The One Year Strong Ladies!

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just got another set of tommeetippee bottles from someone at hubbys work..from our glad hes so well liked at
@Dare, We just moved last summer because of DH's new job and we own our home here so it makes it hard to consider moving right now. We officially lived here for a year in July. We moved from down south where the cost of living was cheaper, electric/heating was cheaper, real estate was cheaper. It has been a tuff financial adjustment moving here for DH's job. Than we still owned our home down south so we are dealing with the costs of 2 homes at the same time. :wacko:I think down the road he may try to apply for a job in another state that we would like living in better, but that is far in the future so for now we just have to try to make the best of it.

@MrsJerome, I hope you feel better after getting some rest today!!! That is awesome that you got more stuff for baby!! It sounds like your DH works with a bunch of really great coworkers!

I agree with both of you girls financial strain can literally break or make a marriage!!! Looking on the bright side if we can get through this difficult time than we can make it through just about anything, and hopefully we will only come out with an even stronger marriage in the end!!!
@wanna- :( so sorry that you are stuck. Any consolation we are stuck as well. we can't sell the damn condo we'd lose too much so we can't buy a new house- which we could afford right now thanks to the bad housing market right now. So we're screwed. It's like- we can literally buy a wonderful home and we can't. Because of the condo. He wanted to buy, and i wanted to rent. SO, he talked me into buying- and here we are. it sucks. but, whatever. so i understand. I've come to terms with it and am dealing. it's hard though. really hoping things look up for you guys financially so you can at least have ONE thing off your mind. :hugs:
OMG I cant stop laughing...

ok so I posted an ad on craigslist..saying I needed a pre-baby cleaning and listing what needs to be done....bathrooms coz of the chemicals..deep cleaning the floor coz of my SPD etc I got two replies from women of course..very nice..I think we will go with the second one that is a full time nurse just looking for extra cash on the this morning..check my email..and I have THIS reply lol..have to admit..wasnt expecting it.. lol..

Hi, i'm B and I have over 11 yrs exp. As a cleaner/handyman and interior painter. I grew up in Florida around the nudist lifestyle and work as a novelity for openminded people as a "naked handyman".
Just wanted to see if you might like alittle eye candy while getting this needed work done? I am very polite,professional and i'm not interested in anything inappropriate..for I too am married...just looking for a honest days pay while being able to work comfortably. Sorry if this offends you, I know people in TN are not as understanding to the nudist lifestyle as Florida.
I would charge you just 30.00 for the 2 to 4 hr work you listed.
Let me know

I just read it to hubby and hes like oh I bet all those cougar ladies would go crazy..he sent a pic too but I wont post it on here as well..its not really mine to post..cant say he looks bad but still..just totally unexpected and tooo funny :rofl:
@MRs, Jerome...Wow that guy sounds nuts....LMAO..... :haha:

OMG, hun you have to email me the pic so I can see what this dude looks like!!!! Wow Craigs list really brings out the freaks and nut jobs!!!!
@MRsjerome, I would ask for references from the person you want to clean your house. It is hard to trust a complete stranger to come into your house and clean, people can steal stuff. I think you should check out the cleaning person you want to use a little further just to be on the safe side. It only costs like 20 bucks to do a background check for someone online to see if they have a record. If you think about it on Craigs list anybody could send you anything and claim to be anyone they want really...

Or maybe check with a well known cleaning company in the area like Merry Maids or some other company in your area that is well known and see how much they charge.

I know I sound paranoid but I have a hard time trusting stuff on Craigs list....
well I would be here the whole time..I would be doing babys laundry and organizing her room so I wouldnt be leaving them here alone to clean. We only need random stuff done and those cleaning services are pretty $ and I know hubby would never go for those...but for just $50 or $60 he prolly would..we only need our two bathrooms cleaned which I can do because of the chemicals..the carpets deepcleaned and the kitchen floor swept and mopped...everything else I can still do..I just dont want to be around the bathroom cleaning chemicals..
and lets not forget the craigslist killer! people are nut jobs - be careful!
Good luck mrsjerome, I understand you got to do what you got to do, just listen to your instincts and please be careful. I think we just both want you to be safe hun...:hugs: You have to be careful when you are pregnant, there are alot of nutty women out there that try to hurt pregnant women and steal their babies...I know I sound extreme and paranoid, but it does happen....

i wish I lived closer, I would come help you clean for free....:flower:

Can your husband help you out around the house with some of the cleaning you cant do, or could your mom come visit for a few days to help you out with stuff around the house???
I hope everyone enjoys the long holiday weekend!!! Hope you ladies have a great one!!! :flower:
my mom hasnt ever been here because she is waayy too busy with my brat of a sister (she has been absolutely horrid lately..I just want to send her away lol) and then her two youngest..the 3 and 1 year olds...she goes non stop so even if she was closer..I still wouldnt ask her to come help because all she does is work and run errands for others...I would just feel guilty..hubby has so many other things to do with the nursery..working on my car...and he works all day too and the last thing he wants to do is come home and clean...he did just help me vacuum downstairs...but he argues with how I want stuff done I think someone else Im not married to...would actually listen to me...the one lady that I liked that emailed is a CNA and a mom and just is looking for money on the side...would definitely have her come over before hand just to show what we need done and make sure shes up for it..and make sure we are comfy with her..I deal with tons of people from craigslist with the stuff we sell..and buy from there..and am a pretty good judge of character..specially serial killer or not lol..:haha: and we will definitely not be having nakie handyman over lol lol..:rofl:
Girls, I think I got my BFP this morning...Check out my testsing thread!!!

Newest pic on page 7!!!

Its definatly pink and thick and there IRL!!! I showed hubby this morning, I woke him up out of his sleep and he saw it too and agreed that it looks pink and said he could see it!!!

I am going to be confirming on a better test in a few days!!! I have a really good feeling, I think this could finally be it for me!! I have never gotten this good of a line on this type of IC before....I usually dont know if it has color or not...but this time I for sure see it!!!! :happydance::happydance:
mrsj- that would suck to get killed by a nakie handyman. for reals. hahaha

and wanna- going to look right now... clear as day love. and i'm sure clearer in person - lighting does terrible things to lines and photos! Hun, congrats - looks like the real thing! Take again tomorrow and i bet it'll be darker!
mrsj- that would suck to get killed by a nakie handyman. for reals. hahaha

and wanna- going to look right now... clear as day love. and i'm sure clearer in person - lighting does terrible things to lines and photos! Hun, congrats - looks like the real thing! Take again tomorrow and i bet it'll be darker!

Thanks for looking Dare!!!!:flower:

It is true that the camera washes out the color that you see IRL on the test so it was tuff getting it to show up good on camera!! I am glad you can see it!!! I will definatly update the testing thread and let you guys know on here when I retest!!!

I am excited but nervous and still skeptical because I have been through this so many months before, but even now when I look at the test dried I can still see the line clear as is definatly there, as real as can hopefully this is a sticky bean and is finally the real thing for me....I have a real good feeling that this is it and that me and DH have finally done it!!!!:thumbup:
time for some pictures...

first we have a few preview pics of the nursery..still not done but..the new closet doors and new light switch covers which will match the wainscoting...then the window that the glider will sit under....the paint is done and we absolutely love the glad we finally picked this one..the others were too dark or too peachy..blah....the curtains are up..we got them at HomeDepot..I like them because they are cute and even though they are blue/green they are still girly..and they help make the room look light and airy..we had another set up on the sliding door..the original ones..that were heavy and embroidered (fancy looking) cream ones..they matched the paint but it looked really stupid having two different sets..and the panels of the blue/green ones were only $15! so hubby went and got three more panels for the sliding door..and it looks soo much better..

then my lopsided bump..from my looking down POV..luckily you cant tell head on..shes head down and she is all on my left side with her back up against pressing out on my stomach...her butt under my ribs normally and her arms and legs and feet and hands are all on the right...

hes in the nunrsery right now working on the 2nd closet door...and hopefully tomorrow/monday we will get some of the floor trim and wainscoting and chair rail up..course it is hubbys b-day tomorrow and then labor day.. so Im not pushing any work g-ma sent him money for us to go out to eat so we are going to go to Famous Daves BBQ tomorrow night I guess...and his mom sent him $200 which we used to pay the little extra we owed for the new driveway...and she also sent three cute baby outfits for Brieanan...


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I think the nursery looks great!!! I love the shade of yellow you picked!! I am sure that the finished product will be gorgeous!!!:winkwink:

I am loving the belly shot...from your perspective well you are on the computer...LOL....:haha: Bump is very cute!!!:winkwink:

Me and DH went hiking at a state park yesterday, we hiked a trail that ran along a creek and to a pond. We saw a toad, ducks and some turtles. My dog had a wonderful time, she loves hiking, and she gets so excited to see what is coming next on the trail!!! We were waiting on DH well he was in the nature center and she kept trying to pull me down the trail because she couldnt wait to start our trip...LOL... there were alot of downed trees in the woods from the hurricane and you could see the mud and debrees from when the creek water level was much higher after the storm..The creek must have been pretty wild during the hurricane and very high up from what I could see, the trail we were walking on was all under water from what I could tell!!

Here are a few pics from our hike yesterday. It was really pretty at this park and the weather was perfect, like 81 with this nice breeze!!

MY dog is in 2 of the pics and that is a shot of the creek in 2 of the pics, the bridge leads to the hidden pond where we saw the turtles....:thumbup:

I am feeling nervous because AF isnt late yet and worried that the IC's are trying to play a cruel joke on me..EEEeeekkk!!! I have been TTC for so long now it is hard to believe my own eyes...:wacko::wacko:

My plan is to wait until AF would be late and than retest on a more reliable store bought test, because by than my lines should be nice and dark... I cant afford to waste money on tests this month again.Plus I am trying not to drive myself completely nuts with testing :wacko:.. Hubby has me on a budget with testing. So I amhoping and praying that this is indeed real and that I have a sticky bean!!!
Hi girls, it's been a few days. Work has been nuts, as usual. I'm just going to post a shorty before I go (surprise) back to work. I don't think I've had a Labor Day off in almost ten years!

@wannabe - on the IC, I really don't see much, it looks like an evap. With your history on those things, I would wait until AF is late and take a First Response. But on the Clear Blue, I saw more of a line. Good luck, I have my fingers crossed for you!

@MrsJ - I like the yellow for the nursery. DH and I are talking either yellow or a light green, and then once we find out the sex, the decor will be more gender specific.

How are all the mommies doing?

AFM - I told my best friend on Saturday - it was his birthday, and I snuck a card in the bottom of his present bag. Couldn't find any cute Uncle ones, so I found a Brother In Law one that was goofy. Had it be from "Baby Bee who can't yet read." He was real subtle about the card (his wife knew, so she told him to look for it, cuz he'd missed it), and he kept it quiet. It was his surprise party, so I didn't want to make a big deal and it went pretty much how I expected. I have the most wonderful, supportive friends, and they (the ones that know), have been lovely.

Also told the family yesterday. I was starting to get doctors I do not speak to at work coming up to me and telling me congrats. Since my sister used to work at the hospital, I could just see someone posting something to her on Facebook about congrats, you're going to be an Aunt, something like that.
Was prepared for Mom to be horrible, as you know. She was...obnoxious, I guess is the best word, at first, but I got upset and started crying. She kept saying stuff like, it's unhealthy for you to be pregnant at this weight, you won't loose the weight after you have the kid, you're going to get GD, the baby is going to be unhealthy, you should've planned this better, your house is a mess, etc etc. I couldn't help it, I swore I wouldn't cry, but she just upset me. I told her this is why I hadn't told her sooner (she was kind of mad I waited till twelve weeks), because this was supposed to be a happy time, and this is what she was making of it. I had to walk away because work called, and when I came back, my sister (!!) was chastizing her for being an ass. Mom warmed up as the night went on - we went to dinner, went for a walk, watched a movie at home, just the two of us. She started talking about her pregnancy experiences, and what to look out for, etc. I think she'll get better as time goes on.

My sister surprised me, she was really cute about it. I expected Miss I Hate Children to be very blah about it. She was like, "well, you caught me off guard, but I can't say I wasn't expecting it." She left to go to her boyfriend's house, and he txted me later on telling me congrats and he was happy (he's a sweetie), and then she and I were txting later. She was really upset with how Mom acted - figured she would, but thought she'd have more of a filter. I think overall, she's going to be pretty good and supportive.

We made the decision to call my dad, rather than wait for him to come home (which may not be for another three weeks). Talked to Mom and sister about telling him in person later, versus telling him on the phone so everyone knew. They voted for phone. So, I called him, he was super excited. Very short phone call, which he ended, and he sounded VERY choked up. I really think he was crying, which is unusual for him.

So all in all...could've been worse. Glad that's over. Now to wait for the ultrasound in two days!
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