The One Year Strong Ladies!

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here is what has been going on with me the last few days...up for a night feed so this is all I have time to update
@NJ, I am glad you enjoyed your vacation. Happy Anniversary to you and DH!!!!!

@MrsJerome, I am going to come over and check out your PPD journal. I am so sorry that you are going through this and I hope that you start feeling better soon.....:hugs::hugs:

AFM, I am already thinking about weekend plans, I think me and DH are going to put up our Christmas tree and decorations on Sunday. DH has Friday off since he works 10 hour days and gets every other Friday off, so we are going to have a long weekend. So Friday i am thinking of checking out a mall that I have never been to to try to find an outfit to go out on Saturday night in. I havent went out for a night of dancing in so long and I think it might be fun for me and DH to go check out a club around here.

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!!!!:thumbup:
NJ i'm so sorry you're still having some ms. that's awful. I didn't have ms, i had EXTREME tiredness where i slept almost all day and night. My poor cousin had ms so bad, she had it EVERY SINGLE DAY throughout her pg, and almost missed her surprise shower because she was so sick and her dh was trying to get her to it, and she was getting so mad at him because she just wanted to stay in. he had to cave and tell her about it. :/

But don't worry TOO much about the weight. We all gain different. My sil gained 50 lbs. She's a size 2 normally. She's ultra tiny. And she got huge, and they were threatening with all kinds of things, and in the end... she and baby were perfectly fine.

Just take care of yourself. Wait til you get further along (i still can't believe you're already at 22 weeks) and then you really get to feel the moving. Ava was non stop. It's a nice thing- but sometimes, like at 5 in the morning and she starts dancing, you'd wish she just waited til the sun came up at least.
Hey, still moving crap around my house! UGH! So many things still in boxes, but James wants sooo much attention and honestly playing with him/feeding him is so much better than unpacking! Funny how we've moved 6 times and I have never hated it this much. Usually I don't mind it but I don't like sharing James time and the oly down time I have with boxes!

Lindsay! So sorry the MS is still getting you down! I remember the drastic weight gain I had about that time! I had lost six pounds in my first 2 months. Then I slowly put it back on breaking even about 4-5 months I believe. Then in 1 month (I think 5-6 months - so at my 6 month appt) I had gained 8lbs in 4 ot 5 weeks! That's 2 lbs a month! They referred me to a dietician! I got a lecture about weight! And I had only gained 8lbs total my whole pregnancy! :growlmad: That was the most I gained at one time though. I wouldn't worry about it. I gained 23lbs total and lost it all by day 8 pp. I know not every one does that, but there's hope. And honestly as long as the baby is healthy, who cares about how much weight you gain? In the UK by the sounds of the other girls not all midwives even weight you at all! Or at least in the beginning and end. I'm sure you're doing fine!
spunky!!! was just thinking about you this am. Sorry about the boxes hun, what rubbish! Just go ava baptized on sunday!!! it was lovely. Glad i did it. Dh's family showed up- well some of them, not his parents because they took their youngest to a football game in florida. for real? her baptism is only ONE time in her life? a football game? you can go to all year and can do this particular one next year. Mighty pissed. Anyway- not one person on his side gave ava anything for the baptism. Came, acted annoyed, and then left to rush back to their own church. nice.

My family gave her so much stuff. I feel bad for her because his family doesn't think anything is special. I fear because she is mine, she will suffer and not get anything from them like i have - and only my family will give her things. However, knowing kids, that'll work in my favor, as she probably won't want to see them as much as the family that would do anything for her.
Hi girls!
Just wanted to pop by to say happy Thanksgiving, and that I am thankful for all of your support this last year!
Baby Bee started moving and shaking like CRAZY since my last post. DH felt her kick a couple days ago, and it's so neat to just sit there and feel/watch her go.
Eating better this week (although I'm sure it will all go to hell today), and only one morning of MS - although I think it was a stomach bug that's going around, as my secretary, my mom, and my sister had it also.
Hope you all have a wonderful day, and THANK YOU again, for everything!
Hi girls,

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you lovely ladies!! :flower: I hope you girls have a wonderful day. Me and DH are spending the holidays together at home this year and cooking our own thanksgiving dinner. We got a small turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes that i am going to candy and bake with marshmallows etc. Of course we have pumpkin and apple pie for desert as well. We were going to travel up north to be with family this year but DH caught my cold and got sick after i was starting to get over my cold. So we didnt want to have to drive 7 hours and than bring our colds to all of my nieces and nephews, which now total 9 altogether. Plus we are a little strapped for cash right now which makes the cost of traveling difficult for us right now. I feel bad we arent going but it was too much this year I think. But, the good news is that my entire family will be getting together the weekend before Christmas so we should be able to see everyone than in just a few weeks!!

On a positive note, the lady I worked with at a staffing agency that helped me get my first temporary administrative job when I moved here contacted me last week to ask me if i was available to go back to work and if everything goes as planned in the New Year I will be going back to work!! So I am excited about that and looking forward to making some $$ again. I really liked working for the job, it is a college and i was doing administrative work. I liked that they had a flexible schedule and free lunches!! :winkwink: I dont know if you girls remember but this was the job I left and went to that other job that I hated so much, and I complained about it all of the time, the people that worked there were so trashy!!!! I regretted leaving the old job and missed it alot!!

Other than that I am in my 2WW hoping for the best but preparing for AF to crash the party like she always does.....

One bad thing is that I checked out DH's health benefits for next year and I was hoping we could pick a more expensive health plan with fertility benefits for the new year, but most of the plans dont have any coverage. There was only 1 plan that had infertility benefits and it was an HMO from Aetna and it only covered IUI type procedures. There was no coverage for the more expensive procedures like IVF, so the coverage was minimal at best and the cost was crazy, It was like $1,500.00 a month for family coverage, and for that cost it didnt even have very good infertility coverage. It is cheaper for us to pay for IUI ourselves at this point.. It is pretty nuts, I was a little disappointed at the coverage, so the plan is to use our tax return to pay for the IUI sometime early next year. If the IUI doesnt work for us I am going to have to save up for a few years, but I have a budget and plan in place to eventually be able to afford IUI ourselves. It is just going to take some time and a committment to saving which I will be able to do as long as i am working, since we have just been surviving off just DH's pay check for a while now.....

@NJ, glad everything is going good with the pregnancy, I am sure it is excting feeling the baby moving around!!!:happydance:

@Spunky, glad to hear that moving is coming along well, sorry it is so exhausting though.. I still remember how tuff it was moving into our house over a year ago, super exhausting and stressful... but hang in there eventually everything will get done and you will be able to relax and enjoy your new home!!:flower:

@MrsJ, I am hoping that the in-laws weekend visit wasnt to tuff on you and that you are feeling better now since starting your medications....:hugs::hugs:
Hi Ladies,

I was wondering if you would be able to give me some advice, I suffered some light mid-cycle bleeding which i do from time to time, though it has been about 2 weeks since that and now i have had some brown coloured CM in my nickers when i went to the toilet.
I have been taking cerazette and been experiencing un-trackable bleeding compared to before the cerazette. but this time i am a bit confusing... i have been experiencing difficulty sleeping, and weird eating patterns, i am going to see my doctor 5th Dec.
I'm nervous strangely, i am trying not to be excited. Anyways i just wanted to see what you all thought, i am going to bed now, well to try to go to bed... i have work tomorrow. I will post again soon. x
I've had bad experiences with cerazette so I'm probably not one to give advice but it's hard to predict what that pill will do to your cycle. Mine started off as erratic at best, then one AF lasted 2.5 weeks, then 1.5 weeks of no bleeding followed by non stop AF until I stopped taking it 6-7 weeks later... So my thinking is that if it can mess up cycles that badly, who knows what else it can do! No pill is 100% effective so who knows!!

Sorry I've been a bit quiet lately girls... Toby and I were both ill and now he has his energy back he's running rings around me. He's got the fastest reactions I've seen in a baby his age and he's learning very quickly that he can pull himself up to grab things off low work tops... So I'm redoing the baby proofing because he's now over 2ft tall and can reach the top of the tv unit!!

Bit of advice ladies.... Babyproof before LO starts crawling. Even better, before they start rolling. I wish I had :dohh:
Katherine, I can't believe Toby has gotten so big! You need to put up some new pictures!

Wannabe, that's frustrating about the insurance. I just found out that our biggest hospital network up here in NJ dropped Horizon Blue Cross, which is our insurance. And all the MD's associated with the hospital (ie, my fertility MD!) also dropped it. So not sure what will happen next time around...who knows. I was a little worried because if anything becomes "high risk" - like if I become eclamptic, or whatever, I will have to go to that hospital. I spoke with my MD and my boss, apparently they will just take whatever insurance pays, it's not as if I can't go.

So far all is well. Mom says I seem to be carrying very low, and I've actually heard that from a couple people. Mom said it looks like I've dropped, but I've been carrying this way all along. Baby Bee seems to like to lay sideways, so I look very low and like I'm carrying wide. Starting to get some pelvic girdle pain, which is just annoying more than anything else. All my discomfort (if any) is in my pelvis. No heartburn, no shortness of breath, no breast discomfort. So I guess I'm lucky.
DH and I have started counting down instead of counting up - like we have 16 weeks to go! Still tossing around two different names - I lean more towards one than another from day to day. I go to the Buy Buy Baby tomorrow with one of my friends to register. All my girlfriends are having their showers on Sundays I'm working :( Makes me sad. I can't go because I can't really take unnecessary time off since I'll be going out on leave in 12 weeks. Trying to get DH to clean the damn bedroom for the nursery, so that we can paint!! GRR.

Otherwise, an uneventful weekend - off to Mom's for her birthday. I made a German Chocolate Cake from scratch last pm - hopefully it turned out well!
Glad youre doing well NJ... so jealous that you've so far gotten away with not having heartburn. That was the worst thing for me. Ugh.
Can't believe you're over halfway already! It's like you blink and it's gone. Crazy.

Little devil is finally having a nap after a hellish night. No idea what was wrong. He just slept so lightly and woke every few minutes. I tried sleeping in his room... we put a sofa in there for cuddles and story time so I tried sleeping on there with him but I had no duvet so it was cold, and he wouldn't stay still. Nightmare. Needless to say, I got very VERY little sleep last night. AND STILL NO TEETH! Grr.

Anyway. Update pics!

1) Me, Toby and Pudsey bear
2) Toby and his grandpops (my stepdad)
3) Trying out the new carseat! He's 3lbs too small for it but is sooo much happier in that than the old one.
4) Naughty Toby! He's taller than I thought :haha:


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OMG I cant believe hes soo big now!!!...ggeezz it seems like just yesterday you were posting the newborn pics!!! gosh time flies with these little ones...sorry about the bad night..Brieanan is going through the same thing around her 9-10pm bedtime...she fights sleep like crazy...I think its a combination of a growth spurt and all the travel we've done and getting off schedule...I'll post some pics soon ladies and do a proper update..hope everyone is doing well and had a great thanksgiving
Katherine, he's adorable! I love the one of him in the seat. Thanks for sharing.
Spent hours at the store last night setting up the registry. My friend was such a big help. She's very practical, and was wonderful as far as "You don't need that, use this instead" or "OMG, I could not live without that."
Speaking of, what are your favorite registry items? Stuff you would recommend?
Off to work, then going to look at the crib/dresser set from Craigslist. Fingers crossed!!
@Cottlestone, Wow he is growing so fast and he is super cute!! Thanks for sharing your pictures!!:flower:

I have been keeping busy today because the :witch: got me again. I went nuts and cleaned the house like a mad women. I cleaned all 3 of our bathrooms, vacumed, swept and dusted etc. Than I finished putting up the Christmas decorations and finished decorating our tree. It came out pretty. I have included a picture.

I also found out that I wont be needed to go back to work for that temporary job with the staffing agency until the New Year. I was kind of hoping I could go back to work sooner than that because it would of been nice to have some extra $$ for X-Mas, but at least hopefully I will have a job in the New Year if everything goes as planned.

I hope that all of you girls are having a wonderful week.....

NJ- funny, i carried low the WHOLE pregnancy too. oh my gosh. My mom told me every other day i swear that "oh my you carry so low!" kind of funny. Sorry you're missing out on all the showers. :(

Cottlestonpie- i didn't have heartburn my whole pregnancy either. But i actually had a pretty uneventful one really. Pain and twinges here and there, oh and extreme fatigue in my first tri- but after that really nothing. Your photos are SO cute!!! love them! thanks for sharing!!!! Sorry about the rough sleep. :(

Mrsj- babies really don't get a schedule at least until 2 months really- they're just too young before that to really do routine- or at least that's what i've been told.

wanna- we did our christmas decorations too :) nothing like having the house look all pretty and decorated !! So sorry about the :witch: hun. :( Any news on the iui stuff??

AFM- Ava is going to be 4 months next tuesday. She's doing really well, growing like a beast and still breastfeeding well. She has a tooth thinking about coming up on the bottom in the front. It's just kind of sitting there- i know it could be months until it pops through. I know when i was a baby my mom said i had 4 teeth by 4 months old- so i won't be surprised if she's an early teether. i don't care either way- as long as she's not in too much pain from it.

Hope everyone is doing well- and had a great thanksgiving- how's everyones christmas shopping going? plans? What are you doing now that you have lo's this year?
Wow! I keep coming and reading but it's been a while since I've typed!

Katherine - Toby is so big and adorable! You're pretty by the way! No clue who Pudsey is but will assume he's a UK thing. Sorry you had a rough night!

Wanna - Beautiful tree! Sorry the witch got you again, when can you try IUI? Wish I had the energy to clean my house!

Lindsay - So excited you're so far along and feeling Baby Bee so much!!!

Dare - Crazy that Ava is almost 4 months old! The time sure does fly like everyone says! But the first 6 weeks drug along so much for me. Teething already? What an advanced baby!

AFM - Still tons of boxes to unpack. Things got put on hold when our toilets overflowed and tubs started to fill with sewage. The county's sewage line was filled with tree roots and it backed up into our house! They came and fixed the line and paid someone to clean our bathrooms...but the sewage went under a wall so they cut out a 7ft by 2ft section of my wall to treat it! There's still a huge hole there, they also cut out a 3ft by 9 ft section of the carpet in our bedroom! They will also have to replace our carpet, so we'll have to move everything out of our bedroom! We just moved it into our bedroom! Arg! So yeah... Things have sucked. But we have gotten an offer on our old house and we hope that we will be relieved of the burden of it soon. The county is sending a contractor here friday to give them a quote on how much it will cost to fix, so hopefully next week we'll have a complete walll and new carpet and we'll be finishing unpacking. Things are so much harder with a baby!
On the James front he's been majorly teething. I can see two teeth under the gum for his bottom teeth, thinking they should be breaking through soon. He's been fussier, but still good, just wants to nurse constantly (not good for getting chores done!). At least it doesn't hurt the boobs anymore! Still sleeping through the night (has only woken up in the middle of the night about 5 times since he was 6 weeks old). Starting to play way more! Can entertain himself for a little while... Will be 6 months old next friday and we're going to start feeding him! Can't believe it! REAL (purreed) food!
He's fussing. Hope everyone is doing well!
Bloomin Nora 6 months?! Where did the time go?!
I swear it's so weird, I look at tobys newborn pics and I honestly can't remember him being that tiny!

Sorry ladies this is a self-centred post... I'm really quite sicky today and despite reading everything, my head just won't remember it.
I'm sat in Tobys room wrapped in a duvet letting him play on his own... I think my body's flushed itself out completely finally, but now im really weak and I've got the shakes so I can't play with him :(
Katherine - I hope you are feeling better! I have no clue wherever tome has gone. It's hard to remember being a newborn now. My husband was watching me smell James stands saying I'll be baby crazy again soon. O told him im already there. Cant wait to be pregnant again. Don't know if ill want to wait till his a year... may need to ntnp before them.

Hope everyone's ok since it's so quiet.
sorry been busy ladies and sick..will try to do a reply/update on us sometime today when shes rested...hope everyone is doing well and hope the rest of you are having better weather than we are lol..
Hi ladies!
I'm off to my one hour GTT today. Saw my OB Wednesday - we are now starting our every two week appointments! Everything going well - Baby Bee is breach, which she has been all along. She's very comfortable, I suppose. If she doesn't flip, we will be doing a C-section at 39 weeks.
I'm set to go out on maternity leave Feb 17 (as of now), and my mom and sister booked my shower for Jan 28.
Got the baby furniture - $200 for BOTH a crib and dresser. They're gorgeous. Now to get DH to clean the room so we can paint it.
Hope all is well!
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