The One Year Strong Ladies!

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WOW have things slowed down on this thread! Crazy how life gets busy!

Wanna - Taking a break seems like a good idea. I completely understand TTC getting you down and needing to step away. :hugs: Good Luck on the weight loss and I hope the clomid does good things for you!

Lindsay - Hope your trip is going well. I felt movements I think from week 15 on? Not regulalry like a few a week, then a few a day, and then they NEVER stopped! LOVED my doppler though! Baby Bee is a Banana! I remember thinking how wonderful that was when I got to that point with James!

Dare - Hope you and Ava are doing good! :hugs:

Erica - I hope new Motherhood isn't kicking your ass too much. I remember crying A LOT at this point. I felt RUINED by my pains and my tear. My breasts hurt my hooha hurt. BF hurt SO MUCH. I just cried over everything. Sleep deprivation. But I also remember how I would just watch him sleep and couldn't believe I had made such a miracle. I still do this. I am not a religous person at all, but looking at him and seeing his personality more and more I can't help but believe in a God because DNA can't explain it all to me.

AFM - I've moved! Horrible thing to do with a little one. James just wants his Mommy and will pitch a FIT now. He's fed, dry, and people are playing with him and he's just ANGRY that I'm not with him. Makes me feel special and all, but can't get anything done... Packing? Wasn't done in time, so instead of moving boxes our helpers had to pack boxes and then move them. I felt like a dirt bag. All done though. Now just a couple hundred bpxes to unpack. Love you ladies! does take alot out of you..Im very emotional...could break down and cry at any minute but nothing to do with pain..Im still just..kind of traumatized in a way by how it all went...not even about the C-section but just about things with hubby and how he didnt feel good so he left me second night after a c-section...alone with the baby in the hospital..i told myself I was ok with it when it happened and all but really I think its torn me up..part of me still resents him for it..I know I had nurses and a call button and everything but...idk...i still just look back and realize how abandoned I felt...and he doesnt understand..I tried to tell him and he just told me I was being unfair...he has been helping here tons and is his first day back to still doesnt make up for the hospital and I dont know if I will ever get over it honestly..but telling him about it doesnt seem to help..I think maybe a good cry to my mom when I go home might help... I also get super emotional just looking at her and thinking shes mine and shes really here and I just cant believe it..

Recovery wise my 30 freaking staples are incision is healing nicely...I have more internal pain but its very random..usually when I do too bleeding has started back up again because I just cant NOT do stuff lol lol...its like my nesting kicked in AFTER she was born lol..I just start cleaning one thing and cant stop lol..

Hubby is just now getting over his sinus/upper respiratory thing and Ive woken up this morning with a horrid sore/swollen throat...brewing some Throat Coat tea right now...otherwise Im ok..have finally found a feeding schedule for night time that works for us...I feed her all she wants during the day and at night I feed her from both boobs before bedtime and then top her off with about an ounce of formula and she sleeps about 3-4 hours..or more prolly but I wake her up at about 3 1/2 hours and change her and feed her again the same way and she'll sleep another 3-4 hours... Ive realized its best to get her up and change her and all before shes really awake...that way its all over before she even has a chance to cry..she HATES having her diaper changed lol..the wipe warmer has helped a lot but she still gets very fussy lol..

In other news..the inlaws pitched a freaking fit yesterday when hubby told them they couldnt come right away to see her..they wanted to come like..right now..and we told them no...its our first few days finally alone..we are both sick...he is having to sleep in the guest bed coz of his snoring and stuff...and we are just ready for a break from people and I hate feeling like I have to be quiet with Brieanan at night just because people are here..he actually told his mom to stop thinking about herself for once and think about us..and its not what she wants its whats best for us..and then his dad got pissed too.. they had agreed to come the day after thanksgiving but she decided she couldnt wait so pitched a fit until hubby and I finally agreed they can come next weekend once we are feeling better and more in a routine and less stressed...and thank god he will be here the whole time and I wont be alone with them...and also we are leaving to go home to NC the 22nd so they will only be able to stay 3 days...if they came after thanksgiving they would prolly stay that is one good thing about them coming early...

We are having a little Meet the Baby party Dec 3rd...wanted to do it next weekend but of course his parents ruined that..and we are sick now so cant be this weekend..and then three weekends from now is Thanksgiving so no one will be in town then.. but she'll be a month old and hopefully her immune system will be better and we told everyone they can come from 2-5 anytime that Saturday to see her...

Well we just got up and moved to the living room..shes crashed in her swing so I better go eat while I can..

and boobs are leaking like crazy!..luckily I havent been out in public but I keep forgetting to cover the other boob while feeding coz it leaks like crazy lol..Ive had to do more outfit changes for me than her..she only wears one a day..I have to change shirts atleast twice for accidental leaks lol..oh and Dare..those lilypad things are amazing!! so glad I got them...I cant wear them at night coz of leaking but during the day they are great!

Well Im off..will update later with pics if I get a chance..we had them done at the hospital and ordered the CD so we can have them printed off for presents and use them for the announcements and all...just waiting for it in the mail....hopefully will come today...
Mrs j- i would've killed dh if he left me. he slept right there on that bench for the entire time, and never even crossed his mind to leave me. He left once, for 20 minutes, to run home, take a shower and come right back. BUT my dad was visiting at that point, and he only left because my dad would be with me if i needed anything. I did all the work, he better not say it's unfair. All they did was stay up and watch.

you need to rest and not do too much- seriously- after a c-section you need to take it easy for a while. you do NOT want to hurt the internal incision. Take it easy. As for the bleeding- yes it gets worse as you do more, so again, take it easy. The stuff isnt going anywhere.

may i ask WHY are you waking her up to feed her? You really should just let her lead you with that. She will wake up and let you know when she's hungry. You are just going to wear yourself out. If she is sleeping, get the sleep too.

Glad the lily pads worked for you! turned out, i'm allergic! i can't wear them anymore. :/ go figure. So i'm back to the medela pads, and i don't wear any at night. The leaking is very minimal for me now, it's great. Man i was like a freaking faucet for a while.

Spunky- that sucks about the moving! i can't imagine. DH is talking about possibly next summer (but has been saying that the last few years.)

Ava gets baptized on the 20th of this month- very excited to get that done! Her dress is SO cute.

AFM went to the inlaws on sunday. To celebrate my convict brother in laws birthday. you know i am the ONLY one in the family that they don't throw a small party for. The birthday person can pick the meal, and then they make a cake. I'm the only freaking person. Never. Then, my bitch mil who i'm beginning to despise, took ava while we were eating. She said 'well i'll take her while you eat, and you can have her back whenever you want' and i bit my tongue. Because i'll be damned if she thinks she can tell me when i can or cant have my fing child. Then later she was getting upset so i went to get her to feed her, to find out the baby had pooped in her diaper, and my mil didn't freaking say anything! she was letting her sit in it! what an fing whore! I'm so pissed! THEN she also made the comment 'you have to go to mommy since she's the only one who can feed you' like it's a bad thing. i'm sooooooo glad i chose to breastfeed. Get your dirty fing hands off my kid. You bitch. If i wasn't so freaking tired that day i would've snapped at her. she's lucky. A few more comments like these, and she's going to get it. I don't give a damn who hears. i'm SO angry.

My niece screamed bloody murder while mil was holding ava too- because she's so spoiled, mil holds her and gives her everything no matter what my sil says.

But after i fed ava, and changed her, i did NOT give her back to mil. And it worked out because my niece climbed into her lap and wasn't going to budge without a fight.

My daughter is not a common whore to be passed around the campfire. So i don't know what the hell they're thinking- when they don't even freaking like me, and she makes comments like that? KISS MY ASS WOMAN

Can you tell i'm annoyed.
I am dreading the inlaws coming...she already was praying tongues..over Brieanan over the phone!! and I just know the topic of baptizing or whatever will come up...and I just dread it...I have a feeling if I have a PP will be next weekend when they are here ...

well right after I finished my last post the mailman dropped off our pictures!

so here are a few of them..
Aww that 2nd picture! She is so beautiful. Congrats again hun! xxxx

My DH left the hospital too. We were up at 5am when my water broke, I had Toby at midday, and at 2pm DH went home to get showered, changed and tidy up. He came back a few hours later after falling asleep in front of the telly. :dohh:
I mock him for it now though. I guess it would've been different if I'd been there for more than a day... but now I just take the piss out of him for getting exhausted by someone else giving birth :haha:

ANYWAY... I hope everyones doing well. Sorry this is only quick... Toby has finished his toast soldier and wants another one. I swear, this boy is such a good eater!! :D

speak soon ladies xxxx

Im seeing the Dr tomm for PPD and maybe to get some meds...I just cant stop crying over anything and everything..its just ridiculous and its killing my days and nights..I just feel sad and alone and blah all day...and I cant enjoy anything...she isnt the problem..just these stupid hormones...and the weather is icky here AND Im sick with a sinus infection that hubby is just now starting to get rid of...just the worst possible time for all the sickness...

In good news..Ive lost 23 lbs since she was born..was quite surprised by that..and we got three more presents from hubbys work but I have no idea what they are as hes holding out on me..cant wait to see what they are...

here is a pic of one of her sleep smiles lol..too cute!
mrsj- breastfeeding does wonders for losing weight! i was back in prepregnancy jeans 4 weeks after giving birth!
i havent even tried on pre preggie jeans yet because of my incision... they put me on zoloft so hopefully it will start to kick in soon..they said it was good I didnt try to wait it out to see if it got better and they said it definitely sounded like it was past the baby blues stage an onto the more serious ppd...hubby stayed home from work today to be with that will help..tomorrow without him will be tough but then its the weekend so that will be better...its not that I even need his help..its just that I need someone here..I just feel so alone and abandoned I guess...
sorry you're feeling that way hun. You know, i think they say normal baby blues can go all the way for 6 weeks. that's what i was told anyway. your hormones are all whacky right now.
yeah... I dont think I can handle it for 6 weeks though..and no reason for me to be miserable and depressed when I can get meds to take and feel better....and its not like..just crying a few times a day at stuff or anything..I mean yesterday..I literally cried all freaking day..even after hubby came home I just cried...not over anything he said..or anything I saw on was horrible...I cried at the Drs..I cried when I called my mom and told her just even thinking about it makes me cry...they said the sooner you get it diagnosed and start treatment the better coz its a fast downward spiral from baby blues to ppd to even psychosis if you let it go for long... :cries:
Oh Hun I'm so sorry :hugs: I'm glad you recognised it and did something about it. Toby was 3-4 months old before i got help and MIL had to beg me to see a Dr because everyone saw the signs apart from me. I just put it down to being tired. By then it was too late and the low dose barely worked so I'm still taking the higher dose. I really wish I got help earlier because im certain it would've been easier to get over. So well done to you hun, for spotting the signs and getting help before it got any worse xxxx

We're always here if you need to vent sweetie :hugs: :hugs:
thanks hun...I guess this is the one thing I mean I knew about but one of those things you never think will happen or I was just preoccupied pre pregnancy with other things after labor and recovering physically and people visiting and just taking care of her...I know Im lucky in that Im fully recovered externally from the C-section ..internally still a bit sore but Im up and about pretty much back to normal for the most having this stupid hormonal/emotional stuff is just a huge set back I hadnt thought about...the in laws will be over next weekend so Im sure I will be venting then lol...
Hi girls,
Just a quick update, I'll catch up later.
Got back from our vacation late Tuesday night. I do NOT recommend flying while PG. So uncomfortable. At least when you're flying coach. My feet were so swollen when we got back, and they still haven't gone back to normal. I'm wearing the compression stockings every day because after being on my feet all day at work, they are KILLING me.
Vacation was great. Did the San Diego Zoo, visited with family I hadn't seen in years, did Disneyland, stayed with my best friend and her family for the weekend. Visited with my "grandmother" (my old neighbor, closer to her than any of my grandparents), who is 95. Unfortunately, morning sickness kicked in our last night there, and I hadn't brought any of my medications. Vomited for four hours straight, couldn't even keep ice or water down. DH had the brilliant idea of calling our pharmacy in NJ and getting some of my Rx transferred to a pharmacy in CA. Thank goodness he thought of it - flying would have been miserable, otherwise!
Not feeling a heck of a lot of movement - but she's going strong on the doppler. I'm guessing it's because I'm a big girl to begin with, SHE'S a girl (my gyn told me girls tend to move less), and maybe it's the placenta placement. :shrug: Otherwise, just exhausted. It's like first tri all over again.
Waiting for DH to clean up the office so I can pain and we can turn it into the nursery. Hopefully can get that done before Christmas.
Hope all is well with you girls! :hug:
lord ava moved tons nj! ALL THE TIME she was moving!!!! I think it's the personality of each individual baby though. :) She's still moving all the time. Sorry you were sick and all, and that was great of DH thinking that for you. glad to be back to reality yet?

I just wanted to say that i hope all of you are doing ok?
And Congratulations to you all =)
A quick update on my part, i have come off my contraception (cerrazette) i was having constant bleeding couldn't even have any intimate time at ALL =(
Going to see my Dr. Next week to see what he can tell im in respect to going back to having regular fertile cycles... hope it won't take long.
Myself and my partner are looking into trying for a baby next year but just using Condoms until just after febuary. I am looking forward to trying and becoming a Mommy, i Love kids i think they are beautiful cannot wait for when the time arrives.
Thank you for listening

Hi moonlight- nice to see you about again! I hope you get your baby fast!
Thank you DaretoDream, How is you're little Girl Doing? And How are you Coping with Motherhood is it fun?stressful?
I bet you're world is full of a little Bundle with Lots of Love =)

Thank you DaretoDream, How is you're little Girl Doing? And How are you Coping with Motherhood is it fun?stressful?
I bet you're world is full of a little Bundle with Lots of Love =)


Hi hun i'm doing well, i'm liking motherhood. It's fun for me more than stressful. everything ELSE seems stressful in comparison now. She's a doll. I absolutely adore her. :flower:
Hi girls,
Quick update. My vacation week and binge on Chinese/Thai style food last night made for an unpleasant visit with my OB. Gained too much from last visit, but it's the first time I've gone up on the scale, and I know a lot is water weight. We ate utter crap on vacation, I haven't been drinking enough water. Next appt in three weeks (we got off schedule with our vacation), and then we start every two weeks.
Starting to definitely feel her move. Even saw it in the tub tonight. So surreal. Still having bouts of MS, but otherwise doing well. DH and I have our seventh anniversary dinner Friday (our first date) so I have to go buy dress shoes for my fat feet. Bah.
Hope all is well!
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