The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Dare - Glad things went well! Makes sense not to whip out a boob each time, but this is the point in their lives where they have the most shots, so I'm ok with soothing him that way for now... Later I'll just bribe him with some kind of toy or treat.

It might work really well too! i have to say, i was quite traumatized after i don't think it even occurred to me to use the boob. I was too busy freaking out. Even though she was fine.

My mom AND my sister are being a pain about the shower idea. My extended family all lives in CA. My mom and sister live 45 min away, my dad lives in Detroit most of the time for work. So it's not as if we'd have a "family" shower anyway! And she knows all the drama with DHs family. I asked my sister if she wanted to be involved with the planning - all I got was "I guess..." real non-enthusiastic. I gave her number to one of the girls at work, but I guarantee she backs out and tells them to handle it. Hell, DH is more into it than my family. Don't know why I'm surprised.

Dare - hows Ava doing today after her shots? Cute new avatar!

You know my mil had a shower for me, and invited my family. Mine went. My mom held a shower, and his mother said she couldn't make it, she was going to her niece's birthday party! AND she told me about it, even though it was supposed to be a surprise! Never even wrote my mother, wrote me an email. Even though she knew about the shower before the party. What a bitch! AND my mother wrote her an email because she was upset and the bitch ignored her and never wrote a thing back! All i can say is i hate thinking of the day where they might meet again. Lord. And we have a baptism at some point coming up and both families will be there (if my mil actually shows. She's really good at ditching ALL events relating to me and my family.) All the baby stuff can be rough with all the hormones. Just wait til the baby is actually here. My family got all into it (they weren't before) and now all of the sudden dh's side of the family is interested in me. Even though i know his parents don't like me at all. I hope yours doesn't get more of a pain afterwards. They should come around!! Especially when they see the little one. My family adores ava, and they were sick to their stomachs when i told them about her.

Ava is doing very well today- thanks! She was a bit fussy last night but then slept REALLY well through the night so that was great. I didn't because i was worried about her though. lol. always something. But she was very good.
it could just be a fibroid..I had one when I had my first scan with Brieanan and we thought it might have been twins but they were too far apart she said..and its pretty much gone now as far as I know..I guess it would just be surgery to remove it if that is the case I know tons of women have them and you wont even know most of the time unless you have a scan or something done...

nothing going on here...hoping we are going out to eat tonight..maybe with friends..I have done NOTHING today..I am just now folding laundry...I woke up at 11:30...went back to sleep at 4..Im just soo tired...hoping its my body resting up a bit before having her...and since we have everything major done Im taking advantage of being able to sleep as much as I want...Im even sleeping better at night too so its definitely not that Im trying to make up for that...going to have that sweep on Monday and hope that starts something..but its crazy to think that no matter Nov 4th..I'll have a baby! lol..
it could just be a fibroid..I had one when I had my first scan with Brieanan and we thought it might have been twins but they were too far apart she said..and its pretty much gone now as far as I know..I guess it would just be surgery to remove it if that is the case I know tons of women have them and you wont even know most of the time unless you have a scan or something done...

nothing going on here...hoping we are going out to eat tonight..maybe with friends..I have done NOTHING today..I am just now folding laundry...I woke up at 11:30...went back to sleep at 4..Im just soo tired...hoping its my body resting up a bit before having her...and since we have everything major done Im taking advantage of being able to sleep as much as I want...Im even sleeping better at night too so its definitely not that Im trying to make up for that...going to have that sweep on Monday and hope that starts something..but its crazy to think that no matter Nov 4th..I'll have a baby! lol..

Thanks for the suggestion hun....:flower: I know when the DR did my vaginal ultrasound she said she saw a very small fibroid but that she didnt think it was anything to worry about. So it is possible that I have another fibroid on my uterus too, and I think they are harmless for the most part as long as they dont cause problems or grow out of control. So keep your fingers crossed for Monday that it is nothing serious and that I wont need surgery or anything...

Good luck to you MrsJ, I hope Brieanan makes her appearance all on her own very soon!! :thumbup:I hope you have a smooth and easy delivery and a happy and healthy baby!!!:winkwink:
thanks hun..if you havent had any pain or anything Im sure its nothing really serious... we are about to go out to eat...some new italian place..hope they have good alfredo lol..everytime we go out I keep telling myself this could be the last time before I have her far no luck lol..we are going to end up eating at every freaking restaurant in town before shes here lol lol..

here is a belly pic from just a min ago...shes huge!!!..does it look like shes dropped? I really cant tell...


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thanks hun..if you havent had any pain or anything Im sure its nothing really serious... we are about to go out to eat...some new italian place..hope they have good alfredo lol..everytime we go out I keep telling myself this could be the last time before I have her far no luck lol..we are going to end up eating at every freaking restaurant in town before shes here lol lol..

here is a belly pic from just a min ago...shes huge!!!..does it look like shes dropped? I really cant tell...

I think your belly looks lower than previous bump pics I have seen. :winkwink: Your bump is very cute!!! :flower:

No, I havent had any pain or anything, my period seems the same as it always is, so hopefully it ends up being a harmless fibroid or some other harmless thing..:thumbup:

I hope you enjoy your dinner tonight. I think me and DH are going to rent The Green Lantern and i am going to make some home mad popcorn and take it easy tonight. I also am going to make some mojitos..I think I have earned it after the day I have had....LOL...:blush::haha:
I think fibroid is most likely. Usually when they do all the testing, they make sure you're not pregnant. That why they schedule the HSG for a certain cycle date - the dye would basically flush out the bean.
Dare - I made the mistake of mentioning to my sister that my mom didn't seem excited/interested in a shower. Now she's going back and forth telling my mom everything. I hate that. I just tried to blow it off and say no big deal, it's months away. Dh's family will not be involved at all, we decided. Too much drama and it's not needed. We have such wonderful friends, who the hell needs families like ours??
NJ- as long as you are happy with it! :) just make sure you aren't pressured into anything you don't want. Afterall, you are the mommy. :)

and mrsj- i don't think i ever dropped! my mom never did either. Some ladies just dont. But i could tell by feel that she was lower, as my hips got BAD and i could feel her ramming herself against the bottom.

afm- dh is going out today with a friend to see a movie. So i'm going to spend the afternoon with my mom. I'm glad about it. Everytime i go there, my dad is working so he doesn't get to enjoy ava at all- so, it'll be nice for him to get to spend some time with her. :)
@NJ, They didnt test my for pregnancy as far as I know, All of my testing has been scheduled based on what day of my period it is, so when I got my period for the month of OCtober i called and scheduled all of my testing, so they would not of had any reason to test me for pregnancy I dont think.

So out of curiosity i took a pregnancy test with FMU, and I got 2 positive IC's and what i think is a faint line on an Answer store test. The IC's are still left over from before, so dont worry I havent bought anymore of them. :blush: I dont know what to think of it, If i was pregnant and it wasnt my period that came than i would be like 5 weeks 5 days pregnant today. I wonder if the lump in my uterus could be causing me to get false positives on my pregnacy tests, I wonder if there is something that could form on the uterus to create false positives, Or maybe i was pregnant, but the bean isnt developing and my period didnt get rid of it... or maybe it is just a fibroid....:wacko:

I have that Saline Sonohysterography scheduled for Monday, but my DR is in a different office that is an hour and a half away from where i live on that day, the practice has 4 different locations. DH cant get monday off because the appointment was scheduled so last minute, so he cant go with me. I am nervous about this test, because they pump the saline into your uterus which is similar to how they do the dye with the HSG, and I have been reading that you should take pain medication before the procedure because it can cause cramping and spotting. Than a girl on B&B was saying that girls were saying it was more painful that the HSG, so I am freaked out about the stupid thing now, I think I am going to cancel it on Monday and just reschedule for my next cycle in November so DH can go with me. That HSG scared the crap out of me and was pretty ruff on me. I dont know how I will handle this saline thing and would be nervous about having to drive so far if I got sick again without DH with me. The nurse told me this saline thing wasnt anything to worry about and less worse that the HSG, but I am having my doubts...eeekkkkk... I thought i was done with all of this shitty testing yesterday and now more crap tests, which will cost me more out of pocket expense, :growlmad:. I guess it takes about a week to get DH's semen analysis results back.

I dont see the point in rushing to do that other saline sono thing this month anyways, since we wont be able to afford to do the IUI right away after we pay for all of the testing we had to do and than DH has dental work coming up this month as well. So I think i am going to wait on the saline sono thing. We wont be able to do IUI until we can save up again after paying for all of this testing or when we get our tax return back at the end of the year, but until I know DH's sperm count it wont matter anyways, since if it is to low we will be referred for IVF anyways....:wacko:
Ugghhh, girls i just had an episode after eating breakfast and i was dry heaving and almost threw up, I was leaning over the toilet for a little while... So I am wondering what is making me feel naseous, I suspect it might be the antibiotics I am taking.... Ugghhh...

I cant be pregnant, because it just makes no sense... So weird... You girls probably all think i am nuts... :wacko:
Wanna, the labwork they did are all hormone levels that would be very different if you were pregnant. So despite the fact that they didn't test for pregnancy, the lab tests STILL would have shown it - just indirectly. What antibiotics are you taking? The most common side effect for most antibiotics is nausea.
As far as the saline sonohysterography, if you're not going to be starting any treatment NEXT cycle (like DH and I did), there's no rush to get everything done. We crammed everything into our first cycle (the labs, the ultrasound, the HSG, the post-coital test, the endometrial biopsy), and with the endometrial biopsy, they make you start another cycle before they can interpret the results - so it was actually two cycles later that we did our IUI. We wanted to get started ASAP, and luckily insurance was not an issue for us. Although I did just find out that one of the hospitals (the one I have to go to if I'm "high risk"), just dropped our insurance. GRRR.

Nausea was gone this morning, but definitely a lot of pelvic pain. :( But the bump is much bigger this week compared to last - last week I could still "suck my stomach in". This week - no way. I was sitting next to DH on the couch last night, he looks over and says - "You're definitely starting to LOOK pregnant." I told him I would hope so, since we're entering our 19th week. Somehow the subject of people at work telling me I look like I've lost weight came up, and he just says "OH NOOO way, you definitely don't." It's the fat girl in me that got all uptight - I'm eating better, I've gained one pound back of the fifteen I've lost. My OB wants me to try and keep it at 2 pounds a month. Hopefully it stays slow and steady.

Off to Mom's house to go visit with Dad. We'll see if Mom and my dear sister bring up the whole baby shower debacle. It's so like them to create drama where it's not needed. Ugh.
nj hope your visit goes well with your parents- we have enough stress without our parents getting involved.
My sister wasn't home. Mom and dad had gone out for Mexican food for dinner, so dad was drunk from sangria and two shots of tequila. Mom had a couple drinks, so she was nice and mellow. I made an apple cake for work tomorrow, just relaxed on the couch. My stomach was bothering me, so it was just nice and low-key.
@NJ, I am glad that your night sounds like it went well for the most part and that you enjoyed yourself. :flower: And to answer your previous question, yes one of the side effects of the antibiotics on is possibly naseau.

Ok, so one of the girls on another thread I am on asked me to do an OPK and I did just now for the hell of it...and Holy ShIT, it is positive 100%, I am only on CD 11 based on what I thought was my period and I have never ovulated on CD 11, I usually ovulate on CD 14 or 15 and even one time as late as CD 20..But never in the 2 years that I have been tracking my period did I ever ovulate on CD 11....This is nuts...I dont know what the hell to think of it???

Here is the OPK....Any thoughts on what the heck this is girls????

The first pic of the OPK was taken immediatly after dipping it into my urine and I looked at it a few minutes later and just as I thought the test line is darker than the control line... Wow, how odd... I even showed DH and he thinks it is weird... I always show him my OPK's to let him know when I am ovulating, so he knows all about it....LOL
OPK is still positive this morning.... If i am ovulating than it should go negative in a couple of days, I usually get about 3 days of positive OPK's when I am ovulating... so time will tell.....If the OPK stays positive than something is for sure going on....
@nj- glad you had a nice evening! and it wasn't stressful!

@ wanna- i think i would for one- dtd tonight! make sure that's out of the way just in case! other than that, i really don't know what to tell you. it is pretty odd.
So, I have been doing some research to find out if anyone was indeed pregnant and they did an HSG without knowing they were pregnant, and apparently it is possible, even though it is unusual.

Here is an article i found on it.... Pretty crazy but interesting stuff...:wacko: They discuss 3 different cases where it happened and the outcomes....
Wanna - just a quick note
I asked my OB yesterday and dd some research - for some reason after the hsg, women have a tendency to have + OPKs a couple days earlier. Possibly from the force of the dye, your ovaries are either stimulated into releasing a little more hormone, or you actually ovulate. Just FYI.
Wanna - just a quick note
I asked my OB yesterday and dd some research - for some reason after the hsg, women have a tendency to have + OPKs a couple days earlier. Possibly from the force of the dye, your ovaries are either stimulated into releasing a little more hormone, or you actually ovulate. Just FYI.

Thank you for this information!!!!:winkwink:

I got another positive OPK today again....

So this would be day 3 of positive OPK's and I have never gotten more than 3 days in a row of positive OPK's so if it is positive again tomorrow, I am really going to start to wonder if something else is going on.

Tomorrow I am going to go up to upstate NY and stay up there for a few days to visit with my sister, her husband and 2 kids and will be staying with my mom well I am there. I am planning on driving back home with my mom on Thursday of this week and having her stay with me until 10/31, and i will drive her back than. I am not looking forward to the 5.5 hour drive though, but it will be great to see family. Today I need to clean the house and pack. So I may not be on here for a few days..

I hope you ladies have a wonderful week!!:flower:
hope you dtd wanna!!

Why, Yes, Indeed we have been getting in plenty of :sex:..:winkwink:. We DTD on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. :devil: I will be sure to make sure I get some :sex: in tonight when DH gets home from work as well...:thumbup:
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