The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Here's the 26 week bump!
Lindsay - Awesome about the dresser and crib! Don't blame you for wanting DH to get on with the room! I love your EDD by the way. So cute! Leprechaun! I know it's been there a while, but it makes me smile when I see it. Loving the bump! No mistaking that your pregnant, and I love the top!

Erica - Love the new pics!
nj- nice bump!!!!! awesome! :) You're doing so well! how's the ms?

Mrs.j- she's getting so big already! it's amazing how time flies.

Hope everyone is well. We're dealing with a new set of problems over here, dh had a seizure early last month, and went to the dr, and found he has a seizure disorder- wouldn't call it epilepsy, but i don't honestly know what to call it. He only had one twice in his life. And now he's on daily meds for at LEAST 2 years. His EEG showed he has brain waves that spike a lot, so he is medicated for it now. A bit stressed over here.
Dare..that sounds horrible...I bet that was soo freaking scary!!! were you with him when it happened? My uncle is epileptic as is his daughter..they have known about him forever but they found out about her when she was a teenager and was out walking in the neighborhood...she came home with all these scratches and stuff and the last thing she remembered was seeing a car so they thought a car had hit her..turns out she had had a seizure and happened again at home a few days later and thats when they diagnosed her and she was put on meds...I hope they help him..I cant imagine worrying about when he would have his next one...I freak out enough about hubby and his diabetes which is something he can atleast control himself...hope those meds help and it doesnt happen again!!
@MrsJerome, Thanks for sharing the video. :flower: Your baby girl is so adorable and growing so fast!!!

@NJ, You look great hun, your bump is super cute!!! :flower: I am glad that the baby's room is coming along nicely!!:thumbup:

@Dare, I am so sorry that your husband is having problems with seizures again. :hugs: :hugs: I hope that his health improves and they can get them in control again so life can get back to normal for the two of you. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. :hugs: :hugs:

AFM, I am entering my 2WW, and got my positive OPK yesterday. DH and me had alot of :sex: so my bases are covered just in case we get lucky. But I am not getting my hopes up anymore and I am trying to take a more laid back approach to TTC for now until we are ready for our IUI next year.

Here are my positive OPK's one is from yesterday and than the second one is from today, todays had the test line darker than the control.

Since I am taking a more laid back approach to TTC for X-Mas I am asking DH to buy me the Zumba fitness workout DVD set. I am refocusing my energy on my health and fitness, and just doing the things I enjoy in life. I have heard alot of great reviews from alot of people that the work out is alot of fun and i watched some previews of the DVD's, the music is great and it is almost like a dance work out. I figure since I love dancing that this workout would be fun for me and i would actually enjoy doing the work out instead of the usual dread I can sometimes feel before doing some of the more boring work out videos. Especially since it is winter time and it makes it harder for me to get outside to do my usual work out. We have work out equipment and weights in the basement with the TV and an area to do a work out DVD so I have no excuses why I cant work out.

This coming weekend we will be doing our family X-mas get together, we get together the weekend before X-mas so all of the kids can be at home to get their gifts from Santa on X-Mas day. I have to do my X-mas shopping Thursday when Dh gets paid. I have 9 nieces and nephews so I am trying to watch the budget this year for gifts, I think I am going to buy a bunch of gift cards this time around. I must admit that X-mas is tuff when you dont have alot of $$.. But, it will be nice to see family.

Other than that we had to battle some water in the basement a couple of times over the last few weeks. Long story short, the sump pump has this ball floater thing that was no longer floating and DH had to replace it, the arm that the ball sits on was broken as well, so DH had to jerry rig it, so it is working for now and the basement is dry for the time being. DH used the dry/wet shop vac to clean the water out, and luckily our work out equipment that is down there didnt get any damage to it. Eventually I think DH will have to replace the sump pump with a new one.

I dont remember if I mentioned this before to you girls, but also a few weeks ago we had water dripping from the ceiling above the stair well. We think it was the master bathroom shower, it is this old gross outdated tile in there that needs to be replaced, but we were putting off redoing it until it started leaking. So we stopped using the shower in there and we are now using the guest shower for the time being. DH started to demo the master bath shower, and i just about had a heart attack when I saw that he had taken the entire wall down and that I could see the pipes for the water....:wacko::wacko: DH says he couldnt just remove the tiles and that the dry wall started to come down with the tiles, so that is a work in progress and I am not looking forward to how this is going to all go since DH is bound and determined to redo the entire thing himself and refuses to let me get an estimate for a professional to fix it. Lord help me...:dohh:
mrs j- yeah i was there, sitting right next to him on the couch. Luckily moments before i had taken Ava back, as she had been sitting in his lap. He went rigid and the laptop went slamming into the coffee table- and he started turning and making this god awful sound. Something i will never forget. I remained calm and put ava in her swing, and began talking to him trying to reach him. I've seen seizures a million times in animals (and never care to again) but never in a human. it was horrible. As soon as he came to and was alright (seemed like it lasted a million years but it was under a minute long i'm sure of that- i freaked. Hasn't had anything since, but he has had these staring incidents since i've known him, where he will be looking at the tv and then, it's like, he's just gone. And when looking up info it's classic seizure activity- where the patient doesn't even know they blanked out. But since the meds, those episodes have stopped... making me wonder how long has this been going on...?
Dare - that's terrible about your husband, how is he doing?
The staring into space is a type of seizure, usually petit mal. Did he see a neurologist? Are they doing any further testing? What meds do they have him on?

Wanna - your house sounds like mine. We have a ceiling coming down in the guest room which DH has yet to fix (from all the water with the hurricane), we have a leaky ceiling in the sunroom, our basement leaks (I can't say "flood"), our sump pump is in the middle of one wall, and everything slopes AWAY from it (great engineering). And DH keeps playing with these projects instead of working on CLEANING OUT THE NURSERY. :grr:

MS is totally gone (knock wood). SPD is outrageous. Was just a throb the last few weeks - over the last two weeks it's gotten to the point where I'm having difficulty walking after two or three o'clock in the afternoon. My OB just tells me to "sit more" during the day. I feel like all I do is sit - I think the office chairs we use in the hospital are part of the problem. I told my boss I'm going to have to start cutting my hours - earlier this week we were working from 9 till 530 or 6. Last two days we've been done before 3, which helps. My OB told me two more months until I can go out on leave (2 months from TODAY!!!!), but if this pain keeps up? Not happening. Turns out most of the pain and pelvic misalignment is because Baby B is breech. We have our ultrasound Monday and will see where she is then.

On another note - third trimester as of today!

Hope all is well with you girls. :hugs:
Baby Bee at 27+2
awwwww!!..gosh I miss those days...ultrasounds and all...I know its crazy because shes right here and I can see her but lol..idk..something about those ultrasounds lol... we are going to start TTC #2 in July of 2015
Hi Ladies,

I am 100% off cerazette now, and the bleeding isn't subsiding.
I have been bleeding for like 3 weeks and i have been off cerazette now for 7 weeks.

I don't know if you ladies can shed any light, i am experiencing Light pink bleeding, lower back pain, bloating and headaches.

I look like i have put on loads of weight even though i have been eating normally... =S

anyway time for me to stop talking about myself. . . .

Is everybody looking forward to christmas?

And for those of you with babies, their first christmas' in you're family...

Hi Ladies,

I am 100% off cerazette now, and the bleeding isn't subsiding.
I have been bleeding for like 3 weeks and i have been off cerazette now for 7 weeks.

I don't know if you ladies can shed any light, i am experiencing Light pink bleeding, lower back pain, bloating and headaches.

I look like i have put on loads of weight even though i have been eating normally... =S

anyway time for me to stop talking about myself. . . .

Is everybody looking forward to christmas?

And for those of you with babies, their first christmas' in you're family...


Moonlight, I'm in the medical field, and I have no idea what's going on. You need to see your OB/GYN and get some testing done. Bleeding for that long is not normal.
Wanna - what a beautiful OPK!! 2ww, now the craziness starts!!

Dare - Sorry about your husband! I hope the meds help and nothing of concern happens again! How is Ava?! She must be getting HUGE! I read you started her on rice cereal! How exciting!

Lindsay - Awesome about the 3D ultrasound! Can't believe 3rd tri now!! Just need to get everything done BEFORE maternity leave that way you can put your feet up when you're off!

Erica - I too miss those ultrasound days! We're going to start ttc in June (but now we're thinking earlier than that! Who knows maybe we'll get a late 2012 baby!) Things better on the PND situation?

Moonlight - I'm with Lindsay - talk to your doc, I would hate to be bleeding that long! We've switched to condoms because the pill was making my body all weird.

AFM - James is an old man! 6 months old. He's tried pears and tolerated them. We tried carrots and he gagged, cried, and spit it out. Me, my husband, and James all have a cold and are miserable. He's still in good spirits, I'm not great, but could be worse, and my husband is supposedly the sickest! James is now over 18lbs, and I swear it's all in his cheeks. I'll update with a pic soon! My doc thinks I'm good enough to start tapering off of Zoloft as I'm doing fine and past the biggest time of PND apparently. I'm excited and nervous about being med free. James is no longer sleeping through the night (He was from 5.5 weeks - 5.5 months). Now he gets up once a night, rarely twice and rarer yet sleeps through. He is majorly teething though! I can see two bottom teeth and feel them the right one should come through anyday! I think that's it!
@NJ, that is a really great sonogram pic, thanks for sharing!! :flower: I still cant believe how big baby B has grown already and how fast time is going by!! :winkwink:

@Spunky, i hope everyone feels better soon... big hugs to you :hugs: :hugs:

AFM, The holidays have been keeping me super busy, this last weekend that just past kept me busy because my family got together for Christmas, me and DH drove for 7.5 hours on last Friday morning and came back home on sunday. We were exhausted from the weekend, but we had a blast. It was great to see family. i did all of my Christmas shopping on last Thursday right before we left, so i was up late wrapping gifts and packing my bags for the weekend. I have a total of 9 nieces and nephews to buy gifts for, and I also got a gift for my mom, and small gifts for my brothers and sisters and their wives and husbands, I found these super cute baby potted christmas trees that i gave to my sisters and my brother's wifes, they all loved them, and they can plant them and keep them forever. As you can guess i have a big family. My mom has a total of 6 kids including me, so now our family is huge because they have all had kids, except for me. I finally got to meet my brother and his wife's newly adopted baby girl. she is super cute and so sweet, she is such a good baby, always happy and only crys when she needs something. Plus she looks just like my brother and his wife, you would never be able to tell she was adopted. I had only seen pictures up until this last weekend. Over all we had a great time. the only problem is that we ended up spening to much $$ and now we will strapped for cash for the next 2 weeks until DH gets paid again...
Well about 5 mins..I am officially 25!!! (was born at 12:05pm) cant believe in 5 years I'll be 30 lol lol.. hope everyone is having a great holiday season and enjoys the festivities this coming weekend...

:xmas3: :xmas9: :xmas8: :xmas16:
Well about 5 mins..I am officially 25!!! (was born at 12:05pm) cant believe in 5 years I'll be 30 lol lol.. hope everyone is having a great holiday season and enjoys the festivities this coming weekend...

:xmas3: :xmas9: :xmas8: :xmas16:

Happy Birthday hun!!!! I hope that you have a wonderful day today!!! :flower:

I also hope that you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with many blessings and good fortune for 2012!!!!
EKKkkkkkk... OMG... i just saw something run across the kitchen counter top well i was making grill cheese sandwiches for lunch and than two beedy little eyes were looking at me from behind the coffee maker.... It was a mouse, it than ran down behind the stove.... Ugghhh... Not good, We have been in this house for a year now and this is the first time i have ever seen a mouse, so i am hoping it is just the one that came in over the weekend when it got really cold the other day...DH is picking up a mouse trap on the way home to get rid of it.... :wacko:
awww..they are soo cute...I know I know they are pests technically but they are still adorable lol lol..
thanks ladies, i rang my Dr up who is also a GYN, and i cant get an appt until new year !!! :mad: i am grring right now

it's nice to hear how everybody is doing. i will update you all again once i have seen my 'dr

have a merry christmas and a happy new year.
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