain for him. I know they have all kinds of products to try to help out with this. Good luck and hopefully this phase wont last that long for the poor little guy!!! :hugs:
wanna - that would be too early for implantation cramping. 5-10 dpo. I had spotting at 9 or 10 dpo, which I totally blew off. Just one time, brown on the tissue, I was like "Great, AF is on her way," and then nothing. With Clomid I had a lot more cramping than usual. I never get ovulation cramping, definitely did with Clomid. I actually had cramping throughout my whole cycle. My RE told me that Clomid does not affect OPK or HPT results. The reason I couldn't test was because I had the HCG trigger shot, which stays in your system for about two weeks - and I had TWO of them. I definitely think you guys covered your bases. :)

Cottleston, does Toby use pacifiers? My mom used to put them in the freezer so they were more soothing. And watermelon slices. she'd freeze those too, and I remember my cousins gumming away at them happily.

Busy, looks like you're living up to your name. :) Glad things are going well. The older kids are probably pretty good helpers by now, yes? Very cute picture.

Erica - I agree with wannabe. TAKE IT EASY. And that'll probably be exactly what your MD tells you. The soreness is your body's way of telling you that you're overdoing it.

Spunky, I hear what you mean about the bread. Every morning I have a piece of toast, and either a yogurt or a cottage cheese. Later in the day I try to get either a salad or a fruit smoothie. For dinner - totally depends. And I'm not snacking through the day like I should. My boss bought some women's protein bars which he keeps in the office for me. So if I haven't really been able to eat anything, I can grab one of those. Food just isn't appealing. Last night went out to dinner with DH, got a cup of chicken soup, and a cottage cheese and fruit plate. It's weird what all I don't feel like eating.

Had some really weird dreams the last few nights. One that particularly stood out, I was going for my 12 week ultrasound, and my little sister came with me. She was all excited, and couldn't wait to see (which in itself is weird, because we are not close, and my sister doesn't like kids). Then my mom showed up, but she was working on a crossword in a magazine the whole time, and not paying attention. Would barely look at the screen, and kept interrupting the tech with off-topic questions. For some reason, I see that as pretty much how she'll be about the pregnancy anyway.

No energy at all. Not tired, per se. Just don't want to do anything. I don't have the energy to dry my hair in the AM, I just feel wiped out. Had all my bloodwork done yesterday - I have terrible veins, and the phlebotomist was really terrible. My one arm looks like I'm a junkie! All bruised and swollen. At one point she stuck the harpoon (ok, needle, but it was HUGE) really deep and stuck a nerve. My hand was tingly all day, and it made me so nauseous I threw up in the parking lot. Wasn't able to shake the feeling all day till late last night.

Just found out from DH that his oldest brother called him about a month ago, and told him that his wife (my evil SIL) has decided we are no longer welcome in their house, and we're not allowed to see my niece and nephew. Was really pissed off about it, because it's all family drama that SHE started. DH says it'll be interesting to see what will happen when they find out about Baby Bee. This will be the first niece or nephew for them, as DH is the only other one who got married, or likely ever will. He's number 3 of 4 boys, the oldest has two kids, second oldest is a pain in the ass, youngest is a drug addict. So much drama. I just feel bad that my kid won't know their cousins or their uncles, all because SIL is such a bitch. I just keep telling DH that we are our own family, and not to worry about it.

(sigh) - sorry, wanted to vent a little bit.
@Nj, I had a weird dream the other day as well, Me and DH did a HPT test and it was a blazing dark positive, but we couldnt belive it and we were in disbelief fumbling around trying to figure out if it was really true....:dohh:

I am sorry about the family problems, that is sad that your SIL is acting so immature right now, hopefully she will come to her senses soon by the time baby gets here so there can be a relationship. But if not, like you said, you and DH have your own family now and you guys will make it through the hard times together..:hugs:

I am glad that you are managing to eat some foods at least. I know if the MS gets really bad the DR can prescribe you something for the naseau. I had 2 girlfriends that had really bad MS, to the point where they got dehydrated and they both ended up in the hospital on IV's and one girl had kidney damage. They ended up on a RX from their DR for the MS and ended up being okay after that. Hopefully that wont be the case for you, but if it is too unbearable dont hesitate to get meds from the doc to treat it. That is ruff about the blood draw. Ouch!!! When I was in the hospital for pneumonia I had to have IV's in my arm and it started to hurt, so the nurse ended up putting it into my hand because i have big visible veins in my hands. Maybe next time the nurse can try drawing blood from your hand and it wont be as hard or as painful. Or hopefully you will get a better nurse that is better at drawing blood...ugghhh...I hate having my blood drawn, I cant look at it or watch it or I will pass out!! It makes me feel all oozy, so I just close my eyes when they do it....:blush:
@Wanna- i always had cramping THROUGHOUT O, and then again when i had AF. really fun when you think about it... every how ever many days i have natural cramping. Can't imagine what it would've been like if i had clomid since people have said it increases the cramping. :/ Thank you for the good wishes and so forth- I have a mw appt today- we will see if anything changed. Fx'd she'll say i'm like about to go into labor. I would be happy with that. Lol. I know thats not how things work but i'm choosing to be hopeful. And lol i'm the same about blood draws! i actually tell them i cannot see the needle, because i'm so terrified (like a 5 year old) i WILL start getting out of my seat while they're drawing blood. I'm the worst :nope:

@NJ- i'm sorry to say the dreams get worse! lol. I have always had really vivid dreams- and they got seriously stronger and weirder throughout the pregnancy. Crazy even. And i'm sorry that's how your mom will react to your pregnancy. I can relate there... when i first told my mother she told me i gave her indigestion and then asked me 'why would you do that?'. then she was mad because i hadn't told her we were trying. However- took her 8 months to come around a little bit and get excited, and now THIS month- she's been very good and supportive about everything. She still makes comments about how 'huge' i am, and pokes fun at my stomach all the time- but i just deal with it. As with the blood work- when you go again with the 28 week gtt test- Ask them for someone who is really good- make up something and tell them you're very very nervous and tell them about what happened this last time! Most likely you will get someone better- and they'll be gentle. Worth a try! I always tell them they only get one stick because i'm a flight risk, and i HATE blood. They usually do good. And i'm sorry about your SIL. that's ridiculous. And i love 'baby bee'. that's adorable!!!

AFM- nothing really new and exciting. Still waiting. And waiting. Appt. today we'll see if anything changed. I feel like she's lower down but- i could just be hopeful. Just waiting.
The SIL stuff has been going on for about two years now, she just finally came out and said (or had my BIL say) that we were not welcome there any longer. What's difficult is that they live in town - I actually pass my nephew walking to school as I am driving to work. The oldest brother and DH are/were the closest of the four. DH has done so much for them over the years, and she has done NOTHING in return but cause problems.
The whole thing started because she smokes pot. DH is on the ambulance squad in town, SIL's nephew is on one of the fire squads. So, one day, one of DH's best friends is riding with the nephew, talking about how they've known each other forever, blah blah blah, and something came out about SIL smoking pot, even to the point of kicking her husband and the kids out of the house so she can. Nephew apparently went to his mom, who went to SIL, who FLIPPED out and threatened to sue for slander, etc.

Flash back a couple years ago - SIL sees a psychiatrist for her "post-partum depression." Personally, I think it's BS, seeing as the littlest is 7 now. Her psychiatrist had her on about eight different psych meds, a lot of which shouldn't be taken together, and he CONDONED the pot. Well, I hear one day that the psychiatrist died. DH was on the phone with his brother, tells him, he puts SIL on the phone to talk to me. She wanted to know what happened, I told her I had no idea. She cried like it was her father, I swear (the guy was a total quack).
I go to work three days later - and I get called into administration. Apparently someone called saying that I was spreading rumors that the psychiatrist had killed himself, and that now his "unstable" patients were going to do the same. I know it was her because a) she was the ONLY person I said anything to, b) she used my married name when she called the hospital, I was still going by my maiden name, and c) I never said how he died! It turned into a whole investigation, they threatened to suspend/fire me, etc. Totally ridiculous. DH was livid about the whole thing, and just kept it under his hat. We agreed not to say anything about it to SIL and BIL, because what was the point? She's going to deny it anyway.

UNTIL, the pot thing and the threat to sue for slander. All the information is communicated through BIL, btw, she won't speak to us. DH was so pissed, he said if anyone wants to sue for slander, how about Lindsay? and proceeded to tell BIL what happened. BIL said he was going to ask her about it, and get back to us. We never heard back.

So, that's when things really spiraled. We had a aunts and uncles come from out of town last summer, and they stayed with BIL/SIL. We got crap for not seeing them enough because "this could be the LAST TIME." Never mind the fact that SIL makes it downright awkward to be in her house. She and DH exchanged some words last summer, but never heard about it again. December we had a wedding of a mutual friends - was totally fine until SIL showed up (she disappeared for the first two HOURS of the reception - probably smoking), then it got nasty and awkward. Refusing to sit next to DH (that was the only empty seat), refusing to speak to me.
So, March was my nephew's birthday, and DH and I went over to take him a card. SIL acted fine (a little standoffish), and apparently had told BIL earlier that if she had a problem with me, she'd say it to my face.

NEVER DID. Now we're told we're not welcome in their house, and we're not allowed to see the kids. Such crap.

So, unfortunately, I don't things will change at all when they hear I'm PG. For my two older BIL's, maybe (esp. #2, because he LOVES kids). Oldest one may be afraid to go against SIL, and personally? I don't want my kids around that poison anyway. I have much better friends who are my family.

Sorry that was long, just venting again.

As for the blood draws, I'm usually totally fine. I know where my one good vein is, no one really ever had a problem. But, HELL, I could draw my OWN blood better than this girl did. I don't know if she was having an off day, or what. My arm is all purple and swollen. Thank goodness I wear a lab coat to work, so no one can see!

Just got news another friend of mine just found out she is PG! She was actually scheduled to start IVF this month! Her and her DH got married 6 months after we did, and have been trying since they got hitched, so I am beyond thrilled for them.

Wannabe, it's now become evening sickness, LOL. I feel more worn out than anything. Just achy all over, like muscle aches. Drinking tons of fluids. But it's the no-energy thing that's really annoying. I feel like all I do is veg on the couch. Bah.

Dare - how was the appt? I know I've had a couple friends go to their final appt, and the MD or MW says "you're in labor" and they've had no idea. So, anything is possible!

Baby Bee - our last name starts with a B, but if I say Baby B, it's like I'm referring to a boy, or a second twin. So, I went with Bee. :) I'm feeling girl, but I think it's because I WANT a girl. DH just says "Healthy." Refuses to state a preference.
Oh hun that sil sounds like a real nut job. I 'm so sorry for everything you've gone through with them. :( You know, this may not be what you want to hear but honestly- your life is probably better off without her in it. I mean at least for the baby's sake.

afm---Went to my appt today- was told i was dilated to 2cm now- and she said i'm 80 % effaced. WTF? Last week the other mw told me i was 90%. I asked- and said - she just told me last week i was 90 how can i go backwards? And she said 'oh well she wrote 80'. So i guess that overrides what i was told? Getting sick of people not believing me after i tell them what the others have told me.

So she told me that since we are at 40 weeks- if she's not here at 42 weeks i have to be induced. But i'm not even officially 40 weeks yet. Why do they have to do things like this to make us so nervous? So i just said yeah ok. And next week at 41 weeks they want me to do the stress test. i don't feel like doing anymore freaking tests and i think it's ridiculous and unnecessary. Anyone else had to do this before? I don't feel like paying for anymore stupid tests!

So i'm feeling a bit frustrated right now.
OMG NJ..I felt like I was reading a soap opera storyline!! Ugh that sounds absolutely horrid to deal with..especially her calling your work getting you in trouble for nothing..Im with you and would definitely not rather have them in my life or my kids life...they might not know their cousins as well but it sounds like its not worth dragging kids into that anyway..and if his family is afraid of their sister or whatever then that is their problem..they are adults and can clearly make their own decisions...

I also have only one good vein lol..the nurse in the ER at our 10 week scare used the vein I requested but idk what she did and I had a huge lump for a week and then a bruise for another week or so..looked like some drug shootup had gone bad lol...shes the only person that ever messed it up regular blood draw girl at the OB always hits it perfectly and never leaves a bruise...

Mine was also more day/evening sickness too for a was soo annoying...I was like wow..seriously...alllllll daayyyy I get to feel like I have the flu...but thank god it doesnt last forever! I say eat anything you feel like you can...even if its not the MOST nutritious..its still better than nothing...taco salads and wendys chicken sandwiches are prolly the only reason I didnt lose wayy more than 12 lbs lol...

its crazy how many pregnant people just pop up isnt it lol lol...we have one friend couple of ours..shes like..10 weeks behind us..another couple we know through them are about 14 weeks or so behind us and then my cousin is just now 7 weeks or just hoping my little sister can stay out of the trend lol lol...
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