The One Year Strong Ladies!

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@Dare, I am so sorry that your DH is being like that hun..... :hugs: :hugs: Maybe he just needed to get away to blow off some steam for a little while???.... Maybe you should talk to him and make him devote some weekend time to being with you and baby and let him have some me time as well. But the "me" time should go both ways and you should be able to get a break and get away from time to time as well.... Can you guys try to reach a compromise on this?? Definatly when you are more calm try to talk it out with him...:hugs::hugs:

As far as my latest test I am also nervous about trusting it as well. I showed it to DH and he can see it but he doesnt believe it either because of what happened to me last month with the same kind of IC. Plus it is very early. One positive is that I did 3 IC's and got second lines on all 3 so that has to be a good sign...:shrug: But, I am staying cautious and not getting my hopes up yet until I can confirm it with a more reliable store bought test which I will do in a few days....
@wanna, don't trust the ICs. You've been using them for how many months, only to get let down every time. I hate to see you get your hopes up again. Don't use the store-bought test until AF is late. You don't need the added stress, babe. :hugs:
And I just saw you're only 6dpo. Waaaay too early for a :bfp: Implantation can be from day 5-12, so you may not implant for a couple days.

Not trying to be Negative Nancy over here. Just saying.
@NJ, thanks for being honest with me hun...Dont worry you arent upsetting me. I am very realistic.I agree with what you are saying and have decided that I dont trust the IC's and I havent gotten my hopes up yet. I have been through this many times before month after month so I dont trust the test and neither does DH....:wacko: All I can do is be patient and test again in a few days.... If AF gets me I have vowed not to shed any tears this month because at least I have my infertility testing to look forward to in October and hopefully we will be on the path to IUI soon, so I will have something to look foward to if the :witch: does decide to show up....:thumbup:
Hi ladies!!..been soo busy....had tacobell for supper so I didnt have to cook...bout to go fold like..4 loads worth of laundry...if it wasnt for the washer/dryer being in the basement I swear it would have been done by now :blush: lol...hubby is bout to paint the wainscotting..then tomorrow we are going to deep clean the carpet in the nursery and sand the side table and wardrobe and prime it for painting..and put the changing table and some of her other stuff in the nursery and out of the way once the carpet is pretty dry..our baby storage room looks like a hoarder room lol.....we got our glider at babiesrus...finally!! it for $235 including tax..was sposta be $299 + tax but they had a 20% off and we had another 10% off so yay for discounts..that is the last thing we will buy from there! hopefully we will get it put up tomorrow too!..and then we are ordering the rest of the baby stuff from Target and Amazon on Monday..should all be here by Oct 10th or so but hopefully sooner...Im washing baby laundry now too...sorted it all out by size...

I think Brieanan may have dropped...Dare and Spunky and Cottleston..did you know when LOs had dropped? I was walking out to the garage with hubby and had a huge sudden pain right in the center above my hooha for a few in my pelvis...then I went to the bathroom a bit later and noticed my belly button had suddenly popped out more..but still not fully..and I swear I have spent the last 10 mins in the bathroom a tablespoon comes out...2 mins later..I have to go again..its like shes laying down on it more or something...does this sound familiar? or am I just getting my hopes up lol? cant wait to see if I am any ready for labor dilation/engagement/effacement wise on Tues..and to see her again at the growth scan..

Dare..sorry your hubby isnt being very supportive...I had to sit down with mine a few weeks ago and tell him it was enough with the computer..that he was on it all night...pretty much from when he came home till we went to bed..and it was annoying and he wasnt spending any time with just me..and he said yeah he realized I was right and hes been doing a lot better....idk what I would do if mine was gone all the time..I mean its nice having him in the room but still I want more attention that just nodding my way when I talk to him lol lol....maybe just have a sit down and tell him that you would like to spend more family time..and for anytime he gets all alone to do whatever he wants he needs to reciprocate and let you have some alone time too..if you want..or ATLEAST family time.. I think guys assume that since we are the moms we dont want any time away from LO but I know thats not the case...hopefully he'll come around... also sorry about the dog...sounds like a lot of trouble with the baby and all..and even more reason for you to get some stress free alone time...hopefully you will figure out whats going on...

NJ..I think that def looks like the girl color on the package..I never did one of those things but kind of wish I had just to see if it was right or not lol lol..if you get a good potty shot when you go to find out you should post it and let us guess before you tell us lol..I love guessing on ultrasounds... you know..I am an avid follower of your POAS addiction :blush:..and still have a folder just for your tests on my comp..I def see it but after all those others we have been through.. im not going to get overly excited this time like you said..they just cant be trusted.... I say keep testing with the cheapies if you want but unless you get a dark dark positive dont get too excited until youve done an FRER or something to make sure...stupid cheapies... :dohh:..maybe try to just get out and go walking or hiking in this amazing weather (amazing here atleast...not past 70 today :happydance: ) and take your mind off of it... and we have a surprise/late b-day present for you anyway which I'll tell you about in a few more days lol :winkwink:

Spunky..yay on the house!! seems like sooo many girls on here are moving with LOs just born or on the way..I cant imagine the stress..hopefully it all goes smoothly for you and you get moved in and settled in no time!! glad you didnt go with the sewer work house lol..that just seemed like soo much trouble.... the two neighbors directly below us on our little hill community are selling their of the guys..the one right below us on the driveway is a total douche and we cant wait for his house to sell..hopefully to a nice-er family...and then the other house has been empty forever since the owner died and his ex wife is finally selling hopefully more nice neighbors for us!!

Well..thats all for now I guess....time to go do that damn laundry Ive been putting off...uggh...hopefully something good on tv to watch while I do it...

:hugs: to everyone....
Dare - I agree with Lindsay - Make sure you get your "me time" too. My husband and I have been struggling with this! He makes sure to get his playing time in and gets out of the house for work and errands. And I feel like here I am at home with the baby again! I DIDN'T like leaving James (still dont) and I know my husband can't comfort him like I do (no boobs) so I worry, but when I come back I am a better mom, more calm and happier. Even if it's just going through a drive through to get a sundae. Make sure you get out occasionally! Or for me sometimes a shower with my husband and the baby on the other side of the house I can have my alone time (nothing naughty! just nice to wash my hair without feeling like I'm time restricted or have the boys looking at me. My husband would stand outside the shower looking in holding the baby - with both of them looking at me! Seriously? Let me have 15 mintues!!!).

Lindsay - I hope you have a healthy baby! I know my 20 week scan came back with something that I have worried about since then! James' specialist seems to think he's ok, but he has to be closely monitored for a while just in case. I came back from a lot of scans crying because they knew something was wrong but not what or why. :hugs: Boy or Girl I hope everything looks healthy!! I can't believe Baby Bee is an orange! ANd you can now see hotdog or hamburger! (was kinda grossed out when I read that at first but then I was like but that's talking about MY baby!)

Wanna - I do see a line, but like you said I worry that it's too soon, and on tests that have given you evaps. Fingers crossed your BFPs came in time to not need your specialist, but just in case that's next month!

Erica - Thanks, I HATE house shopping and I did NOT want to end up with a house that has septic problems! EW! I always thought it was crazy in the third tri threads and baby clubs threads about women moving so close to birth or when they have LOs, and now I'm one of the crazies! UGH! Congrats that you're almost done with all the supplies for baby! I thought I remembered him dropping, but apparently he didn't drop much. I know it was week 36-37 cause my fundal height changed, but I didn't have to pee more than usual and I didn't waddle anymore than I usually did. So I dropped about where you are, but I went to 41+6, so while it's exciting, don't get your hopes up! Also my cousin was dialated 4 cm for WEEKS! And then had to be induced at 40+6! But some people can not be dialted and go right into labor. Just don't hold your breath! It could still be a while!
I love my showers- they are my only me time- and i don't want dh in there either lol! I literally want it JUST for me. Because if dh comes in- he is interested in other things. He is having a hard time dealing with the fact that it's just not like it used to be. And i feel the same, i HATE leaving ava. So i take her with me. When i get out and she comes, i STILL feel better - and i'm too afraid to leave her alone with him. He still hasn't given her a bottle after i've pumped which is a pain in the ass because that was the whole point but he is too occupied feeding himself i swear!
I think the "Me Time" is a big issue with first-time parents. I remember one of close friends, right after their little girl was born, hubby would go out with the guys to the bars, but mommy wasn't allowed to go out with the girls. Rather, he wouldn't watch the baby if she wanted to go out, always told her to call her parents. I never thought that was right. I mean, he's half responsible for the kid being here too.

@Erica, you've got about three, four weeks left right? Usually you don't drop until very close to the end. Maybe you felt her flip, and now she's head-down?

@Chelsea, I hate househunting. We had an offer in on a house a couple years ago, but it was an estate sale, the family lived the next state over, and wanted pretty much nothing to do with the house. There was a laundry list of things that had to be done before it could be sold, and they wouldn't do it. So now we are in the second house we bid on, and there is so much work to be done. It's going to be fun to see what DH gets done in the next few months.

DH won't say if he wants a boy or girl - all he says is healthy. We listened to the heartbeat together last pm. It's so strong and so much easier to find. Sounds more like a galloping horse now. He and I talked about the names I'd been considering, and he only had one really strong veto, which of course was one of my favorites - Connor Joseph. He's very Italian, I'm part Irish, and he doesn't like the Irish name. Said "we're not Irish." :waves: HELLOOOOOOOO?

Concert tomorrow night, after bloodwork in the am. Working my butt off the next two weeks. BOSS will be taking three days off for his board exams, so I will be on my own. Not looking forward to it. Then I'll take the weekend off for my birthday, we have our 18 week apt, and the week after, gender scan to hunt for the hot dog or the hamburger!

Hope you guys had a good weekend!
I think all men WANT a boy..just because its a man thing lol..but then once they find out girl they get all protective and thinking about daddys girl and all this and are just as happy but in a different way...I know hubby said he wanted a boy but he was super super happy finding out we are having a girl..I swear hes almost cried over some of the cute clothes we have lol lol..I pick on him all the time lol...the little baby socks get him every time lol..

shes been head down since 30 she was just being mean and punched me or something...still going potty a lot more today and lots more pressure down there...cant wait till tues to see where she is... :happydance:
Actually, if I had to take a guess, I would say that DH wants a girl. I see the way he is with our nieces and our friends little girls, and he is amazing. No matter what, he's gonna be great.
Trying to plan a vacation out to California in November. Probably be the last vacation DH and I take together for a while. I want to see family I haven't seen in years (about 5). Now if we can finagle the time off together...
NJ since you are the medical one on here...what is the protocol for dealing/monitoring/diagnosing pre-eclampsia?

My numbers are normally in the 110s to 120s for the top and then 70s or 80s for the bottom but lately when I randomly check...we have a digital cuff at home..they are in the high 120s or high 130s over the high 80s or high 90s!!! Im 36 weeks so I know if I was to go into labor now they would just let me and not stop it..but just wondering will they want to monitor me or will they just suggest I get induced? any idea?
nursery is done..well..done painting and stuff..still not complete..and definitely not organized but we atleast got all the baby stuff out of the rest of the house and in the room it belongs..cant wait..tomorrow is our big baby buying day where we buy/order the rest of the stuff we need...soo exciting...its almost done..still need the crib which we arent getting till next year since she'll will be in the bassinet in our room anyway the first few months..and we have a dresser and a side table in the garage waiting to be painted white..going to get the bookshelf tomorrow at target and gonna get two table lamps and maybe a floor lamp....but still.. yay..its almost done and its so bright and light and breezy and open..just like I wanted!!!! :happydance:
@MrsJerome, the nursery looks very nice...I really think it has come out lovely!!! :thumbup: It sounds like you and DH are just about all set for your baby girl to arrive........

Awww, a Birthday surprise for me??? Aww, you girls really didnt have to...All of you ladies are just too sweet!!! :hugs:
Mrsj- your nursery is beautiful! love it. wish i had all that room in mine! i feel so packed in. and for me, i don't want any time really away from her- but i want us to do things together. Rather than him wanting to get away- why can't we do something all three of us? Actually- i am starting with a separation anxiety thing with her! i can't stand being away!! And i think she's going to be way independent.

wanna- did you test again today? i want to see the thread!

Ava was rotten yesterday! wouldn't sleep! agh! just really really fussy :( i felt so bad for her. then last night, at 10 i did another feed, then put her in her crib. She woke up as soon as she hit the mattress. i had her mobile on, and she watched that-- and then i heard her on the monitor, but i was waiting to see when she would scream so i could go back in. she put herself to sleep!!!! I was in shock! then slept 7 hours! I fed her, put her back to bed. Then she woke up at 730. I changed and fed her. Then she was still awake in her crib again. I put the mobile on, which she watched happily- and then i left to take a shower figuring ok she's up for the day now- and after i went in to get her- OUT. She's still sleeping! She's growing up.
Mrsj- your nursery is beautiful! love it. wish i had all that room in mine! i feel so packed in. and for me, i don't want any time really away from her- but i want us to do things together. Rather than him wanting to get away- why can't we do something all three of us? Actually- i am starting with a separation anxiety thing with her! i can't stand being away!! And i think she's going to be way independent.

wanna- did you test again today? i want to see the thread!

Ava was rotten yesterday! wouldn't sleep! agh! just really really fussy :( i felt so bad for her. then last night, at 10 i did another feed, then put her in her crib. She woke up as soon as she hit the mattress. i had her mobile on, and she watched that-- and then i heard her on the monitor, but i was waiting to see when she would scream so i could go back in. she put herself to sleep!!!! I was in shock! then slept 7 hours! I fed her, put her back to bed. Then she woke up at 730. I changed and fed her. Then she was still awake in her crib again. I put the mobile on, which she watched happily- and then i left to take a shower figuring ok she's up for the day now- and after i went in to get her- OUT. She's still sleeping! She's growing up.

Awww, I am loving the new avatar picture of Ava, she looks so cute...What an adorable cute little smile she has, she looks so happy....:winkwink: I am glad that she is sleeping so good now, growing, strong and healthy :thumbup:

Here is a link to my testing thread hun, and yes I did test this morning and I saw lines!!!!:happydance: Which has to be a good sign....:winkwink:

I am still waiting on AF to be late and to confirm on a better test though...:blush:
back from appt but tons of stuff to do..especially after what the Dr said lol..

70% effaced....
-2 station engaged....
2cm dilated...

Dr said that he doesnt think I'll make it to end of October and says more likely first weeks of Oct...that could be like..14 days!! instead of 28!!..AHH!! lol.. he said I was a bit ahead of normal 36 weeks stats so I was happy to hear that!! I told him that we just ordered stuff off of amazon....and the last thing isnt sposta be here till Oct 6th..and he just laughed and said I dont think babies take into consideration amazon shipping estimates lol lol... :rofl:
back from appt but tons of stuff to do..especially after what the Dr said lol..

70% effaced....
-2 station engaged....
2cm dilated...

Dr said that he doesnt think I'll make it to end of October and says more likely first weeks of Oct...that could be like..14 days!! instead of 28!!..AHH!! lol.. he said I was a bit ahead of normal 36 weeks stats so I was happy to hear that!! I told him that we just ordered stuff off of amazon....and the last thing isnt sposta be here till Oct 6th..and he just laughed and said I dont think babies take into consideration amazon shipping estimates lol lol... :rofl:

I am so glad to hear that your appointment went so well!!!:thumbup: It sounds like your baby girl may be making an earlier than expected arrival....How exciting!!!!!!:happydance::happydance:
LOL yeah they told me she'd be out def. by the end of july. Then the next time i went i was told they just can't tell. THE SAME LADY. i was 80% since week 37. im just telling you so you don't get all excited and then get let down. they do it to a lot of ladies. Just, expect closer to due date, and most first time babies go over. No big deal. She'll get here when she gets here. just don't stress :)
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