The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Dare Im sick of tests too but Im sure there are plenty more to come for me..I still have ANOTHER freaking glucose test to do..that will be my 3rd one!! if I have to drink another bottle of koolaid concentrate Im gonna scream...and then Im supposed to take my blood sugar 4 times a day and now 2 times a day..for no levels were perfectly normal when I did them for 2 weeks before so idk why I have to keep going..clearly Im fine.. Does your insurance not cover all this stuff in like wellness plan or whatever..or is the cost of these tests super high where you are?
@NJ, Wow your SIL sounds like a real piece of work...ugghhh...:growlmad: I am so sorry that you are having to deal with all of that. :hugs: I agree with the other girls, it sounds like you are better off without a drama queen like her in your life. It is too bad that the rest of the family gets cut off from contact with you and DH because of her wackyness. :hugs: I really hope things can get better, but that doesnt seem like it will be very easy, which is too bad. :hugs:
Oh hun that sil sounds like a real nut job. I 'm so sorry for everything you've gone through with them. :( You know, this may not be what you want to hear but honestly- your life is probably better off without her in it. I mean at least for the baby's sake.

afm---Went to my appt today- was told i was dilated to 2cm now- and she said i'm 80 % effaced. WTF? Last week the other mw told me i was 90%. I asked- and said - she just told me last week i was 90 how can i go backwards? And she said 'oh well she wrote 80'. So i guess that overrides what i was told? Getting sick of people not believing me after i tell them what the others have told me.

So she told me that since we are at 40 weeks- if she's not here at 42 weeks i have to be induced. But i'm not even officially 40 weeks yet. Why do they have to do things like this to make us so nervous? So i just said yeah ok. And next week at 41 weeks they want me to do the stress test. i don't feel like doing anymore freaking tests and i think it's ridiculous and unnecessary. Anyone else had to do this before? I don't feel like paying for anymore stupid tests!

So i'm feeling a bit frustrated right now.

@Dare, I am so sorry that you are having such a hard time with the DR's right now. :hugs: I really hope you dont have to get induced. All of the testing sounds horrible and the added cost is such a pain too.:nope: Hopefully baby will arrive all on its own soon so you can avoid the additional testing and induction. :hugs: :hugs: I got everything crossed for you hun....:flower:
Dare, I can see why you're frustrated. Why is it there seem to be more MDs and MWs like that?? Makes me angry as a healthcare professional. To have them tell you two different things, and then tell you to wait till 42 weeks?? I know at this point you're just tired of being pregnant. Good news is, you are effaced and dilated, so you've made a little progress. You're not at a total standstill.

Erica, I have great insurance, so lucky for me all the testing is covered

Thanks for letting me vent about the SIL thing. I agree, we are better off without her. I'm not exactly heartbroken. I feel badly for DH more than anything else. His parents have both passed, all he has are his brothers. And now we won't have that. As for Baby Bee not knowing his/her cousins - with a mother like that, you can imagine what they're like. So we will be better off overall.
Dare Im sick of tests too but Im sure there are plenty more to come for me..I still have ANOTHER freaking glucose test to do..that will be my 3rd one!! if I have to drink another bottle of koolaid concentrate Im gonna scream...and then Im supposed to take my blood sugar 4 times a day and now 2 times a day..for no levels were perfectly normal when I did them for 2 weeks before so idk why I have to keep going..clearly Im fine.. Does your insurance not cover all this stuff in like wellness plan or whatever..or is the cost of these tests super high where you are?

I had to do two of those stupid glucose things- but because i failed the first one because i drank orange juice because the one mw told me i could just have a nice light breakfast. So i had a small glass of oj- and then like a piece of toast. And when i spoke to them later- they said OH yeah you should've have had the oj or the breakfast. I was like wtf?! So pissed. And you are passing them and they are STILL making you take them? sounds ridiculous! I would ask why! Our insurance covers a bunch of things but- we also just switched in june- so i'm still learning the new plan. I just found out i OWE money for the stupid GBS test they did- they only paid like 6 bucks towards. we have good insurance- but, at the same time- it's not THE BEST stuff- so we do have to pay out of pocket sometimes too. We have a deductible. I paid like close to 300 out of pocket for the two ultrasounds we did. So i'm a bit worried since they mentioned ultrasounding to check amniotic fluid it'll be up there again. :(

@Dare, I am so sorry that you are having such a hard time with the DR's right now. :hugs: I really hope you dont have to get induced. All of the testing sounds horrible and the added cost is such a pain too.:nope: Hopefully baby will arrive all on its own soon so you can avoid the additional testing and induction. :hugs: :hugs: I got everything crossed for you hun....:flower:

I really really don't want to be induced :( It would go against my plan completely- and i know i would need an epidural (i'm scared to DEATH of needles) because pitocin is awful. Being induced makes labor that much harder and i'm really scared that's whats going to happen. It makes you more likely to tear- and the contractions so close together that you can't recover before the next one comes. Really hoping she gets here this week so i can just avoid all of that.

Dare, I can see why you're frustrated. Why is it there seem to be more MDs and MWs like that?? Makes me angry as a healthcare professional. To have them tell you two different things, and then tell you to wait till 42 weeks?? I know at this point you're just tired of being pregnant. Good news is, you are effaced and dilated, so you've made a little progress. You're not at a total standstill.

Thanks for letting me vent about the SIL thing. I agree, we are better off without her. I'm not exactly heartbroken. I feel badly for DH more than anything else. His parents have both passed, all he has are his brothers. And now we won't have that. As for Baby Bee not knowing his/her cousins - with a mother like that, you can imagine what they're like. So we will be better off overall.

Well i am tired of being pregnant but i so don't want to be induced. I want her to be allowed the extra time to come on her own- but they always say things like how much it'll hurt the baby and how it's not possible to do that, when it was the SAME mw that told me originally that we might go by the original date too. ANd when i was mentioning to her that the last ultrasound dr said she was measuring back to the original size but wouldn't change the date back because she wasn't my dr- the mw actually chuckled and said 'she can do whatever she wants' like i just made that up. WHY would i make that up?

And of course you can vent! it makes it a lot easier to deal with. I am very sorry you have to go through all of that. But as twisted as she is- i would be very worried too that if she WAS in the family that she would twist things around. She sounds like she tells her DH things when no one is there right- i wonder what kind of odds and ends she would tell your baby bee. I wouldn't trust her. People like that can be so nasty for no reason, and hearing what she's done to you- she sounds like she'd try to do something to turn your kid against you too. I'm glad she won't be around to get the chance. AND you didn't even have to do it. She took care of that herself. If she ever does come back in the picture- don't leave her alone with your kid!!!
Hi girls,

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. :thumbup: Not much going on with me this weekend. We are going grocery shopping today. (Or maybe just DH is going to go to super walmart today instead:blush:) I usually dont have the patience for a saturday at super walmart, it is like a mad house in there on the weekends, with everyone trying to run you over with their shopping carts, plus people are so rude. Ugghh, luckily my husband enjoys going grocery shopping, and I on the other hand dont care for it....:blush:... I'm not sure what else we are going to do though because it is so stinking hot and humid here...

So I am in the 2WW and of course time is dragging by sooooooo slooooowly....:wacko: Just some symptom spotting from me, I had AF type cramps lastnight and today, which i get every month before AF, but this is earlier than normal for me so who knows...I also felt a little naseau early this morning but it might be because of the pizza and glass of alcohol I had lastnight, although I only had 1 glass and I usually am alright after only 1...:shrug:..All of this probably doesnt mean anything because it is still early based on days past ovulation.... Please keep your fingers crossed for me girls....:winkwink:
I almost passed out today in HomeDepot..wasnt even doing anything..was standing there holding a piece of chair rail (for the nursery) while hubby cut it in the this little station..otherwise they are like..15 freaking feet long..anyway..I just started to feel pukey all of a sudden and then started getting the tunnel vision and my hearing was I told him I have to stop now!! and sat down on a little display shelf thing and took my teeshirt off so I was just in my tank top...and just leaned forward a bit...and it eventually went away but I still felt blah the rest of the time...I think it was just the heat and from standing and that store was humid as hell fans in that back section..uggh...horrible experience...I just feel like all these pregnancy limitations are kicking in soo fast now...its like I was ok and could do everything I normally would and then these past two weeks all the bad stuff has started..the SPD...the backaches and stomach aches from doing too much which isnt anything compared to what I would normally do before Im stomach muscles are stretching out where your abs meet in the middle...and now this fainting feeling...blah
Time to take it easy, Erica! Your body is definitely telling you something. :hugs:

Dare - I *totally* agree with you. SIL is so underhanded she would try to sabotage my kid! I was talking to my boss about it today (he and I are super close, he's more like a brother than a boss), and he was telling me I have to stand my ground, even if things DO change when they find out I'm PG. I can't believe my BIL is so spineless. She's alienating his whole circle of family/friends.

My younger BIL is not allowed in our house, and never has been. He is a drug addict, tried to sell pot at my wedding, after creating a huge scene about NOT sitting at the family table. Plus he went up to my father and said "Oh, so you're the [c-word]'s father." Which I didn't find out about until AFTER the wedding, otherwise he would have been killed. Did I mention I only met him ONCE before we got married? So how he formed such a lovely opinion of me is unknown...

Anyway, happier thoughts.

Starting to definitely think girl for Baby Bee. I don't know how much of it is wishful thinking. The Chinese Gender Test and the Ring Test both say girl (ha ha), but all my psychic readings (I know), have said boy. Be interesting to see what's most accurate. All my readings were off as far as date of conception except the latest - she said "before June", but I conceived the very end of June. Don't know that I count it.

Wannabe, I got EVERYTHING crossed for you!!

I'm on my way to go see a movie by myself. Figure I won't be able to do that as often in the future, might as well enjoy it. Going to see "Crazy Stupid Love" because my friend raved about how "stupid sexy" Ryan Gosling is in it. That's reason enough for me! Day off tomorrow, and I have NO idea what I'm going to do. Mom and Dad are away on vacation, DH is working...I'll be by myself. :happydance:
Time to take it easy, Erica! Your body is definitely telling you something. :hugs:

Starting to definitely think girl for Baby Bee. I don't know how much of it is wishful thinking. The Chinese Gender Test and the Ring Test both say girl (ha ha), but all my psychic readings (I know), have said boy. Be interesting to see what's most accurate. All my readings were off as far as date of conception except the latest - she said "before June", but I conceived the very end of June. Don't know that I count it.

Yep..clearly Brieanan is not happy with all the work Im trying to do chinese test and ring test said girl and all the psychics said boy..and they were wrong in everyway..the month of conception...the gender..etc...I definitely felt girl right from the start and like you thought it was just the fact that I WANTED a girl so bad so I kept an open mind around the gender scan time and stuff..incase it was a I would have been ok either a you are prolly onto something...:thumbup:
nj- the chinese gender thing for me said boy- and so did everyone and every test i tried- except the baking soda test- which said girl. And my psychic friend and mom both said girl. They were the ONLY ones, and its a girl!
Wait - the baking soda test? Did we talk about this one before?

Two of my husband's friends found out they're having a boy. Another couple (the one's I was NOT happy about - the d-bag and his slutty Navy wife) are due to find out soon. I'm thinking boy for them (just because I don't think Daddy would know what to do with a girl, so God help them).

After I left the movie I just couldn't think of anything to get for dinner. Nothing sounded good. I almost stopped at a salad place, but that didn't sound I went to the grocery store, got a couple rolls and a can of chicken noodle soup. Ate maybe a quarter of the soup (just didn't taste right), and ended up giving half the roll to the dog. I bought a couple boxes of cereal and grits (those seem to go down okay in the morning), and a box of Carnation Instant Breakfast - figure it's at least calories and vitamins if I can't eat anything else. I did splurge and get a thing of ice cream. The only thing that really sounds good? A brownie sundae. NO idea where that came from. Figure if the ice cream is what sounds good - I got the 1/2 fat version, so it won't be too horrible. I am dying for a brownie, though. What the hell?
lol...gotta love the random pregnancy food that you THINK you want and then you cant even eat 2 bites of lol lol... oh yeah the baking soda test was girl for me take about a table spoon of baking soda...add some pee to it..and if it fizzes its a boy and if its just flat and does nothing its a girl...
@Mrsjerome, I am so sorry that you didnt feel well today and almost passed out, that sounded scary...:hugs: I agree with NJ, you are going to have to relax and take it easy for the rest of your pregnancy, and keep yourself nice and cool in the AC, and make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids as well.

Wow, the baking soda test things sounds interestig. @NJ, are you going to try it and see what happens? NJ, have you and DH thought of any baby names yet??? I have a word list saved on my computer of my favorite baby names, the hard part is getting DH to agree to the ones I like, he seems to be fussier than me about the name.
Yeah, I'll try the baking soda test tomorrow when DH is at work so he doesn't think I'm crazy. (Too late)
I have names I've thought of - plus been getting a lot of ideas doing our family tree (I like old fashioned names). Boys names are easy, girls I get carried away with. DH won't talk about names yet, he's very big on "not jinxing it."
Btw, brownie sundae? Tasted like heaven.
Ummm, yummy, I love brownie sundaes!!! The clomid has got me sooo hungry this cycle and I have been craving and eating all kinds of junk. LOL...:blush: I had mexican food the other day and it was amazing....:blush: I am on a clomid club thread on the site too and all the girls were agreeing with me saying they have been super hungry and some of them have gained weight well on clomid. Gotta love us women with all of our raging hormones...:haha: LOL......
@NJ, I just wanted to add that I get what your DH means about not wanting to jinx it. I feel that way about buying baby stuff before I am actually pregnant. I have been wanting to start working on our nursery which right now is an empty no purpose room with a futon, dresser and hubby's clothes stored in the closet, But I havent because I am supersticious.

I have had the baby names list for many years now though, and keep adding names whenever I hear one that I like to the list.
I think the baking soda test is just an excuse for us to pee on more stuff lol lol...they also have a red cabbage test and guess pee in it too! lol..seriously people?! lol..I never did it though...its something like you cook the cabbage and then take the water/juice and mix it with pee (why not? lol) and if it turns purple or something its one and if it turns pink its the other..not sure on which is which though...

I just almost finished my baby shower thank yous for this shower...I didnt hand write them but I typed up individual thank yous for everyone and printed it on cute colored paper..and then used my nifty scrapbook scissors to cut out the notes and pasted them into the cards I got at Target...Ive put our return addy labels on and am gonna put stamps on them too and send them all to my g-ma since she has all the family addresses and she can fill in the addys and then just drop them in the mail for me...

had chinese for dinner coz of the busy day and I just didnt feel like even stepping foot in the kitchen...2 days now till my 3D/4D..soooo excited!! Im trying to decide what kind of cute cupcakes I want to make for my next shower in a few weeks..there are just too many babyshower ideas to choose from!
Wanna..I def need to take it easy..and luckily hubby is all for me taking it easy too lol lol.. which makes me feel not so bad..I guess Im just used to doing things on my own and helping him with everything around the house so its hard to be told to not help or just sit around while he does it..makes me feel lazy.. but if he insists..I'll sit around and eat bonbons and watch him work lol..:blush:

I bought my first baby outfit summer of last my good luck charm..I got a pink girl outfit coz I wanted a girl of course and it seemed to work lol lol..hopefully if she'll fit in it is going to be her coming home outfit...
@Mrsjerome, you have the perfect excuse to relax now!!! So let hubby take care of you, no reason to feel guilty hun!!! :winkwink:

I would love to buy a few baby outfits and start buying for our nursery but hubby wont let me. I saw this really cute unisex outfit with yellow rubber ducks on it and i totally wanted to buy it..LOL.. But since it brought you luck maybe I can use that excuse to buy a few things, I can tell hubby that it brought you luck!!! :winkwink: I bet that scan is going to be really neat coming up, and that you and DH must be very excited!! I am sure that baby has grown since last time you saw her!! :thumbup:
Cottleston..Dare and Spunky...did you have the thing where your ab muscles feel like they are coming apart where they meet in the middle?...a month or two ago it was super super sore there..and now its starting again...I assume its normal from all the stretching since she is much bigger...
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