The One Year Strong Ladies!

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@Wanna - Interesting costume! $85 to be a Super Sperm?

@Dare - I told my husband last night that I didn't want James any bigger. He said yeah, but you have to carry him around. And I was like, I know, but he smiles and laughs and wants cuddles and breastfeeding is enjoyable and bonding now. It's such a magical time! I've never known anyone else that does have a gown passed down (though I'm sure there are many!) but you could always start a new tradition, it has to start somewhere!
So on that thought... What traditions would you like your future (or current) child to have?

Thanksgiving Dinner with immediate family would be my #1.
Definitely the holidays with family however which family will probably depend year by year...

also depending on weather and plans I think we might have a 100 day celebration for Brieanan with her korean family in Baltimore...which would be Feb 1st (assuming she is born on her due date..fat chance lol lol..)...hubbys aunt owns a few korean BBQ restaurants...Honey Pig..I think its call and he says that his mom and her would love to have a party at one of the restaurants with family and stuff..its Korean tradition because back in the day a lot of babies didnt make it to 100 days so they would celebrate the baby living that long..

otherwise I dont know about any other traditions really..guess we'll be starting our own lol..
@Wanna - Interesting costume! $85 to be a Super Sperm?

@Dare - I told my husband last night that I didn't want James any bigger. He said yeah, but you have to carry him around. And I was like, I know, but he smiles and laughs and wants cuddles and breastfeeding is enjoyable and bonding now. It's such a magical time! I've never known anyone else that does have a gown passed down (though I'm sure there are many!) but you could always start a new tradition, it has to start somewhere!

My mom thinks she might still have hers! we are hoping that she does so that we can start that tradition right here with my little ava!

And as far as traditions... i will have to think on that question!!
@Spunky, LOL, yeah the :spermy: costume is very overpriced...LOL..I wouldnt be willing to pay that much $$ for a Halloween costume..It just cracked me up when I saw it.

As far as traditions my family has always gotten together every year for Thanksgiving at my brother's house in New England. I am sure that will continue. We also all get together the weekend before Christmas and i hosted it last year at my house, although this year it will be hosted by another family member. I have 9 nieces and nephews and getting together is mainly so the kids can open gifts from the rest of the family. Than for christmas eve the kids can be at their own homes waiting for santa on christmas day.

In the summertime in August everyone goes to my SIL's family's camp on a lake for a weekend of summer fun. I havent been able to go yet but hopefully will be able to next summer.

Other than that I am not sure what other traditions I would will take some more thinking. I know if I have a daughter that I would give her my tiara that I wore for my wedding day, it was expensive and is very beautiful so I would like to pass it on.....

Poor DH doesnt feel good, he has a soar throat, a headache and started getting a tooth ache so he is in alot of pain and is laying down upstairs in the bedroom, I hate seeing him in pain.

I have my IUI consultation tomorrow afternoon but I told DH that if his tooth is still hurting tomorrow to call the dentist and say that it is an emergency so they can take care of his tooth for him. So i dont know if he will be able to go or not. I can go by myself though, this appointment is mainly for me and I want to know what kind of testing they are going to want me to do before IUI, if any, I also want to get a feel for the additional costs that I might see from whatever testing or scans I might need....:shrug: I have alot of questions that I want to ask and I am hoping that DH's :spermy: count is good enough for us to attempt IUI as well. We are due for another SA since the last one was almost a year ago already, most likely his numbers have improved since the first one. I will let you girls know how everything goes tomorrow. I filled out a bunch of medical forms today for the appointment tomorrow as well.
was going through my baby clothes..again lol :blush: ..prolly going to be adding to the collection after tomorrows shower but thought I would post some pics of the bibs everyone made for me at my last shower..

I did the first pic..and then the guests did the others...

going to snuggle with hubby and rest..will update after my shower tomorrow...cross your fingers I dont get lost on the way there lol..and we get some nice stuff! lol:happydance:


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so yesterday I was on the facebook page for our local birth center..asking a question about when they would have their next cloth diapering class and it wasnt till November.. but they referred me to another page about a natural parenting/birthing group in our area and told me to ask there and see if they had any coming up I was looking around their page for cloth diaper stuff but found this thing about placenta encapsulation..which I had never heard of before..I'll put the rest of this in spoiler mode for those that have a weak stomach...there are not any pictures but some of you just might not want to know.... lol...

so after reading the placenta encapsulation thing (if you havent figured it out already just wait towards the end of this..but just keep in your mind what you THINK it is...) I asked hubby on msnmessenger while he was at work what he would think of me wanting to do the placenta encapsulation..I didnt explain..I just said that..coz I assumed..he would know what I was talking he was at work and busy so he kind of was just like oh umm idk..up to you...

so I emailed the lady that was offering it and she got back to me on prices...$175...which is about what I had expected actually...and so I told hubby as we were watching tv...oh yeah that lady got back to me and its really pricey and he was like..."oh gosh if you want it kept just give it to me with a mass of acrylic and I can "encapsulate" it for you" took me a sec to realize what he meant with the acrylic..but then I was like..umm..I think you dont understand what I mean by encapsulate...I gets dehydrated and made into pills..and you take ingest it..its supposed to be good for you and replace your iron levels naturally and more efficiently than taking other supplements since it came from your body in the first place and its supposed to help wean you off your hormones and all this so you have less depression and less mood swings and more energy than just going cold turkey which is what happens once baby is born and your hormones just drop off drastically.....

well that just set him off lol ..he shot right up from watching tv..paused it... :sick: made this face :shock: ..gave me this dirty look..and got up and stomped out of the room lol...locked himself in the guest room..and wouldnt let me in..I was dying laughing and beating on the door I just couldnt stop laughing lol..I was crying lol....

he thought I meant encapsulation like you preserve it in plastic or something...idk why because that almost sounds even worse than the real thing lol.. lol...but..anyway...Im still laughing....he finally comes out and tells me hes not speaking to me..that thats the nastiest thing he has EVER heard..he cant BELIEVE I would even think of doing such a thing lol lol.. Im the grossest person ever..oh he went on and on lol..and he was serious too!! :rofl:

Im just..surprised at how weirded out he is by it..I mean sure I was like...that is a bit..icky..when I first read it but I mean its not like you are eating it like jerky :haha:..its just like any other then he sat there giving me mean looks as he eats his ham sandwich that he made while fussing at me me how horrible I was for telling him that ...if he was that grossed out I have no idea how hes eating ham! lol lol..but I just cant stop sitting here and giggling lol lol..:blush:..I really got to him...:haha::haha:...
wanna- i sure hope there isn't much testing or additional costs for you hun- will be rooting for you today! good luck!!!

mrs.j- i didn't even want to SEE the placenta after it came out. It's disgusting. I know some people really think it's fascinating and all that jazz but for me- GROSS. don't want to see it.
lol lol...haha!!! yeah I dont understand the people that like..have it made into a teddy bear thing that you display (yes..its true) or keeping it around the house in any other way..I mean..they say..its your first life line to your child its a memory thing..Im like..well you have the actual kid!! much rather be cuddling up to my newborn than a placenta teddy bear lol lol!!
hahahahaha placenta story fuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
just got back from baby tons of stuff...bout to do the dishes..(our water was out yesterday so just now catching up) then unload the car and organize and take pics..will post back in a bit...
here is the cute diaper tricycle that one of this co workers made!!..isnt it cute!!! so different from the diaper cakes people do...! and I love the little license plate card on the back lol lol!!

shes made out of diapers..two bibs...4 receiving blankets..two bottle..pair of plush doll..and 3 hair bows...and a few ribbons...


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and here is everything else..minus the travel system as it wont get put together till the nursery is done..there were about 25-30 people there...huge cake..half of it was red velvet and half was vanilla...gummi bears..sandwiches..fresh fruit..nuts... was soooo goodddd lol...

we got...

the travel system (was a present from the whole group)
the angelcare movement deluxe monitor set
baby girl memory book
the "grass" drying rack
3 sleepers (thank god coz we didnt need anymore clothes lol lol)
a pack of onzies (once again..glad it was only one pack)
a few packs of hooded towels
wash clothes
johnson & johnson lavender nighttime bath set
few packs of burpclothes
8 receiving blankets
two crib sheets
one big plush snuggle blanket
2 car seat toys and two ball toys
target giftcard for $35

we were soo lucky and Im so glad that everyone in his groups at work likes him lol lol.. yay!!


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@Mrsjerome, I hope your shower went well and those bibs are very cute!!! I think I am with Dare on the placenta thing, and dont want anything to do with it once baby is born, I agree it is pretty gross, but to each his own, whatever floats your boat and all of that jazz.

So I had my infertility appointment/IUI consultation this afternoon, after a crazy and stressful morning, rushing around to try to get DH to the dentist for his toothache, since his regular dentist was not in the office today, i had to find him another one that would see him as an emergency, and some other stressful stuff that happened today, which is another long story which i am not getting into right now, but he was able to get a medicated temporary filling to hold him over until he can get a root canal. So at least he isnt in pain anymore for the time being.

Ok, so back to my consultation, so the DR was very nice and wants DH to get another SA done to start out to see if his :spermy: numbers have improved since the first one since it has already been an entire year since the first one. I am hoping and praying his numbers have improved since the first one. I did have DH on the Fertilaid vitamins for a little while and the VR DR told us that his :spermy: numbers could improve on their own for up to 2 years after the VR, so I am praying and hoping they have!! The DR said she would hope for him to have at least 10 million :spermy: for the IUI in the best case scenario.... But our first SA was only 5 million, so I am feeling very nervous about how the next SA will be... If the numbers are too low than she may suggest IVF, which we cant afford without insurance and would have to look into changing insurance plans for next year to one that has infertility treatment coverage. The problem with that is some health insurance plans have it written in that they wont cover infertility treatments when someone has had a sterilzation procedure done, so I am worried that DH's vasectomy could make us unable to use the fertility benefits on health insurance plans. The DR, thought that possibly because DH had a reversal that it would null out him being steralized and we would be covered, but I am not so sure.

The other option is me using donor sperm and still doing IUI, as I previously stated DH says he is okay with using donor sperm if we have no other options available to us, but I am not sure if I can come to terms with it or not, I keep going over it in my head trying to figure out if I could be comfortable with using a strangers sperm or not, and not even knowing what the person looks like IRL, They just give you stats about the donors and if you are lucky they may share a baby picture, I have been looking into it online, I dont know if I could do it or not girls..:shrug:.I really would need to take the time to think about it, But at the same time I cant see myself at age 50 and never having a baby of my own either...Well hopefully DH's SA results will be good and I wont even have to consider this decision.

So as for me my testing will start as soon as my period starts next cycle, which will be in the beginning of Octoboer most likely. Between CD 2-4 I need to schedule a day for blood work to check my FSH levels, and than somewhere between CD 3-8 I have to have an ultrasound to check my ovarian reserve and see how many follicles I have, than sometime during CD 5-13 I have to have an HSG done where they put the dye into your follopian tubes and do X-rays to see if I have any blockages in my tubes...So I need to verify and double check with my health insurance but it should cover all of the pretesting since my insurance covers the diagnosis of infertility and not the treatment of it.... I am a little nervous about the iodine dye solution they use to do the HSG because my sister had a test done with iodine and after the test she became allergic to seafood and could no longer eat it. I think because seafood has iodine in it. My sister and I do have different fathers though so her allergies may of been inherited on her fathers side of the family, some of my other brothers and sisters have allergies to different things as well, although I dont, so who knows, but I am still nervous about the HSG, I also have to take antibiotics before I do the HSG...

So long story short My October cycle will at least get me some answers and an idea of what we will have to do next.... For some reason I am feeling down about all of this, i guess I am just worried that DH's SA is going to be too low and than I am going to have to consider the other options, IVF is pretty intense and costly and i am not sure if I am ready to take all of that on now, and the sperm donor thing, well as I previously stated would take me a long time to wrap my head around it and make a decision....
I dont know if this is going to be the case for me or not, but I have a girlfriend that was having trouble getting pregnant, and she had the HSG done and like the next month she got pregnant with her daughter. The HSG cleared her out, she must of had some kind of a blockage in their or something I guess..... So that gives me hope that maybe that could help me to conceive without assitance...So who knows.:shrug:.. Just thought I would share....
For some reason I am feeling down about all of this, i guess I am just worried that DH's SA is going to be too low and than I am going to have to consider the other options, IVF is pretty intense and costly and i am not sure if I am ready to take all of that on now, and the sperm donor thing, well as I previously stated would take me a long time to wrap my head around it and make a decision....

I dont have much time today to respond to much, but I wanted to give you :hugs: and let you know that you're in my thoughts. I hope the SA goes better than expected :hugs:
Thank you so much Spunky, I am sitting here crying thinking the worst... I just cant help it, I just have a bad feeling... DH just sits there and doesnt say anything to me even though he knows I am crying, it is like I am in this whole thing alone, at least it feels that way, and all I have is you girls to talk too...:cry:

I swear DH just doesnt get it, I am the one that doesnt have any children, and I am the one that this hurts the most, sometimes I feel like he isnt phased by it because he already has his 2 teenage kids from his previous marriage. It makes it so much harder when I feel like I am the only one that is upset about the whole thing and that faces the heart break month after month...I never see him cry over any of this, ugghhh...:cry:

He just doesnt get it....
Lordy, so I was crying and upset and telling DH I was upset with him for ignoring me when he sees me so upset, and he had fallen asleep on the couch, I just couldnt see his face with the way he was laying, so when I poked his arm, he woke up and goes "Huh" and says he didnt hear anything I just said....Lordy, well he listened to me when he woke up and comforted me , so I managed to calm down now some...
@Mrsjerome, I am glad you got so many nice things. Looks like you guys are all set for baby's arrival....:thumbup:
Apparently I am a glutton for punishment and I was talking to my sister on online messenger about the upcoming testing that I need to have done before we do the IUI. Mainly because I wanted to ask her about the seafood allergy she developed after she had a procedure done with iodine. So I was talking to her about it on messenger and finding out more info about what happened with her, and of course she seems to think that a good diet, exercising and me loosing weight would just magically solve all of my infertility problems and I would get pregnant, so i told her that "I thought it was going to take more than a good diet and exersize to get pregnant, with DH's low sperm count" Lordy..... Only if it was that friggen simple...let me wave my magic wand and get pregnant...WTH....Anyways, maybe now I have learned my friggen lesson and will stop trying to talk to my sister about this whole thing... :growlmad:

Mind you i do go speed walking often and do my weekend hiking trips with DH, and I am maintaining my current weight, even though I havent lost any... By the way she talks you would think I was 500 pounds or something....:growlmad:

sorry for all of my venting and high emotions lately, it is just that TTC is kicking my ass..:cry:.. I am trying my best to relax about it all more and just deal with it as it comes, but that is always easier said than done....
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