The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Cute bump!
I promise I'll catch up soon... but Toby's just woken up, escaped from his bouncer and is now after the dog. Yeah. HE'S CRAWLING!!

WOW!!! He's growing so fast!! Thats awesome hun!!! Now he will be sure to keep you on your toes trying to keep up with him....LOL....:haha:
Wanna - that's good that things are still all normal! I know my blood type because I've donated blood before. And then they tested me when they first found out I was pregnant to make sure I wasn't Rh-. I'm A+. :) Very common

Did an at home photo session with James the other week here's my two favorites:

@Spunky, awww...he is sooo cute!!! Great pics!!!

I am A+ for my blood type too....:winkwink:
Spunky! SO cute! And i'm A+ as well.

Wanna- so glad to hear the ultrasound went well!!

afm- baby gets her injections today- i'm so sad and scared and already panicking! they're at 2. :(
Wow, how weird that so many of us girls have the same blood type...:haha:

@Dare, Good luck with Ava's shots today. Hopefully it will go smoothly and no tears will be shed...:hugs:
Good Luck Dare! It wasn't too horrible for James. He did cry, but as soon as they were done I put him on the boob and he stopped crying right away. 5 minutes later (unusually short time for him) he was done and happy and ready to leave the doctor's office. And we did that with his 2 month and 4 month shots. THe first time he was fussy afterwards for the day. This time all he wanted to do was eat and sleep. He got shots at 9am, and fed/slept from 9:30am-4pm (I was able to set him down sleeping for 10 minutes to pee then he woke up and cried). So it was an intense day afterwards, but he was so brave he deserved to be very clingly. Good Luck! (Love your avatar with the hat!)
thats just too weird!!!..Im gonna hafta change the name to The A+ One Year Strong Ladies lol lol...

Spunky..idk how I missed those pics the first time..I guess they didnt load on my thing coz I swear I didnt see them when I replied to the blood type thing lol..either that or Im going crazy lol..but he is cute!! cant believe hes so big already!! just so crazy seems like just a few weeks ago when Cottleston then you then Dare had your LOs lol...

Dare Im sure she'll be fine after the shots..they say oral stimulation is best for distraction and to make it not so bad for her so maybe ask if you can BF while they do it..and Im sure it is mentally a lot worse for the mom than the baby lol...she wont remember it later on and definitely wont hold a grudge....and the little hat pic of Ava is soo cute!!..we have tons of hats for Brieanan and I cant wait!

Wanna..glad all your test results are looking good..and glad you survived the dildo cam lol..make sure to drug up before your test tomorrow but hubby will be there and Im sure you'll be fine...too bad he gets to have fun with his SA...guys dont realize how lucky they are lol they dont get the bad end of anything seems like when it comes to this stuff..everything is easier for them.. from his bouncer?! lol..when I read that I pictured him with a little screw driver popping the latch and doing a spy roll of sideways when you werent looking watching way to many movies lately lol... cant believe hes crawling already!!..I bet the dog enjoys that lol.. contractions..least not ones Im plug waters breaking..nothing nothing nothing...hmmpff...went walking at the gym last night..I powerwalked for a good 20 mins and with SPD.. OMG that was not very pleasant..then came home..soaked my feet in our foot bath thing for a while..and then before bed hubby gave me the start labor foot massage..and did the points that are supposed to start labor or make you more favorable for getting her to drop..making your uterus contract..and still..nothing.. so I give up...I think I'll def ask for a sweep at my appt on Monday...

otherwise..our new dishwasher is amazing....and our new steam cleaner mop is amazing too..I have tons of laundry to fold today and am just soo will prolly be napping on the couch all day...I want to be as fully rested as possible when she finally does decide to make her
DH is looking into working 6 months in Afghanistan with his job he has with the military. He could make alot of extra money if he does it. I am not sure if I want him to go or not. I think alot of it will depend on how our tests go tomorrow. If DH's SA has a sperm count that is to low and we cant do IUI and will have to do IVF than we will for sure need to save up alot of $$ to be able to afford it. I researched the cost of IVF and it ranges in price from about 10k to 14k based on me and DH's situation without any insurance coverage....
I just logged on for the first time in two days. DH was rerunning our electric and our cable and I chose to update my iPhone software at the same time - so this is the first I've had Internet.
Bump definitely feels bigger than last week. And yes, Chelsea, that's a piercing. :)
Nausea kicked back in yesterday and today was even worse - I thought we were done with this!!
I'm A+ also - so funny. It is one of the most common blood types.
Katherine - I can't believe Toby is such an escape artist. That's the makings of a smart kid!
Chelsea - super cute pictures of James!
MrsJ - good luck starting labor. :thumbup:
Wannabe - so glad the ultrasound is good! Good luck with the rest of your testing. Your doc may not talk to you about the bloodwork till they get everything. Are they doing the post-coital test to check for hostile mucus?
Girls at work have told me they want to throw the baby shower for me. I told mom and asked if she wanted to be involved - she tells me it's too early to be planning a January shower and that the grandma to be isn't involved unless its a "family" shower. Huh?? They are my only family on this coast! Why would I have a FAMILY shower?? I don't understand that woman, I swear. She just tries to stress me out.
ok thats it..the name has to be changed now lol lol..soo funnnyyy
Good Luck Dare! It wasn't too horrible for James. He did cry, but as soon as they were done I put him on the boob and he stopped crying right away. 5 minutes later (unusually short time for him) he was done and happy and ready to leave the doctor's office. And we did that with his 2 month and 4 month shots. THe first time he was fussy afterwards for the day. This time all he wanted to do was eat and sleep. He got shots at 9am, and fed/slept from 9:30am-4pm (I was able to set him down sleeping for 10 minutes to pee then he woke up and cried). So it was an intense day afterwards, but he was so brave he deserved to be very clingly. Good Luck! (Love your avatar with the hat!)

Thanks hun- she did great!!! She cried while being stuck, and then the lady left the room- and then she looked at me and gave a HUGE smile. And she was great- until like 5 something. Then she started screaming, and i could settle her for seconds at a time and then upset again. Nothing worked. Food- no. sleep? no. rocking? no. anything? no. So at 7 i caved and gave her the tylenol. Which by 730- she was sleeping. and then again up around 8 - ate a bunch, then out by 9 in her bed- slept til 440- and then again until 8!!! this morning- seems herself again. :)

Dare Im sure she'll be fine after the shots..they say oral stimulation is best for distraction and to make it not so bad for her so maybe ask if you can BF while they do it..and Im sure it is mentally a lot worse for the mom than the baby lol...she wont remember it later on and definitely wont hold a grudge....and the little hat pic of Ava is soo cute!!..we have tons of hats for Brieanan and I cant wait! contractions..least not ones Im plug waters breaking..nothing nothing nothing...hmmpff...went walking at the gym last night..I powerwalked for a good 20 mins and with SPD.. OMG that was not very pleasant..then came home..soaked my feet in our foot bath thing for a while..and then before bed hubby gave me the start labor foot massage..and did the points that are supposed to start labor or make you more favorable for getting her to drop..making your uterus contract..and still..nothing.. so I give up...I think I'll def ask for a sweep at my appt on Monday...

I know, i just don't think i want to get her used to boob right after, because when she's older i can't just whip it out anymore. But, right after, she didn't even need it, she was doing great on her own. And, again, don't go looking for symptoms (i know that's hard) but i had nothing. I had some contractions around 37 weeks for a day, and then, nothing again. I was sick wednesday- until friday- where i just wasn't hungry at all. But no other symptoms. Not until that night at 930 when i had the bloody show, and by 1030 was timing contractions (which my mw said weren't contractions ) and by midnight i was in the hospital in triage because they were already 5 minutes apart and a minute long. Brutal. Just kind of jumped right into them! No warning. they DID tell us do dtd, which we did the night before i went into labor. don't think it really did a thing though. However, dh was happy.

DH is looking into working 6 months in Afghanistan with his job he has with the military. He could make alot of extra money if he does it. I am not sure if I want him to go or not. I think alot of it will depend on how our tests go tomorrow. If DH's SA has a sperm count that is to low and we cant do IUI and will have to do IVF than we will for sure need to save up alot of $$ to be able to afford it. I researched the cost of IVF and it ranges in price from about 10k to 14k based on me and DH's situation without any insurance coverage....

Oh hun i hope it all works out so that he doesn't have to go and he can stay home with you.

afm- nothing much new, friend coming by to do 'halloween crafts' and bringing me breakfast. Bless her soul.
Wanna - :hugs: I hope that things work out with Afghanistan however you need to. I know I wouldn't want my husband to leave, but if we needed the money I know he would and it would be short term. That just sucks all around. :hugs: You have thrown out your ICs, right?! RIGHT?!

Lindsay - I've always wanted my belly button pierced. I tell myself if I make it to a certain weight I'd do it. I ws hoping to motivate myself with it, but it seems nothing will motivate me enough! Sorry you're feeling MS again! How annoying! Weird about your mom! WHat's the family going to do fly to you? Cause they don't want you to fly when you're too big!

Dare - Glad things went well! Makes sense not to whip out a boob each time, but this is the point in their lives where they have the most shots, so I'm ok with soothing him that way for now... Later I'll just bribe him with some kind of toy or treat.
I always wanted mine pierced..hell I wanted anything pierced but I cant...stupid metal allergies..well unless hubby wants to spend the $ for a platinum/palladium belly ring lol lol.. I really hope Brieanan doesnt inherit my metal allergies..but then again I would much rather have her allergic to metal which we can control as opposed to horrible seasonal/pollen allergies that the rest of my family suffers from...and my younger brother is allergic to cats and dust and all that stuff...Im the only one that can go out anytime..pollen flying..and not sneeze once lol...doesnt bother me at all..
Well girls, DH had his SA this morning and he had "performance anxiety" because it was done in the DR's office because we are an hour away from the DR's office so it would of been to difficult to try to do it at home. He said they had porn movies in the room and the wall paper had naked ladies on the walls...LOL...I have never seen wall paper like that before. DH thought it might of come from the 1970's...LOL...:haha: He also said he had a hard time because he could hear nurses walking back and forth and talkings, so it was a struggle, but he was successful. He also got paranoid because he said the ceiling had a tile pushed over and he thought he was being video taped or something, so he got all paranoid that he was being watched....:haha: He abstained for 5 days before the SA, but he didnt feel like he produced that much this time...So now we have to wait for the results and I am hoping he has good :spermy: numbers.....

So I had my HSG dye test after his appointment. I did eat breakfast although I probably should of eaten a little bit more. I took some really strong RX pain meds that I had left over from when I had my gall bladder surgery and an anti-anxiety medication to keep me calm. So I was pretty drowsy, but I could still feel my nervse getting the best of me. I felt when they put this cleaning antiseptic stuff in there a few times, and it was unpleasent but not to bad. Than the real pain came when they pushed the dye in, I felt alot of pressure and like huge heavy cramps coming in long waves. I was crying out in agony, and the DR told me to take deep breathes, which helped a little bit. So when I was crying out in pain the DR would slow down on the dye and than she would push again. So after the procedure I got super dizzy, and got really hot and broke out in a cold sweat, I was seeing stars, felt like I might pass out and I had to ask the nurse to hand me the trash bucket and I threw up in it. They had me sit there for a few minutes and put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me into another room so I could lay down for a few minutes. The nurse brought me a juice box and some crackers to eat. So in conclusion I did not like the HSG, even though it only last a few minutes the pain when they were pushing in the dye was pretty bad, like severe cramps that last really long. DH wasnt allowed to be in the X-ray room because of the radiation.

The nurse said that it was normal to feel faint after and that I am not the only person that threw up after so that made me feel better. I think the pain, my nerves, the meds I took before the procedure and lack of food made me end up feeling pretty sick. Thank goodness DH was with me, and he sat with me after the procedure in the room after well i got myself together and he drove me home and also drove me to the appointment. I am glad that he was with me.

So the good news, One of my tubes is open and the dye flowed through and spilled out like it should. But the other tube hardly had any dye running through it, I could sort of see where it started to go through but never made it to the end. So the DR said it may be because the tube spasmed and stopped the dye from going through or of course I know it may be blocked. I also have one medium size lump and than one smaller one below it in my uterus that was able to be seen when my uterus was filled with dye.

So the DR wants me to come back in on Monday afternoon for another test. This one isnt supposed to be as difficult and it uses a Saline solution and a sonogram. It is called a "Saline Sonohysterography." It will give the DR a better look at the bumps in my uterus and I think it may be able to unblock the other tube as well....I am going to research the procedure to get more info on what it shows and I also want to research what the lumps could be on the side of my uterus....

So on the bright side at least I for sure know that one tube is open. The DR did mention me maybe needing surgery to fix whatever the issue is but of course I wont know for sure until she knows what is going on for sure. I also wonder if maybe the dye didnt flow into the one tube because I was freaking out and in pain, so it wasnt letting the dye flow through, where if i was relaxed than maybe it would of went through, that could be what she meant by it possibly spasming??:shrug:

Here is a picture of my HSG scan, and you can see the bumps on the right side of my uterus... I was able to see the dye start to flow through the other side of the tubes that are blocked but it never made it through to the end....:nope: I also was thinking how great it would be if I was pregnant and the bump on the right side of my uterus wall was a baby?? But I highly doubt it, I have no clue what it could be, I am going to do some internet research to see what the heck it could be...:shrug:
Wannabe - so glad the ultrasound is good! Good luck with the rest of your testing. Your doc may not talk to you about the bloodwork till they get everything. Are they doing the post-coital test to check for hostile mucus?
Girls at work have told me they want to throw the baby shower for me. I told mom and asked if she wanted to be involved - she tells me it's too early to be planning a January shower and that the grandma to be isn't involved unless its a "family" shower. Huh?? They are my only family on this coast! Why would I have a FAMILY shower?? I don't understand that woman, I swear. She just tries to stress me out.

@NJ, I did get the blood work results back and everything was normal, so I was relieved and happy about that. :thumbup: My DR hasnt mentioned anything to me about the post-coital test to check for hostile mucus. I suppose I could ask about it, but most likely as long as DH's :spermy: numbers are high enough after we get the results back from today's SA we would be doing IUI anyways and would be able to bypass my CM even if it was hostile, so I am not sure it is a practical test for me right now based on my situation....Thanks for the suggestion though, I will be sure to keep that in mind...:winkwink:

I hope you have fun at your upcoming baby shower. :flower: I am sorry that your Mom is giving you a hard time about the showers. It is a free country though and you can have as many baby showers as you want, when you want to have them, so I think your Mom is just going to have to chill out.... :wacko: Hopefully something can be figured out though so your Mom doesnt drive you bananas with the shower stuff...:winkwink:
Wanna - told you that HSG was evil!! Mine was uncomfortable the whole time because of the lack of stirrups on the table. The dye actually causes you to cramp up - if you're someone prone to menstrual cramps it would be worse than someone who doesn't get them. I don't ever really get crampy, so the initial injection is what hurt the worst. The aftermath I was able to take care of with Motrin.
I'm glad they found something! At least that's an answer. To me it was more frustrating because the blood and HSG were normal - so thats why they did the post-coital test and the endometrial biopsy. And those two tests showed what my problems were.
My mom AND my sister are being a pain about the shower idea. My extended family all lives in CA. My mom and sister live 45 min away, my dad lives in Detroit most of the time for work. So it's not as if we'd have a "family" shower anyway! And she knows all the drama with DHs family. I asked my sister if she wanted to be involved with the planning - all I got was "I guess..." real non-enthusiastic. I gave her number to one of the girls at work, but I guarantee she backs out and tells them to handle it. Hell, DH is more into it than my family. Don't know why I'm surprised.
Dare - hows Ava doing today after her shots? Cute new avatar!
I've had the belly piercing for years. Seven in my ears. Used to have my nose, lip and tongue (I know - I lived in Philly in high school, I hated it, all my friends were gothic/drama kids) I took out the facial ones when I started nursing school. My mom hates the navel but it's staying. Will be nice to LoSE weight after the pregnancy so it doesn't look weird.
Wow wanna- i've never seen anything like that- thank you for sharing!! I know some ladies on here have had blocked tubes- and when they have them opened they do fantastic and get their babies. So i really hope it's something that simple for you as well. Will keep my fx'd for dh's test results too!!! (and LOL about the tile i think if i were him i'd have gone into the corner just in case!)
@NJ, yeah I always get menstrual cramps and OV cramps so I guess that is why my cramping was so horrible when they pushed in the dye with the HSG....:wacko:

I am freaking out and obsessing over what that lump is on the one side of my uterus, I was researching it and see it could be a couple of different things, some harmless and some a little scarier, than i was wondering if it could be a baby, which is even more nuts, because that wouldnt make any sense right now either, i keep looking at it thinking it looks like a bean shape and if I didnt get my period than I would be 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant right now.... So now i am going to obsess all weekend about what in god's name it could be until my saline scan thing on monday....:wacko:

Here is a pic of me pointing to the lump in question in the pic... Do you guys have any thooughts on what the heck it could be???
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