The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Hun don't be sorry about your venting and emotions. TTC sucks. It's horrid. I remember being right down there with you. You are strong for continuing as long as you have, because honestly- i'm a weak person. I was ready to give up the cycle right before we got our bfp- and it was only the 4th cycle!!! DH had to talk me into continuing! i was ready to throw in the towel, but was going to go get checked in january because he thought it would be a good idea. So when i had no hope the following cycle, and i got the bfp- i couldn't believe it. And i still can't believe she's here. You will get there because you are strong, and you deserve this. AND You will be a fantastic mom- because of how badly you want your baby. It has to happen for you- it just has to.
only on for a sec as I have been a super insomniac the past few nights...and super busy during the day..and its rainy dont see a very productive day in my future lol lol..

well we just had a talk and as I want it..we decided to not get the crib until a few months from now..its $270..+ however much the mattress we pick ends up costing.. and there are just other things I NEED more...I mean sure it would complete the nursery but the glider is $300! and I will actually use that right from the start..the crib she wont be in for atleast 3 months..and the hospital bill and Dr delivery fee is going to be close to $1000 so...the crib is knocked down to last priority for now... kinda makes me sad but also a bit of relief as hubby was a bit upset when I told him the stuff and cost of the things we still needed..but now that he sees that I have made a mature decision and am not just trying to spend his money left and right lol..hes a lot happier and isnt stressing as much...

I know there are a lot of posts on the previous page that Ive missed but ive had like..8 hours sleep total in the last 3 days so Im about done for...will be on later today and catch up/reply to everything...
Hi Erica... it's a wise decision not to worry too much about the stuff you wont need straight away. It seemed a lot less stressful for me when I forgot about things we'd need later on and just got them when we needed them instead of panicking about it all at the start.

I'm in the same position at the moment with being tired. I'm so so tired, ALL the time. Honestly, in the mornings between 7 and 8, me and Toby go back to bed for an hour or two... then we get up, play and THEN i get on with my day, still tired. Maybe I'm anaemic or something. AF has lasted 4 weeks now, but then after I had Toby it was 5 weeks... but I guess I wouldnt have noticed if I was unusually tired at that point because I was up all night every night anyway!

ANyway, point is... I'm sorry I haven't been around loads. I hope everyones doing ok. xxxx
@Wannabe, good luck with the IUI! I went through all that testing the first cycle before they did anything - had the HSG, the bloodwork, an endometrial biopsy, and DH had his SA. Once they put everything together, they can tell you if the IUI is your best option. The HSG is kind of known for "blowing your tubes open." One of my friends (the one due the week before me) got pregnant after her HSG, and they hadn't even started Clomid (she was PCOS). On the other hand, the HSG showed NOTHING wrong with me, so it was merely diagnostic.
It's not a fun test - take some Advil or something a half hour before you go.

AFM, not too much going on here. Haven't taken the Zofran the last two days - I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow, so I'm hoping the nausea is wearing off. I keep the meds in my pocket, just in case.
Still no appetite. I had my OB appointment on Wednesday, and I was still the same weight as my last visit, which is about 8-10 pounds below prepregnancy weight. Heard the HB at 155-158. Next appointment in about four weeks, next ultrasound in five.

On a sad note, my other friend who was due two weeks after me, goes to the same OB. I also work with her mother in law. MIL started texting me as I got to my appointment, saying that they were being sent immediately for a transvaginal US, and got a script for the Rhogam shot. Now, I knew that if the MD gave her an Rx for Rhogam, she was thinking miscarriage (my friend is Rh-). Her MIL is a nurse too, I'm not sure why she didn't know that too. But anyway, as we were leaving the appointment, they came in, totally wrecked. She'd lost the baby at 11w4d. I feel so badly for her.
I feel like this makes me a witch, but her MIL keeps calling me to talk about it. I don't know what to say to her, and I also don't WANT to talk about it. We found out we were pregnant within weeks of each other and we were so excited. It's hard for me because it hits so close to home. I don't want to sit and dissect the reasons she likely had a miscarriage. Does that make me a terrible person?

Dad is home this weekend, and I haven't seen him in three weeks, and I gave him the news two weeks ago. We've told the rest of our friends and family, but decided to keep the whole thing FB-silent. Personally, I feel like some things should remain private. Plus, I have friends and family who want to be surprised by the gender, so we're just keeping it quiet.

Hope all is well with everyone!
@Wannabe, good luck with the IUI! I went through all that testing the first cycle before they did anything - had the HSG, the bloodwork, an endometrial biopsy, and DH had his SA. Once they put everything together, they can tell you if the IUI is your best option. The HSG is kind of known for "blowing your tubes open." One of my friends (the one due the week before me) got pregnant after her HSG, and they hadn't even started Clomid (she was PCOS). On the other hand, the HSG showed NOTHING wrong with me, so it was merely diagnostic.
It's not a fun test - take some Advil or something a half hour before you go.

AFM, not too much going on here. Haven't taken the Zofran the last two days - I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow, so I'm hoping the nausea is wearing off. I keep the meds in my pocket, just in case.
Still no appetite. I had my OB appointment on Wednesday, and I was still the same weight as my last visit, which is about 8-10 pounds below prepregnancy weight. Heard the HB at 155-158. Next appointment in about four weeks, next ultrasound in five.

On a sad note, my other friend who was due two weeks after me, goes to the same OB. I also work with her mother in law. MIL started texting me as I got to my appointment, saying that they were being sent immediately for a transvaginal US, and got a script for the Rhogam shot. Now, I knew that if the MD gave her an Rx for Rhogam, she was thinking miscarriage (my friend is Rh-). Her MIL is a nurse too, I'm not sure why she didn't know that too. But anyway, as we were leaving the appointment, they came in, totally wrecked. She'd lost the baby at 11w4d. I feel so badly for her.
I feel like this makes me a witch, but her MIL keeps calling me to talk about it. I don't know what to say to her, and I also don't WANT to talk about it. We found out we were pregnant within weeks of each other and we were so excited. It's hard for me because it hits so close to home. I don't want to sit and dissect the reasons she likely had a miscarriage. Does that make me a terrible person?

Dad is home this weekend, and I haven't seen him in three weeks, and I gave him the news two weeks ago. We've told the rest of our friends and family, but decided to keep the whole thing FB-silent. Personally, I feel like some things should remain private. Plus, I have friends and family who want to be surprised by the gender, so we're just keeping it quiet.

Hope all is well with everyone!

@NJ, thanks for sharing your experience with what you went through before the IUI. It sounds pretty much the same as the testing that I will be doing for my October cycle. I had a few threads going asking girls to share their HSG experience, most girls said it was minor discomfort and cramping and one girl said it was very painful but it was because she had blockages. So my plan is to take a very strong pain killer that I have left over from my gall bladder surgery and a volume or something to keep me calm during the procedure.

I am very sorry about your friend's loss!!!:hugs::hugs: I know it is very hard when you are in the middle of your pregnancy and nervous yourself. Plus you guys finding out about being pregnant around the same time is also hard. I think it is normal not to want to talk about a miscarriage right now because you are pregnant. The only thing you can do is try to listen, be supportive and let her know how sorry you are for her loss. But, at the same time try not to worry yourself about your own pregnancy, every women is different and unfrotunatly none of us have any control over how things are going to go. All you can do is take good care of yourself and remember that most pregnancies are healthy ones that result in a healthy baby. :hugs:

As far as finding out the sex of the baby, have you ever seen this test that predicts baby's gender with urine, it got good reviews and alot of girls say that it was accurate.... check it out, here is a link....

I think I will probably use it when my time comes, I am so impatient and will be curious about finding out the sex of the baby earlier if possible....:blush:
@Cottlestone, I hope you are doing well. We all miss hearing from you on the thread, but everyone understands how exhausting and time consuming having a new born baby is. I hope you have a good weekend!! :flower:
Girls, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend....:flower:
@nj- i am so incredibly sorry for your friend. I knew a bunch of ladies who were pregnant at the same time as me... and they ALL lost their babies between 8-11 weeks. I was terrified i was next. once i got to 12 i felt much better, but some of those girls still haven't conceived again. It's terrible. I felt so horrible for all of them. And throughout the pregnancy was so afraid at anytime it would be over for me as well. I was so glad when i got to 28 weeks, and then girls on the forum were losing babies at 26 weeks. It's scary. very scary. The best advice i can give you- is ignore it best you can. Don't think about it. Give your condolences to your friend, but then leave it. You don't need to stress. And now that baby is here- i'm STILL terrified something could happen. It's like that i hear for the rest of our lives, that we will ALWAYS be filled with worry of losing our babies. i've always been a worrier, so i know it'll be def. true for me.

@wanna- that test sounds like a lot of fun! I just did the baking soda test. It was right for me! And i think mrsj said it was right for her too!
Thanks, girls. And it's not my friend herself who is the problem - it's her MIL. She was going on about it again at work, (and on and on and on) about how she thinks the Rh factor "really had something to do with it." I tried to tell her that up until week 12, it's all the chromosomal abnormalities that are really behind it, and how many women for how many thousands of years were Rh negative and had normal pregnancies?? She wouldn't hear it, kept talking about how awful it was, what an awful feeling it was, etc. I finally told her that I was sorry, but I really wasn't feeling well and had to get my work done so I could get home. :grr:

@wanna - my HSG was difficult probably mostly because of the positioning. The radiology center (which is brand new), didn't have a table with stirrups for this test! So here I am, on my back on a hard flat exam table, my feet are on the outer corners, and the radiologist doing the test kept telling me to "scoot down, scoot down, scoot dooooowwwwnnnn." The guy was myopic, about 70 years old, so now my ho-ha is two inches from his nose, my feet are up by my waist, and I'm shaking like a leaf. He kept telling me to hold still! Now, I'm a big girl - I DON'T BEND THAT WAY!!! NO ONE DOES!! Unless they're in Cirque de Soleil. So that was what made it hardest. The other girls I know who had the test? All had stirrups. GRR!

I may try that GenderMaker test. I did the baking soda test a few weeks back and it said girl. So, we'll see...
Okay, so I ordered the GenderMaker test for fun. Will get it next week. Redid the baking soda test, and this time definitely fizzes (boy??). Chinese Gender Chart says girl, every "psychic" I've done says boy, ring test says girl. So we will see. Not to mention the ultrasound in four and a half weeks. It's funny, two weeks ago everyone was saying girl - now everyone is saying boy.
@NJ, that will be fun to see what the gender predictor test says and if it is correct or not!! If it works I will definatly be buying one when I am prego. :thumbup: Well as you already know I am voting boy for the sex of your baby...:haha:

How is everyone's weekend going so far? I am bored this weekend, DH is farting around in the basement, i hear a drill going, doing god knows what :wacko: I went speed walking today and me and DH ran some errands. I got DH back on vitamins to help with his :spermy: count, we picked them up from the G&C at the mall to try to help with his upcoming SA. I had him on the Fertilaid vitamins for a couple of months, but he hadnt been using them for a while so I had to make sure we got him back on them again....:thumbup: I got my fngers crossed and am praying he gets good results, hopefully much better than the first one....
@wanna - my HSG was difficult probably mostly because of the positioning. The radiology center (which is brand new), didn't have a table with stirrups for this test! So here I am, on my back on a hard flat exam table, my feet are on the outer corners, and the radiologist doing the test kept telling me to "scoot down, scoot down, scoot dooooowwwwnnnn." The guy was myopic, about 70 years old, so now my ho-ha is two inches from his nose, my feet are up by my waist, and I'm shaking like a leaf. He kept telling me to hold still! Now, I'm a big girl - I DON'T BEND THAT WAY!!! NO ONE DOES!! Unless they're in Cirque de Soleil. So that was what made it hardest. The other girls I know who had the test? All had stirrups. GRR!


Your HSG sounded really uncomfortable and awkward!!! Ugghhh.... I am going to request a female DR to do the HSG, I am not comfortable with a male DR looking at my lady parts. I know alot of girls dont care about the sex of their DR as long as he is good, but I had a bad experience with this creepy old man DR when I was young and ever since than I just cant handle it...Hopefully the place that I am going to will have a proper table with stirrups!!! :wacko:

I was asking other girls on the site about their HSG experiences and most of them said they had moderate cramping before and after the procedure. The ones that had severe and extreme pain had blockages and there was something wrong. So if i am in alot of pain I am going to guess it is because I have a blockage...Eeekkk, I hope everything is clear, or maybe the HSG will clean out my tubes and than Bam I will get a BFP all on my own... I think i am most nervous about finding out if something is really wrong with me or not... A fear of the unknown....I suppose... Hopefully October's cycle will come quickly so I can get the testing done and over with......:wacko:

I wonder if your HSG cleaned out your tubes and that was why you got your BFP a few months later when you were on your not trying cycle, or it could of been the left over clomid in your system from the previous month maybe...
Ovulation day is today girls... Me and DH just had lovley morning :sex:.... I am not putting too much faith into getting my BFP this cycle and wont be to upset if AF comes since at least I know I am preperaing for IUI..But none the less, we might as well get in as much :sex: as we can......

Here is my OPK from this morning....
Thanks Dare, Me and DH managed to get in more :sex: lastnight before we went to bed and today my OPK is still positive so I am going to try to have :sex: again tonight when he gets home from work. :devil: I know that I will get my way since today is my birthday!!! EEEkkk ......another year older....:wacko::wacko::wacko: We might do something tonight for my birthday or wait until the weekend to go out together....

Here is today's OPK, todays test line is darker than the control....:thumbup:
Thanks for the Birthday Wishes girls...

DH is going to pick up some AppleeBees, so at least I dont have to worry about cooking dinner tonight.... :winkwink:
oh AppleBees..mmmm lol... Happy b-day!!!! its my cousins birthday today too!! lol..
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