The One Year Strong Ladies!

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a lot of my family felt it, it was also felt in the Detroit Michigan area where my brother works! North Carolina and New York is where my family is

@Busy, yeah I have family and friends all along the east coast, and they said they felt the quake all the way down to NC right up to NY too!!

My husband got to work this morning and his building had damage from the quake, he said there are cracks in the floors!!! The building he works in is brand new construction too!! I guess they built it very cheap!!!! He is a little uneasy today walking around today at work with those cracks!!!!

@Mrsjerome, thanks for sharing the website, :flower:i am checking it out now!!! It definatly looks like you can get some great stuff on there, I am bookmarking it to my favorites and will be using it in the future for sure!!!:winkwink:
Sorry, I just needed to vent and I knew you girls would understand!!!

So I just got off the phone with my sister and she knows that me and hubby are TTC, and that October will be 2 years since hubbys vasectomy I told her we looked into IUI (artificial insemintation) and that it was surprisingly affordable, so we are saving up to do it in a hopefully a few months... So she is glad to hear that But...she starts going on and on about how I should loose weight first.:growlmad:... And I just uhhummmm'ed and yeah'ed my way through her saying that.

I mean wouldnt it be great if I could plan when i get pregnant, just wave a magic wand and when my life is perfect just like that BAM get pregnant... Yeah, like I am going to wait around until my finances are perfect and I am the perfect weight and my life is perfect..., ugghhh, if I wait that long, I will be waiting forever... I mean seriously at this point it would be a miracle and a blessing if I can even get pregnant with DH's low sperm count.... You know people just dont get it that never had to struggle with getting pregnant.... So in conclusion No, I am not going to wait until I am skinny, and our finances are perfect.... I am going to be 32 soon, and i am not getting any younger....Ughhhhh, so my plans are staying the same, once we can afford IUI we will be doing it!!!!

I think in the future I am not going to say anything to my sister about it...she will just find out later when I am already pregnant hopefully.... People that never had problems with TTC just dont get the pain you go through month after month when AF comes and all of the tears you shed, and the strain on your marriage, I mean it is like heart break month after month...... Lordy.....:nope:
my friend told me once if you wait for the perfect time... It'll never ever happen. That's what made me really ok with trying in the first place. How true she was. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. You need support right now- not more crap.

ladies had our 2 week ped appt today. She's now 9lbs 1oz!!!! Gained a full lb in 2weeks!!!! They said she looks so fantastic I can skip my one month checkup and go at 2 months!! Very happy! Guess my bbs are getting the job done! Yay bbs!
Wanna - I agree with you and Dare. There's never a right time. I wish I had been lighter, but oh well. It'll be a lot harder to lose now, but hopefully I'll be able to. You will make everything work once it happens. I am so excited for you that you'll be able to afford IUI. Just don't tell your sister anymore until you're pregnant. :hugs:

Dare - congrats, very empowering! James wasn't 9lbs 0oz until 3 weeks (but he started out a little smaller). I'm still having PTSD from birth!!
Just a quick one, girls.

Yes, felt the earthquake yesterday. Was on the fifth floor of one of the hospitals, I thought my blood sugar was low. Haven't felt an earthquake in over fourteen years! I moved away from Southern California in '97. We ate quakes like that for breakfast! Very unnerving out here, where it's so uncommon. And now a hurricane to hit this weekend. I guess it is the end of the world.

@wanna, TOTALLY understand what's going on with you and your sister. It's the exact same story as my mom and I. Except she didn't know we were TTC. She would just find a way to bring up how she saw some special on tv, and this girl was trying to get pregnant, and she saw specialists, yadda yadda yadda. Moral of the story was ALWAYS "She was overweight, and once she lost the weight, she got pregnant!"
Hence why I'm ten and a half weeks along, and my family still doesn't know. So, I definitely feel your pain.
the only person that told me to lose weight was my g-ma..who has always been on me about my weight...i know its because she cares about me but it gets so annoying hearing it your whole life..everyone was like..well you know you are gonna gain a lot of weight and it'll be hard to get rid of...well haha to them..I weigh less now than before...I still eat what I want and I still might end up losing weight overall so dont let anyone freak you out by saying you'll gain tons of weight and never lose it...every person is different......some people can only say negative stuff about anything...and amazingly its usually family members!
Thank you to all of you lovely ladies for being so supportive, and understanding about what my sister said to me....:hugs: I really appreciate it and it means alot!:flower:

I have reached all of my goals in life, I completed my education and have my BA degree, I have a happy marriage and a nice home. Hubby has a good job and I am ready to have a baby now. I have worked hard in my life to get where I am now and the only thing missing is a baby to complete my family. I am mature enough and old enough to handle the responsibility so it is out of the question for me to postpone any plans I have because I need to loose some weight. Plus my sister never had any problems getting pregnant and has always been over weight herself so it really annoyed me that she wasnt more supportive regarding the IUI. But, I agree with you girls and I am not going to bring anything up to her about TTC or the IUI until I am already pregnant.

@Dare, that is great that your baby is growing and healthy!!! I am so happy to hear she is doing well and that BF is a success!!!:thumbup:
I'm a little nervous about the hurricane this weekend. It is supposed to be a category 2 by the time it hits us Saturday, our state has declared a state of emergency and so has most of the rest of the east coast!!! We are going to be putting our outdoor furniture and stuff into the garage tomorrow night..I just did my grocery shopping today at super walmart, so we are all stocked up with supplies. It has been raining and thunderstorming all day here today so they are worried about flooding!!!I am hoping its path changes some and it wont be as bad as everyone is making it out too bee... Now all I can do is wait and see what happens...EEEEKKKK
I need to do some grocery shopping before it hits, too. Will need to stop after work tomorrow, since I can't pry DH away from his little household chores. He's drilling holes in the wall. I don't know. I don't want to ask. I'm afraid.
Although - I haven't really been eating a lot, which I know isn't good. I actually had a frozen Lean Cuisine left over that I decided to heat up since I couldn't find anything else. I don't know if it was OLD, or what, but first few bites were ok, and then I bit into SOMETHING that tasted old and horrible...ran to the bathroom. First time I've vomited in a while. But now, I really don't want to eat anything. I have a diet pepsi I'm sipping on, and it's kind of helping to settle my stomach.
Anyway, the hurricane is supposed to hit us on Sunday, and thankfully, I'm off. So I can sit at home and watch my basement flood. My poor husband working outside that day from 12-8. I can only hope they will take some pity on those poor police officers.
First an earthquake, now a hurricane. What's next??
@NJ, ugghhh sorry about your MS episode and the nasty tv dinner....:hugs:

The storm is supposed to get to my house on saturday from what the weather reports are saying. That is ruff that your basement floods, our neighbor on one side of our house says his basement floods too, and he just had some work done in his yard to level some of the yard and had drains put in to try to draw the moisture out and away from the house, i dont think it is helping much though.

We have a sump pump in our basement and so far it has kept it nice and dry, my only concern is if the power goes out and the sump pump goes out and than it causes a flood. We were supposed to buy a back up generator for the sump pump but we never got around to buying one, now is one of the times I am regretting putting it off... Well I will keep my fingers crossed that both of our basements stay dry!!!! :winkwink:
On a happy note, was playing with the Doppler tonight - heard Baby Bee finally! 149bpm! Managed to yell at DH to come in from the other room, so he was able to hear. HR from 148-154, caught it for about a minute. :happydance: A little less stressed waiting for the ultrasound, now!
you know what they say- over 140 its a girl! lol. Was right on for me.

getting a little nervous with this whole storm thing coming.they are doing special news things on what is going to be happening to 'fix' everything after the storm- which is scary because they never do that for a hurricane... or really anything else. They never warn you ahead of time. They are talking 'disaster' and well- i'm nervous.
Wanna - I really hope your basement stays dry and all of you on the east coast will be safe in the next few days!

Lindsay - I laughed at the whole husband is drilling holes in the wall and I don't want to ask why! My husband has done a lot of thigns like that that I just don't want to know either. Congrats on the doppler! James was above 140 and he's a boy, so can't put too much stock in that. It is so reassuring though!!

Dare - 3 weeks tomorrow! WOOHOO!
spunky thanks! I know she's so big already! Can't believe how fast this is going to go by! My little pumpkin.

wanna- hoping ur basement doesn't flood!! My in laws basement floods- and two of the boys have rooms down there and they flood really bad!!!!

and nj- my dh is the same! Random hole drilling. And he gets mad if I watch!!!
havent heard anything about a disaster here really.. course we are a bit far we'll prolly just get rain...hope you ladies all stay safe!! go get your bread and milk!! like when it snows in the winter..people act like all you are allowed to eat is bread and milk lol.. :rofl:

Brieanan just woke me up with gymnastics and hiccups lol..

I am checking out my target registry..and they changed the site and it doesnt work worth a crap anymore..half the pages wont registry loads like...4 items every 3 minutes..its horrible..wish they had left their site alone..clearly this one sucks ass and wasnt ready to be launched..
@NJ, thats so great you heard the heart beat on the doppler!!! Very exciting!!!:thumbup: I am sure it puts your mind at ease well you are waiting on your next scan that your baby bean is doing great!!

@Dare, I must admit I am getting nervous about the hurricane as well. The news is painting a pretty scary picture of how bad this storm is going to be. I am watching the local news and they are showing all of the evacuations going on the coasts in NJ. The Philadelphia mayor is making statements warning everyone to prepare and be safe. I live close to both states so my local news shows all of their activities. My state has declared a state of emergency as well. As of right now the storm will be a category 2 when it reaches me where I live and my entire state is under a hurricane watch. I saw on yahoo news that even NYC is being evacuated and that is very unusual!!!

Check out the article!!

I just got done packing up all of our outdoor furniture and plants into the garage and back shed. My mom warned me to secure everything or it might get blown away. I am worried about my neighbor because he has been doing work on his house and he has all of this crap all over his yard. I am imagining all of his junk flying all over my yard and ending up in god knows where when the hurricane hits!!! Ugghhh.:dohh:. I told hubby to go over and ask him if he plans on putting his shit away into storage soon!!! We got all of our supplies ready to go. Yesterday when I was at Super Walmart the bottled water was stripped down to nothing and all of the shelves were bare. I have never seen it like that before...pretty wild stuff!!! :wacko:

Thanks for all of the well and safe wishes girls, I hope that my other east coast girls (Dare and NJ etc.) on the thread stay safe as well!!!! :hugs:
Wanna, I get the feeling you're in South Jersey. I used to live in PA in the suburbs north of Philly, worked in Cherry Hill a couple times. I'm in North Jersey, outside of NYC by about a half hour.
DH had me stop at the store to get water since he's at work. Got the last two flats and the last two 5 gallon jugs. The jugs I probably shouldn't have lifted at all. They're still in the back of my SUV, DH can bring them in. I've never seen the stores that empty, not even right before a major snow storm. A few of the gas stations are out of gas. They closed the turnpike going southbound as of 8pm tonight. I'm hoping it's all hype, otherwise my basement will be underwater. Grr.
So right now I'm going to relax in a hot bath, take a nap. Today was tiring because it was so humid. After going in the crowded store after work, I just felt dizzy and sick to my stomach. Back to the "not hungry, nothing tastes good" phase. Got lots of fruit and veggie juices.

Chelsea - once DH breaks out the power tools, he disappears for hours. I can never tell he's done anything. I've given up on asking.

Stay safe to my East Coast girls! If you don't hear from us for a couple days, you know why! :hugs:
Ha i used to live in central jersey! Aw, together we complete the state. :) Hope you all are safe- i know my aunt lives in one of the beach communities and they just evacuated her town so she had to go way inland to her daughters house.

thinking of you girls. It's supposed to hit us tomorrow sometime into sunday- but we've been downgraded to tropical storm so not as worried anymore. WIll be thinking of you all.
Stay safe ladies... Will be thinking of you!

Wanna, sorry your sisters been lecturing you. I was 213lb when I got pregnant and toby is fine! Yeah I put on a LOT of weight but I'm losing it now, it's not the end of the world. I didn't get GD, or high blood pressure. The one issue we had during labour and delivery had nothing to do with my size... So ignore her! If the time is right then the time is right. Weight doesn't have to be the be all and end all of everything. X
I agree with Katherine that weight doesn't have to do with everything.

I am 154 lbs (I was 157 when I got pregnant) and a size 12 (was a 14). I did get GD, and I am now prediabetic and am going to be considered having high blood presssure. I have to lose weight, and am, it's possible, and perfectly acceptable to just get pregnant and worry about weight later.

Katherine! You're doing awesome! I check up on your blog regularly!

I am wearing size 12 pre-pre-pregnancy jeans today! And I look good and feel good about it! Maybe I should put the maternity clothes away now and start getting back into my old wardrobe (just been too busy to get the old clothes out of the garage, but now that I know they fit -and have for a while apparently!- I'll be much more motivated to get out!).
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