The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Well, this morning the :witch: came. I think that I probably had a chemical pregnancy this cycle because I know I had positive HPT's. I feel silly for letting myself get excited and thinking I was pregnant before I was actually late for AF. I should of known it was to good to be true.:cry:

So my next step is going to be saving up for IUI......
@NJ, Sorry about your mom's initial reacton to your pregnancy announcement...:hugs: I really do hope that she does start to turn around and be more supportive of the pregnancy soon. I have a feeling she will soon. :hugs:

But, I am glad to hear that everyone else was happy and supportive!! :thumbup: So please dont let your mom spoil this happy time...I know how hard it was for you to get pregnant and how long you have been trying so please dont let anyone spoil this wonderful time for you. If your mom doesnt start to warm up and be more supportive than just give her some space for now... :hugs:
@Nj- my mother was also very bad when i told her i was pregnant. Actually my whole family was. my mom asked me 'why' i did it. And told me i gave her indigestion. And she was awful for months. Finally she got on board but it hurts, and i'm sorry you had to go through it too. Glad some of your family is supportive though!

@wanna- i'm so sorry about you being let down again. that's horrible. This sucks. I feel like i'm let down right with you. I'm so ready for you to get your bfp and get to be happy. :( :hugs:

afm- nothing really new, just hanging out. Think ava had a growth spurt- lots of sleeping the last few days and some extra fussing. AND her size one diapers finally actually fit her butt since this morning.
Hi girls,

I am just stopping in to say Hello. :flower: How is everyone doing? The thread is very quiet....

I hope everyone is having a great week so far.:thumbup: I am feeling better today after having a few days to moap around the house, shed some tears, and accept that the :witch: got me.

There is not much going on with me. I am hoping to get outside and go for a nice long speed walk to burn some calories and get in a work out. The burger King I just had for lunch has me feeling guilty about eating it now.... Ugghhhh...:wacko: Hopefully it is going to stop raining long enough for me to get outside because it has been raining since early Tuesday morning, and is supposed to continue until Friday, and now there is all of this flooding going on all over the place, I guess we are getting what is left over from a tropical storm or something like that.

For dinner tonight I am going to make pan fried tilapia with a veggie and rice... DH wants me to make extra so he can take left overs for lunch tomorrow. :thumbup:
Wanna - Major :hugs: I'm sorry that your tests keep coming up positive only to get :witch: I think it's so awesome you and hubby keep getting out and going to park and things, I wish my husband and I did things like that. I know how much you must have been hoping and wishing, and I am so sorry that this cycle didn't work out. IUI is going to be it for you!
Wanna - Major :hugs: I'm sorry that your tests keep coming up positive only to get :witch: I think it's so awesome you and hubby keep getting out and going to park and things, I wish my husband and I did things like that. I know how much you must have been hoping and wishing, and I am so sorry that this cycle didn't work out. IUI is going to be it for you!

Awww, thanks so much hun....:hugs:

I am going to take it easy with TTC for now until we are able to afford to do the IUI, I cant handle much more of the emotional roller coaster and let downs month after month, so I am going to try to focus on other things like loosing weight, working out, just enjoying life etc. until we are ready to start the IUI process. I have a good feeling about the IUI and think it will be the answer to my prayers finally!!!:thumbup: I am also giving my body a month off from the clomid.

I have an appointment on 09/14 in the afternoon just to go over everything. I had to reschedule the first appointment we originally had in August because something came up. I am not sure if they will want me to do testing or not before they do the procedure. I would assume they will want to confirm that I am healthy and dont have any blockages in my tubes before we attempt IUI. :shrug: For the most part I think i am healthy because I have regular periods and I know I ovulate every month, even without the clomid, so it is most likely just DH's low sperm count causing the problems, I think....

@Spunky, How are you doing hun? How is your little man doing?:winkwink:

We have been going to alot of the state parks lately because it is cheap, fun and a good work out. It is only 3 to 4 bucks to get into the state parks here and since we are new to the area it is fun to get out and see new things. We bring a back pack, pack up a cooler with ice, water, snacks, fruit and sandwiches and it makes for an affordable fun weekend get away, even if it is just for the day. Some of the parks have canoe rentals, bike trails and hiking trails which is alot of fun if you are into the outdoors type activities.
Wanna - A break sounds like a great idea. Focusing on other things might make you less crazy (I'm not saying YOU are, but I know when I was TTC I was a CRAZY woman!). Awesome about having an appointment ready! I would bet they would do some testing, but that's great that you know you are ovulating and your cycles are regular. How frustrating it must have been to reschedule!

You make me want to get out and get moving!! Maybe once it gets cooler here we can start doing things like that!! What a great idea. We're still in the mid-90's so it's a liitle too warm for us to be outside for too long...

James is doing great! Still sleeping 9-10+ hours a night! He seems to get bigger every night! The house that our offer got accepted had $7000+ worth of septic work that needed to be done that the sellers refused to pay for, so we're still house hunting which has stressed us out. But I have hopes we'll find the right house soon. I'm a little relieved we didn't get the other house...
geez..$7000 worth of work! what the hell was wrong with it?! did they flush a cow or something?
@Spunky, Awww, I am so sorry about the house that you guys wanted not working out!!! That's to bad that the sellers arent willing to do the repairs, they are going to have a hard time selling their house to someone else because a problem like that is not something that alot of people are willing to take on!!! Good luck with finding another house, Hopefully you will find one that you like even better than the first one you guys liked!!!:thumbup: I am glad to hear that James is doing so well!!! :winkwink: He is such a cutie pie!!!:flower:
My husband made me very happy and relived!!! I am not sure if you guys remember me saying that me and DH got into a huge fight the other day which all started because he wanted to go to that real estate meeting, and I was worried it was going to be a scam or that they were going to try to sell us on something, and how i ended up agreeing to let him go, that I would go with him, and try to support his dreams more in the future. Well I left it at that and left the topic alone and we have been getting along very well since that last huge fight. Well DH told me he didnt want to go the meeting and dedicded all on his own he didnt want to go!!! I am so relived and glad he changed his mind. I think what happened was that my concerns sunk in about the meeting and he had some time to think about it, so now he feels like it was all his own decision to choose not to go!!! Since I didnt act like I cared if he went or not....LOL...My mom's advice worked, she said just to leave it alone...and he changed his mind about it all on his own...:thumbup:
ladies- have been keeping up on my cell- so hard to write back. And ava has been demanding today so haven't gotten to respond how I've wanted. Just wanted to drop in and tell you that I AM keeping up and am thinking about you!!
Hi ladies, just a quickie - I'll respond to everything a bit later. It's been a very long day, and I'm beat.

Had the ultrasound this morning (first appointment of the day - 8am! What was DH thinking??) Baby's HR is 150-160. Was moving around quite a bit at first, and then settled down with it's back to the ultrasound, facing down. The tech then spent ten minutes trying to get Baby Bee to flip to a profile position - we tried coughing, me lying on my side, and eventually, she just poked around on my belly like crazy till Baby Bee put up one of it's hands (like, GET AWAY), and rolled over. NT looks good, the perinatologist came in as well, said it's all good. Baby Bee is measuring 13w3d, and we're at 12w4d. Next ultrasound will be between weeks 18 and 20. Not cooperating at all, so no guesses as to the gender. Work has a pool going - so far 12 girls, 3 boys.

Without further ado...

Good night, lovelies, I'll post again tomorrow. Hope all is well.
Im guessing boy lol...glad all is well....its so great to see them move and wiggle...cant wait for my next and last scan at 36 weeks...
@NJ, Wow, your little baby bee has grown alot since the last scan!!! I am glad everything looks good and baby is healthy!!! :thumbup:

I am going to guess a boy as well!!! :winkwink:

Are you guys in NJ getting alot of flooding again with all of this wild rain we have been getting?? It is raining cats and dogs here!!! Where I am originally from in upstate NY has tons of flooding, Which when I lived there I never remember seeing it flood like that before, pretty crazy weather!!
Congrats Lindsay!!! What a happy time!!! So exciting!!!
Not much going on with me today ladies....I just unthawed some chicken breasts for dinner tonight, I think I am going to marinade the boneless breasts and just pan fry them probably. My pan fried tilapia came out yummy lastnight that I made for dinner. Hubby took leftovers for lunch today.

I keep thinking about the IUI. I am worried that DH's :spermy: count might be too low for IUI. I have been trying to do research and find out what the minimum numbers are to be eligible for IUI. I know one lady on B&B mentioned that maybe the DR could save multiple samples and than combine them to have a larger total number for the IUI procedure. I think that is what i am most worried about is if DH's :spermy: numbers are going to be high enough or not.... I keep thinking about how I would feel about having to possibly use a sperm donor, and I am having a hard time being alright with using a complete stranger's :spermy:. DH says if it came down to that and it was the only option he would be alright with it. I hope this doesnt sound bad but I think about how accepting DH would be if he knew our baby wasn't his biologicaly, and whether he would love the child the same knowing it wasnt genetically his.... I keep pushing this idea out of my mind, trying not to worry about it, and keep telling myself that I would cross that bridge when or if we come to it, but I cant help but consider the worst case scenario, since I am a worrier by nature....

We havent been able to do another SA for DH since the first one, so his :spermy: numbers may have improved since than. I am really hoping that this is the case!!

Anyways so before I go to the initial consultation I am going to bring in a list of questions so i can get definate answers, and DH took that day off so he can go with me as well. I will be sure to let you girls know how it all goes.

MY birthday is coming up this month, and 09/30 is me and DH's 5 year wedding anniversary. October marks 10 years since me and DH first met and started dating. We met right after September 11th happened.... Hopefully we can do something nice to celebrate!!:thumbup:
Wanna - Sounds like you have a good list of questions going for you! Make sure to write them down! (Which I know you're going to do) I can understand your worries about a sperm donor, but try not to worry about that until you know it's necessary. Wow! September seems like a big month for you! How fun!

I'm so hungry but James thinks its his turn to eat! Arg!
Called I WANT:

Here's a picture of ANGRY James.


I WANT to see a picture of your pet (next person attaches photo and says what they want to see)
LOL, Awww, poor little James... So cute....:hugs:.. Is that the feed me now mommy face?? LOL

Here is a picture of my Boston Terrier Oreo sun bathing in front of the sliding glass window in our living room.....napping.... The way she sprawls out her back legs always cracks me up, her back legs remind me of frog legs..LOL



I want to see a picture of whatever you would like to share...LOL.... :winkwink:
Anybody have any pictures of them when they were little that they would like to share...

Here are a few pictures of me from when I was little...

my newborn pic...

baby me with a flower....
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