The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Hello girls, Today I am celebrating my 5 year wedding anniversary, we got married on 09/30/2006.... We also are celebrating 10 years since we first met and started dating this coming October, we met in October 2001. I am not sure what we are going to do tonight when DH gets off work...we might go out to dinner or maybe check out this haunted house attraction since I am in the halloween spirit!!! :winkwink:
Happy Anniversary Wanna!!!!!!!!!!! hope you have a great weekend of celebrating!

i have a few minutes on this rainy cold morning. my kids are curled up in blankets and baby is starting to play with toys and enjoy her activity seat. so as long as i dont rush into housework, im finding a few minutes of down time every now and then.
i read up on alot of the posts and would like to say congrats to all the happy news, hugs for all the sad news, and a big fat fingers crossed for Wannabes line to get darker!

halloween is a such a fun time for mommies! what are you plannign to dress up your little babies as?
im going to be having a cowboy, a dinosaur, princess aurora, and a Kendall will be a cow. LOL its a Carters costume. its sooo hilariously cute

things are going pretty nuts around here lately. baby is nursing so well. im so happy about this. im past the point where i failed with the others. Kendall looks more like me than the others (who ar elittle clones of their daddy) she even has blue eyes!!!!! ( my other 3 have brown) the hubs and i are struggling a bit this time around. im more controllign with her. i think its becasue i do nurse exclusively, i knwo i can comfort her the best so if shes upset i go to her and take control. i dont want her to think ive left her. its an emotional thing im going through, i understand that. but the problem its causing is if she is needing me, then that leave 3 kdis to the husband who already works a billion hours every week. hes worn out and irritable and considering a job change. he is annoying the heck out of me about money. we dont have any time alone and have only "been together" 2 times since Kendall has been born. she is almost 12 weeks old. thats not good for a marriage. there needs to be more connection. so im sad. not depressed or worried about post pardum, but jsut sad. we used to talk more and now its like i barely know his schedule. he left for cleveland weds and i didnt even know he was leaving until weds morning. missed the memo i guess...
so excited for Baby Brieanan to make her arrival!!!!!
how big are the babies?? -Ava, Toby, James!! what milestones are they working on right now :)
Toby's hit a couple of milestones this week... he's 6 months today/tomorrow (was born on 31st but there isnt a 31st september!)... and he reached 14lb this week too. That's 1 stone! :D
Hes also sitting up by himself and trying to hold himself up in crawling position. He can spin himself round, roll, wriggle and kick his legs to go anywhere he wants but he's not crawling yet.
No teeth yet either! Won't be long though I don't think. His first tooth will be in October methinks.
Oh! He's learning consonants too... constantly saying dadadadada and mmmmmmmmm. Not quite got the mamamama yet!

Erica, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. I hope you're all ok. I know how hard that sort of situation can be. :hugs: xx

Busy, I hope you and hubby can work together to make things better. It must be so hard juggling all those littl'uns with being a lover too. I dont know how you find the time! xx
Happy anniversary, wanna!

I had the worst day ever. DH and I woke up to the dog freaking out at 245am. She wouldn't calm down, and in the midst of it we heard the craziest noise, like a sheep or goat being slaughtered. DH looks at me, grabs his gun, and goes outside. As he gets to the corner of the house, two coyotes run by him. So he runs back in the house, and tells me what happened. As we look out the bedroom window, we see the deer the coyotes killed right under the window. DH gets all upset and says he'll call Animal Control in the am.
So he wakes up at 730 this am, looks out the window - and asks me if he was dreaming last night because the deer is gone. Look into the back yard - the damn coyotes came back and tore it to pieces, dragged it across the yard, leaving a Hansel and Gretel trail. My yard smells horrible, and the poor dog is still spooked.

THEN - I leave for work. Turn off my street onto the main road. I'm at the light waiting to turn right - the light turns green, the five cars in front of me haven't gone yet, and the jerk behind me decides he's gonna go! So I get rearended. The guy had no ID, no insurance, and it wasn't his car. I'm ok, just pissed and sore from tightening up, but checked Baby Bee and everything is ok.

THEN - you girls know I work in infectious disease. My partner is taking the weekend off because he has to study for his boards. I get a call from one of the neurologists that I'm friends with that she's sent a meningitis patient to the ER who sounds really sick. And another doc calls my partner with a patient she's admitting with shingles. I can't see EITHER of those patients, so I don't know what I'm going to do this weekend. never know... my stretch marks just multiplied within a week or two..mostly on my right side which is weird coz shes always pushed out against my left... gosh I need some strivectin lol.. :cry:


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@Busy, Those Halloween costumes sound so cute!!! My DH and me are going to be vampires this year and will be going out to a nightclub where there is a costume party. We went out last year and had a blast. We dressed up as hippies and it was pretty funny, people were complementing us on our costumes and taking pictures... :haha:

My dog has a bumblebee costumes from a couple of years ago and I want to order her a skunk costume for this year since she is black and white and a smaller dog...

Sorry that things have been so stressful for you and DH. It sounds like you both have alot on your plate right now, and it would be a hard adjustment for anybody. I hope you and DH can work through things and that things get better. Can you and DH have a date night and get a baby sitter once every few weeks, maybe a family member or a friend to help out every now and than so you guys can try to create some alone time every once and a while.

@NJ, Wow, what a crazy day you had!! Do you live in the country and that is why there are coyotes running around...That does sound scary hearing creepy noises in the middle of the night and not knowing why your dog is upset. Sorry about the mess they left in your yard...ugghhhh... that must be stressful working in the hospital when you are pregnant. Since those people have illnesses you cant be around can you talk to your boss and see about working in another department or figuring out some alternative so you wont be exposed to that... I hope something can be figured out...:hugs::hugs:

Geesh that is so crazy about the guy that rear ended you without any insurance, what a pain in the behind!!! I know that normally the person that rear ended you is responsible for paying for the damages 100% because they are supposed to be in control of their car, But i am not sure what you can do if they dont have any insurance. will your car insurance cover it in that scenario!!! I hope you can find a way to get it taken care of with little cost to you in the end!!! I am glad that you and baby are safe. I am so sorry your day was so crappy. I hope the rest of your weekend goes alot better.:hugs:

@Mrsjerome, Wow your bump has really grown...I can tell baby is about to arrive any minute!!! :winkwink: I am sorry about your stretch marks but once baby comes and you loose some of the baby weight the stretch marks should fade and they have some pretty good creams you can use to help lighten them as well... :hugs:

AFM, DH and me are going to check out this haunted house and hayride attraction tonight. I love scary stuff and Halloween, I am a scary movie junkie so this stuff if right up my alley... I just love it....:winkwink:

Last year we went to this haunted attraction event in PA and it was awesome.. The coolest haunted houses and hayride I have ever been on.:thumbup: I would highly recommend it if you like this kind of stuff... Even DH thought it was alot of fun...
@cottleston hurray for your little man! how great!

@nj- holy crap hun, what a horrible time! i know how i was with hormones when i was pregnant and that deer would've had me a mess. And the car thing ? oh my god i'd have killed him. I'm so glad you & baby are ok.

@ mrs j- you know that's what happened to me with the stretch marks. i had NONE on my belly the whole pregnancy up until like 35 weeks. then i had a few. then, BAM i was covered. They looked just like yours. And i have to say they're not that color anymore but my stomach will probably never look the same again. :( pretty down about it. I look awful. I think mine where worse than yours because they looked like they were circling the belly button too like a bullseye AND i had the dark line running the length of the belly as well. :(

@wanna- have fun at the halloween thing! how great!!!

AFM- have a major headache today, baby is going through a wonder week so THATS been fun, i'm exhausted, and it's gloomy out. Happy october first everyone.
Dare...Im actually not soo upset about them because Ive had stretch marks my whole life lol..these are actually mostly continuations of the ones Ive had seen I was a teenager and the tops just stretched out more...I going to get some of these medical crystals..its pretty much the same ones they use for microdermabrasion in the fancy Olay and L'oreal scrubs and n the spas.. but you can buy just the crystals for cheap and mix them in with your own oil/lotion and do it at home... I saw a lot of crazy good before and after pics on the site and its sposta be good for acne scars too which I also have...and since its not a med you take internally and doesnt have any chemicals its ok to use while nursing and all that unlike some of the strivectin type creams... Im more worried about how flabby my belly is going to be after lol..I mean Im overweight anyway but I know this pregnancy hasnt helped with the flubbyness lol lol..Hope you get some rest soon too...I know LOs have their good and bad phases so maybe it wont last too long and she'll let you get some rest soon!....Can NOT believe its October!!! out for spiders at the haunted house thing lol..thats the part that would scare me..not the killers..or the ghosts or zombies..but the freaking fake spiders and webs lol..:dohh: have tons and tons of your church friends that would LOVE to watch your little take advantage of it..maybe let E,L & M go over to someones house for a while and let someone come to your house for K and then you and hubby hit the town..go out to some shopping for YOU guys...not for the kids or groceries or anything..but get yourselves something just for you!! make it a real date night all about you...I know you'll miss the kids..especially K... but it will help both of you reconnect and you will feel better afterwards and it'll be worth it!

NJ...I would have died and not been able to sleep..the sound itself would have traumatized me lol lol..and poor poor deer :cry: ...maybe they will come back and clean up the yard for you as a midnight snack lol..we have fox around here that we hear all the time calling to each other.. but never heard any coyotes...tons of raccoons and opossums and skunks and bunnies but nothing big that I know of... oh someone down our road said they saw a freaking panther with a cute little panther baby!!! awww!! kinda scary coz it seems so out of place but still cute...oh and cute bump too...dont'll be big before you know it..cant wait to see that!!!

Cottleston...cant believe hes 6 months already!!...its gone by soo fast!! I hope you get some video of all this wiggling and moving..I cant wait to get vids of Brieanan and show her when shes older..I dont have a lot of that of me when I was younger coz video cameras werent all that popular yet but I would love to have seen me as a baby lol..

Today Im finally sanding the freaking dresser and side table..hubby is going to prime/paint atleast one coat today and then do the final coat tomorrow and move it in the room..then Monday Im gonna go nursery organizing crazy!!
I had a huge rant about yesterday..I placed an order for all the rest of the stuff on my registry a few days ago...I got my pack n play Thursday..and about 6 other small things yesterday in the mail from that order..and then got an email saying the rest was going to be delayed..was all supposed to be here by Tuesday of next week...but the email said that now it wouldnt get here for another two weeks!!!...and it said if you would like to cancel any of the items not yet shipped please go to your account..blah I go to my option to cancel the non shipped items...then I called the customer service on the phone for 90 mins!!! talk to three different people...and am told after all that time by the last person..who was super nice but still.....that they cant cancel any of the items even though they havent shipped or wont be ready to ship for another week or so..havent even been billed to us!!! because some of my items were already shipped...(the ones I got thurs and fri)....Im like seriously?!?!..I could pop anyday now..we need that stuff..and we would have just gotten it from the store if we knew it would be maybe 2 weeks before its sent out!!!... they are not doing very well by the way of preggie ladies this summer...stupid stupid target! So yesterday we went and got the stuff from the order that we needed incase she gets here!! and when it comes in the mail I'll just take it and return it in store... we also went and got the finishing accessories for the closet organizer..another shelf and two pull out canvas baskets which hopefully hubby will finish today...and then we went to the chinese buffet...I was soo full and I hardly ate anything...but it was good...
So girls we had a good time over all lastnight. My favorite attraction was the first haunted house that we saw and it was called Idalia Manor. It was scary with pretty impressive costumes..... We went 2 more indoor attractions, one was pitch black and we almost got lost because we couldnt see anything, and all of the sudden a light would come on and some crazy person would come flying out at you.. We were literally feeling along the walls to know which direction to walk. This one place called the haunted barn was alright, with barn themed horrors, pigs hanging from the ceiling, dead bodies on tables, pretty gory, :haha: and at the end they had these guys with chainsaws coming after you...LOL..:haha: The last thing we did was a haunted hayride, and on the way you got to see a prisoner get executed in the electric chair, and some how the warden got executed instead when the lights went out...LOL... there were crazy hillbillys jumping out at you, one with a gun, a creepy butcher with meat hanging and I yelled out in a deep voice "Can I get a Beef Briscut" and everyone laughed ...LOL..a crashed exploding airplane on fire, one part had a walking trail with people blending iwh the bushes jumping out at you, and zombies chasing after you,..and lots of other stuff...

On the down side we had alot of waiting in long lines to get into attractions, and it was chilly last night, a cold breeze and rain for the last half of the night...So we were freezing, I should of warn my winter coat and ear muffs, I just had on long sleeve shirt, with a hooded zip up sweat shirt... And the other annoying thing was the teenagers acting crazy driving me and DH nuts. One teen guy wouldnt shut up on the hayride and the entire time he kept saying "What the F**k" and everyone was sooo annoyed....:growlmad: Than when I was standing in line for the hayride for literally 2 plus hours the one teen boy kept bumping into me over and over and over until i got mad and yelled at him "Can you please stop bumping into me!!!" and he finally stopped. DH said one of the kids was bumping into him but he just gave the guy a look and he stopped, mind you my DH is a big tall man...LOL:haha:

So overall I was glad we went, and it was nice to get out to do something different in the spirit of of my favorite holidays...:thumbup:
@wanna, I love Halloween. It's my favorite season. That sounds like a fun night - I remember always going to the Fright Night stuff at Knott's Berry Farms every year when I lived in SoCal. Then when I moved to the East Coast, we had Goosey/Devil's Night - which we didn't have in California. Was so weird to me. I already broke out the Halloween decorations and the Nightmare Before Christmas DVD and soundtrack.
I also love the cooler weather - now more than ever. SOO much more comfortable. I worked today, and it really wasn't too busy - was able to come home early afternoon, and I made a chicken pot pie and pumpkin bread. I LOVE the Starbucks pumpkin bread, and I found a copycat recipe online and tried that. House smells so good right now. Appetite still isn't quite where it was, but trying to eat stuff with more protein and veggies (loaded the pot pie up with carrots, peas, celery, potatoes). Was very good...

Otherwise, feeling better. Shoulder is sore from the accident, but it's my bad shoulder anyway. DH was good enough to clean up Bambi in the backyard. Still tufts of white fur everywhere, and poor puppy is avoiding that corner of the yard like the plague.

Become a total pro at finding Baby Bee with the doppler. Likes to hang out on my right side, and it's amazing how the heartbeat has changed. Sounded like a swish before, now like horse-hooves.

I think the most common vote right now for me is boy. I'd say probably 85% boy, 15% girl. People who talk to me on the phone that haven't SEEN me say boy. Not sure the rationale, but hey, we'll see in two and a half weeks!
@ wanna- i can't go to those halloween attractions, i scare too easily!!! I think it was 2 years ago i talked dh into going up to Jackson NJ for the Six Flags Great Adventure Fright Fest. He had been wanting to go to one- and well, the six flags down here isn't as good as there. So, we drove up. I remembered it being pretty awesome when i was a kid (i lived 15 minutes from there so we went like every weekend with our season passes) but i got scared poopless after going on their hay ride. I still won't go on one! It was bad! i was 8 and there were people climbing all over the hay ride chewing on fake arms dripping with blood, and my 4 year old little brother was SCREAMING and crying and they just continued on and started messing with him because they thought it was funny. Then i started crying. Bad memories! the music they were playing would make him start shaking for years after. My parents felt terrible- they had no idea they would do something like that when a baby was crying. But, anyway, i made it back up 2 years ago and i managed to do really well! no hay ride though!! lol.

@ NJ- i never got a doppler! i was afraid because i heard some things that they could cause issues with baby if you used it too often. Something about the sound waves. I don't know if that's true but i was too afraid. Ava was on the right all the time too- and when she got bigger, she didnt like the sound when the midwife would check, she would move all around trying to get away from it, and kick the crap out of me. Everyone thought she was a boy at first too- except for 3 people. EVERYONE else said boy. Can't wait to find out!!!!!
hubby has told me we are getting a maid for the first 3-4 weeks after she gets help me with the house stuff once he goes back to work...especially the laundry since its all nice of him..something I never even thought to suggest as I just assumed he would say no but he suggested sweet of him..either that or he just doesnt want to end up doing it himself when he gets home from
OMG girls, I just retested a few minutes ago and look what I got, check out my testing thread......:happydance: :happydance:
its hard to see, but it's def. there. I'm still scared. When is AF due?
I swear everytime I try to catch up the baby cries! So far he's quiet, but we'll see.

So far the posts I've read several times but haven't responded to yet:

Wanna - I'm sorry about your renters not moving out yet, I'd be pissed!!

Lindsay - Cute bump!!! Can't believe how far along you are!!!
its hard to see, but it's def. there. I'm still scared. When is AF due?

AF could come anytime cycles range from 25 to 33 days, today is CD 30, so if I can get past friday I will be late for sure...and I will be retesting again over the weekend.

I am nervous too, but the latest test I used is more reliable than the IC's I think and in real life the line is bright pink, easy to see and came up within a few minutes of me peeing on the test, so I really think this is it... So i am shocked, nervous, excited, scared all at the same time.... It has been 2 years since DH's reversal so I feel like I am in a dream right now, I mean how could this be real???.... I am in total shock.... I had pretty much given up hope that this was even possible for us after all of this time, and that was why I was getting ready to schedule my infertility testing once AF showed for October and we were moving forward with the IUI soon..... WOW, just WOW.......:wacko:
Wanna – Congrats on the wedding anniversary!!! I love the idea of dressing your dog up like a skunk. My husband wouldn’t let me dress up our dogs. Oreo is your dog’s name right? Her coloring would be perfect! I’m not a big haunted house person as I don’t like being scared, but I’m glad you’re enjoying them! So excited about your tests. Hoping this is it!! AF better stay away!

Busy – Glad you’re still doing well! James is going to be a Tiger – a carter’s Halloween costume I got from Costco! Gotta Love it! Glad Kendall is still BF well and that she looks like you!! My husband and I aren’t connecting sexually that often. By the time we have alone time at night I’m tired and don’t feel very willing as my boobs have been chewed on all day! It’s been a struggle.

Katherine – Toby sounds like he’s doing wonderful! 6 months already?! How crazy! Time really does seem to be flying! How much did Toby weigh when he was born? 1 stone! What an accomplishment. Teeth in October!! I hope to see pics when it does happen!

Lindsay – What a crappy day you had! Those are the days that I think I never should have pulled the covers off my head in the morning! How HORRIBLE about Bambi in the backyard! I would be traumatized. Where do you live that you have deer and coyotes in your backyard?! The woods? I hope you’re well recovered from your accident :hugs: I LOVED my Doppler! Reassured me so much inbetween appointments! Once LO starts kicking you wont need it, but until then it’s such a nice way to bond with hubby! I can’t believe it happened for you the month you weren’t trying. Meant to be!!

Dare – Sorry about your headache! Feeling miserable makes it hard to take care of a LO!! :hugs: Stretchmarks are worth it to get our LO’s, but I’m sad about mine too. I only had ones on my hips where old ones were from puberty then 38w4d BAM tons on my tummy! Arg! They’re fading, but I really want to lose the mommy tummy and maybe they wont be as noticeable.

Erica – Glad your nursery is coming along. How nice about the maid.

AFM - James is now reaching for toys and putting them in his mouth (he only started doing this last week!). He now sucks on his thumb, cutest thing ever in my opinion. He's talking so much since Saturday. He cooed before, but now he's loud about it and making different sounds like he's really talking to us. SO I try to take him seriously and listen :haha: It was so cute. MY husband and I were "tickling" him and he was laughing so much and so loud!! So rewarding!! Still sleeping 10pm-7am no wake ups (knock on wood). It's 8 am and just now he's starting to fuss! At least I got through the posts this time!!!
wanna- i even checked your siggy to see if there was anything there telling me what dpo before i asked :) Do you use FF hun? you should try it. It's great. I used it to get pregnant with Ava, and it helped me keep track of my cycles and it actually gave me her due date, which was not the same as the mws- and FF was right. Not them. :) So i really like it, and suggest using it in future (IF of course this isn't it- which i hope hope hope it is!) Can't believe it would put you in June!!! seems like so far away doesn't it? But jeez it flies by. And actually completely amazing that it only takes us 9 months to make a human. The most amazing feeling in the world. This better be it! keep testing and sharing your links!
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