The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Well, I am finally online again (I was using my phone the last two days). I don't know if any of my other East Coast girls got hit with that storm yesterday, but we got slammed. We just got power back an hour ago (it was out for almost 30 hours). Last night was rough - I got home at 4, dodging the falling tree branches and power lines, DH didn't get home until after midnight (mandatory overtime). He ate Wendy's by candlelight while I was snuggled under a bunch of covers with the dog (it was about 50 degrees in the house). Unfortunately when the power goes out, we're screwed in all ways. No water, no heat, nothing. They were saying we weren't getting anything back until Wednesday, which had me freaked out since that's the day we leave for vacation. There was so much I hadn't done yet because I was PLANNING on doing it this weekend. :growl:
We also had the water heater go on us Friday night - so we have no hot water anyway. Once DH gets that fixed (replacement one is in the basement, ready to go, just have to switch it over), I can start CLEANING.
I have dishes to do, the bathroom to clean, the kitchen to mop. I cleaned out the fridge Thursday (thank goodness, since all the food pretty much is bad now anyway - less to get rid of). Still have to pack (won't take me long). Tuesday I took off of work, so I have the whole day, but I want to get a very overdue haircut and a pedicure, so I'll see what kind of time I can make for myself. I haven't had a pedicure in MONTHS, and am dying for one. Especially since we're going to SoCal, I know I'll be wearing sandals.

Otherwise, feeling pretty good. DH and I are getting back into :sex: finally. Was a once every couple week occurrence since we got PG. Now that second tri is halfway gone, the libido is crazy.
Still haven't gained any weight. Been steady since the MD put me on the Zofran. No more nausea (knock wood) for the last couple weeks. Don't know if it's kicks I'm feeling, or what...nothing that jumps out at me and says "Ooh, she's moving." I guess we'll see in next few weeks. DEFINITELY showing. Can't hide anything. Broke down and went to Motherhood on Monday and bought two pairs of jeans, a pair of khaki pants for work, and four tshirts. Once we get back from vacation, I'll hit them for sweaters (especially if our winter is going to be this crazy).

Hope you all had a good weekend. I won't be around much till after the 8th or so, since I'll be on vacation. :thumbup:
Well since little miss diva is sleeping I thought I would try and take this time to write out my birth story. Nothing like I expected it to be but wouldnt change it for anything.

I started having a constant bad gas pain Friday night while out shopping with hubby, it just never went away, and then on top of that I was having random contractions. I joked with hubby once we got home that "you know I could be in early labor right now..." but really didnt think I was. We went to bed and the gas pain was still there as well as the contractions but nothing so regular that I could time them really. Woke up to pretty much the same thing as well as a lot of plug loss. Also had a lower backache start that never went away. We got ready and went to the dump, stopped by the library and then were about to go to the movies when all of a sudden I started to get serious contractions and I realized they were coming not even 5 minutes apart from the get go and lasting about a minute each or more. So we decided to skip the movie and go home just incase. Came home and timed them while hubby took shower and got the rest of our stuff ready and they were 3-4 minutes apart and getting stronger and definitely were the real thing. Called the Dr and he was supposed to call us back. I told hubby that once they heard I was late, it was my first baby and the contractions just started straight off less than 5 mins they would tell me to go in anyway so we headed to the hospital. Sure enough they called back and I told them and they told me to go in and get checked.

Came into triage, was around 4pm and was checked and was 4 cm and BP was a little high and contractions were the same and being picked up on the monitor. Its like I went into labor out of nowhere! We got moved to a room, called all our family and my mom and she said she would be on her way (took her about 3 hours to get here). Got settled in our room, had bloods taken, my blood pressure was kind of high at 130s/90s and even 140s/90s. Dr. Tatum, the Dr on call, came and checked me about 6pm and was still only 4cm so the contractions I was having werent really doing anything even though they were strong. He told me that since I was overdue and it was my first he wasnt comfy with me having a water birth like I had planned so that went out the window but we really just wanted her to be ok so it wasnt a big deal. He broke my water (icky icky icky feeling but was clear which was a good sign) and started me on pitocin to make my contractions even stronger, and put in two internal electrodes, one to track her since she was wiggling around and getting lost to often and another to better monitor my contractions internally.

I immediately started to feel the new drug induced contractions, they were crazy strong and about 2-3 mins apart and 1-2 mins long and I tried to deal with them as best I could but I figured since I wasnt getting my "natural" water birth by any means I might as well be not miserable so I got an epidural and I am soo glad I asked for it when I did. About 30 mins or so the epidural which was brutal to sit through while having those back to back contractions, my mom finally got here and then all these people came in and turned off my pitocin and put me on oxygen and gave me an ephedrine shot. He said she wasnt dealing well with the new crazy contractions and the epidural had made my BP drop down to 90/53 so they left me like that for a bit, she went back to normal and so did I. So then they started the pitocin back up again not even 20 mins later he was back and same thing and he told me that he didnt feel comfortable with how she was acting so he wanted to do a C-Section and get her out because clearly she was stressing out and not happy. So luckily I had had the epi already and they took me right back to the operating room and just cranked the epi up and brought Tim back there about 15 mins later and went to it. I was shaking like crazy with the shivers caused by the epi and was shaking so bad that they had to hold my arms down for the BP cuff to get a reading.

Brieanan was born at 10:24pm weighing 8.5lbs and 22 inches long!! (definitely not taking after me in that aspect) with a big knot in her cord!!, the reason for her heartrate going crazy each contraction. She started crying and pinking up right away, they took her to the side where her daddy got to see her and take pictures and hold her while they fixed me up. I think I have somewhere around 20+ staples or so to close me up but I haven’t even seen them yet. I felt soo tired and sore from the shivering and it lasted quite a while. They wheeled me back into the room and it took me about 2 hours or so to stop shivering long enough to feed her and all, so they took her and bathed her and cleaned her up and did her assessment and all while I was recovering. It felt soooo weird being numb from the waist down, and that took about 4-6 hours to wear off enough for me to get up and walk and everything.

I feel amazing compared to what I thought it would be like seeing a C-section is something I had hoped to never have but I would do it again in a minute. She is feeding great every 3 to 3 & half hours and is just soo perfect. She hardly ever cries and I cant get over that shes mine and I get to take her home with me. I’ll be in the hospital until Tuesday which is our estimated checkout date as long as everything keeps going well.


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Congrats, again, Erica. So glad it all worked out.
It's funny how things change. When I was born I had two knots in my cord, my sister had THREE. Never had any distress or anything that Mom recalls. Maybe they just have different ways of monitoring it. :shrug:
I've seen labors enough times to know that if it comes down to a c-section, I am ALL for it. Hell, if Baby Bee stays the way she likes to lay (face down, head on my right, feet on my left), she'll end up being breech. Kudos to Dare for doing au naturel, but I am definitely not that kind of girl. Sign me up for the epidural, and if I need a c-section, take me away! :lol:
Hope it's all smooth sailing once you get home. Take it easy and rest as much as possible. I can't get over how chubby her cheeks are already! She looks like she's a month old already! And it's amazing how much like your last 4D ultrasound looks like her!
I've been packing to move so I haven't read anything before this page (SORRY!) but I came on to see if Erica had her baby!

CONGRATS! Pitocin is a bitch and I too went for the epidural once they cranked it up! I'm with you, if natural is already out the door might as well be comfortable. Good thing they didn't make you labor for another day and then take you for a c-section! My cousin had a lot of shivering too from the c-section. I didn't have shivers from the epidural but I ITCHED and I was trying to CLAW my skin off, either from the antibiotics (which the doc thinks) or the epidural (which the midwife thinks!). Glad everything went well, she's a cutie!
Looks like the only things I missed are
Wanna - :hugs: saw your new ticker. THROW OUT THOSE ICs.

Lindsay - Need a new BUMP pic! Glad you survived the storm. Yeah, halfway through you should DEF be showing, and those might be movements you're feeling! How exciting! I LOVED my motherhood maternity jeans! Comfiest things in the world! Have fun in SoCal!

Me - We get the keys to our new house tomorrow, Halloween and my husband's birthday! (that looks weird, tomorrow all of those are on the same day. Husband is a Halloween baby!). Packing is terrible! Especially while trying to keep an almost 5 month old happy! Would NOT recommend it! We're moving next Saturday.
@mrsj- congrats hun!!!!! thats wonderful news! shes a doll!!!

@nj-- man me and dh dtd weekly throughout the pg- and it was not exactly comfy for me. and now.... ugh. its awful. :( less than once a week now. very painful for me :( and we got a touch of snow yesterday!!! enjoyed watching it. nothing stuck. my family in nutley nj said they got over 6 inches and they canceled halloween!!! so sad! hope your home gets straightened out!

Me - We get the keys to our new house tomorrow, Halloween and my husband's birthday! (that looks weird, tomorrow all of those are on the same day. Husband is a Halloween baby!). Packing is terrible! Especially while trying to keep an almost 5 month old happy! Would NOT recommend it! We're moving next Saturday.

so awesome about the new house!!! and the halloween baby is pretty cool!!!

afm-- baby has been giving me hard nights but last was a bit better. still tired but at least i can see straight again and put a diaper on. that tends to be important!
thanks ladies..I cant believe shes here and cant believe how it all happened but I am totally ok with it and not resenting the c-section or anything just glad she is here and healthy...

a bit of an update from last night/ hubby went home to rest around 2pm and my mom stayed with me till about 7 then she went back home to I was here alone all night..I felt like a single/teenage mom lol lol..she fed constantly and was cranky even after being on for an hour.. I figured it was just one of those things...I finally asked them to take her to the nursery around 2am and they took my dressings off and I took a shower...I have like 24 staples or something..just makes me cringe thinking about it lol..well I got maybe an hour sleep and they brought her back at 4am..she fed for about 40 mins..they took her back..I tried to sleep again but she was back by 5:30am fed again..still cranky..went like this all day..hubby finally got back here around 11am this morning and its been soo busy all morning....pediatrician took her and accessed Dr came in and looked at me....a teacher nurse came in and asked if I minded if her students helped and I said I was poked and prodded for about 30 mins and then she was brought back..I tried to feed her but got like 3 mins into it and the hearing people came in to do her hearing test...finished that and then the photo people came in and took pictures and then I finally got to feed her..she ate for about 30 mins on the right and then was still cranky and nothing was coming from the left so I paged them and asked for formula to supplement..she has been on my boob..even giving me blood blister on one nipple pretty much since 9pm last night and has just been cranky cranky....she ate about an oz and has been asleep and content since then..poor thing was just hungry hungry and colostrum just wasnt cutting it...I used tommee tippee bottles and she doesnt seem to have a problem going back from my nipple and that so I think they were a good choice and will work for us so I can supplement when I need to and for hubby/relatives/sitters to help feed too when needed..Im glad I thought to bring a few to the hospital just incase because we definitely needed them... passed her hearing test and everything else looks great..they said she was mildly mildly jaundiced..not even enough for them to be concerned but I put her by the open window to sleep a bit today anyway...also had pictures taken of her and will post the link as soon as we get it tomorrow for the online nursery..well going to go get some more rest while shes still out of to you ladies later..


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Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!!!... She is beautiful and I am glad that the two of you are doing well!!!:flower:
Ok, Chelsea, just for you...
20+2. Looser shirt, but you get the idea.
aww..I definitely seee it!! lol..cant believe you are halfway already!! :happydance:
Erica - I remember day 3 being hard! They want MILK at that point! He was really hungry. I didn't give him formula, just kept feeding him and crying because my boobs HURT so much! (It hurt less and less as I went but did take 3 months for the pain to go away.) So he would cry for food and I would cry from pain (literally crying).

Lindsay! So CUTE! I am finally missing my bump and looking forward to the next one! Are you loving it? Are you uncomfortable yet?
yeah I have a blood blister on my left nipple from where she latched on wrong just one time we are going to pump on that side until it heals and supplement till my milk comes in..she goes from my boob to the bottle and back with no problem so not worried about nipple confusion or anything..and we have enough formula at home to get us through..glad we stocked up just incase lol..she is soo much more content now after nursing me for about 20 or 30 minutes and then taking 1oz of formula..she is back to sleeping 4 hours or prolly even more if I let her before shes hungry tonight I will get some sleep hopefully..shes out right now and I think Im going to top her off and get me another dose of motrin for my back pain and try to get some sleep..supposed to head home tomorrow if all goes well with her check up and mine and everything..I am super nervous about getting my staples out..hubby says I have like 30 of them!! I havent seen them and dont want to see them lol..he is taking this week off and then my gma and my sister are coming in friday and staying the weekend..not sure how much help it will be as hubby would have been home anyway..I think they are just using it as an excuse to come see her lol lol..but since I have been alone yesterday and last night and then again tonight...and these are supposed to be the worst pain days I think by next monday I should def be fine taking care of her at home by myself....goodnight ladies!
Chelsea - just starting to get uncomfortable. It popped so fast, I have that stretched sensation. Finding that it's difficult to bend over and such, which I was doing fine last week. Still no definitive KICKS. Makes me want to take the Doppler on vacation with us so I can check on her. Am I crazy? Otherwise, I'm really living being pregnant now that the nausea is gone.
Erica - I can't believe I'm halfway done either!
I still have to figure out what to do about breast feeding. I'll be going back to work after about two months, so will either have to pump or use formula. Not sure how it will work.
Off to get a hair cut and home to pack! We leave our house at 2pm tomorrow, so I still have time to clean. ;)
NJ- i think i first felt movement at 21 weeks. But it wasn't a ton. But then each week it increased, and then, she hardly was ever still! OMG she was insane in there!! It was wonderful to not be nervous and wonder if she was still in there and ok. I def. understand bringing the doppler with you. If i had one, i probably would've listened every night. Soon they'll have you timing the kicks every night. Might be sometime after 30 weeks i can't remember when it started for me. But, they make you sit and count how long it takes to feel like 3 distinct kicks or something like that- actually i believe it's any kind of movement. And i would sit and freak out over that- what if she doesn't kick right away? What if it takes too long? And when it was done i'd ask dh- ok how long has it been- and the longest was like 20 minutes. We worry over nothing, but, really- i'm right there with you. you are definitely NOT crazy. at all. you're going to be a good mommy!!!

mrsj- i remember the beginning being rough. Ava was eating every single half hour for the first few days- until night time when she would sleep but only if in my arms. I never did do the formula- i stuck with only breast milk- but it was rough. It's painful. then i got mastitis on top of that. UGH. i hope it gets easier for you. now- it's so natural and easy it's wonderful. My nipples still get sore- but it's really great. No making bottles and doing all of that- i love it for the ease! It's always ready! However, if it doesn't work out- that's all good too. I hope you find the comfort and happiness in whatever you decide. What's important is that it works for you and baby. And that's all that matters. :)
OMG! Erica, congratulations, she's beautiful :happydance: xxxx
So glad combi feeding is working for you. I hoped to do that, but we had latching issues so BF never worked for us.

Now that Toby's pulling himself up, I'm starting to remember little things about the first few weeks that I miss so much. The cute little head-bobbing and rooting for the breast... That cute little newborn cry. Eeeeek. Broody. But then I also remember how hard the nights were... Definitely not ready for another yet!

Anyway, gotta get the housework done before Toby wakes up and tries to eat the dogs tail again...
here is a short little video of Brieanan saying hi to my B&B girls!
very cute hun. I'm sorry i didn't take any video in the very beginning. Only really started that stuff recently. don't like the sound of my voice in the videos. Makes me want to rip my ears off. But i guess everyone else is used to it so no need to be embarrassed.
I know its always sooo weird hearing yourself lol long as I dont appear in them physically im fine with it lol lol..but it definitely is still weird...

first pediatric appt tomorrow and then my staples out friday...
@MrsJ, Your baby girl is so cute, thanks for sharing the video...:flower:

@NJ, cute bump hun.... :winkwink:

AFM, I am trying to spend less time on B&B for a little while, I think at least until I am ready to finally move forward with the IUI procedure. After last month's cycle I realized how depressed TTC was making me, As you girls know my mom was down visiting, and when we were at the gardens we visited there was tons of women with babies everywhere and pregnant bellies, and I was holding back tears, literally... Than when my period came on Halloween day my mom was asking me if I was sad, and I didnt want her to see me upset so I didnt say, I ended up locking myself in my bedroom and cried for about an hour, and spent that entire day holding back tears.. long story short I was becoming majorily depressed to the point where it was affecting my daily life... Halloween was a bust because of the Noreaster and shitty weather, so me and DH didnt end up going out to a night club in our vampire costumes, so it was a horrible weekend for me....

So as a result, I am refocusing my energy on other things and currently I am doing the "Special K Challenge" and so far it is going really good. My short term goal is to shed some pounds and be smoking hot in my New Years eve dress.

Plus my sister and me have a bet going that the two of us both loose 10 pounds by Thanksgiving, so that when we see eachother if we have both met our goals than we are going to go shopping together as a special treat and she will buy me a new outfit. So I think that is pretty good motivation. :thumbup: My entire family gets together at my brother's house in Boston for Thanksgiving.

I also felt like part of my problem was spending to much timme on B&B and obsessing over everything.... So I wont be coming on B&B as much anymore, but I will check in every once and a while just to see how all of you lovely ladies are doing because you have been such great friends to me:flower:... I just need to try to preserve my sanity right now and refocus my energy, TTC has really been kicking my ass and I need a vacation from it..

I am doing 50 mg of clomid this cycle, days 3-7 because I was hoping that the HSG may have opened up my one good tube so the clomid might help us get our BFP this month, but I am promising myself that i will not to obsess over TTC this month and not doing the early testing anymore either...

Tonight me and DH are going to check out a haunted attraction together since this is the last weekend for Halloween attractions.... This place was featured on Ghost Hunters, it is Pennhurst Asylum, it used to be a mental insitution back in the days, and I think it will be super scary, because it is really supposed to be haunted....and of course I love scary stuff, so i think it will be fun....LOL.... :blush: :haha:

This is where we are going...

Here is a video about it from Ghost Hunters, Part 1 of 3 videos....

I hope all of you wonderful girls are having a great weekend so far!!!!
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