The One Year Strong Ladies!

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@Dare, yeah Oreo is a Boston terrier..:winkwink:.she is a very well behaved dog, but i did spend alot of time with her when she was little training her and stuff so I think that has alot to do with it....

@MrsJerome, your kitties are so cute...:flower: I love how they posed for the pics and how they snuggle together.

@Nj, Aww, what a little cutie pie you were when you were little!!!:winkwink: Thanks for sharing your pics!!!
@ NJ- Bonnie is adorable!!! :) And your baby photos are too cute!

I wish hubby would let our cats be indoors but he refuses because of them peeing everywhere....they stay in our yard...we dont live close to the road..and we live on a small hill with a few other families..the other families all have dogs...chocolate lab...yellow lab...border collie..and one family had a mini schnauzer but they moved no wild animals make it too far into the yards around here coz of the dogs lol..they chase everything away..and the dogs are afraid of the cats lol the cats have their little army of protectors lol lol..its quit funny really lol lol..I think tiny mister baggins was the only dog not afraid of the cats..oh he would always want to play with them so bad..and didnt understand why they would get annoyed at him lol..

and even though they are outside they are spoiled too..they have their special cats only door into the garage..we have a heating pad for them in the winter and a heated water bowl...a huge cat tree...and a cat house thing...they are prolly the most spoiled outdoor cats ever lol.. the one reason I hate them being outside...they havent done it as much lately but is them killing other small critters..specially my birds! I worked in a wildlife rehab place and oh the poor birds..they just cant catch a break...but we have bells on their collars so they arent as stealthy anymore..and oh I have popped them on the head a good few times when they have caught something so they have stopped...the mice and lizards I dont mind but not my poor chickadees and oh so help me if they ever caught a bluebird lol..that would be it..

here are some kitty love pictures lol..some very compromising positions lol lol..they just love snuggling with each other I swear I did not pose them..prolly couldnt if I wanted to..this is just how they usually end up..right on top of each other (literally) or snuggled up in the same look at them you would never guess they were brothers one is Bookums and gray one is Schnookums

They are TOO cute!!! yeah we have cats around here with rabies. A lot of them. I knew a family that took in a stray and the cat bit one of them and they found out later it had rabies! they had to have their whole family have the rabies shots!!! scary stuff! Before i didn't care- like, if it were just me of course i'd approach sweet looking critters like cats and dogs outside. Now that i have baby- i take no chances. Stray? leave it! it's funny how much you change after a baby.

oh thought of a good question..for those of us that are stay at home-ers mostly..what do you watch during the day? we got all our channels back but I swear most of it is still just blah shows...Im not up early enough to watch I Love Lucy or Golden Girls so Im going to start recording it lol..course when Brieanan is here I bet I'll be up and Im soo glad we got that channel back.. otherwise I watch CSI if it isnt one Ive seen a billion times...Little House on the Prairie in the afternoon...The Talk.... and otherwise just random shows or whatever looks ok...American Dad right now...

LOL tv huh... well, i watch desperate housewives, and grey's anatomy reruns on lifetime. Sometimes it's just nice to have background noise because ava still likes to be held so much. at 3 i watch the Ellen Show. But i love my grey's! then when dh gets home we put on the reruns on tbs so there is sound while we make dinner and so forth. but we don't really 'watch' to be honest. Ava seems to like the tv sound during the day. Helps her sleep.

@Dare, yeah Oreo is a Boston terrier..:winkwink:.she is a very well behaved dog, but i did spend alot of time with her when she was little training her and stuff so I think that has alot to do with it....

Man i knew this one dog when i worked at the clinic who was a boston. he was horrid! So bad! and the owners left him in the kennel not even kidding like every weekend. He was rotten. he would poop ALL over the cage and then dance in it- and then be covered and would try to jump on you with those poop feet ugh gross! Jonesie and i had an understanding. I told him- don't you jump on me boy and i was the only one he wouldn't jump on, but i had to watch him at all times, because if i turned my back he'd nail me. he had NO training whatsoever!
They are TOO cute!!! yeah we have cats around here with rabies. A lot of them. I knew a family that took in a stray and the cat bit one of them and they found out later it had rabies! they had to have their whole family have the rabies shots!!! scary stuff! Before i didn't care- like, if it were just me of course i'd approach sweet looking critters like cats and dogs outside. Now that i have baby- i take no chances. Stray? leave it! it's funny how much you change after a baby.

LOL tv huh... well, i watch desperate housewives, and grey's anatomy reruns on lifetime. Sometimes it's just nice to have background noise because ava still likes to be held so much. at 3 i watch the Ellen Show. But i love my grey's! then when dh gets home we put on the reruns on tbs so there is sound while we make dinner and so forth. but we don't really 'watch' to be honest. Ava seems to like the tv sound during the day. Helps her sleep.

Man i knew this one dog when i worked at the clinic who was a boston. he was horrid! So bad! and the owners left him in the kennel not even kidding like every weekend. He was rotten. he would poop ALL over the cage and then dance in it- and then be covered and would try to jump on you with those poop feet ugh gross! Jonesie and i had an understanding. I told him- don't you jump on me boy and i was the only one he wouldn't jump on, but i had to watch him at all times, because if i turned my back he'd nail me. he had NO training whatsoever!

I prolly dont worry previously about stuff as much as I will lol..Ive already been onto hubby about getting part of the yard fenced in so we can have a place for Brieanan that the dogs cant get into, not that they would ever ever hurt her..they are all from families with young kids and just love them and are used to being climbed all over but just for other animals that might wander around... Im such an animal and biology person and it kills hubby coz hes soo worrisome and a germaphobe lol when there was a bat in the house..who caught it...him..hell no! course...and he was even freaking out about that...but I know once shes here I'll be extra paranoid lol..

I do the same thing TV wise...mostly its just on some reruns or something for background noise..specially when I cook dinner coz I cant really see the TV from the stove...but I know those early morning I Love Lucy and Golden Girls reruns are gonna come in handy when Im up early hours with her..Ive seen them all a billion times but still love them..started watching them when I was a little girl with my step mom and have just never stopped...I would really like to find some of the other stuff that Lucille Ball did and watch that..I think she did a few movies and some other kind of show

I hate dogs that have no training or owners that let them do whatever..the last family I was a nanny for had two big labs a boy and a girl...oh they were more trouble than the freaking baby..they whined constantly..if they were out..they wanted in..and visa versa..they jumped on the back door when they wanted in..over and over...they shed like crazy...if you left to go somewhere they would poop in the house..and pee....they would eat anything..I mean I know labs are known for chewing..even as adults but toys...magazines..books..anything!!! ..they just had serious behaviour problems...the couple finally got rid of them but I was already leaving too so it didnt matter to me..I am always weary of families that say "must like animals" because no matter how well behaved they say their pets are..specially dogs..they usually have issues that the nanny ends up dealing with more than anyone else... I was very surprised at Baggins and how well behaved he was even at such a young age..specially barking wise..hubby was worried since he was a small dog he would be yappy but he never barked like you see most little dogs doing...coz we didnt encourage it and so he never picked it up..
FINALLY...nursery pic!! well a wall atleast lol....wainscoting will get painted satin white tomorrow...but here it is..yellow folding closet light switch cover....wainscoting ...chair-rail trim.... so excited!! hopefully tomorrow night it will be finished...:happydance::happydance:


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its not a huge change from the wallpaper what was in there coz it was a light cream color.. but at the same time it is because its so new and fresh..and not all washed out and old lol...and its definitely a huge change from the one dark wood wall that was in there..ahhh..its so nice to go in there feels so airy and so much bigger...
@MRsJerome, I think the nursery looks great so far, i love that yellow color and your husband did a good job on the wainscoting. We wanted to put wainscoting in our dining room but never got around to it. Was it easy for your husband to put it up?

AFM, hubby just ran to Home Depot to buy some parts for our water heater, we have no hot water right now and hopefully once DH gets the replacement parts than we will have hot water again, taking a a shower with cold water this morning wasn't any fun!!:wacko: This is like the 3rd time in the pne year that we have lived in this house that the hot water has went out..I think the hot water heater is pretty old and that this is a sign that it is getting ready to bite the dust soon, But hopefully we can get a few more years out of it because there is no way that we can afford having to buy a new water heater right now...:wacko:

Yesterday me and DH went to the zoo and admission was free because there was an arts and crafts fair going on next door to the zoo. They had a decent selection of animals, lion, monkeys, lamas, ostrich, snakes, bobcat, wolf etc.. I got to pet this cute baby goat and it was very sweet and friendly. The mamma goat and babies were all bloated with wide guts, I think they over fed them...LOL....:haha:

We went to the arts and crafts fair faturing local artists, there was lots of art work, jewerly and other crafts there, I would of gotten some jewerly but everything was so pricey so I had to pass on that. I got a funnel cake and DH got one as well. He got a hot dog and fries and I got a Crab cake sandwich, which was alright. We had a really fun day yesterday.

Here are some pics of the animals from the zoo....

The monkey things are called Tamarins and come in all different colors... They looked like little gremlins to me...LOL..with a face only a mother could love...LOL:haha:
i LOVE zoos! omg! i can't help it i'm a sucker. When dh and i go on vacation-- one of the days are always spent at the local zoo or aquarium- preferably both! It's so much fun! can't wait to share with ava! which zoo is that wanna? looks familiar!
@Dare, it is the Brandywine Zoo in Wilmington, DE. It is only 5 dollars to get in, but it was free when we went because of the arts and crafts fair. It is a smaller zoo, but they still had a decent variety of animals.
awesome! i will SO have to try that! we haven't been to that one before!! thanks!!
I love zoos too!!..its actually what I went to college for..biology major with a concentration in environmental science and zoology...there is a local zoo here called the Little Ponderosa zoo that is pretty much all hands on...for the keepers and the feed pretty much everything but the tigers by think later on in life I might like to work there once our kids are older and all in school...

At college I was about an hour or so away from the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro...this is what is says about it on wiki...
The North Carolina Zoo is located in Asheboro in Randolph County, North Carolina in the Uwharrie Mountains near the geographic center of the state, approximately 75 miles (121 km) west of Raleigh, NC, United States. At 1,371 acres (555 ha) , it is the largest "walk-through" natural-habitat zoo in the world, the first in the United States, and only one of two state-owned zoos in the United States.[2] The NC Zoo has over 1100 animals from more than 250 species primarily representing Africa and North America. The zoo is open 364 days a year and receives more than 700,000 visitors annually.

Its massive...its like a workout and a zoo all in one lol..thats where we did all our zoology studies field we went there for free a few times in a semester..think Id have lost a few pounds on those trips lol lol..
well hubby got all the trim and wainscoting panels and stuff up last night...woohoo!..all is left is puttying the little nail holes and then painting...and we are done! then its painting the two dressers..deep cleaning the carpet..and time to move everything in there..oh I will be soo happy and relieved when this is all done..
@Dare - Your nursery is so cute!! (Only one pic loaded of it though). Not a big cat fan sorry :( Your baby pic you look so relaxed!

@Lindsay - Bonnie is adorable! Love her showing off her bone!! Like the pic of you brushing your teeth!!

@Erica - I have officially watched all the Grey's Anatomies now. ANd I have found some new shows that I DVR so I can watch them while I'm at home. Now James is just starting to get interactive, so I spent a lot of time on the couche feeding him and watching TV the last 3 months. A lot of lifetime shows. Like Against the Wall. I've watched a few Drop Dead Diva's and I think I may watch em all (we have hulu plus too).

@ Wanna - Such cool pics! You make me want to get out of the house so much!

James turned 3 months on Friday, it has taken SO LONG but now it's all blurr. We got him baptized this weekend, not really religous but wanted that done as it's a tradition. He's the 7th in our family to wear the same gown (that I wore and my brother wore). We put in an offer on a different house. It's only .28 of an acre, but it's a nice size yard for us! Beautifully re-done. It's move in ready, which is important since I don't want a ton of projects with Little James!! Hope everyone is well!
Saw this in a Baby Club post. Thought it was funny.
ha ha..that is too funny!! lol.. thats like me cept with potty breaks instead of nursing and a 4 year old lol...hubby lays down and is out in like..5 on the other hand..takes for freaking ever!! lol..
DH took the day off today and we just got back from walking at a near bye local park, it has a nice paved trail and is about 3 miles long. It has tennis courts, basket ball hoops and a kid's play ground with swings, there is alot of swamp lands and ponds around so we saw like 4 beavers running around, they are cute, like big brown fuzz balls.. It would be a nice park to go to when i have a baby for pushing a stroller or when baby got bigger the playground would be alot of fun to take them too as well.

@Mrsjerome, I am glad that the nursery is coming along so well!! It sounds like it wont be long before you guys are done with it. :thumbup: I have been to the Asheboro NC zoo, once with my DH and his kids several years ago and once with my mom. I remember his kids complained because they were so tired from walking because the place is so huge, LOL. I had my mom rent one of those electric scooter things so she could get around and see the entire park without a problem. She can walk alright, but that is a little to much for her to try to walk, plus she walks very slow. But, I agree it is a very pretty zoo, definatly worth the trip!!!

@Spunky, thanks for the cartoon, that was very funny!!:thumbup: Wow, i cant believe James is 3 months already!! :winkwink:Time is going by so fast!!!
I was looking at Halloween costumes online trying to get ideas and I found this costume and it cracked me up so I thought i would share...LOL..:haha:
@Dare - Your nursery is so cute!! (Only one pic loaded of it though). Not a big cat fan sorry :( Your baby pic you look so relaxed!

James turned 3 months on Friday, it has taken SO LONG but now it's all blurr. We got him baptized this weekend, not really religous but wanted that done as it's a tradition. He's the 7th in our family to wear the same gown (that I wore and my brother wore). We put in an offer on a different house. It's only .28 of an acre, but it's a nice size yard for us! Beautifully re-done. It's move in ready, which is important since I don't want a ton of projects with Little James!! Hope everyone is well!

Woo hoo for 3 months! jeez! time is going to fly isn't it? kind of sad. I was watching desperate housewives (rerun) and they mentioned one day we'll sit and wondering how time went so fast- like how our babies grow up and blah blah blah and i so started crying. jeez. I wasn't baptized until i was 5, and my brother was done at the same time- he was not even one yet- so we never had any special gowns. that's sad to me. I'm glad you have such a great tradition!

DH took the day off today and we just got back from walking at a near bye local park, it has a nice paved trail and is about 3 miles long. It has tennis courts, basket ball hoops and a kid's play ground with swings, there is alot of swamp lands and ponds around so we saw like 4 beavers running around, they are cute, like big brown fuzz balls.. It would be a nice park to go to when i have a baby for pushing a stroller or when baby got bigger the playground would be alot of fun to take them too as well.

woo hooo! have a great day together! :) that's wonderful.
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