The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Well my morning was started off in a very interesting my now refer to me as MrsJerome AKA The Chicken Saver :happydance::happydance:

I rescued a chicken!!! its our weather is nice and cooler at night so we turn the AC off and left our windows open and I heard this awful commotion..and I heard the neighbor yelling..dogs barking..and then this horrid I ran outside and saw Bama at the very end of our yard (which is a very big yard) with something in her mouth..I realized she had somehow gotten a chicken from the neighbors..and she ran with it..
and I followed her...down to her house..and down to the end of her backyard..which is a easier said than done from a preggie lady...but anyway...I told Bama no and she dropped it and it didnt move so I thought I was too late..but it was apparently just traumatized lol lol..very much alive with just a few little I picked it up and hiked back up the hill..panting by this time....back up past our house to the neighbors house...also easier said than done panting even more lol... where the chicken belonged... lol..still in my PJs lol..belly and boobs hanging out lol lol..a right redneck site :rofl: lol..chicken under my arm lol lol... and took it back and our neighbor was soo happy because by this time its been about 10 mins since the chicken was 3 he was sure she was a goner lol lol...but she was just a bit shaken up..I put her in the pen and she walked into the chicken coop and went right behind the egg boxes and stayed say I blame her..but I definitely did my good deed for the day times two since I saved the chicken..which Im sure it appreciates lol..and I know her owner did as well lol.. :happydance::happydance:
Dare - I went and got a hair cut last week. I do a cut it off to my chin/shoulder then grow out cycle every 2 years. I cut it off to my chin (my hair was permanently in a pony tale and baby still kept grabbing it was so annoyed! Now there's not enough hair for him to get a good grip!). I've told my husband in the past there's nothing better than a bra and a new haircut so when I'm feeling down he suggests one. I go to super cuts or some place like that. Don't really care. Never color my hair as it has beautiful color (I know I sound full of it but it's a light brown with a lot of red in it, and it fits me). Glad you got to take pictures! We all need our form of therapy!

UGH, I'm so jealous of you Dare for not tearing during birth. When the two nurses checked me to see how dialated I was they commented on how tight I was... And the doctor said I started tearing before his head even came out. I hope I tear less severly next time or better yet, not at all.

I need to lose 20lbs. I'm just so stressed and unmotivated. We're hopefully moving in 3 weeks (nothing is packed yet because they haven't told us for sure that the deal is going through). I'm sad and tired (even though I get 7-8 hours of sleep straight - so lucky I know!) and that makes it hard to exercise and eat right... I guess I'm just complaining. I don't know how to get motivated. I'm hoping once we move we'll be less stressed. But then there will be the holidays... UGH. I don't really like the holidays. Maybe next year will be cool teaching James about Santa and stuff (He wont know what we're talking about this year...)

Eh, hope your guys' spirits are higher than mine!

Hey! i do a hair cut to my chin too!!! I usually have them put a million layers in, because the way it falls, i have NO volume to my hair. And i need something light and easy because lets face it- i'm freaking lazy when it comes to my looks. I don't wear makeup, i don't do hair, people are lucky i take a shower and change for the day! lol. And my hair is a dark chestnut brown with natural red highlights! I love it too!! :) And, baby looks like she has the same red highlights. It's great because it runs on my side of the family, all the women had the red highlights no matter what color their hair came out. I like it that way :)

I had a tiny nick in the inside, that they had said they were going to sew up. And i said "how tiny is it" and they said so very tiny they didn't think it needed it. And i said 'Then don't do it! if it doesn't need it that's unnecessary!" and it didn't hurt, BUT she kept putting gauze on it and pushing and THAT hurt. but then it just stopped because it wasn't big enough to sew up. I'm so happy i didn't tear too- becuase it sounds horrible. What a place to have a pain like that! Man! I'm so so so sorry you did tear. :( HOwever we still can't dtd- it STILL Hurts!!!!!! Worse than being a virgin! for real! we try like every weekend and i feel so bad for dh because i'm so turned off to the idea now, because of how much it hurts, and he always stops and won't do it either because he feels too bad with me hurting. He's been wonderful about all of it.

I feel i need to loose weight, i won't step back on a scale again. All of the sudden i got hit with feeling really bad about my body. And, we are also waiting until next year to introduce santa. DH's parents never did santa, so i'm a bit worried they'll blow the whole thing. I'll KILL them if they do.
no changes..but Dr still says she could come at anytime..I can have a sweep next appt Monday the 17th if I want and Ive been scheduled for an induction Nov 4th if shes not here by then but hopefully we wont make it that far
wow you have an induction date already? Jeez. And yeah, just don't worry about the info they give you when you go and see them, because it doesn't mean a thing really. You could STILL technically have her today anyway. just because it was one way when you went to the dr doesn't mean it won't start changing right after. Or, you still might not have her until like 42 weeks.
I had a dream that I had a baby last night. A second one. It went so much better than the last time. L&D went smoothly, which can't be said for how James came out. Can't believe I'm thinking about LO #2 so much already! Eeeeek.
Hey! i do a hair cut to my chin too!!! I usually have them put a million layers in, because the way it falls, i have NO volume to my hair. And i need something light and easy because lets face it- i'm freaking lazy when it comes to my looks. I don't wear makeup, i don't do hair, people are lucky i take a shower and change for the day! lol. And my hair is a dark chestnut brown with natural red highlights! I love it too!! :) And, baby looks like she has the same red highlights. It's great because it runs on my side of the family, all the women had the red highlights no matter what color their hair came out. I like it that way :)

I had a tiny nick in the inside, that they had said they were going to sew up. And i said "how tiny is it" and they said so very tiny they didn't think it needed it. And i said 'Then don't do it! if it doesn't need it that's unnecessary!" and it didn't hurt, BUT she kept putting gauze on it and pushing and THAT hurt. but then it just stopped because it wasn't big enough to sew up. I'm so happy i didn't tear too- becuase it sounds horrible. What a place to have a pain like that! Man! I'm so so so sorry you did tear. :( HOwever we still can't dtd- it STILL Hurts!!!!!! Worse than being a virgin! for real! we try like every weekend and i feel so bad for dh because i'm so turned off to the idea now, because of how much it hurts, and he always stops and won't do it either because he feels too bad with me hurting. He's been wonderful about all of it.

I feel i need to loose weight, i won't step back on a scale again. All of the sudden i got hit with feeling really bad about my body. And, we are also waiting until next year to introduce santa. DH's parents never did santa, so i'm a bit worried they'll blow the whole thing. I'll KILL them if they do.

I hope James has my hair color too! My husband's family has REALLY dark hair but they all go grey early (my husband has had some grey since he was 20!). I would love for James to have some of the natural red.

Sex is still painful here! Getting better and better every time we try though. Like you only about once a week, but at least it's something.

You're almost at a good weight though! Don't feel bad about your body! I'm sure you look great! James will learn about Santa next year too! I'll probabl get pictures with him with Santa this year, but I'm sure he wont understand what's going on.

Well, someone's crying again!
neither of you should be worried about your weight...Im 250!!!! the only good thing I have going for me is that I will automatically be under pre preggie weight after shes born..and I hope that will be a good mood booster and that my same preggie eating habits and BF-ing will help me keep going down in weight..I think my goal will to be under 200 by our anniversary next by Feb 6th...
I just read what I wrote. Almost at a good weight? Dare you're at a great weight! What I meant to say is you're almost at your DESIRED weight!

Thanks Erica. That's great that you kept your weight gain down. That's a good goal! Feb 6th is a reasonable amount of time. Keep in mind you might not feeling like working out for the first 2 months...

CRAZY new B&B format! I'm digging it!
I just read what I wrote. Almost at a good weight? Dare you're at a great weight! What I meant to say is you're almost at your DESIRED weight!

Thanks Erica. That's great that you kept your weight gain down. That's a good goal! Feb 6th is a reasonable amount of time. Keep in mind you might not feeling like working out for the first 2 months...

CRAZY new B&B format! I'm digging it!

ha ha spunky..thats funny..working out..haha!..yeah right!! lol lol...:haha: :rofl: but reallly..the most "working out" I plan on doing is taking her for walks at the park or something..pushing a stroller is a great starting back up "workout" and will be nice to get out of the house in the nice cool weather...soo glad summer is over... I love this time of year... Brieanan..stroller..pumpkin spice latte...and Im ready for Fall!!
Hey girls,
I was talking to my lady friends today who are all pregnant - now there are NINE of us due between January 20th and March 17th (me). Here's the breakdown so far...

KH, due 1/20 - :yellow:
AP, due 1/24 - :blue:
SS, due 1/27 - :blue:
MP, due 2/15 - :yellow:
KS, due 2/18 - :blue:
JV, due 2/21 - :blue: x2!! (Identical twins)
JE, due 3/1 - :blue:
JH, due 3/9 - unknown
Me!! due 3/17 - unknown

There are a LOT of boys in this group!! Two of them don't want to know, and the other two of us find out next week!

I keep reading about you girls getting the haircuts - I'm so overdue. I haven't cut my hair since I think May! It's not all split-endy yet, and I only wash and dry it every other day. It's growing like a damn weed. Haven't had it long in forever, it's usually about chin length or right above my shoulders. A very plain brown, and a lot of gray coming in (now that I'm not dying it anymore!). I've been dying my hair since I was 15, and I honestly don't remember the last time it was "natural." DH and I have very similar hair and eye color, so it's not too much of a stretch to guess what Baby Bee will look like. The only fluke could be gray eyes instead of hazel, and blonde hair instead of brown (that's my mom's whole side).

OB appointment tomorrow - we'll see where I am weight-wise. I don't think I've put on much at all. Still not a great appetite. Hemorrhoids are KILLING me today (TMI) - and I know it's only going to get better. Like I told DH, if it weren't for my doppler, I wouldn't even know I was pregnant at this point. Don't really feel it. The movement isn't often enough yet (maybe once a day, I know it's still early).

Finally putting some time into the registry. Found the stroller/carseat combo I want. Any of you girls get a Pack N Play? I'm looking at one with a basinette feature to use the first couple of months. Didn't know if you guys had better luck with one than another. We have a crib, I have a glider, and I found a website that does custom-made cushions, so I can get them replaced (the current ones are 15+ years old, a faded peachy-tan color with navy pineapples?? and covered with cat fur). Found a few paint swatches I like, so it's a matter of picking one (yellow).
I'm actually getting worried about one of our cats. We have two - one is normally very sweet and the second is scared of his own shadow. The first, Buster, we've had for about six years. He's always had this thing where you'll walk by and he'll attack your legs, for no reason. DH has been saying if he keeps it up, he's getting declawed. Well, today, I was sitting in the office here, my dog was sleeping on her pillow next to the desk. The jerk cat came it, started growling at her, and then attacked her face - for NO REASON. I got so angry at him, I was chasing him around the house. Told DH that he is 100% getting declawed if I don't kill him first. I'm worried about him just coming up and attacking a sleeping baby. Grr.
Cleaning and cooking dinner so just a quick reply NJ.. we got a bassinet..a pack n play..and will be getting the crib in jan/feb when we move her into the nursery....the bassinet was going to be for the bedroom and the pack n play for the living room but it didnt really fit where I wanted it to its in the bedroom and the bassinet will be in here in the living room...we got the graco one with the changer thing and the "bassinet" aspect is really just that you have the mattress part at a higher height while they are younger...I know some of them have the actual little bassinet/bed looking thing like this one...

and then the one we have just has the option to move the mattress level up..this is ours..

guess it just depends on which you like really...

but I like the changer thing so you dont have to put baby on the bed in the middle of the night to change her and incase poo gets everywhere it wont be getting on the bed..just the changer which is a soft plastic material so it'll wipe right up...

just swept and steam cleaned the entire kitchen floor...and made swedish meatballs for dinner and hubby has said we can go to the gym after dinner so I can walk..and then Im gonna come home and clean my bathroom floor and bounce on my ball..its rainy here and a full moon tonight lol lol..everyone has told me that the full moon will make me go into labor lol we'll see lol...
Here's my 17+4 picture
Lindsay - Cute Bump! Is that belly button piercing? We did get a Pack n play, but just a basic one with no bassinet. We actually hadf a cradle in our room, pack n play in the living room, and crib in his room(seems ridiculous for a 1 story 1100 sq ft house). He spent equal time in his p&p and cradle for the first 6 weeks. Depending day or night determined which he went in. At 6 weeks he moved into his crib and used his p&p less as he napped less. My cousin loved the bassinet and changer feature. She had that downstairs and had a bassinet upstairs. He napped and had daytime changes downstairs. For me I took him the 30 ft to his room to change him. So depends on the set-up. The basic one was cheap, easy (I take it to my parents sometimes). James just sleeps on the top level instead of the little add on.

This is the one we have and like: Target - Graco Pack n Play - On the Run
We actually hadf a cradle in our room, pack n play in the living room, and crib in his room(seems ridiculous for a 1 story 1100 sq ft house). He spent equal time in his p&p and cradle for the first 6 weeks. Depending day or night determined which he went in. The basic one was cheap, easy (I take it to my parents sometimes). James just sleeps on the top level instead of the little add on.

yep thats the same setup we plan on having..I just dont want to have to take her all over the house for a change or a nap..cept our pack n play doesnt fit in our living room due to our setup..having the big sectional couch makes it hard to move stuff around so we just switched bassinet and pack n play and we are good...and we'll take it to his parents and stuff too since they wont have anywhere for g-mas house has a crib since we always have a baby in the family so dont have to worry about it there..but will be great for vacas and such later on...... now if only she would get here..that stupid full moon stuff is crap! lol... :growlmad:

tell me if this is all know how I feel about my MIL lol..but...well we want to go to the beach next summer..since we missed out this summer..and I would love to take Brieanan..I was thinking maybe we should go with his parents..that way his mom can babysit a few nights for me and hubby to go out and have some alone time.. but..idk if I might regret it..because more than likely him and his dad will spend tons of time together and I'll end up stuck with his mom :nope:

or!!..well maybe we can work something out and take my brother and sister or something..we'd end up taking two cars anyway because no way we would all fit in the car with the carseat and the luggage and stuff..even in hubbys maybe could talk hubby into letting them go too..especially since my brother is shipping off to Airforce bootcamp next fall..would be a nice vaca for him too...and hopefully my sister will work out some of her "issues" before then..hmm..have to consider that...:happydance:
Cute bump!
I promise I'll catch up soon... but Toby's just woken up, escaped from his bouncer and is now after the dog. Yeah. HE'S CRAWLING!!
cottleston! that's AWESOME! love that he's crawling!

I WISH we had a pack n play. DH kicked that one in the butt. But, to be fair, we don't have a ton of room.

NJ- everyone i know that was pregnant the same time as me (around here anyway) all had girls. Except when i went into the hospital, she was the only girl they delivered in 2 whole weeks! and they had delivered 9 babies the night before alone. thats a lot of boys!!!! they were so excited to be working with a girl! lol
@NJ, Cute bump hun...It looks like your belly has grown since the last pic you posted of your bump...:winkwink:

AFM, I had my vaginal ultrasound this morning, and it wasnt to bad. They used the wand with the condom on it, or as many like to call it the dildo cam. :blush: The good news is that my uterus and everything looks normal. :thumbup: The Dr did see a small fibroid on my ovary but she said it was nothing to worry about or to be concenred over. I guess it is normal. So I am relived it is over with and that everything looks good. The only thing that sucked was that I got lost on my way home, since my GPS system went ape shit on my drive home and my DR's office is about 50 minutes away from my home. I had printed directions from mapquest just in case but they confused me and I got lost. I asked for directions like 3 times and was driving the wrong direction a couple of times as well. One lady said I needed to find Black Horse pike rd, but it was really called White Horse Pike Rd...LOL, luckily I assumed she just got the name wrong and got on the right road even though I was driving the wrong direction on it at first...LOL...:haha:

I am going to check with the DR's office to see if they have the results of my blood work yet that I did last Friday, and this Coming Friday is the last testing I will need to do, my HSG dye test and a second SA for DH...So keep your fingers crossed for me girls that everything turns out good with those tests for Friday as well. Hopefully DH's SA is going to give us high enough :spermy: numbers so we can move forward with the IUI soon!!
Katherine - CRAWLING!! WOW!!

Wanna - Great that the ultrasound went well, but sorry you got lost!
So another update, I got the DR's office to call me back with my FSH blood work test results from last friday and everything came back normal. They tested for a bunch of other stuff to, but I forgot what else was included. So I am relived and feeling lucky that my tests are looking great so far. The girl told me my blood type too. It's funny because I never knew what it was until today...LOL... I guess I never really had a reason to need to know...:blush:
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