The One Year Strong Ladies!

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awww..they are soo cute...I know I know they are pests technically but they are still adorable lol lol..

I know I think they are cute too, but I know they are dirty and our little mouse visitor left terds all in the lazy susan so we had to clean the entire thing out and rewash all of those dishes.....ugghhh...

DH brought home some traps and I put one in the kitchen with cheese, so I am sad to say that most likely the mouse will meet its end soon. DH did buy these things that you plug in that send off a signal to repel rodents, but I have a feeling that this mouse might be trapped on our house and might not know how to get back out, so I am not sure how well it will work, although it is the more humane way to get rid of the mouse so for now the traps will go out tonight and i have a feeling that when it gets dark and quiet the mouse will be back out roaming around in the kitchen and will meet its end.
Happy birthday Erica.

Wanna - how horrible about having a mouse! Screw humane! I say kill the disease spreading animal!

James had his six month appointment today. He's 18lbs 7 oz. He was 7lbs12 when he was born. He also had a tooth come in today! If you're looking at him it's his bottom left tooth! So exciting! I'll try to get a pic of it but he doesn't like his mouth messed with.
Him as a tiger for halloween (he is NOT tigger!): DSC07800.jpg

He looks like a friggen butterball in his bath! I liked how this pic showed ALL the rolls! Ha! DSC07791.jpg

He can sleep anywhere! I strapped him to me to rake leaves and it tuckered him out: DSC07828.jpg

James not enjoying his first taste of pears: DSC07824.jpg

Him enjoying pears the next day: DSC07868.jpg
@nj---third tri!!!! omg thats awesome!!! congrats! you know just because bee is breech now doesnt mean she wont turn! you have plenty of time! :) i do miss the excitement of the u/s but dont want to be pregnant again either! lol glad the ms is gone but so sorry about the spd :(

@mrsj happy belated!!!!

@wanna- my rule is you are fine outside you come in my house i kill you. goes for alllll pests. :)

@ spunky- wow! hes so big!!!! so exciting about the teeth!

afm- dh is doing great on the meds AND the staring episodes are no more. upsets me a bit we didnt know what was going on :( and for how long? he sees his neuro again in 6 months to check up. i cant remember what meds we are on. Ava is doing great- a 20 weeks this coming sat. already! she was 13lbs 8 oz on the 8th of dec. she is doing well- likes her rice- still waking twice a night to feed. she is still breast feeding- doing great with that! right now we hit a patch where she only wants to sleep on me during the day. makes it hard but i know it wont last. my sil who never talks to me just announced her pregnancy- and then asked to borrow my pregnancy clothes! you dont even say hello to me yet have the nerve to ask for clothes????
@Dare, I am glad that your DH is doing better now and that the medication is controlling his seizures. I hope his health continues to improve. :hugs: :hugs:

AFM, The mouse met it's end lastnight. It got caught in the trap that I put out right next to the bottom of the stove because that was where i
saw the mouse last. I also put one in the lazy susan just in case it went back in there. I do feel bad that we had to kill the poor thing, but it was a necessary evil.

I really wish that they had more humane traps that would capture them alive so you could just release them back into the woods, but they dont. So now today i am finishing cleaning up the kitchen and rewashing all of the dishes from the lazy susan. Oh joy.....:wacko:

What are you ladies doing for christmas day? Will you be at home cooking or will you go visit family? Me and DH already did our big family get together with my family last weekend so we will be home on Christmas day. I havent decided what to cook for dinner on X-mas day yet.... hmmmm
@Spunky, I love the pictures of James!!!! He is super cute!!! His Halloween costume was adorable!! :flower: Thanks for sharing them!!!:winkwink:
ha ha I love the..James not enjoying his first attempt at pears...and then..James enjoying his pears lol lol..they say it can take up to 15 tries before they eat a new food lol...

Brieanan slept from 11pm till 9:30 am!!...however..our AngelSounds alarm went off twice..once at like 7:30 am and I ran in there and she was had turned off before I even went in there..and then I went back to bed...and then not even 5 mins later it did it again...but was off before I got in there so not even like 3 seconds....she had some how wiggled away from the middle of the turned I think maybe she just wasnt on the sensor bad enough for it to pick her up...coz I swung her legs back over so she was in the middle again and it didnt do it anymore... very scary though

as you can see from my newest of now...three and a half years till we start TTC #2...I can NOT handle another winter baby so we will be trying from July till Oct
@wanna - they don't make traps that catch and release because they come right back in again. :/

@mrsj, what the crap is angelsounds alarm? lol sounds silly! And i think it's hilarious you already have a ttc date picked out !!!

LOL i don't even know if i want another and you already know exactly when you're going to start trying again! I'm just enjoying this one for now. Everyone else i know that had their babies are already thinking about #2, i seem to be the only one not. Strange. :/
I just know I want to wait until Brieanan can be more of a hethan a troublemaker atleast 4 years old

angelsounds is the sensor monitor that tells you when they stop moving/breathing for more than a few seconds...
Dare - Ava sounds like she is thriving! 13 and a half pounds! They get so big so fast! So annoying about your SIL! What nerve! So glad your husband is doing better! You can't blame yourself for not noticing his staring issues! My husband stares off all the time I wouldn't even think it could be seizures (I know it's not), so why would you think so. You're not the only one thinking about just enjoying the one baby you have now! I have a girlfriend whose baby is 9 months old and she's just happy to have her, but I can't explain it, my clock is TICKING again to get going on the next one. My husband and I have always talked about having our babies 2 years or less apart. So our plan has been to have them back to back. I've been enjoying him, but there's something in me telling me I NEED the next one. Don't know what it is. It's almost ticking louder than before I got pregnant with him. I can't explain it, now that I have him I know how wonderful he is and I need to share my life with my next baby too. I guess I just sound like a weirdo.

Wanna - We go to my aunt's house for Christmas eve, and my mom's house all day christmas morning. She has an open house from 9am-12pm. Then it's just us and my brother (and dad) for dinner. My aunt and mom both live 30 minutes away, so it's not a big deal to go to family's houses. You look so natural with your niece! Thank you for sharing such a lovely picture, she's a cutie! That's so amazing that they got to adopt her at 2 days old! They've been her parents from the very start.

Erica - That's awesome about Brieanan slept so long! James used to sleep that long, now he wakes up once or twice a night!due to teething. He started sleeping through at 5.5 weeks, so about where she is! I read up on the anglesounds monitor, especially since we let James sleep on his tummy, but the reviews I read said there were more scares of false alarms than reassured.

Edit: Here's James' first tooth. I swear last pic for a while. The left one just broke through, the right one is about to.
Eeeek so much to catch up on!
Cant believe James has a tooth... Toby's been quite fast with everything else so far but oh god, I'm going to be waiting forever for that first tooth!! He'll be 9mos old on new years eve and he's still toothless...

As for ttc#2... I'm pretty much decided that we won't come of BC until after we're married (in May), Toby is walking, and I'm off the anti-depressants. They are the three things I want to happen before ttc #2.

I had a scare last week (2 VERY convincing evaps before a totally neg test) and didn't poop my pants over the idea of having one sooner... Especially because that'd give us a September baby which would be nicely spaced between Christmas and Tobys birthday... so I think if there were a happy accident sooner, I'd be ok. But if all goes to plan, we'll be trying again next year.
Spunky you def. don't sound like a weirdo. I feel more of a weirdo because everyone else is like you! I'm the odd one out. And i love the photos! don't feel bad for sharing them!!!!

Cotton- I can't believe toby's already 9 months!
Katherine - Those sound like great goals! I have two goals, get our old house sold/taken care of and hopefully get my weight down to healthy so I don't get told that I'm almost obese. I think I need to be 135 lbs before the doctors get off my back (I'm short though!). I hope I can accomplish that sooner than later so we can start ttc. Maybe I'll just shoot for 140 and the beginning of pregnancy will take care of the other 5lbs. (I lost 6 or 7 lbs in weeks 5-8). I would love a surprise baby tbh. I'm glad you wouldn't mind one, but that you're happy about them being evaps. We're using condoms and my doc told me they're not super reliable (especially when my husband thinks he doesn't needs them till AFTER we start having sex). So who knows, maybe we will get a surprise.
I can't believe your wedding is coming up!! Not long now! Toby will be over a year then! Can't believe it! Is he going to be your ring bearer? You haven't updated on your blog recently! I love the pics of the ladies on it! How's the wedding planning/weight loss journey going?
Our pediatrician said they teeth can be anywhere from at birth to over a year. James seems pretty 50% about everything, at least Toby is doing something special by waiting! Is he stubborn about other things? :) I love the picture of him reaching for things he shouldn't! Is he doing all the furniture scooting?

Dare - You're not the odd one out! There are others, they just don't talk about it. My cousin said IF they were going to have another it'd be 4 years down the road. They've been pretty happy with just one and enjoying him (he's my godson and he's ADORABLE!). He's 2 now and she did start thinking about #2 when she saw me pregnant and James as a newborn, but her husband said he feels lucky to have the son they have and doesn't know if he needs another, she's kind of of the same position.
I just wanted to stop in and wish all of you lovely girls a Very Merry Christmas tomorrow!!!! I hope you girls have a wonderful holiday!!!:flower:
Happy holidays, lovelies.
Dare - glad DH is doing better on his meds! Must be a relief.
Chelsea - love the pictures! He's so big. As for the teeth - my best friend says her two girls were at about eight months, and her son was at four!
Katherine - good luck with the wedding planning!
MrsJ - happy belated birthday.
Wanna - we played the mouse game a couple times. DH constructed this crazy elaborate trap - ended up one of our cats ate it. :)

As for me - had our first two week appt - passed the GTT (yay), but my hemoglobin is a little low. OB told me to eat more iron. Baby Bee was not breech at the ultrasound or at the office appt, but she definitely flipped again - her heartbeat and back are usually upper right - today it was low low right.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. To those of you with the new babies - what family traditions are you going to be starting with your LOs?
Tried to post x-mas I think but it went down and deleted my post! Got so annoyed I'd have to retype it that I didn't!

Wanna - Cute banners LOL. Hope your Christmas was quiet and happy with your husband!

Lindsay - So awesome that you passed your GTT! I hope to not be considered prediabetic soon! I need to lose weight! Glad Baby Bee is flipping! Hopefully next time she's head down she'll get stuck! :haha: Any new bump pics? Can't believe you're less than 3 months away!! EEK!! How's the nursery coming?
New tradtions? next year my family will come to us. We always go to my parents' house to open presents. James will be opening presents from Santa in his house! Besides that I don't know too much about what I want to change/be the same!

We have 2 teeth now! Christmas went alright. James was overwhelmed (but happy most of the time). Lots of people and things! We only got him 2 toys, but family got him some toys and clothes. More than he needed, but he'll have fun playing with them in the upcoming months! I got a popcorn maker from my husband and clothes from my family, Adele cds from my brother. So pretty good overall. Hope things went well with you ladies!

He's getting so big! He grazed my nipple with his teeth last night and it was very unpleasant. Really hoping he doesn't do worse or make a habit of it (which I know this wont be my only issue). Two Teeth.jpg
my bnb was down for a few days! and told me i'd never posted on the site before! ridiculous. But, i hope everyone's xmas was lovely!!!

@nj- that's so great you passed your gtt!!! i failed my first! but that was because they told me to eat and drink like normal - so stupid me had a nice tall glass of oj.... yeah. failed. AND i also had to eat iron for the last half of the pg too.

@spunky- omg! teeth!!! so wonderful!!! but not so wonderful for bf-ing. Not looking forward to that!

afm- xmas was very very nice. Dh is doing great on his meds- so nothing to worry about there. thank goodness. Baby got lots of toys from us and santa, as well as some nice clothes and toys from her gma and great gma. :) lovely time. :) So sad it's over, yet hoping for a nice, healthy, calming new year.

anyone doing anything special for new years? I think we are having dinner at my family's house because every holiday is a big special occasion and worthy of a giant meal- (mom LOVES cooking). And so we are doing that, but i am in no way planning on staying up for the new year. will be way too tired!
Happy New Year!!! Best Wishes and many blessings to you girls for 2012!!! :flower:
Dare - My mom loves having everyone over and is a great cook (though I know she doesn't always enjoy slaving over a stove the entire day!) so we usually go to her house for everything.

Wanna - HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU TOO!!! IUI this year, right? WOOHOO!

This year we're going to stay up like usual. We're going to stay at our house though this year. James will be happier in his crib and he's been sleeping through the night (3 out of the last 4 nights) so we don't want to do anything that may disturb that. Before we used to go to my parents for new years...then they started going out to celebrate, and my coworker/great friend invited us over to her house for the last two new years. This year? No one invited us anywhere. *sigh* Not like we'd go, but it would be nice to be invited, iykwim?

I had a drink last night, I think the 3rd or 4th since before I got pregnant (and NONE while I was pregnant-such a good girl). I think I'll have a small drink tonight too. (nothing ever excessive and my lactation consultant told me I could BF so I think I'll indulge a bit!)

Hope you ladies have a great 2012!!
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