The One Year Strong Ladies!

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good girl! you should dtd at least 3 times after your first positive opk. I did it that night, the next, and the night after. But i got my confirmation that i O'd from ff- So i knew i could stop and not worry about it anymore. Fx'd for you hun, keep up the :sex:! Get that eggy!
just back from 39 week appt..sweep was ok..nothing horrible..just felt like a more forceful dilation check....blood pressure was up...and didnt go back down when I was laying in the recliner for a bit so they did hypertension bloods..waiting on those results...and sposta go back this thursday instead of next monday to check hoping the sweep works..and not sure what they will do if the bloods come back bad or my next appt is bad..might induce me early I guess since Im already at 39 weeks...waiting to seee....
Hi ladies :o) Congrats MrsJerome!

Not sure if any of you remember me from last year when I was TTC, but I conceived on 11/05/10 and delivered (induced due to pre-eclampsia) my gorgeous little boy on 07/17/11 at 37.5 weeks..

Anyway, I breastfed exclusively for two weeks then shortly thereafter started supplementing with formula. I still pumped and breastfed sometimes, but mostly formula and it gradually went to all formula.. I totally stopped any breastfeeding about a month ago.

I havent seen AF in 3 months and I am wondering why. Boobs are sore and Ive been cramping for a week so I checked my cervix and it very high (like when I was preggers). I took a home pregnany test (cheap dollar store) and i can see a really faint pink line (maybe evap?)... I took another this morning (after morning pee) and it looked neg... I guess I'll wait for Af then test again in a few more days...

If I am preg, my babies would be realllyyyyyyyyyy close in age.. OMG

I don't know, maybe this is my af coming on...
So as you girls know I was worried about what the lump is on my uterus, and I did a few HPT's and had faint positives, so I decided to call my DR and ask her questions about what the mass could be on my uterus and if I could get a blood HCG serum test done to give me some peace of mind and make sure that I am not pregnant. I left a VM earlier with the nurses line and she just called me back a few minutes ago and here is what she said.

So My DR that did my HSG just called me back and I asked her about what she thought the mass could be on the inside of my uterus and she at first said possibly a fibroid or a polyp, but she wouldnt know for sure until she could get a better look at it with the saline sono test...

So than i told her about what was going on with me ovulating early, and I asked if the HSG could make me ovulate early and she said that no the HSG wouldnt make me ovulate early and that maybe I am just having a shorter cycle this month...

So than as crazy as I thought I would sound I told her about how last month I thought I got positive pregnancy tests before my AF arrived and just disregarded them because I thought I had a regular period and was onto the next cycle and went ahead and scheduled my infertility testing for October, so once I told her about the positive pregnancy tests that I was getting again now, she said that "She wished that I had said something to her sooner about it, because she would of tested for pregnancy before the HSG" ..... so she scheduled a blood HSG serum test and I will either try to get it in this afternoon or hopefully by tomorrow morning at the lastest. So it is possible that it could very well be a baby in my uterus because the DR did not say it was not the case....So the blood work will for sure answer my questions and finally put my mind at has been driving me bananas worrying about it..

My DH also had his second SA done and the DR gave me the results on the phone today and he had some improvement from his first one, his SA numbers were 6 1/2 million and 65% motility.

He had his first SA done about a year before and he had less than 5 million sperm and only 36% motility so this is a small improvement from the first time so I am happy it is better than before.

So I can move forward with IUI if I want and do it even with one tube, even though the DR says my chances are low. She prefers IVF with ICSI but will let us do the IUI if we so choose, so some good news with that call.

I will try to update once I get the blood work results back once I can get in and get them done either today or tomorrow morning.
ok so HCG blood work is scheduled for tomorrow at I am guessing I should get the results back in a few days after that... I will be sure to update when I do.....:thumbup:
Hi ladies :o) Congrats MrsJerome!

Not sure if any of you remember me from last year when I was TTC, but I conceived on 11/05/10 and delivered (induced due to pre-eclampsia) my gorgeous little boy on 07/17/11 at 37.5 weeks..

Anyway, I breastfed exclusively for two weeks then shortly thereafter started supplementing with formula. I still pumped and breastfed sometimes, but mostly formula and it gradually went to all formula.. I totally stopped any breastfeeding about a month ago.

I havent seen AF in 3 months and I am wondering why. Boobs are sore and Ive been cramping for a week so I checked my cervix and it very high (like when I was preggers). I took a home pregnany test (cheap dollar store) and i can see a really faint pink line (maybe evap?)... I took another this morning (after morning pee) and it looked neg... I guess I'll wait for Af then test again in a few more days...

If I am preg, my babies would be realllyyyyyyyyyy close in age.. OMG

I don't know, maybe this is my af coming on...
Wanna -- Thank you! That is so sweet! Good luck to you as well :) I will def. keep you in my thoughts!!

I'm not really sure if I am. It just seems strange that I have not had a period for so long. We haven't tried to get preggo again, but I certainly wouldn't mind.
Sorry I haven't caught up recently! I'll try to soon!

AFM - TMI but I had some tissue sticking out of my vagina that would spot (bled) once a month (still no period! Thanks BF!). Went in this morning turns out it was a polyp in my vagina. Doctor cut it off, then cauterized it. Should take about a week of healing! Arg! Will these body changes never end?!?! Really freaked my husband and I out that something was sticking out after sex!!! It was about an inch long. Sorry, I'll stop now, just wanting to let you guys know in case it happens to anyone of you!

Wanna - Hope everything is going well! I only skimmed but I hope all these tests turn out well! I hope the uterine bump is something simple, cool pictures! Sorry it was so painful! Hope the saline goes better!

Erica - I was induced due to my blood pressure going up. If anything comes back abnormal they wont hesitate to induce since you're full term. Best of Luck!
bout to go work on dinner...blood results were normal but Im still sposta keep checking it at home and go in on thursday instead of waiting till next monday...nothing going on sweep wise..a bit of extra discharge but nothing else..also a little twingey but nothing painful yet..just weird...maybe they will do another Thursday too if nothings happened by then..
@wanna- that's good you are doing the bw tomorrow!!! hope it goes well for you! did she mention if the HSG would've hurt the fetus if there is one? That would've been the first question out of my mouth after she said 'you should've told me'

Anyway, I breastfed exclusively for two weeks then shortly thereafter started supplementing with formula. I still pumped and breastfed sometimes, but mostly formula and it gradually went to all formula.. I totally stopped any breastfeeding about a month ago.

I havent seen AF in 3 months and I am wondering why. Boobs are sore and Ive been cramping for a week so I checked my cervix and it very high (like when I was preggers). I took a home pregnany test (cheap dollar store) and i can see a really faint pink line (maybe evap?)... I took another this morning (after morning pee) and it looked neg... I guess I'll wait for Af then test again in a few more days...

If I am preg, my babies would be realllyyyyyyyyyy close in age.. OMG

I don't know, maybe this is my af coming on...

hun if you have been breastfeeding/pumping it will stop your af from showing. That might be all this is so don't get your hopes too high! If you ARE pregnant- congrats! but if not, it's just your body being normal.

just back from 39 week appt..sweep was ok..nothing horrible..just felt like a more forceful dilation check....blood pressure was up...and didnt go back down when I was laying in the recliner for a bit so they did hypertension bloods..waiting on those results...and sposta go back this thursday instead of next monday to check hoping the sweep works..and not sure what they will do if the bloods come back bad or my next appt is bad..might induce me early I guess since Im already at 39 weeks...waiting to seee....

Hun- why are they inducing again? I feel i missed something or forgot. My brain is completely whacked out and i can't remember. The sweep i think can take up to 2 days i think or so to work? fx'd for you. When i had my sweep done (which i did NOT want or ask for) i was in such pain after! omg it was terrible! So glad it doesn't hurt for you!

AFM - TMI but I had some tissue sticking out of my vagina that would spot (bled) once a month (still no period! Thanks BF!). Went in this morning turns out it was a polyp in my vagina. Doctor cut it off, then cauterized it. Should take about a week of healing! Arg! Will these body changes never end?!?! Really freaked my husband and I out that something was sticking out after sex!!! It was about an inch long. Sorry, I'll stop now, just wanting to let you guys know in case it happens to anyone of you!

That is crazy! I still have no AF either. LOL she can stay away!!!! i hate her! i heard the first few after a baby are brutal- i'm scared! Was it just, like, hanging??? That's so scary!!!!!
Sorry I haven't caught up recently! I'll try to soon!

AFM - TMI but I had some tissue sticking out of my vagina that would spot (bled) once a month (still no period! Thanks BF!). Went in this morning turns out it was a polyp in my vagina. Doctor cut it off, then cauterized it. Should take about a week of healing! Arg! Will these body changes never end?!?! Really freaked my husband and I out that something was sticking out after sex!!! It was about an inch long. Sorry, I'll stop now, just wanting to let you guys know in case it happens to anyone of you!

Wanna - Hope everything is going well! I only skimmed but I hope all these tests turn out well! I hope the uterine bump is something simple, cool pictures! Sorry it was so painful! Hope the saline goes better!

Erica - I was induced due to my blood pressure going up. If anything comes back abnormal they wont hesitate to induce since you're full term. Best of Luck!

@Spunky, thank you for the well wishes....:flower:

I am sorry that you were having problems with your lady parts, that sounds really scary and uncomfortable..:hugs:. I am glad that the Dr's were able to fix it for you and it wasnt anything to major.

My saline sono is postponed until my November cycle for now.
@wanna- that's good you are doing the bw tomorrow!!! hope it goes well for you! did she mention if the HSG would've hurt the fetus if there is one? That would've been the first question out of my mouth after she said 'you should've told me'

I forgot to ask if the HSG could of hurt the fetus. I am pretty nervous about what damage could of been done and also the antibiotics I am on for the HSG to prevent any infection, they arent safe to take well pregnant. That article that I found were they were talking about cases where pregnant women had HSG's showed 3 different cases, 2 of the ladies miscarried and one went full term and had a healthy baby after. When I was researching about HSG's affect on pregnancy, they said that the iodine solution is only , in the uterus for a few minutes and quickly disburses into the body and hasnt been shown to have an affect on pregnancies but who knows... In a way I am hoping that the blood work is negative so that I dont have to be scared about what damage might of been done if there is a bean in there...

Tonight I have to pack for my trip to upstate NY to go get my mom and probably wont be on B&B for a few days. I am making the 5.5 hour drive tomorrow after I get my blood work done. I am bringing my mom back to my house on Thursday to stay until Halloween day on 10/31. We are planning on taking her to a nearby casino because she loves that kind of stuff. I am also probably going to take her to these really pretty near bye gardens because she loves plants as well. I think it will be nice to get away even if it is just for a few days, and to visit with my family in NY and spend some time with my mom. I havent seen her since X-Mas time last year.
I am doing a little happy dance because I got DH's second SA back and his numbers have improved!!!! :happydance:

He has 6.5 million sperm with 65% motility..... which is a high enough number that me and DH can move forward with IUI when we are ready!!! I can also even do IUI with only one tube open as well!! :happydance:

His first SA which was over a year ago had lower numbers of less than 5 million sperm and 36% I am happy girl.... The DR prefered over 10 million sperm for the IUI but says that it is just a lowered chance if the numbers are between 5 million and 10 million, but I am thrilled it is at least above 5 million so we can move forward with the IUI at least!!! :happydance:

So either way if my blood test is negative than at least I can look forward to doing IUI soon and I know me and DH are potential candidates for it. I am feeling happier and have a better outlook with the whole TTC thing now...:winkwink:
wanna thats great!!!! and even if you are pregnant now--- women have done terrible things and still had healthy babies! hoping everything works out so you wont be scared though. 9 months is a long time to worry-- and u have other little things to freak u out along the way and dont need that too.
Thanks Wanna! Sorry about your saline being moved! You think you might be pregnant? Wow!

That is crazy! I still have no AF either. LOL she can stay away!!!! i hate her! i heard the first few after a baby are brutal- i'm scared! Was it just, like, hanging??? That's so scary!!!!!

It wasn't like hanging straight down it was like a glob of tissue outside on my perenium, but then when I'd look later it'd be just inside. It was a darker red color than the surrounding area (had more blood flow, but no nerve endings). Birth is brutal. The doctor that delivered James cut it off and said everything else looked like it had healed well. :thumbup: She reminded me that the next will be easier (she just had her third boy July 18th). So that gives me hope. And she said next time I wont be pushing for 3.5 hours! So thankful for the hope! At least after next baby I'll know to check down there to make sure there's nothing missing :)haha:) or extra!
I think my plug is starting to come out..I think maybe that sweep actually did something!! Dare and Cottleston and Spunky..did yours happen gradually or like how much at a time? did it start small and get bigger or just happen? mines like a ton of extra CM when I wiped but kind of jelly like..
Don't recall losing my plug, must have been when my waters went at the hospital...
yeah a few people have said they dont know that it happened.. well now Im going to be CM watching the rest of the day lol lol...
That is crazy! I still have no AF either. LOL she can stay away!!!! i hate her! i heard the first few after a baby are brutal- i'm scared! Was it just, like, hanging??? That's so scary!!!!!

It wasn't like hanging straight down it was like a glob of tissue outside on my perenium, but then when I'd look later it'd be just inside. It was a darker red color than the surrounding area (had more blood flow, but no nerve endings). Birth is brutal. The doctor that delivered James cut it off and said everything else looked like it had healed well. :thumbup: She reminded me that the next will be easier (she just had her third boy July 18th). So that gives me hope. And she said next time I wont be pushing for 3.5 hours! So thankful for the hope! At least after next baby I'll know to check down there to make sure there's nothing missing :)haha:) or extra!

LOL! when i re-read i realize i thought for the longest time you meant a 'tissue' was hanging out, like the things we blow our nose with!!! HOW STUPID AM I?! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHHA

I think my plug is starting to come out..I think maybe that sweep actually did something!! Dare and Cottleston and Spunky..did yours happen gradually or like how much at a time? did it start small and get bigger or just happen? mines like a ton of extra CM when I wiped but kind of jelly like..

mrs j, my plug fell out around 37 weeks or so. Then nothing. Then it came back a bit and had more the week of the actual birth. It seemed i always had something similar to it kind of coming out.
@MrsJ, Good luck hun..:flower:. That is pretty exciting that Brieanan could be making an apperance soon maybe??? :happydance: Please keep us updated!!!

AFM, I made it safely to my mom's house up north, 5.5 hour drive, which took more like 6 hours and I had my HCG bloods done before I left for the trip to come up here. I am going to call the DR's office sometime tomorrow afternoon and see if they have got the results back yet... I will be sure to update you girls when I find out the results....:winkwink:

Tomorrow I am going with my mom and sister out to lunch so I think that will be fun. Than later I am going to hang out at my sisters so i can visit with my niece and nephew for a little while, and later on my mom and me are going to go out to get some of my favorite pizza, where I grew up has alot of Italians and has the best pizza that I have ever eaten anywheres so I am always sure to eat some well I am home...:blush:

Thursday I am going to be driving back home and bringing my mom with me for a visit. She will be staying until Halloween day. We are going to go to the casino since my mom loves that kind of stuff and I want to take her to these really pretty gardens as well.
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